InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Wonderland ❯ Shopping till you really do drop! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi this is my first story and the ending of this chapter kind of sucks but trust me the next chapter is much better so I hope you like my story thank you for reading it.
It was two weeks before Christmas and Kagome Higurashi still hadn't gotten her friend's gifts! So to make up for her laziness she decided to go out when everything was at its highest price.
As Kagome walked into the mall she decided she would start with Shippo. Kagome thought and thought until she decided on getting him a game cube. `Now onto Rin' she thought. She got Rin an orange stretchy scarf and a nice strapy orange pair of high heels to go with it.
“Ok,” she thought out loud. “Now onto Miroku… now how the hell would I know what he wants for Christmas?!” She finally gave up thinking and just got him a cheap bottle of cologne.
“Now what should I get Sango?” Kagome wandered over to the book store and decide to get Rheans gift there too. “Hmm… I think for Rhean I'll get her a romance novel or something…” Kagome picked up a random book in the romance section.
“So Sango, what to get you…” Kagome started to laugh when she saw a book titled `100 WAYS TO GET RID OF YOUR LECHERIES BOYFRIENDS HABITS!'
“Oh man I got to get her this!” She laughed as she walked up to the check out stand. As she laid down her items she looked up to see a young man with long white hair in a low ponytail. He had amber gold eyes and two white doggy ears that pocked out of his hat.
“So, you got a `lecheries boyfriend'?” He said mischievously, his amber eyes twinkling. Kagome looked at his nametag to see that his name was `Inuyasha'.
“Well, Inuyahsa, if you must know this is a Christmas gift for a friend.” Kagome said smiling at him back.
“Doing your Christmas shopping a little late are we?” He asked smirking.
Kagome just rolled her eyes at him while grabbing her bag, not noticing him slipping a note in her bag as she left.
Kagome walked to the food court while feeling her stomach growl from hunger. She got a burger and sat down at a seat above the ice rink she saw about ten people skating and that was it. `Hmm I can have a little fun while I'm here can't I?'
Kagome finished up her hamburger, threw the garbage away, and walked down to the ice rink. She asked the man for her size of skates, got them on and took off out onto the ice.
Kagome skated for a while peacefully watching all the cute couples skate around the rink hand-in-hand. Kagome decided to do something she hadn't done since she was twelve. She skated to the middle of the ice rink, skated strait ahead fast, jumped up, did three twists in a row and landed elegantly back onto the ice.
“A bit rusty there but I still did it… I haven't done that for seven years!” She realized. Kagome had skated about three feet away from the railing with her back to it. As Kagome turned to lean on the railing but bumped into somebody, making them run into the railing with Kagome on top. But then the weight of both of the made them fall over the railing. Now Kagome was on the bottom and the man was on top, getting to her senses she started to push him off.
The people around them, who the man had obviously been talking to, were all laughing.
The man was still in a daze when he to came to senses. When he looked up Kagome saw that he had silver white hair and also (A/N: Inuyasha maybe?) gold amber eyes He also had his hair in a low ponytail only it was much longer.
Kagome was sitting there tapping her foot (kind of hard with ice skates on.) waiting for something.
The man gave her a questioning look making Kagome blurt out
“Aren't you going to say sorry?”
“What” The man said icily. “You're the one who bumped into me.” The man glared at her with all his might. Seeing that she didn't cower in fear bothered him a little bit.
Kagome stood tall not letting one waver of fear cross her mind. She tried to match his glare, to see that it barely did anything… but it seemed to work a bit.
“Are you going to apologize or not?” Kagome repeated, sizing him up still.
“How dare you say that wench?! I repeat my self, you are the one who bumped into me.” The mans blood seemed to boil. See that she was standing up to him interested him a bit.
“Excuse me but my name is Kagome, not wench, Ka-go-me! Do I have to spell it out for you?” Kagome replied her face flushing with anger as she spoke.
One of the people he had been talking to stepped in front of them to keep them from beating each other to a bloody pulp.
The man had short mahogany hair golden amber eyes and black doggy ears.
“Now Sesshomaru, there is no reason in hitting a girl--” The man started but was soon interrupted by none other than Kagome.
“Oh the whittle doggy can' hit a girl?” Kagome taunted, smirking and putting her hands on her hips.
“That's it! I'm really gonna murder you!” Sesshomaru's anger went extremely high and then he slowly calmed down. He started to walk off but Kagome jumped in front of him.
“Just where do you think your going?” Kagome said glaring.
“To go turn these skates in and go to the bath room.” Sesshomaru said through gritted teeth, trying to get past her but failing in the process.
“Aww, gotta go take a leak? Better hurry, we don't want you to piss your self!” Kagome said still blocking him whenever he tried to get away.
“Dimmit woman you have a foul mouth!” Sesshomaru said trying still to get past her.
“Let me through god Dimmit!!” He yelled at her loudly.
“Aw-aw-aw! Not until you give me a good apology!” Kagome said tauntingly still blocking him.
“To hell with hitting girls.” Sesshomaru said trying to punch her in the abdomen.
Kagome jumped back and kicked him in the head, but before she could, he grabbed her leg and flipped her upside down.
“Apologize to me and I'll put you down.” He said icily but calmly.
Kagome glared then rolled her eyes.
“I'm sorry…”Saying it as if it would kill her.
“There, that wasn't so hard, now was it?” He asked.
“Yeah, I'm sorry that you're such an IDIOT!!” Kagome said smirking, making him confused. She kicked him in the jaw, HARD. Making him drop her. Kagome flipped back crouching on her toes.
She stood up to see Sesshomaru holding his jaw. She walked over to him grabbed him by the scruff of the neck.
“Do you think all women are so defenseless?!” Kagome yelled in his face. “Huh? Do you?” She yelled in his face some more. When suddenly Sesshomaru grabbed her chin and kissed her in front of everyone.
Kagome was in too much of a shock to do anything about what was happening. Then with out warning she started to kiss him back! Soon after that He broke the kiss.
“Well, I know one thing,” He said smirking. “Your not as defensive as you think you are.”
At those words Kagome snapped back to reality and realized how he had Taken advantage of her. She raised her hand and-- SLAP!!!
Kagome leapt over the rail and back onto the ice she skated over to the lockers and got on her shoes. After she was done, she stormed through the mall steaming… until she ran into someone.
“ Oh! Sora, Sorry!” Kagome apologized to her friend. Sora was a sweet girl with Oberon hair, blue-green eyes and a slim figure.
“Oh that's all right Kagome. I can see your upset and busy… boy problems?” She asked with her shy-sweet-concerned voice that seemed so innocent, but wasn't.
“How'd you know? Is it that obvious?” Kagome asked smiling a bit.
“Uh, yeah.” Sora smiled at her friend.
“Well…” And that is when Kagome launched into the incident.
Sora gasped and frowned at all the right parts.
“OMG!!!” Sora exclaimed after Kagome finished. “How unbelievably rude!!! How could he just take advantage of you like that?!!!” Sora was on a rampage.
After Kagome calmed her down she changed the subject to Christmas.
“So have you got me my present yet?” Sora asked slyly.
“Eh?” Kagome said stupidly. “Oh no! I knew I was forgetting some one!”
“Well you can get it later, but what did you get every one else?” Sora asked kindly. Kagome told her what she got everyone, when she got to Sango's Sora burst out laughing.
“Hey, we all tried to reach you to ask you, but right now, this is why I'm here, if you want to go karaokeing with me, Sango, Rhean, Rin, Shippo, and Miroku?” She said confusing Kagome a little bit.
“Umm, sure, I've got time to kill.” Kagome answered happily.
As they walked into the karaoke bar Kagome saw all her other friends sitting down at a table with the songbook.
Kagome sat down with the rest of her friends to try and enjoy a peaceful night of Karaoke. ***************************************
Sesshomaru had come back to talk with his friends after he was done putting the skates back.
The mahogany haired guy from earlier walked up to Sesshomaru as if to start a conversation.
“What do you want Scio?” Sesshomaru asked obviously irritated.
“Well I was going to try and get you mind off what happened and ask if you wanted to go karaokeing with me and some of the guys, but if your in that bad of a mood…” Scio said looking at Sesshomaru with disapproval.
“Fine anything to get my mind off her…” Sesshomaru said still having a hint of irritation in his voice.
As they walked to the karaoke bar, Sesshomaru actually took in the features of the woman that had tricked him so. He had to admit, she was beautiful and a very good competitor when it came to sizing other people up. She seemed to have some sort of hold over him, but he just could not help thinking about her. No matter how hard he tried he could not get her out of his mind.
`Stop right now!' He ordered him self mentally.
Right then Scio opened the door letting Sesshomaru in, but what Sesshomaru saw made him stop in his tracks. There, not to far away, sat the last per son he wanted to see… ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Yes I know I left you at a bad place but the next chapter will be up soon only if I get reviews. NO flames but I will allow people to criticize a bit.
Oh by the way the pairings are Sess/Kag, Inu/Kikyo, Mir/San, Rin/Ship, and Rhean/Scio. Also Rhean and Scio are two new characters.
Please read and review!
Next chapter, `Karaoke time!'