InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Wonderland ❯ Karaoke Time! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi sorry it took so long to update but I've been really busy so here's chapter two enjoy! PS I don't own any of the Natasha
Bedingfield songs or any other songs in this chapter…PSS also please actually read the lyrics to the songs, because it makes sense…thanks…PSSS there are going to be a LOT of Nat. Bed. Songs in this chapter…PSSSS (sorry) any typing mistakes in the songs are not my fault that's how the lyrics go…
Last chapter
Right then Scio opened the door letting Sesshomaru in, but what Sesshomaru saw made him stop in his tracks. There sitting not to far away was the last person he wanted to see…
Kagome sat laughing and talking to her friend without a care in the world. She noticed something out of the corner of her eye, and turned to see what it was. What she saw made her eye twitch. There sitting at a table not to far away was the last person she wanted to see…
Miroku saw Kagome looking off some ware, and noticed who she was staring at, and recognized who it was.
“Hey look who it is! It's Sesshomaru!” Miroku yelled waving for him to come over there.
“You know him?!” Kagome stared in shock at Miroku.
Miroku just shrugged as Sesshomaru and some other people came over.
Miroku introduced every body to everybody. Kagome was still in shock and couldn't believe what was happening, so she decided to just keep on looking for songs to sing. Kagome found four really good songs by her favorite artist. The four other girls found one of their favorite songs by that same artist.
They all pretty much had the same taste in music, but no matter what they had in common, or didn't, they would still always be best friends no matter what.
Kagome was getting ready to sing the songs she chose but Rhean wanted to go first. Rhean walked up to the DJ and gave him her slip of paper with the song she had chosen on it. Soon enough the DJ called her name and it was her turn to sing.
The beginning of the song started and Rhean sang along with the words on the screen…
"If You're Gonna Jump"

I got a short attention span
Can't sit around couch potato land
I wanna do all kinds of stuff
Talking about it's not enough
I wanna go to the extreme
I wanna stretch my limousine
I wanna take it way off road
Go where I'm not supposed to go

Life is music, play it louder

If you're gonna jump, then jump far, fly like a sky diver
If you're gonna be a singer, then u better be a rockstar
If you're gonna be a driver, then u better drive a race car
Cause I'm looking for a guard dog, not buying a Chihuahua

I like my food with chili in
I like to laugh till it turns in
I wanna stare fear in the face
I wanna take it all the way

Life is music play it louder

If you're gonna jump, then jump far, fly like a sky diver
If you're gonna be a singer, then u better be a rockstar
If you're gonna be a driver, then u better drive a race car
Cause I'm looking for a guard dog, not buying a Chihuahua

If you're gonna jump, then jump far,
If you're gonna
If you're gonna hit the high notes, you gotta be a diva
If you're gonna play a guitar, you gotta play till you blister
Cause I'm looking for a guard dog not buying a Chihuahua

No happy apples for my tea
It's hot or cold no in between

If your gonna jump
If your gonna jump
If your gonna jump

If you're gonna jump, then jump far, fly like a sky diver
If you're gonna be a singer, then u better be a rockstar
If you're gonna be a driver, then u better drive a race car
Cause I'm looking for a guard dog, not buying a Chihuahua

If you're gonna jump, then jump far,
If your gonna
If your wanna hit the high notes, you gotta be a diva
If your gonna play a guitar, you gotta play till you blister
Cause I'm looking for a guard dog not buying a Chihuahua
Rhean finished the song with a bow as she received applause from the people at the Karaoke Bar. Rhean jumped off the platform to her friends so she could take a drink of the beverage she got from the bar.
None of the guys had even made a move to the songbook so the girls knew it was just gonna be them singing tonight. Kagome decided she could go last since she had four songs to sing, and her friends had one each, not including Rhean.
Sango chose to go next since no body else made a move to the DJ. And just like Rhean, Sango gave the DJ her slip of paper. AS she got up on the platform/stage, the music started and she turned on the mike.
"Silent Movie"

We're in a picture black and white
Who took the light out of my life
When you, gave in
We're playing out of different roles
We should be wanting the same goals
Listening, forgiving

Oh, why can't we communicate
When the main feature is just begining
In the silent movie there's no talking
You're just an actor
So break into my story
Take it over
Paint me with colour

Everybody's speaking, but you don't know what they're saying
You're jus guessing meanings
Interpreting emotion through a window that is broken
We're jus testing feelings

Oh, why can't we communicate
When the main feature is just begining
In the silent movie there's no talking
You're just an actor
So break into my story
Take it over
Paint me with colour

Step into the movie, you can be my leading man
Break into the silence, so your heart can understand
Step into the movie, we could walk along the sand
Let me stand beside you, put your life into my hand

Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself
Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself
Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself
Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself

In the silent movie there's no talking
You're just an actor
So break into my story
Take it over
Paint me with colour

In the silent movie there's no talking
You're just an actor
So break into my story
Take it over
Paint me with colour
Just like that the song ended, and Sango turned of the mike and stepped of the stage as people clapped for her performance. Sango was very pleased with how she did that was probably the best she had ever done singing in front of such a large crowd.
Rin practically ran to the DJ so she could hand her paper in before anybody else. As the DJ found the right CD with the song she had chosen on it, she got up on the stage so she could get ready.
All the guys had just sat there the whole time listening to the women sing their hearts out right in front of everybody in the bar, clapping for each of them after they were done. Sesshomaru had noticed that all the songs were by the same artist and wondered if this was a coincidence.
Rin waited for her Que to sing as the music started to go…
"I Bruise Easily"

My skin is like a map
Of where my heart has been
And I cant hide the marks
Its not a negative thing
So I let down my guard
Drop my defenses down by my clothes
I'm learning to fall
With no safety net to cushion the blow

I bruise easily
So be gentle when you handle me
There's a mark you leave
Like a love heart carved on a tree
I bruise easily
Can't scratch the surface
Without moving me underneath
I bruise easily
I bruise easily

I found your fingerprints
On a glass of wine
Do you know you're leaving them
All over this heart of mine too
But if I never take this leap of faith
I'll never know
So im learning to fall
With no safety net to cushion the blow


Anyone who can touch you
Can hurt you or heal you
Anyone who can reach you
Can love you or leave you

So be gentle...


I bruise easily
I bruise easily
Rin felt really good and cleansed every time she sang that song out loud in front of people. Like all the girls before her she got off the stage so the next person could start to sing.
As she walked over to the table she saw Shippo gawking at how well she sang. He knew she had always been shy but he didn't realize how confident she could be in front of this many people. He even felt a little proud of her.
As Sora comprehended it was her turn she dragged her self up thinking as she walked over to the DJ: `I guess choir paid off for every body…probably not me though…' she thought dreadfully.
She handed the DJ the slip of paper and got up on the stage and grabbed the mike nervously. She wasn't usually this shy but when it came to singing in front of people she chocked most of the time (A/N: that is soooo me…). The music started up and she asked God for the courage to sing in front of this crowd. She chose the song she was about to sing from past experiences.
"The One That Got Away"

Would you spare me a minute give me a single chance
To look in your eyes let me hold your hand
I want to get close enough to read you, understand you
Open up your heart open up your mind
Nobody needs another stalker in your life
I'm only here to help you learn to love me, to know me

I need a hook so you won't be the one that got away
I need a look that stuns you makes you want to stay
Don't want to speak in case it comes out wrong
Don't want to blink cause in that second you could be gone
I need a twist to help me turn, turn this story around
I need a bridge to cross this dangerous ground
Meet me in the middle like I want you to
I gotta find your heart to shoot my arrow through

Did you see me staring you caught my eye
Don't turn around don't walk away
The night is young can we get together
Got so many questions feelings I can't explain
We're worlds apart don't even know your name
I'm longing to give you my heart


Turn around don't evaporate
Like you never came turn around
Don't be a ghost forever never there to haunt me
Sliding doors they aren't just on a train
We're alone on a platform in the rain
There's a chance and it won't come again
Turn around your whole life has changed

Sora ended the song and was surprised that she had done so well! She had started out nervously but then found the courage in her heart to sing loud and proud. God had answered her plead she almost felt like crying, and was glad she didn't as she got off the stage the applause still ringing in her ears…
Next was Kagome she had all her songs on one slip of paper, and walked up to the DJ and handed it to him. She got up on the stage waiting for him to find all the right CD's with the four chosen songs. Sitting there with the mike, Kagome waited patiently as the music started, getting ready to sing the first verse of the first song…
Sorry had to leave it at a cliffy way to tempting! :D I know there was a lot of songs in this chapter I'm sorry most of you probably don't even know who Natasha Bedingfield is once again I'm very sorry thanks for the reviews, and I'll be sure to update sooner…
PS VooDooGirl92: I'm a girl so no need to worry! LOL… well that's all for now once again thanks for the reviews I'm so happy people are actually reading this story. I'll also answer any question asked. Thank you!