InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winters Wish ❯ A Wish ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sesshomaru sat watching the activity before him. The snow falling outside only added to the feeling of comfort that encased him. Rin sat in the middle of a cirlce of her "friends and family" opening the many gifts that were brought for her day of birth. Her smile lit up the room with each package that was opened. He couldn't believe that she had turned twelve today. He welled up with pride for the girl. The only one that could have taught him love and compassion. So much had changed over the last four years...

Laughter exploded to his left and he glanced over at his half-brothers miko. Swelling with child she seemed to glow while interacting with the demon slayer and her and the monk's young boy. His gaze shifted over to his half-breed brother and still couldn't believe how much he had changed. Inuyasha was still the overprotective fool he had always been but there was a calmness that seemed to have settled over him since he had taken the miko as his mate four months ago.

Both couples seemed to be mocking him. Ok, so they weren't doing it intentionally but he couldn't help but feel a little... envious. Everyone was so happy after Naraku's defeat barely a year before. The demon slayer and monk wasted no time in marrying and starting a family. Even that baka-of-a-brother managed to get mated to a lively and lovely miko who was now four months pregnant with his pup. Sesshomaru had Rin and Jaken but for some reason he felt he needed more.

When Rin was younger she innocently asked when she would get a mother. At the time he was appalled that the human runt had considered him her father and was now demanding a mother but now, he wanted to give her that. It was not so much for her but now seeing that emotions didn't weaken him it made him realize what he was missing. He wanted a woman to be carrying his pup. He wanted to look at her with the adoration that Inuyasha and the lecher gave their mates and see that look on her face in return. But alas, no such woman had even come close to capturing his heart.

He was startled out of his thoughts by a thunderous clapping. Apparently his daughter had finished opening her presents and now they were all going to eat and have what Inuyasha's mate called "birthday cake." Standing from his prone position he followed the procession of birthday goers to the dining hall of his castle.


Rin knew there was something troubling her adoptive father. Even through the birthday celebrations that were centered on her, she could still plainly feel his unease. She had caught him stealing glances at Kagome and Inuyasha as well as Sango and Miroku. Was it possible he felt left out?

Through the years she had begun to see the change in him. Well she really didn't consider it a change but more like a revelation as to what her Lordly Father was really like. She could tell he had a lonely past and wanted him to have a full and happy future. She knew she made him happy, but not in the way she wanted him to be happy. For that, he needed a woman.

As she followed Kagome to the dining hall she contemplated this. Surly there was some way to help him find a woman that was good enough for him and could complete him. She would have to think about it later.

They all got to the extremely large table and Rin was surprised to see a very pretty... well thing sitting in the middle. Sesshomaru had come up behind her and insisted she take the head of the table, which was normally reserved for him. They all sat down and Rin was informed that the "thing" was in fact her birthday cake. Kagome proceeded to put twelve candles in the cake and lit them all. Rin looked confused until it was explained that she would be making a "birthday wish" while blowing out the candles. Rin smiled. She now knew exactly how she would help her father get that woman.

Taking a deep breath she concentrated on her wish and blew out the candles.


Later while Sesshomaru was patrolling the borders of his lands he began thinking about the very odd smile he had recieved from his daughter after her birthday wish. He knew that smile and it often meant trouble for whomever it was directed at. Frowning slightly he continued on his path.

The snow continued to fall steadily around him casting him into a extreme sense of solitude. The air was quiet and dense with calm. There lay a vast blanket of white before him barely leaving room for the trees to sprout beneath. This weather always made him feel at peace.

He continued his trek around the first half of the East bounderies of his ruled lands. So lost was he in his own thoughts and the world around him he almost did not notice the young woman in his path. She was sitting in the middle of the forest when her knees pulled up to her chest as she rested against a tree. She had long wavy blonde hair, and skin so white, it almost blends in with the snow around her but her lips were a beautiful fleshy pink. She was wearing a pure white kimono with a light blue obi. It hardly seemed appropriate for the weather.

Sesshomaru stopped and address the odd woman.

"What are you doing tresspassing on these lands?" he asked.

Not even looking at him he heard her give a bitter laugh. "Tresspassing? Forgive me but unless you are the owner of these lands, then I ask you to leave me be."

Sesshomaru was mildly surprised. Did this woman not value her life? "I am Lord Sesshomaru ruler of these lands. Now you will be asked once again, what are you doing?"

This time she did look at him. He was startled by her eyes. They were a bold ice blue that seemed to freeze your very soul. "I am sitting." She stated simply.

Sesshomaru growled. Who did this woman think she was? Finally being close enough he took in her scent. "You are not human."

She gave another humorless laugh. "No I am not human. And before you state the obvious once again, I am not a demon either."

He narrowed his eyes dangerously. Did she dare mock him? "Who are you?"

"I am called Shigure. Now please leave me be."

"Impudent wench. These are my lands and This Sesshomaru demands that you tell me why you are here or die."

She looked up at him once again. This time he slowly studied her. She was beautiful and her eyes, they looked so sad. He could feel his heartbreaking under her gaze.

"I have no reason for being here. Kill me if you want. I care not."

"How long have you been sitting here?"

"Minutes, hours, days. I do not know."

"You will come with This Sesshomaru to my castle."

She looked away from him she just shook her head. "I have no desire to leave this spot. I am quite content."

"You will freeze if you stay here."

Glancing at him from the corner of her eye she gave him a small smirk. "Not likely. I am immune to the cold."

Sesshomaru started to leave. If she wanted to sit there and freeze to death what concern was it of his? But thinking about the strange beauty perishing in the cold upset him on some level he didn't understand. Also, Rin would never forgive him. Sighing he turned and kneeled down beside her. Her eyes met his and he couldn't look away. For the first time in his long life, he was the one that felt intimidated.He just sat there staring at her. There was something about her, something he couldn't quite put his finger on, that made his heart beat furiously.

"It seems you have no where else to go. It would be better for you to come and stay at the castle than to sit here and fall victim to the world around you."

"I already told you. I do not care if I live or die. It does not matter. I have no desire to leave this spot for any other. If something comes to claim me, then I will accept my fate. Leave me."

"There are dangerous beings in these woods These lands will not be tainted by your blood when something could have been done to prevent it. It will not be tolerated." He finished by growling. His frustration was evident.

She seemed to be contemplating it. Finally she sighed in defeat and simply nodded. He stood up and then offered his hand to use for her assistance. In her grasping it he was surprised at how warm her hand was for a woman who had been sitting here for an undetermined amount of time.

Shaking it of by turning abruptly he lead the way back to the castle with the young woman following behind.
