InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winters Wish ❯ Winter's Woman ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
They arrived at the castle late that night and Sesshomaru was grateful that all his guests were already asleep. He was not ready for the questions that he himself, did not know the answers to. He showed her to a room next to Rin's and retired for the night.


The next morning Sesshomaru headed straight to Shigure's room. She would need someone to lead her to the dining hall for breakfast and since he was the only one that knew she was there, he would have to be it. On the way he was stopped by Rin who was also going to breakfast.

"Good Morning father! Did you sleep well?"

"Hn. Good morning Rin."

"Shall we walk to the dining hall together my Lord?"

"You will be met there Rin, This Sesshomaru has something that needs attending to."

She gave him one of her trademark smiles and left him to go see if the others where awake.

Sesshomaru stopped before Shigure's door. He was actually a bit appreshensive about seeing her. But before he could even knock, the door slide open and he was met by Shigure herself.

She looked a bit startled at seeing him there but recovered quickly. "Ah, good morning Lord of the Western lands. I trust you slept well?"

Sesshomaru merely nodded because he was unable to say anything. She was even more beautiful during the day. Her hair seemed to glow in the morning light and her eyes were brightened by the contrast.

"Um, are you alright?" Shigure asked skeptically, effectively breaking Sesshomaru out of his trance.

"Hn. This Sesshomaru will escort you to the dining hall."

"I would hope so. You live in a very large castle. I don't believe I could find it otherwise."

Sesshomaru stared a her a moment, hardly able to believe her brazeness, before turning and leading the way down the corridor. "Come."


Everyone had been talking animatedly in the dining hall when Sesshomaru appreared with an unknown woman who had not been at the castle before. The talking immediately ceased Inuyasha always the one known for his "tact" was the first to speak.

"Oi Sesshomaru! Who's the wench?" He got a elbow in the ribs and a glower from Kagome at this rather rude question.

Sesshomaru sighed but proceeded to introduce the woman next to him. "This is Shigure. She will be a guest at the castle for the time being."

With that he proceed to his normal spot at the head of the table and noticed that Shigure had taken a seat next to the ever-lecherous monk. Sesshomaru almost cringed.

"Well hello. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the monk Miroku. You must imagine that this is quite a surprise for us. Of all the times we have visited Lord Sesshomaru at his castle we have never seen anyone as beautiful as you here before. It seems his tastes are finally improving." He finished with a lecherous smirk. After that declaration he recieved a firm fist on the head from Sango and a low growl from Sesshomaru.

Shigure merely raised an eyebrow then rolled her eyes and began to eat the food that had been brought immediately at her arrival. She was then addressed by the rather pretty woman sitting diagnally to her and seemed to be with child.

"Please Shigure, forgive our friend. He's always a little bit... forward with strangers."

The woman was interrupted by a snort from the man next to her who appeared to be a half demon. The woman glared at him but then continued.

"I am Kagome. To my left is my adopted son Shippo," the young demon smiled and nodded. "To my right is my husband and mate Inuyasha," He grunted in response. "Beside Miroku is his wife Sango, and beside her is Rin." They both gave a smile and a small wave.

Shigure offered them all a slight smile. "I am happy to meet you all."

Smiling back Kagome then continued her meal. The rest of breakfast was uneventful and Sesshomaru was pleased that no one asked any questions about Shigure. He didn't know the answers himself and would have felt rather foolish in front of everyone for his lack of knowledge on the strange woman. He should have found out more about her before insisting on her coming to his castle. He resolved to do so as soon as breakfast was over. His plans were thwarted though, by Kagome.

"Shigure, the girls and I were going to go to the hotsprings after breakfast. Nothing like a warm bath in this weather. Would you like to join us?"

Shigure was obviously surprised by the invitation but was ready to accept it. "I would be honored. Thank you."

As the plates were cleared Kagome, Sango and Rin immediately went to Shigure and led her from the dining hall.


"So Shigure, how did you and Sesshomaru meet?" Asked Kagome. They had just arrived at the indoor hotsprings in Sesshomaru's castle.

Shigure raised an eyebrow at the girls brazen question but decided to answer anyway. "He came upon me while I was sitting in the forest. Apparently I was loitering on his lands."

"Sitting. In the forest. In the middle of winter?" Queried Sango.

Shigure just nodded and stepped into the steaming pool.

"Are you human or demon?" Asked the little girl. Rin was her name.

Shigure looked at her and felt a pain in her heart. She had a sister the same age. She offered her a weak smile.

"I'm neither little one. I am the daughter of Winter."

"As in the season?" Cut in Kagome. Shigure didn't even dignify that question with an answer.

"So you're a celestial being?" Questioned Rin again.

"Of sorts young Rin."

"Oh! So you're immortal like fath- uh I mean Lord Sesshomaru?"

"Yes. I can not die of old age or sickness."

"Do you have any powers? Wait, I do not mean powers. Lord Sesshomaru calls them 'unnatural abilities' I think. But thats just silly because to him, they are natural."

Shigure smiled at the girls perceptive observation of her Lord.

"I do have special talents but I do not think now would be the time to discuss them." Looking pointedly at the two nosy women of the group. "Perhaps I will show you at another time."

Rin's smile was bright and happy. "I would like that very much Lady Shigure."

"Then I will. Now Rin, Lady Kagome, Lady Sango, what is there to do for entertainment here at the Western Castle?"

That was a safe subject that launched a series of suggestions, and amusing tales to go along. Before they knew it, it was time for lunch. The three quickly dressed and once again made their way to the dining hall.


Sesshomaru had barely seen Shigure for the rest of the week that Inuyasha and his group were staying at the castle. It seemed that the three women had formed a tight group themselves and were inseparable. Even his own daughter had taken to Shigure's company over his.

He had attempted numerous times to get Shigure alone so he could ask some questions of his own but they had always been twarted by the others. Everyone loved the new young woman. The staff were already singing her praises and Inuyasha, the uncouth rogue himself had adjusted his mannerisms because of her. She had started teaching Rin proper grammar when even the demon tutors he supplied had not been able to do so. It just a few short days she had turned his life upside down.

Inuyasha and his rag-tag troupe would be leaving tomorrow. He had things he wanted to discuss with Shigure and tomorrow, he was determined, would be the day.


"Come in." Shigure said when there was a light knock at her door.

She smiled when she saw Jaken standing there. He gave her a small smile back. "You're presence is requested in the study."

"Of course Master Jaken, I would follow you anywhere." She smiled at his faint blush. She had taken to teasing the small green demon with flirting. He had dropped his rude behavior and was now even nice to her. She knew he didn't take her seriously, but the little bit of flattery and attention went a long way.

He stopped in front of the door and faced her. "He is expecting you. You may enter."

"Oh thank you Master Jaken."

Jaken just gave a smirk and stalked, well rather waddled, off in the opposite direction.

Shigure faced the door and took a deep breath. She slid the panel to the side and entered the large study. She spoted Sesshomaru behind a large desk with papers strewn about. Sesshomaru wasn't looking at her but she knew that he was aware of her. She watched him for a moment waiting for him to speak. When he didn't she sighed.

"My Lord you wished to see me?"

Finally he looked up and she was completely taken by his eyes. He was beautiful. Everything about him was perfection, well expect the attitude but that just made him seem untouchable.

"Please sit."

She walked over and sat down on the pillow across from him. The whole time his eyes never left hers.

"There can be no question as to why you have been asked here."

He was always so calm and cool. Nothing seemed to rile him. Perhaps she should try.

"You are mistaken my Lord, I have no inclination why I'm here but it was done once again, by your request."

His eyes darkened briefly but was gone in an instant.

"You have been a guest here for close to seven days. If you desire to stay here you will have to make yourself useful."

"My Lord it was never my desire to stay here. I just did as I was told. If you wish me to leave then say so and it will be done. If you wish me to stay and have me work within your castle, then tell me and I will do as you ask. Apparently you control me so I will do as you say."

"Rin has taken to you. It is for that reason that This Sesshomaru would have you stay." He replied, a little more harshly than he had intended.

"I very much like the little girl. She is smart and full of spirit. I will stay for her sake."

He nodded. "You shall be her teacher and mentor."

"What would you have me teach?"

"Reading, writing-"

"Proper grammar." She cut in.

He glared at her before continuing. "The ways to be a lady. She will be starting her heat soon and will need a woman to help her understand it."

"Her heat? Oh, her monthly courses. I see. It would be my honor to serve the girl." She said with a bow and rose to leave.

"You will stay."

"Yes my Lord I believe we just established that much, or were you not following the conversation." She replied with a hint of laughter in her voice.

His anger and annoyance was rising. What did the rest of the castle see in this woman? She was beautiful but terribly irritating. Was he sure he wanted this woman to corrupt/teach his Rin?

"Sit. The conversation is not over."

"Oh please forgive me Great Lord of the Western Lands! This lowly servant is at your disposal." Her voice was laced with sarcasm.

That was it. He stood up and towered over her. "Do you have a death wish wench? This Sesshomaru has killed for far less than what you have presented here today."

To his immense surprise instead of cowaring she started to smile, and then that smile turned into an all out laugh. His ire grew even more but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to kill her. It didn't help that her laughter sounded like music to his ears. Or that her eyes held more billiance in her mirth.

Finally she stopped laughing and began to speak. "I was wondering if you had any emotions," she began casually. "Rin kept insisting that you did but the only one you ever showing publicly was anger. Though I admit you lasted longer than I had thought."

"You were testing me." He growled out.

"No my Lord I was teasing you. There is a difference. This is your castle and yet you do not really relax. You always keep up your stone wall of defense. It must be terribly tiring and I imagine that it would get old. I was trying to get you to let loose a little. But if I really did offend you, I do apologize."

He studied her. The mirth in her eyes was gone. Her voice held no sign of jest. She looked sincere. Now he didn't know how to handle the situation. Why was this woman getting to him so? It wasn't right.

"There is no need. Sit. We will continue the conversation."

"Forgive me my Lord but if this is about me and where I come from, I do not wish to discuss it."

His eyes never left hers. How could she go from looking defiant and teasing to cold and vulnerable in an instant? This woman was maddening.

"Why is that?"

He watched as she took in a shaky breath and let it out slowly; obviously preparing herself.

"It is still painful for me," she said. He was about to tell her to stop being weak when she said something that stopped him. "and, I don't entirely trust you yet. My past and place of origin is a complex and unbelievable one. I would need to have complete faith in you, a-... and you in me." She finished.

"You managed to say the one thing that would cease my inquisition." He said. He expected her to leave but after a few hesitant moments she spoke again.

"I will tell you that I am the daughter of Winter."

"You mean Fuyuzare and Samushi?"

She looked extremly surprised. "There very few in this world that know of my mother and father. Most believe that Winter is just a season, an entity not the result of the power of two combined forces. Only together can they be Winter. You are very knowledgable."

"My father went to see them for some business when This Sesshomaru just was a child. They were very kind. There was not much to be remember except that it was very cold and beautiful."

"I remember." This time is was his turn to be surprised. "You do not remember me because you did not see me for I was hiding as children often do. I too was just a child. I remember seeing your father and thinking how very handsome he was. I must say that I was very much taken by him. My father and mother thought very highly of him or else he would have never been able to enter our domain. We were all so heartbroken when he died. You look very much like him my Lord."

By the time she had finished her voice was barely above a whisper. It was obviously very painful for her to remember, almost as much as it was for him. Their eyes locked for a few moments of understanding before she gracefully stood up and headed toward the door. She turned just before she exited.

"You are very much like him my Lord, whether you know it or not." She gave him a weak smile before stepping out and sliding it shut.
