InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winters Wish ❯ Little Rin ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A few weeks later Sesshomaru was once again trekking around his borders. As before the snow was still steadily descending once again casting him into a world of peace. But this time he had a heavily bundled Rin in tow. She had been begging for the last few days for permission to accompany him this time and between her and Shigure’s powers of persuasion he had relented. He had to admit he had missed his little girl these last few weeks.

Shigure and Rin had become inseparable. He had seen very little of either but even less of Shigure. Since that day in his study she had made herself scarce to him. The only time he saw her was when he had actually joined them for meals (which was rare) or when he had checked in on Rin’s studies and they were never alone.

The woman was an excellent tutor. Rin had learned more since Shigure had arrived at his castle than she had the entire time she was with him. Rin explained to him that Shigure made it “fun” and didn’t treat her like a worthless human. Rin’s previous tutors would die.

As the pair walked a steady path through the dense forest Sesshomaru found himself lost in Rin’s antics. She ran and laughed and hummed. She would fling herself down into the snow and make what Inuyasha’s wench had called “snow angels.” Then she would stop and see how many snowflakes she could catch with her tongue.

He thought nothing of it as she ran ahead of him as he stopped to gaze up at the sky. He was surprised out of his daze when a large ball of snow landed squarely in the middle of his armor. Slightly confused he shifted his gaze to an innocent looking Rin holding another suspicious ball of snow. He raised an eyebrow in question. She responded with a devious grin before flinging the second snow ball at him. This one hit him right in the middle of him forehead. Shaking the snow out of his bangs he gave Rin a warning growl before she squealed and took off running leaving only the sound of her laughter in her wake. Sesshomaru allowed himself a small smile before sprinting after her careful not to get too close.

They continued the game for a few minutes. She would hurl ball after ball of snow at him, every now and then landing one on his person. He would chase after her and gently catch her up in his arms before letting her go in a particularly deep draft of snow.

Suddenly she stopped and fell to her knees clutching her stomach. Sesshomaru was at her side in an instant.


“It hurts father.”

“What is it?”

“My stomach. There are sharps pains in my stomach. It hurts. Please my lord, take me to Shi-chan.”

With out a word he gathered her up into his arms and flew back to the castle. The little girl in his arms was still clutching her abdomen in pain. He pulled her closer to his body to shield her from the chilling wind. Shigure would know what to do.


Shigure sat in her room at the Western Lands Castle watching the snow fall carelessly to the ground. Rin was with her lord today so she was here, watching winter come alive.

She had fallen in love with the twelve year old girl in her few short weeks here. Rin was smart and such a pleasure to be around. She reminded her so much of her little sister. They had spent everyday together since she arrived here and she missed her presence today. It had taken a while to convince her lord to take Rin with him on his border patrol. He kept insisting that the girl couldn’t miss her studies but Shigure was able to assure him that Rin was very intelligent and one day’s absence wouldn’t hurt. Plus it was important for the demon Lord and the young girl to spend time together. Shigure knew that Rin saw him as a father and he saw her as a daughter no matter how they tried to hide it from the rest of the castle.

She sighed for the hundredth time since they left after breakfast this morning. She had spent a little time with Jaken but he apparently had other things to do and she couldn’t tease him all day. Somehow the castle felt empty without Rin and the demon lord present. Though she had been avoiding him since their meeting in his study, she still missed the fact that he wasn’t here. She frowned at the thought.

Why was she avoiding him? He hadn’t done anything wrong. She couldn’t explain it. She was afraid to spend time with him or be around him. She wasn’t afraid of him per say, she just was afraid of what might develop while around him and she knew he felt it too. Whenever they were in each others presence it was like she could feel some unseen force pulling her toward him. His persona screamed untouchable but yet he felt accessible only to her. It was scary the way her heart stopped when their eyes would connect or how the world seemed to consist of only him. She hated it but loved it. Shaking her head of such thoughts she decided she needed to do something. Sitting in her room and mulling over things she couldn’t explain would only assist in driving her stir-crazy. She would go visit Ah-un.

She had barely stood up when the door was slid open and she came face-to-face with the man who caused her mind so much unrest. In his arms was a fragile looking Rin. The look in his eye terrified her. He looked almost wild with worry.

“My lord! What has happened?” she gasped out.

“She complained of sharp stomach pains after she collapsed in the forest.”

“I see. Please bring her to my bed.”

He walked over and smoothly laid the girl on the western style bedding.

Shigure sat down next to her and felt her forehead.

“She has a slight fever but it’s nothing serious.”

“That is not all. This Sesshomaru smells her blood.”

At this Shigure looked up at him. Considering this a moment a knowing smile crossed her face. He furrowed his brows in question but she looked away. She glanced back down to the girl who was beginning to wake up.

“Shi-chan, you’re here.” Rin said weakly.

“Of course little one. How are you feeling?”

“There is a sharp pain in my stomach.”

“Is it worse than yesterdays or the day before?”

Rin just nodded.

“Ok. Remember what we talked about before?” Rin nodded again. “Well I believe it has started. I’ll call some of the maids to bring some cloths and a bucket of water. You just lay here and rest. I’ll get you feeling better shortly.”

With that she kissed the girls forehead before she slowly rose up and walked out of the room to go find a maid. The demon lord was close behind her.

“I suppose, my lord you are wondering what is happening?” She said when she stopped in the hall way outside the door. Sesshomaru just looked at her expectantly.

“Rin has started her monthly courses. You asked me before to teach her the ways of a woman and I will do so tonight with your permission. She doesn’t fully understand it yet. She had begun to have stomach pains a few days ago so I had some warning that it would begin soon.”

“What do you mean by monthly courses and why is she in pain?”

“I suspect you do not understand much about human women. Monthly courses for human girls are much like a female demon’s heat. It alerts the female body that it is ready to reproduce.”

“Demon females do not feel pain during their heat.”

“No, my lord you are correct about that. But some human females do. They can experience back pains, stomache pains, and slight fevers as well as a slight bulging of the stomach area.”

“Can this be remedied?”

“Yes. I’m getting the cloths to wet them and put them over the fire for a few minutes. When they are warm enough I will wrap them in another cloth and place them on Rin’s abdomen. The heat should help with the pain in her stomach until I can make some medicine.”

“This Sesshomaru will inform all male demons to keep their distance during this time.” He said before curtly turning on his heel and making his way down the hall. He was stopped by Shigure.

“My lord, you never gave me permission to speak to Rin about what this means.”

Without out turning around him gave a short nod and said, “It is time.”

Shigure watched him disappear around the corner before going to find a maid.


Later that evening Rin was in her own room had already begun to feel much better. Shigure’s heated cloths did wonders for the pain and the bleeding below did not seem so terrifying now. Everything seemed better with Shigure around. The woman seemed to fill the hole that Rin knew was in her heart. Shigure would never replace her real mother but she had begun to see her as her new one. The woman looked at her and their eyes connected.

“Rin? Will you allow me to explain to you what is happening?”

“Please Shi-chan. I want to know very much. This is a little frightening.”

Shigure gave the girl a reassuring smile. “It’s not so terrible Rin. This is a day to be proud of.”

“Why? What is happening?”

“Your body is telling you that you are now able to bear children. You are becoming a woman.”

“Truly? I can have children now?”

“Yes Rin. If you find a man that you love and want to have a baby with, you would be able to do so after today.”

Rin seemed to be considering this. Shigure waited patiently for the question she knew would come next.

“Shigure? How are babies made?”

“When a man and a woman fall in love and decide they want to have children they have to join together.” Rin gave her a questioning look. “The woman and the man are made differently below the waist. This allows them to join.”

“That is true. My little brother looked differently than I do. When I helped mama chang his fundoshi while he was a baby, I noticed he was different from me.”

“Correct. Men are made that way so that they can fit with us to make a baby.”

“So that’s why they have a pole where I have a hole?”

Shigure fought hard to keep the smile from forming at the girl’s analogy.

“Yes Rin. When the man and woman join the man will produce seed to fertilize the woman’s womb. When the seed is planted a baby will grow. But this can only happen after a woman starts her monthly courses. Until then, the woman’s body is not mature enough to handle such a burden and will not produce a child when a man and woman join.”

“Oh I see! You’re right Shi-chan! I am very proud of this day even if I was uncomfortable for a little while.”

“Well now that it has started we are prepared for this in the future it won’t be so hard.” Shigure said with a smile.

“Shigure? Is it the same for all men and women? The joining?”

“Yes. All men and women, humans and demons alike have to join in order to produce children.”

“Will you have children?”

“Someday maybe.”

“Will they be a celestial being like you?”

“No Rin. I am special. When I find a man that I love, the child I bear will be his species unless I join with another of my kind.”

“So if you were to join with Sesshomaru-sama the baby would be a full-blooded dog-demon?”

Shigure was a bit taken aback at that particular question. Why would Rin ask such a thing?

“Yes it would. And if I were to marry a human, the child would be human. Though it may have more strength than a normal human, and be able to heal faster.”

“That’s amazing Shi-chan! You’re even more special than I originally thought!” Rin said with a wide smile and a look of complete adoration in her eyes.

Shigure smiled back as she helped the girl in bed. “It’s time for sleep now little one.”

“I’m not little anymore Shigure-sama!”

“You know you’re right! I suppose I can’t call you little one anymore now can I? We shall think of another name for you won’t we? But for now you sleep. We will forego your lessons again tomorrow because you need extra rest during these times.”

“But I feel fine!”

“Yes but it would not do for you to be uncomfortable during your lessons. If the pains return again tomorrow it would be futile. We’ll do something else but for now, sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Goodnight Shi-chan.”

“Goodnight Rin.”

As Shigure left the room and headed for her own she was so lost in thought she didn’t notice the pair of eyes that followed her progress down the corridor. As she stepped into her own room, Sesshomaru emerged from his place. He had heard the whole conversation between the two women. He had much to contemplate.
