InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winters Wish ❯ A Birth and a Painful Past ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Kagome screamed as she pushed for what seemed the hundredth time.
Sesshomaru and the others had arrived shortly after she had gone into labor and Rin and Shigure were now helping her through the birthing.
"Just a little more Kagome, once the head and shoulders are out the rest will follow quickly." Shigure comforted as she turned and maneuvered the baby so that the younger woman would be more comfortable.
Kagome's face and hair were drenched with sweat and she was panting from the exertion of the birth. She gritted her teeth and took a deep breath for the next long round of pushing.
For the next half-hour Kagome wailed and screamed, grunted and pushed as Shigure continued to encourage and gently aide. Rin had been constantly gathering water to boil and cleansing towels for Shigure's use on Kagome.
“The head is through Kagome, and the shoulders are cresting. Just a little longer and you shall be holding your baby.”
“I can't!” Kagome cried. She was exhausted and she wanted Inuyasha.
“You can. For your mate and your baby, you can.” Shigure assured her.
“I need Inuyasha.” Kagome panted in between pushes.
Shigure nodded to Rin and the girl left to fetch Kagome's husband.
When the two came in, the baby's shoulders where almost through and Inuyasha looked about to faint. Shigure almost laughed. The hanyou could slice demons to pieces but couldn't handle his wife's birthing.
“Inuyasha, please hold Kagome's hand. She needs you.” Shigure said, startling him out of his stupor.
Immediately he went to the woman's side and Kagome latched onto his hand and gave her all. Three pushes later and the baby was out.
“You did wonderfully. You have a beautiful baby boy.” Shigure said and she cut the cord and began cleaning the child to be presented to his parents.
Kagome sagged in relief as the baby boy was placed in her arms. He had splendid black ears peeking beneath billowy silver hair. And when he stopped crying he opened his eyes. They were a deep cobalt blue like his mothers with visible flecks of gold like his father. He was beautiful.
“He's hanyou.” Inuyasha stated with surprise.
Kagome too was surprised.
“I suspect it is because of your blood Inuyasha. You have strong demonic blood flowing through your veins even if you are a hanyou. Your blood allows your children to be hanyou.” Shigure said.
Kagome gave Inuyasha a brilliant smile. “What shall we call him?”
“Kin.” Inuyasha said without hesitation as he picked up his son.
“Golden. A suitable name for the newest member of the House of the Moon.” Came a voice from the door.
Everyone turned to see Sesshomaru. He gracefully walked over and peered down at the small hanyou child in Inuyasha's arms. Shigure bowed and left leaving only the family member with the baby.
“Would you like to hold him?” Kagome asked.
Sesshomaru gave her a dubious look but Inuyasha was already thrusting the boy into his arms. For a moment he stood frozen with the child until the baby began to doze. Relaxing a little he gazed in amazement at Kin.
“He will be strong and honorable. This Sesshomaru can sense it. He will be highly regarded within our ancestral home.” He stated and handed the baby back to Inuyasha as Kagome was already sleeping. He turned abruptly and headed for the door with Rin at his heels.
He stopped.
Inuyasha's voice reached him. “Thanks... you know, for accepting him.”
Sesshomaru simply nodded without turning around and left the new family to their happiness.
They had stayed a few more days so that the women could help with the newborn. Inu-hanyou children were often temperamental with trying to get used to new smells and with growing so quickly. He would be the size of a toddler within 6 months and would probably begin walking by then as well. Kin often needed Inuyasha or even Sesshomaru or Shippo to hold him. They were the only ones able to take the abuse of his tiny, but still rather sharp, claws and teeth until he could tell the difference between his human companions and the youkai one in order not to hurt them. It had been almost two weeks since they had left the castle and now they were finally on their way back.
Sesshomaru watched Shigure and Rin walking in front of him. Rin, as usual, was talking almost non-stop as Shigure seemed to be listening intently. Shigure had been different for the last few days since the attack. Though she was never particularly chatty, especially to him, she seemed much quieter.
Her wrist was no longer in bandages and her cheek was no long bruised and broken but she acted as if something deep inside of her wouldn't heal. Thinking about it, he supposed there probably was. He needed to know the full story. He needed to know what really happened to put her in this situation.
The rest of the journey back was uneventful with Shigure and Rin in their companionship and with Sesshomaru silently observing.
That night after they had enjoyed dinner and some rest at the castle Sesshomaru was surprised to see Shigure out in the snow-covered garden. Her luminous blue eyes held and determined haunted look that made Sesshomaru's chest ache for some reason he would rather not explore. She surprised him by speaking.
“I'll be leaving soon.” She said, not turning to look at him as he approached.
For a few moments he said nothing as he contemplated he words.
“Does the House of the Moon no-longer please you?”
At that she did look at him. The pain and determination gone and now replaced with a blank stare that he knew well.
“Do not be foolish Western Lord. My time here in your house has been happily spent. You know the reason for my departure.”
No one had ever called him foolish before and lived but since he did indeed know the reason why she was leaving, or at least had some vague idea, it didn't seem unwarranted.
“You can not fight him alone Shigure. Allow me to aide you in your revenge.”
Her eyes never left his. “I do not intend to fight alone. My brothers, though abroad, are still alive and well. They will help me regain the throne for our family. It is not your responsibility.”
“If it is your siblings that you want to aide you then do not bother to seek them out. This Sesshomaru has taken the liberty to send scouts to them to inform them of your situation while you were injured. Wait for them to come to you. Do not exhaust yourself seeking them.”
For a moment she just stared at him. The haunted look overtaking her briefly before she spoke.
“Thank you my Lord, I am in your debt.” She said softly.
“You owe me nothing.”
They were silent for a minute, enjoying the crisp Winter air and the clear night that was splashed with brilliant blinking stars.
“It has occurred to me Shigure that you have never once spoken my name.” Sesshomaru said, effectively breaking their companionable silence.
“It has occurred to me as well my Lord.” She replied simply, not looking at him.
“Is there a reason?”
For a long moment she didn't speak and he almost thought she wouldn't answer.
“I'm not sure exactly. But… It would personalize you. I am trying to avoid that.”
“What do you mean?”
“Again it is difficult for me to explain. I generally do not trust men. The only men I have ever openly spoken to or trusted is my family. I suppose it is my way of keeping you at a distance since we both live in the same house.”
“And are parents to the same child.”
Surprisingly she smiled at him. It didn't quite reach her eyes but it entranced him nonetheless. Without knowing what he was doing his hand slipped into hers. Her smile disappeared immediately and her expression slipped into shock as she glanced down to stare at their adjoined hands.
“Shigure, tell me what happened to cause you to loose your domain.”
Her eyes slowly slid back up to his, the pain there making his hand clench against hers to lend her strength. When she didn't say anything he tried again.
“Tell me you trust me enough now.” He said, silently pleading with her to share her burden with him.
She sighed deeply and looked away preparing herself, as if the effort would cause her to collapse. “The day you found me, I believe I had been sitting in that spot for six days.”
He nodded for her to continue; afraid if he interrupted she would never speak again.
“I hadn't moved from where I landed the day I was cast out. It happened so fast I could hardly recognize it for what it was. I was devastated to loose my domain pass and my family. My sister is still there as far as I know. She is a special child with very special abilities but far too young to be of threat or use. He will not touch her. I know this.”
“She is the key.” She said simply.
“The Key.” He repeated.
“Yes. Before her it was I. The day I was cast out was the day that I passed that ability to her.”
“What does the key do?” He asked carefully, gripping her hand tighter.
“Only the women of our family can be the Key. Before me it was my mother, then after her abilities matured it was me. When my abilities matured, my sister was given the task. The Key protects the domains entrance. She has the ability to see in both this world and that one granting entrance to those who are deemed worthy by Winter.”
“Then why can not you return?”
“Because right now Sojobo is Winter. The Key has no choice but to deny those whom Winter does not want in the domain. And right now, that is me.”
“What happened that led up to that?” Asked as he led her to a bench protected by an old Oak tree.
“Sojobo had been weaving in and out of my families domain for years now. I do not know why he was ever granted access. For your father it was because he was well respected and, at the time, the most powerful non-celestial immortal of that time; as you are now. Usually only the most important or most powerful beings are allowed to enter. Sojobo is relatively weak… After my brothers left he came with more and more frequency. I always knew he had an interest in me but never expressed it while my brothers were there. They never liked him. Sojobo asked permission for my hand many times since my siblings' departure but my parents knew my feelings and always denied him. But it did not stop him from trying. We just got used to his presence even if it was an unwelcome and irritating one. He came the day of the Key Passing Ceremony with a large entourage of demons. There were many guests there from the mortal/youkai world as well as other domains. The Key Passing is a very celebrated event. We had no idea what would take place afterward. The Key Passing went as planned and the feast and drinking soon commenced. After many hours our guests began to leave and as usual Sojobo insisted on being the last. I had retired for the night, leaving it to my parents to see him off. I said good night to them not knowing that it would be the last time I saw them alive…”
She stopped and got a far-away look as if she were actually reliving that terrible time. She shivered as is cold but Sesshomaru knew that wasn't the case. She released his hand and stood up, moving to the Oak tree behind them.
“I awoke with him in my bed. He was trying to take advantage of me. I pushed him off and demanded that he leave or I would call my parents. He simply laughed. Then he gave me two choices: become his mate and rule Winter's domain with him or die. He knew I would never agree to be his mate and I said as much. He attempted to attack me, apparently unaware that until he sat on the Throne of Winter, winter's powers would not be apart of him. I had him easily subdued and began to call for my parents. A few demons came in and pulled me off of Sojobo and restrained me. They hauled me out of my room at his order and I entered the throne room to see my parents slaughtered. I frantically searched for my sister and found her in the customary Key position beside the throne. She was crying. I couldn't contain myself any longer. I withdrew my heirloom Ice-blade and killed all of Sojobo's demon allies without mercy. By the time I was finished there wasn't a place on me that wasn't drenched in enemy blood. Sojobo stood in front of the throne looking at me completely terrified. I was so angry. I couldn't wait to sever his head from his body. But at the last moment he sat down on the throne, looked at my sister and demanded that I be stripped of my domain pass. I heard her scream `no' as I dropped my blade and was flung to the earth. When I awoke I was at the place where you found me; free of enemy blood and unable to return home. I tried many times to get back but failed each time. I wanted to believe that none of it had happened. Now all I want is to find my brothers, kill him and regain the throne.”
They were both silent for several minutes. Sesshomaru sat staring at her profile as she stood by the tree staring at the stars. He closed his eyes and tried once again to understand why he cared at all. Her story wrenched his heart and made his blood boil. He pain and anger fed his own.
“Allow me to assist you in this.”
She turned to him, eyes wide with shock. “Why? You are not involved in this.”
“I would be honored to assist you. You must allow me to do so. This man attacked my daughters mother and I must see to it that justice is served.”
He watched her expression soften and her eyes locked with his. He saw her shoulders lift as if a great burden was no longer there. She slowly stepped toward him and reached out with her hand. Grasping his left hand in her right one while standing directly in front of him her other hand reached up to tilt his head down. She kissed him softly on the brow.
“I would be honored for you to fight by my side. No one is more worthy nor capable to aide in the restoration of Winter's rightful family. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. May the Kami always smile on you…. Sesshomaru.”
She stepped back and gave him a heart-felt smile that actually did reach her eyes and turned and walked away and back to the castle.