InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winters Wish ❯ Before the storm ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
weeks blended together as winter slowly melted into spring. The days began to get longer and the nights less frigid. Green life began to revive all throughout Japan though it seemed to take favor to the Western lands. Trees recoated themselves in a variety of full and lively leaves and wildlife shook off the sandman as they reawakened from their sleep. The night in Sesshomaru’s garden seemed years away.

Sesshomaru and Shigure had rarely interacted since then. It gave them both ample time to figure out the odd relationship they had with one another.

Shigure spent her days tutoring Rin and waiting for word or even the arrival of her brothers. Her heart felt heavy as each day yielded nothing of their whereabouts. She may end up fighting on this plane and very much alone if they did not arrive soon. If it came to that she knew that she would probably perish due to the disadvantage of losing her strength while disconnected from her dimension. But at least Sojobo had not cast Japan into an unending winter… yet.

Sesshomaru spent his days much like he did before Shigure had arrived by regularly patrolling his lands and spending time with Rin. Sesshomaru had struggled since that night with Shigure. He could not get the look in her eyes or that chaste kiss out of his mind and it disturbed him greatly. For, even though he had long since realized that emotions were not a weakness, he was uncomfortable for feeling them for anyone other than his pack. The anger and need to avenge Shigure had caught him off guard but what really disturbed him was his growing “softness” for the ethereal beauty now residing in his castle. His heart warmed in his chest just when thinking about her. And though he had rarely seen her these last few weeks he could conjure every detail of her in his mind; from her way her eyes sparkled when she laughed to the white highlights that appeared in her hair when the sun was cast in a certain way. Of all the females he’d been with in the past he could hardly remember a single detail of them but she was somehow ingrained in his mind. It was unsettling to say the least. He decided he would have to consult his half-brother on the matter as he had more experience in the “emotions” department. A servant was soon dispatched to summon the idiot. This would prove to be interesting.


It took a while to explain the events and his feelings from over the last few weeks to the barbarian he called a brother. As Sesshomaru waited to hear his brothers opinion on what was wrong with him, he was almost startled to see a slow smirk begin to grow on the hooligans face.

“This is hardly a laughing matter Inuyasha, this could mean trouble.” Sesshomaru snapped.

Inuyasha’s smirk didn’t disappear, if anything it grew bigger. “Oh you’re in trouble all right and in it deep. You’re in love.”

The fool couldn’t be serious. In love? Him? THE great youkai Lord of the Western land? “Impossible.” He said simply.

“You can describe the highlights in her hair Sesshomaru, if that doesn’t spell love I don’t know what does. And you protect her. Your youkai already recognizes her as your’s.”

Sesshomaru thought back to when she had been attacked. His beast had reacted violently at the thought of her leaving him alone in this world. Though that had never happened before he was still not convinced. Youkai didn’t feel love… did they?

Inuyasha shook his head. “So what are you going to do about this Sojobo character?”

At the name, Sesshomaru released a vicious growl. “Kill him.”

“Yeah, ok, but do you have any idea how to go about doing that?”

“We wait for her siblings to return from the main land. According to Shigure, a domain pass can not be revoked for those that are natural heirs to the throne. They will go in, one of them will sit on the throne and have her sister grant Shigure access.”

“Won’t you need access too?”

“I have it. This Sesshomaru’s pass had never been revoked.”

Inuyasha looked shocked. “You have a pass?”

Sesshomaru just gave a curt nod.

“So why don’t you just go up there and take care of his ass yourself?”

The thought had crossed Sesshomaru’s mind more than once. He could take away all of her pain with just a sweep of his sword without having to wait for her siblings. But it would take away her honor and deny her revenge. Also it would mean that she would have to stay there to control Winter and keep Japan from falling into a seasonal chaos and that was not something he was willing to risk.

“This Sessh-”

“Inuyasha! What brings you here?” Sesshomaru was interrupted by Shigure walking into the study where they had been discussing Sesshomaru’s situation.

“Hey Shigure, how ya been?” Inuyasha asked politely. Sesshomaru merely raised an eyebrow. Did this woman effect everyone she was around?

She gave him a slight smile. “I’ve been well. How are Kin and Kagome?”

“They’re good. We were thinking about bringing him to visit with you guys in a few weeks now that he’s a little older but I got summoned by the bozo first.”

“Oh? Why?” She asked casting a curious glance in Sesshomaru’s direction.

“This Sesshomaru needed someone to rule the Western lands in my absence during our battle.” The lie came swiftly and he struggled not to scowl. It was beneath him to resort to such.

Inuyasha turned to him and gave him a sly look. Shigure was also looking at him but with a look of clear doubt.

“So you asked Inuyasha?”

“Hey!” This hanyou protested indignantly.

“I didn’t mean any offence Inuyasha, it’s just that our Western Lord has left these lands many times before for extended amounts of time and has never required anyone to rule in his absence. I find it hard to believe that he would ask anyone, least of all you, to rule in his stead. You know little of treaties, land rights, and youkai court traditions.”

“Keh, doesn’t mean I couldn’t learn.” Inuyasha groused while folding his arms stubbornly.

“No I suppose it doesn’t. It just didn’t sound likely to me at all.” She stated looking between the two brothers clearly attempting to discern whether or not to believe Sesshomaru’s explanation. Neither one gave anything away. Sesshomaru decided to take the initiative.

“This Sesshomaru has no heir, therefore the half-breed is the next in line to the throne. He has been asked to rule in my stead so that he may learn all of the things you have so deftly pointed out that he knew nothing of. As very unlikely that this Sesshomaru would fall in battle it would not do to have an heir that was completely ignorant should such happen. He and his mate will be staying here until the conclusion of the battle so that he can learn from this Sesshomaru.”

At this, both Inuyasha and Shigure looked surprised. When neither said anything he continued.

“Inuyasha, Ah-Un will be sent back with you so that your journey will be more efficient. You will be expected to return within the week. You are dismissed.”

Inuyasha opened his mouth to say something. Sesshomaru almost smiled as the half-breed clearly thought better of it, nodded and turned on his heel and exited the study.

Shigure was watching the door as if she desperately wished she could go with him. Sesshomaru cleared his throat but she still didn’t move. He fought the urge to sigh.

“Was there something you needed Shigure?”

She quickly snapped her head back to him as if she had forgotten he was there. Recovering quickly she responded, “Yes my Lord. One of your scouts has returned with information and wished to speak with you.”

Though he had many scouts he was almost positive it was the one he had sent to retrieve her siblings. He rose from the pillow behind his desk and strode towards the door. It would be interesting to hear what his underling had to say.


Shigure could barely contain herself. She was sure that the scout from this morning was the one Sesshomaru had sent after her brothers. She’d been pacing in front of his study for the last two hours having allowed Rin go to a nearby village with Jaken.

Rin had been giving her more and more space as of late, seeming to understand that Shigure needed the time to herself. Between the impending battle, the return of her brothers, and her unknown relationship with Sesshomaru, Shigure’s mind had been on overload.

But her brothers were coming back which in turn helped ease her mind about the battle. The only thing now plaguing her was Sesshomaru. She knew that she was falling in love with him. The connection between them had been instantaneous from the moment they met. The last few months had been borderline blissful despite everything. He had given her a home, a little girl that she loved more than anything, and friends. Though she loved her life in winter’s domain it was nowhere near as fulfilling as it was now. She didn’t want to give it up for anything, though duty may demand it if neither one of her brothers would resume the responsibility of controlling winter. Her heart ached at the thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Sesshomaru came striding down the corridor. Her heart sped up.

“My Lord is there word of my brothers?”

He passed her and slid the shoji door open, standing aside and gesturing for her to enter the study.

As soon as they were inside she tried again. “Any word?”

His eyes met hers. “Sit.”

She did. It was then that she noticed the scroll in his hand.

“As you know there was a scout that arrived this morning with information.”

She gave him a look that clearly showed her impatience and her thoughts on his obvious statement. He ignored it and continued.

“It was the scout that this Sesshomaru sent to retrieve your siblings. He found them. They were informed of your situation and will be arriving within half a moon cycle.”

“I see. Any idea what would delay them?”

“According to the scout your brother Tsumetashi’s mate is with child and the journey will be more difficult because of it.”

“Tsumetashi has a mate? We never knew. Mother and Father- they will never know.”

Sesshomaru was unsure how to respond and was relieved when she quickly shook off her melancholy. “What of Itsuru? Does he have a mate?”


She just nodded.

“Do they know that my mother and father have passed and that Mizore is acting as the Key?”

He offered a curt nod. “This Sesshomaru sent them a parchment relating everything you had told me.”

“All right. I suppose there is nothing left to do but prepare for battle.” She said before standing to leave. Sesshomaru stopped her.

“There is more.” He said simply before gesturing to the scroll on his desk.

She lowered herself back down, curious as to what the scroll contained.

“Your siblings have a request, one that this Sesshomaru is sure that you will object to, but finds himself inclined to agree with.”
Shigure instantly stiffened. “And that would be?”

“They ask that you be left behind while the three of us go and avenge your family.”“They what?!?”

“Do not raise your voice.”
Shigure ignored him. “No. I will not stay behind while you fight in my stead. I have more right to his blood than anyone.”

“They do not want you in harms way. He had injured you gravely the last time.”

“There is nothing more to discuss. I will not stay behind.” She said rising again.

“You will. As your Lord I command it.”

Her ice blue eyes froze him to his spot on the pillow. They held such vehemence and anger and her aura was suffocating him with her displeasure.

“You have no right.” She spat.

“That is where you are wrong. You will stay behind with the females and Inuyasha while we go and destroy the filth Sojobo.”

“I am not staying here while my brothers and some random demon fight in a battle that they have nothing to do with.”

“It is their family too.”“Their family that they abandoned over 100 years ago! Their family that they didn’t even contact to tell that they had taken mates! I had to watch my mother and father bleed all over the floor while I was cast out of my childhood home, with my sister was still screaming for me as I descended. She was screaming for me. Not Tsumetashi and not Itsuru but me. I doubt she even remembers them!”

“Sojobo almost killed you the last time you encountered him.”
“Because I am using a power that is directly connected to the dimension he cast me from! Once I am restored I will have limitless strength against him.”
“It is of no consequence. You will not fight.”

“I will. Even if I have to lure him back to this plane to do so.”

Sesshomaru’s eyes snapped to hers. He could see the resolve in them. “You would not be so foolish.”

“Do not force me to be. Either you allow me to fight with you or you force me to fight alone in a dimension in with which my own power is more likely to kill me than my enemy.”

He said nothing.

Shooting him a tight, humorless smile she made her decision. “I see. If you will excuse me my Lord.”

She left the room before he could respond leaving Sesshomaru reeling from his own thoughts on the matter.


Shigure stalked from the castle seething with intense anger. She wrote a quick and extremely apologetic letter to Rin with a pitiable excuse on her sudden departure and the unlikely-hood of return. Masking her scent and aura lest Sesshomaru come after her she trekked south.

Had she been honest with herself she would have acknowledged that she felt betrayed. Her brothers had done so by leaving and thus leaving their domain unprotected. Though she had limitless power against Sojobo in her domain, he was able to cast her out and in turn cutting off her power. Her brothers we not so vulnerable. As natural heirs to the throne of Winter (they were paternal twins) they could not be cast out. By denying her the right to fight not only to avenge the family she witnessed being slaughtered, but fighting for her honor and birthright as well; it was a betrayal of the ultimate kind. And then there was Sesshomaru. He had promised he would help her fight and then commanded that she be of no part of it. She had trusted him and felt better knowing that he would be there to lend his strength. Now he was using his strength and power against her to deny her revenge.

Her anger and hurt tore at her for miles. Finally, weakened and exhausted from exertion and emotion, she rested.


Sesshomaru sat doing something he hadn’t done since he was a child; he brooded. He continually played his spat with Shigure over in his head. Her anger was palpable but there was something else in her luminescent blue eyes that disturbed him. So lost within himself he didn’t even hear Rin enter his study.

“What did you do Father?”
Startled but careful not to show it, he turned. “Rin.”

She held a parchment in her hand. Holding it out to him she looked at him directly. “She left the castle. She made it sound like nothing was wrong but said she wasn’t coming back. If nothing is wrong then why wouldn’t she return? Something is wrong and I blame you Father.”

Sesshomaru was stunned. In all the time that Rin had been with him she had never thought of him as anything less than perfect. He could do no wrong… until now. Furthermore he had no knowledge that Shigure had actually left. “You know nothing of what you speak Rin.”

“I know that Shigure isn’t here anymore and the only reason she wouldn’t be is because you did or said something to make her leave.”

Sesshomaru said nothing. Rin’s face was flushed with anger and that emotion that Shigure had held and he couldn’t identify.

“Just tell me why she left. Please Lord Sesshomaru.”

He didn’t hesitate. “This Sesshomaru commanded that Lady Shigure stay behind while her brothers and myself destroy the vile creature Sojobo.”

Hearing this Rin visibly deflated and the unknown emotion overcame her. Then he realized what is was; hurt. Even with his demon hearing he barely heard her say, “Father, you didn’t.”

“What is it Rin?”

“Don’t you see how she must feel? The pain of losing her family has been almost unbearable. Even when she’s happy, she still looks sad. The only thing that she had to hold on to was her revenge; knowing that she would be avenging them. And you promised to help her! And then you deny her? Father, how could you?”

Sesshomaru took the full brunt of Rin’s anger and for the first time realized what he had done. Without saying a word Sesshomaru stood and went to the window. Rin came up behind him and hugged his waist.

“Don’t you see Father? You took away her last leg and now she has nothing to stand on.”

Sesshomaru put his large hand over her small ones. Rin. His miracle. His key to understanding the world. Without her he would never had have the knowledge of love and now with her he realized just how much he had erred with Shigure. He would search her out and stand behind her in her fight against that fiend. He needed to find her. Realizing now that her threat to fight Sojobo alone was not an idle one. Without her last leg, she would fall into oblivion. Sesshomaru would be there to catch her.
