InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ wish of death to wish of love ❯ mine ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Three yeas after she left the past forever kagome was telling her 2 year olf son his bedtime storrie about the magical world on the uther side of the enchanted well ,
beautiful princes felt so at home thre it was like heven but alas in the end of her quest had to leave her friends and the handsom prince behind and go home forever, the end."

yasha(her son) never did like the end and alway asked her to change it but she because it was a true storry she never wanted to forget...
years latter~*~
yasha higarashi plz come to the prinables ofice right away!" the speakers in the school out.
has the done this time?' thought his teacher.

a young boy with short black hair and greenish eyes that sometime's showed a of red when her was mad walked out when him name was called.

yasha got into the princible's office only to hear that he was to go home right away his parents were in a teribly bad wreck, 'it must have bein awful' he thought cuz his told the secretary to drive him home.

It was bad, so bad his mom and dad both died, yasha didnt know what to do, whenuncle sota told him her started pulling at his raven strands and his eyes got red.
yasha calm down!"sota said calmly trying not to cry for his sister." its gonnaalright!"
it wont there dead and im not!" yasha yelled at him then ran up to his room witch to be his mom's room.

tears rolled down his pink cheeks and stained his pillow as he burried his face withing the pillow his mom's word echoed through his mind, "....the beautiful felt so at ome thre it was like heven......" he ran out to the old well house perfectly well that there was an old dried up well inside and he plane to in and kill him self while wereing the necklace his mother gave him,(the shikon tamma) but when he jumped in the deep well instead of dying her was surounded a purplish blue light and passed out.

when he came to he was in a small hut like building.
found himself yelling as he woke up.
calm down child ye are safe."said the calm voice of an elderly old woman."ye were in the eaters well, did ye fall in?"
im jumped in i want to be dead my mom and dad died in a car wreck and i wanted to see again!"yasha tryed hard not to cry infront of her.
know not what you mean by car wreck but you are not alone , the young girl who found you has lost a parent, but her father is still alive but she grieved twice as much as ye greive child." the woman said."i am kiade, the girl who found you is called genna, what pray tell your name?"
wait what girl were is she?" he looked a bit confused and grabed onto his necklace make sure it was still there.
she is outside, were did ye get that jewel around your neck child?" kiade asked.
was my mothers" yasha said with a frown.
your mothers name kagome, um....higarashi i belive?" kiade asked.
h-how did you know my mother?"yasha asked.
we all knew her when she was on the quest to find the shikon shard to that verry necklace.are not in your own time my son."kiade began to explain everything including how to go home and when she was done he suprisingly belived every word of it and asked if hego outside and look around.

He got outside and found out that his black jaket was on the porch and he put it on the a walk through the woods until he came to the tall god tree and looked up into it only to see
a man with long white hair and dog ears wearing a red outfit the man seen him and jumped quickly sniffing him, yasha became realy confused then remembered what kiade about demons.
i take it your a demon?" yasha asked.
your name kid? were's your mother?"inuyasha asked.
my mom and dad both died just today , my name is yasha."yasha said.
is dead...."inuyasha stared off into space for a minute as a tear rolled down his face andquickly wiped it away."well yasha in inuyasha!"
you the father of the girl who found me?"yasha asked.
you mean genna yas i am." whith that inuyasha took in a deep breath and wissiled as loud as he

behind yasha the was a rustle in the bushes then a girl jumped out of the tree and almost lost balance and started to fall back a little, she had long blond hair and violet eyes and she would lookif her ears wernt pointy and furry.
rong dady?"genna asked.
just wanted you to see you new friend up and walkin." inuyasha said."hey yasha could you do
me a favore and take her with you when you go to your time so she can see what its like? and mabe
put her in school kagome told me that i should try to before she went to her time."
she wants to go..." yasha said with a yawn.
name is yasha?"genna asked.
said then jumped back into the tree."his mom named him."

and with that inuyasha ended up taking a nap and by the end of the day genna was fallowing yasha
sure its safe to jump in there?" she asked.
sure." yasha said then jumped over the edge holding her hand so she did get lost(somehow).

the light surrowened them both and they apeared in his time climbing out of the well(genna jumped)
genna welped as the boom of a car down the road hit her ears.
ya ok?" yasha asked whith his arms crossed showing no concern.
she sniffeld and started to fallow him, but being the blond clutz she is, she triped on a rock and fell on face.

yasha leaned down and picked her up and let her dust off before they went inside.
uncle sota? grandma!?"yasha yelled as he walked inside.

imediantly an old woman who he called grandma came running at him and hugged him till he couldnt
so glad your ok yasha i was begining to worry!" said grandma higarashi."who's this?"
genna..." yasha went on to explain what happed but left out the killing himself pert.
you poor thing!no mother either!" grandma higarashi said as she grabbed genna and hugged her to."so the daughter of inuyasha and kikyou?"
genna was so shocked and so red in the face sh could hardly talk.
i need money im gonna take genna to the mall to get a hat but until she has one she's gonna wear mine"said pulling her up to his room to get his money and a hay that would cover her ears.

when they got to the mall unfortunatly he ended up halfing to get her some head phone's and a hat then tuck
her ears under the hat.
she said with a realy sweet smile.
welcome."he said with a frown."i guse."

he took her to school and enrolled her in his grade were he could keep an eye on her.
do i need to go to this... school thing?"genna asked grabing his hand on the way out so she wouldnt fall on the on the way out.
cuz your dad wanted you to." yasha said looking away while she had his hand.

just the someboddy jumped out of the tree by the steps and shouted "boo!" , it was the suposedly class ,trent dawson.
go away trent." yasha said.
trent said flipping back some brown hairs out o her amber eyes."who's your girlfriend?"
not my girlfriend!" yasha shouted letting go of her hand causing her to start to fall but she ended up doing a flip
well then mabe she'll go out with me." trent said smirking.
, i wouldnt go out with you if the world was comming to an end!" genna said (yasha explained the going out thing she was put in the school).
o and why not?"trent said still smirking then grabed her hand.

forgeting her own striength she tossed him right into the tree he jumped out of an nocked him out.
she stuttered.

It was just then that yasha noticed she only woar black like him.
should go now before he wakes up." he said grabbing her hand and running like my last name (dicken)
lets go see my dad plz!?"genna asked.
see him on wekends."yasha said running up the street.
what if sumthin happens to him!?" genna begged.
will happen." yasha said stoping at the corner and looking for cars then letting her hand go as they walked acrost.
ok if your sure." genna said walking the rest of the way with her head down.
should lighten up its nice to se someboddy smile that isnt a total jerk." yasha said walking beside her now.
thanks!" genna said imediatly cheering up.

they walked silently for the rest of te time as yasha showed her how to work the headphones(that had a radio in