InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Witches ❯ Red Eyes ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 3
(Red Eyes)

Inu-Yasha sat in camp waiting for Kagome to return from her chore. He sat pondering his actions from this morning, and cursed himself softly for acting like a lovesick pup. He pulled at his hair in frustration. He loved her but he was too proud and frightened to admit it. Several moments passed, before Inu-Yasha realized that Kagome had neither returned to camp nor had he heard the loud splashing that signaled her bathing. Growling to himself for not paying proper attention to protecting her. He rose and began leaping from tree to tree heading for the stream.
When he reached the stream he discovered that Kagome was no where in sight, just the clean dishes and the bowl that lay in tiny pieces on the ground. Red flooded into his eyes as his rage allowed his baser youkai instincts to take over his senses. Dropping to his hands and knees he sniffed the ground like a bloodhound. He smiled a bone chilling smile when he smelled the fear soaked storm-clouds and lavender of Kagome and the stench of sweat, leather, and lust of a stranger. The stranger had taken his koishii, his mate . A growl of hatred rumbled from deep within his chest as he traced the scents deeper into the forest. As he neared the source of Kagome's scent, others made themselves known. Sweat, blood, horses, and the stale stench of unwashed bodies assaulted his sensitive nose. He leapt onto the branch of a nearby tree to get a better view of the camp below.
Inside a smelly tent in the camp, Kagome knelt tied to the main support post. Her hands were tied as high as her arms would allow. She couldn't sit or stand because the leather thong that secured her hands wasn't long enough. She trembled in fear and hung her as she waited for her abductor to return . Tears of sadness and fear ran down her cheeks. She had wanted her first time to be with Inu-Yasha, but now her purity was going to be defiled.
When she heard someone push aside the tent flap she whimpered softly. The sound of each footfall that approached was like a knife twisting in her heart. She yanked violently at her restraints when she heard the soft hiss of a dagger clearing a sheath over her left shoulder. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly as the person shifted and walked around her a couple of times before stopping and sitting cross-legged in front of her. She trembled violently as the cool metal of the dagger was slowly and softly drug from her temple, along her jaw, down her throat, before coming to rest at the collar of her uniform top. With the rending of cloth the front of her shirt was cut away. The man before her murmured his approval of her mostly bare chest; before cutting away the rest of her shirt and throwing it to side. A moment later her bra followed it.
After her breasts were fully exposed, her assailant grabbed her left breast and squeezed it hard enough to leave bruises the size of his fingers. Kagome screamed harshly and kicked at him, but only succeeded in falling. With her bottom hanging a foot off the ground, her arms screamed in protest. Chuckling to himself, her assailant began to cut away her skirt and panties.