InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With One Wish ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The soft sound of the sacred tree’s branches swaying in the breeze seemed so alluring and easing. Kagome had felt that pull of its aura and had quickly drifted into a light sleep against the trunk of the tree. That was where Inuyasha had found her. It was a surprise, and at first he was mad that she had let her guard down so fast, but seeing her peaceful face his heart started to flutter in his chest.

“I can’t love you both,” He told Kagome’s sleeping face. He was kneeling right before her, his face so close to hers his breath was lightly ruffling the dark bangs hanging across her forehead.

‘But you do,’ His mind teased. Inuyasha backed away, and pressed his hands to his face in aggravation, he hated to admit it, but it was true. He loved Kagome and Kikyo, but it was different. He would always love Kikyo, she was his first love and he couldn’t change the way they had parted. And he loved Kagome, but it was different from before. Before he had loved her because of her resemblance to Kikyo, but now he realized that she was far too different from Kikyo. She was alive and full of love and energy, and warmth. Kagome made him happy and feel safe and true, and most importantly she had never asked him to change. Kikyo had, she had wanted him to become human for her, so that the sacred jewel would be gone and she could be an ordinary woman. He knew that Kikyo had only wanted to be normal and to live with him in peace. She was a priestess and she would forever have a mistrust of a demon, even if only a half demon.

‘That’s why Naraku could fool us, we had never trusted each other completely,’ Inuyasha thought. He looked up at the sacred tree; the spot where he had been sealed was clearly visible.

‘How can I choose?’ He thought desperately.

“Inuyasha…” Inuyasha snapped back to look at Kagome his heart racing, but relaxed seeing she was still asleep. She was dreaming about him.

“I can’t,” Kagome murmured, her lips trembled. “I can’t love you… it hurts…”

“What?” Inuyasha said. Kagome stirred slightly at his voice, and Inuyasha jumped up, diving for the nearest bush at the edge of the forest. At the sound Kagome woke and sat up, wincing and grabbing her shoulder.

She let go of it after the pain faded and then wiped at her tears. Her dream had been hard to swallow, she knew that her love for Inuyasha was unrecognized by him, and she saw for herself what her future held as a lonely woman who would die early because of her aching heart.

“Stupid, why would I dream that?” She said, rubbing at her eyes. Kagome took a deep breath to gain control of her emotions, and then shook the dream from mind.

“Sure loving him can hurt sometimes, but it’s okay. I’m being stupid, all this stress is making me crazy,” She told herself. She shook her head again trying to forget the dream and got to her feet. She needed to worry about Kohaku and Sesshomaru, not the dealings of her heart.

Inuyasha sat silently in the bushes far long after Kagome had left. His heart was pounding in his chest.

‘She loves me… but,’ Inuyasha let out a sigh and got to his feet finally. So Kagome loved him but was troubled by it. He knew it probably hurt her that he loved Kikyo and had promised to leave this world with her.

‘I can’t do anything about it, there isn’t anyway to help her with her pain,’ He thought. He looked back to the spot where she had slept, where she had been peaceful and untroubled. He hated causing Kagome so much heartache.

Kagome and Inuyasha were quiet around each other for the next few weeks, while Sango and Miroku’s love slowly blossomed as Miroku supported Sango through the struggle with her brother. Kagome was healed and often traveled back and forth between the two times, bringing supplies and treats for her friends. Kohaku didn’t improve and Sango grew further worried he would never be able to deal with the deaths of his family and village and his part in it.

It was late in the night and Kagome was up stargazing because her sleep had been troubled. Miroku and Inuyasha had gone to another village to help with a demon problem, leaving the two girls and Shippo behind, to care for Kohaku.

“Kagome?” Kagome looked away from the sky to see Sango standing nearby. She had been crying again, and her cheek was bruised from a struggle with Kohaku earlier that afternoon.

“What is it Sango?” Kagome asked, getting to her feet to comfort her friend. Sango looked away from her, tears swimming in her eyes.

“I, will you do something for me?” She asked. Kagome reached out to grab Sango’s hands, and they met eyes.

“Of course, what is it you need?” Kagome questioned. Sango took a deep breath and blinked away her tears.

“I, I need you to take the jewel shard from Kohaku’s back”

“What do you mean, he’ll die if I do that,” Kagome protested. Sango gripped Kagome’s hands tighter, keeping her gaze steady.

“Please, he’s suffered for so long. It’s best for him to be in peace then to struggle everyday like this. He’s in such anguish,” Sango pleaded.

“Are you sure? Is it okay with you, is this what you really want?” Kagome asked her own voice quivering with tears. Sango nodded, still clutching Kagome’s hands even as her own shook.

“All right, I do it for you”