InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With One Wish ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

There was this strange ringing coming from somewhere, and Kagome couldn’t determine why it sounded so near. Her eyes snapped open, and Kagome was surprised to find herself in her own room. She sat up and knocked her alarm clock from her night table in the process of trying to shut it off. Her door opened a moment later and Kagome’s mother stood there smiling.

“Good, you’re up. I was afraid you’d be late again, Sota’s already left for school,” Mrs. Higurashi said. Kagome blinked and looked around.

“Mom, do you know what happened?” Kagome asked. “How did I get here?”

“What do you mean, honey?” Her mother asked bemused. Kagome looked at her.

“Where’s Inuyasha? Why aren’t I in the feudal era any longer?” Her mother chuckled, not entirely listening to her daughter’s babbles, as she picked up a few pieces of clothing by the door.

“Sweetie, that certainly sounds like an interesting dream,” Her mother said, before she stood back up and left the room with the bundle of clothes.

‘It wasn’t a dream…’ Kagome thought. She looked around and bit her lip pensively. As she reached up to rub at her eyes she noticed something on her right palm. There etched into the skin was a burn scar the perfect size and shape of the sacred jewel. Kagome jumped to her feet and rushed down the stairs to ask her mother about the scar.

“Mom, this scar where did I get it?” She asked, waving her hand in front of her mother’s eyes. Mrs. Higurashi grabbed her daughters flailing hand and looked at it, letting out a sigh.

“Honey, that’s been there since you were born. Now go upstairs and get dressed, or you’ll really be late,” She said firmly. Kagome nodded, still looking at her palm as she headed back to her room.

“Not ready yet I see” Kagome looked up at the voice. For a long moment she just stared at the man before her, hardly believing what she saw.

“D-dad, you’re alive?” Kagome asked. The man raised a dark eyebrow at her, and scratched at his head.

“Well, yes. What lead you to believe otherwise?” He asked, letting humor fill his voice. Kagome felt her knees quake, and in a quick movement she jumped at her father, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug.

“I’ve missed you so much,” Kagome said. Her father let out a chuckle and stroked her hair.

“We just saw each other last night,” He said. Kagome pulled away and quickly wiped away her tears, smiling grandly.

“Right, silly me,” Kagome said. Her father looked at her strangely as he chuckled and reached out to ruffle her hair.

“It’s fine, now hurry up and get dressed. If you’re late for school again you’ll get a detention and then I’ll make you sweep the temple stairs instead of Grandpa,” He told her. Kagome nodded and rushed into her room.

Colors burst behind her eyes as Kagome pressed her palms against them in an attempt to calm herself and push back tears.

‘Is this real? Is this really happening, my dad alive? Could this be a dream or was the feudal area just a dream?’ Kagome pondered. She looked again at the scar on her right palm, tracing it with her fingers.

“No. No, it wasn’t a dream,” She said shaking her head. She collected her thoughts and then went to her closet, pulling out her uniform to get dressed. She’d do that, and then go to the well house; maybe there she could find some answers.

Kagome made her good-byes like she was off to school, giving her father a big hug before she rushed out the door. She snuck off to the side of the house and spotted the well house where it had always been. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she slid the door shut behind her self and leaned up against it. It was too dark to see down to the bottom, and as she made her way down the steps, she didn’t get the creeping feeling she always got around the well.

Kagome felt around as she got the bottom, but she didn’t find the well, there was nothing there but dirt and rocks. She closed her eyes tightly and opened them again hoping that maybe she just wasn’t seeing it because it was dark, but when she looked around, all she saw was the dirt ground.

“It’s gone, the well’s gone” She jumped to her feet and jogged up the steps, if the well was gone, did that mean the sacred tree was too? Kagome charged out of the well house and into her front yard. Her breath rushed from her in relief as she saw the tall tree stretching toward the sky. She went closer and hopped the fence around it, when she realized it too had changed.

‘The scar is gone, the scar where Inuyasha had been pinned isn’t there,’ Kagome thought. She reached out a hand and rested it against the trunk, wondering what this meant.

“Kagome, what are you doing?” Kagome jumped at the voice, and turned to find her grandfather watching her with a bemused look.

“Oh, I was just-,”

“Heading to school I hope, you’re going to be late,” He scolded. Kagome smiled halfheartedly and stepped away from the tree.

“Right, thanks Grandpa. I’ll see you later,” She said. She gave him a kiss on his balding head and then headed toward the steps. She knew that there was something going on, something had happened when Inuyasha and she had made their wish. Perhaps the jewel had tried to grant both and something happened. Or maybe the jewel had fused the two together only granting part of each. Kagome had to stop herself from thinking of the possibilities. All that matter was that something happened and now she had to figure out how to reverse it.

“I might never see my friends again, I have to fix this”