InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With One Wish ❯ Chapter 13

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Do I really have to wear this, is it necessary?” Kagome whined, tugging at the tight red skirt that went to barely her mid thigh. Yuka and Eri nodded vigorously, Eri clapping her hands excitedly.

“You look so good, Hojo will get a nose bleed for sure” She exclaimed. Ayume clucked her tongue.

“Now, now if Kagome doesn’t want to wear it then she doesn’t have too,” Ayume reasoned. The other girls pouted as Kagome sighed in relief, quickly turning to her closet to find something more sensible to wear. She pulled out a thin blue t-shirt and a knee-length flowing skirt of a paler blue. She smiled at the girls then scooted out of the room to change in the bathroom.

‘This is ridiculous, I don’t even care what Hojo thinks, but those three are making such a big deal now I’m nervous’ Kagome thought with a sigh. She glanced again into the bathroom mirror, smoothing down her shirt. She bit at her lip as she turned to running her fingers through her hair.

“Well, this is good. It’s fine,” She told herself. She left the bathroom and found her friends waiting outside the door for her. Eri was tapping her foot impatiently, and pointed at her watch.

“We’re gonna be late now. Let’s hurry up,” She huffed, grabbing Kagome’s wrist and practically dragged her down the stairs.

        &n bsp;   Something was going to happen today. It was in the air and it was making him jumpy. Inuyasha growled at his stupidity and glanced over at Hiroshi who was dozing as they rode the bus to the track meet. His head ever so often would slouch onto Inuyasha’s shoulder and he’d shake him off impatiently. Inuyasha glanced back out the window, feeling again like he’d seen this place before, been down these roads and knew these landmarks. Hiroshi landed on his shoulder again and he jolted it upward, knocking his friend’s head off.

“Hey, Hiroshi?” He asked. His friend blinked his azure eyes at him, looking slightly miffed at being awoken.


“Have we ever had a meet with this school before?” Hiroshi blinked again.

“I don’t believe so, why do you ask?” Inuyasha grumbled under his breath.

“No reason, just something about this place is familiar”

      & nbsp;     Kagome shivered as a chill lifted the hairs on the back of her neck and glanced around taking in the bus that had just pulled into the lot, the students filing out in their track suits. She knew that feeling, but she couldn’t remember what it meant, and why it was important. She let out a sigh, and ran to catch up to her friends who were steadily making there way down the bleachers. They were heading straight for the tallest brown head in the crowd of boy’s from their school, straight toward Hojo. They hadn’t even realized she had been left behind. She got to the last of the steps as the other girls ran ahead, shouting to Hojo.

“This is stupid,” She grumbled. Had she paid any attention to her surroundings she would of noticed the puddle from an earlier rain shower, and avoided it, but she didn’t. She felt her self slip in it, and a jolt as her stomach flopped around when she fell forward. Kagome threw out her hands to catch herself, and closed her eyes, but surprised herself when she didn’t hit ground, but instead a warm body, that hadn’t been there moments before. Kagome felt the blush staining her cheeks as she looked up at her savior.

“Um, thanks,” She said pathetically. She blinked, as the boy grinned, his handsome face, and ice blue eyes framed by ruffled bangs of ebony.

“No problem,” He replied. Kagome got her footing again and let out a sigh pulling away. The boy held onto one of her hands.

“Um...” She started. He just grinned at her again.

“I think it’s fate that you just happened to fall into my arms,” He said, a flash of teeth showing as his smile widened.

“No actually it was my clumsiness, but thank you again for, catching me” She replied pulling her hand from his grasp. His smile faltered for a moment and he reached up to flick his bangs from his tan face.

“It was no problem, I’d be happy to do it again. My name is Takero by the way” He introduced. Kagome smiled and nodded.

“It was nice meeting you, um thanks again, but I’ve got to-,” He interrupted her by grabbing her hand again, his eyes sparkling as he cupped it between his palms.

“And what is your name, I think I deserve to know” Kagome pulled her hand free again, and quickly tucked both of them behind her back, so he couldn’t take one again.

“Um...My name’s Yuka,” Kagome lied. “But I really must-,”

“Such a beautiful name,” He interrupted again. Kagome let out a sigh and started to inch away, but he followed, not catching the hint.

“I don’t believe I’ve seen you around Yukosu High, do you go there?” He asked. Kagome clenched her fists behind her back, and put on a cheery smile.

“No I don’t actually, but see I really must be going, my friend’s are waiting” She spit out quickly. Then she turned and dashed away, running up to Yuka and latching onto her arm. The girls looked at her and smiled, not even realizing she had been missing.

“Kagome, you look lovely today,” Hojo commented. Kagome smiled at him letting go of Yuka’s arm in favor of brushing her fingers down her shirt and skirt, straightening them out.

“Thanks Hojo, so when do the races start?”