InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With One Wish ❯ Chapter 14

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

             Hiroshi was looking about gleefully at all the new girls, his eyes glittering with joy. Inuyasha was just grumbling to himself as he stretched a bit, his eye scanning the competition. His eyes landed on the group of girl’s gathered around a boy, and he scoffed at their backs.

“Look at that, those stupid girls are practically drooling over that dopey boy,” He commented. Hiroshi followed his gaze and smiled.

“You’re just jealous it’s not you. We don’t have girls like that at our school, they’re all to busy to come to our track meets... I’m quite envious of that boy,” Hiroshi sighed. “That girl I met yesterday mentioned that she attended here, perhaps I shall run into her... that would be very nice”. Inuyasha snorted and glanced around again, as he sat down on the field to start stretching. His view though was quickly blocked by a pair of tan muscular legs.

“You’re on the bench, why are you warming up?” Inuyasha glanced up at the cocky voice, to glare at Takero.

“No, you are. Last minute changes by coach, looks like he’s found out you’re a loser,” Inuyasha replied. Takero glowered at him and Inuyasha got to his feet, not liking the fact he was being towered over.

“Yeah, well you get the race and I get a pretty girl,” Takero replied. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow.

“Really, and what does that have to do with anything? Like any girl would be interested in someone who smells like ass” Hiroshi chuckled at this, and Takero glared at him.

“Sure, watch this” Takero turned and cupped his hands around his mouth. “YUKA!” The group of girls gathered around a boy from the other team glanced around to look at him as he waved his arms enthusiastically.

             Yuka turned as her name was shouted and the other girls looked as well. Kagome paled at the sight of the boy calling her friend’s name, thinking it was hers. Yuka lifted a hand to wave weakly, but Kagome grabbed it pushing it down.

“Don’t wave or he’ll come over,” Kagome scolded, her gaze trailing back to Takero. She paused a moment as she found the eyes of the boy behind him. She felt that shiver again, and something in her head clicked as she saw his dark amber eyes. She broke away from the group, her feet working on their own as they carried her toward the boy with familiar eyes.

             Inuyasha froze, a whoosh of air escaping him as he met eyes with one of the girls. She looked familiar and he got this nagging in the back of his head, that he knew her. She started to make her way towards them, her eyes on his.

“Look, she’s coming over,” Takero said proudly. Inuyasha stepped forward as she approached. She came to a stop in front of him, her deep brown eyes glassy with emotion.

“I know you,” She said simply. Inuyasha swallowed. Takero glanced between them, a frown marring his face.

“Yuka, what are you doing?” Takero started. Inuyasha glanced at him his eyes narrowing, Takero stopped, blinking. He let out a huff and wheeled around walking away from them. Hiroshi chuckled at this, winking at his friend before he left them alone as well. Inuyasha turned back to the girl, finding his gaze locked with hers.

“I think I know you too, but... when? Where?” He asked. The girl let out a sigh and reached up to brush her bangs from her face, she paused a minute, gazing at her palm. She let out a sudden gasp.

“My scar,” She exclaimed. She reached out for his hands, turning them both palm up. He found himself looking at his round scar, her hand held beside his. He looked between the two, his eyes widening at the familiar scar etched into the palm of her right hand.

“What, are-,” He stopped as she rested her palm against his, and suddenly a light escaped from between their touching palms. A flash of memories Inuyasha had almost forgotten stole across his mind, and he opened his eyes to find hers again.


He closed the space between them, wrapping his free arm around her, their joined hands, pressed flush between them. Kagome looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with tears.

“I can’t believe I almost forgot you,” Kagome breathed, she let out a shaky laugh. “You’re human”

“Yeah, and I’m in your era and I have a father and my brother” Kagome nodded and smiled weakly.

“My dad’s alive, but is this really real?” Inuyasha shrugged, leaning closer to her, unwrapping his fingers from hers in favor of holding her close with both his arms. She reached up to brush away her tears before settling her hands against his chest.

“Does it really matter?” Kagome shook her head, her fingers curling in the fabric of his jacket.

She pulled him downward, bringing her lips to his, her own tilting in a smile. Inuyasha was caught off guard for a moment, but soon he closed his eyes, moving his lips against hers. His hand came up to her face, his warm palm against her cheek and fingers curling in her hair.

“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” Kagome sighed, after she pulled away.

“Let’s hope it’s not to long until you do it again” Inuyasha smirked. Kagome laughed, winding her arms around his neck, and pulling him close for another long awaited kiss.