InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With or Without You ❯ Chapter One: Reunions ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With or Without You
By: inuyashas-dark-angela.k.a. myztik_shadow_inu
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Content)
Genres: Drama/Romance
Summary: It's been four years since they've seen each other...since she had his child and he abandoned her.  When they meet again will they reach amends for the sake of their child or will sparks fly?
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Disclaimer: I own nothing of the sorts…except for the plot.
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Chapter One
(Kagome P.O.V.)
Four years. Since I got pregnant at sixteen, was abandoned by my boyfriend, rejected by my own mother, and of course, gave birth.
Yumiko Amaya Higurashi. The main thing that keeps my life going. My pride and joy, my daughter. Though in many ways, my burden. The reason why I dropped out of school, couldn't pursue my dreams, and was abandoned by so many. Yet I still love her with all my heart.
If only her father was part of her life. He walked out when we realized I was pregnant. He left such a gap in my heart and in Yumiko's life.
I'll never forget that day. I told him I was with child and he tensed up. He called me later that night and broke it off. All I could do was cry. My mother came in and asked me what was wrong. I responded by telling her that he had broken up with me. She asked why and I told her. That was that. She blew a fuse yelling `disgrace' and `whore' at me; before I knew it, all my belongings were packed and I was on the curb.
Luckily my best friend's mother took pity on me and let me stay with them. Though school was another story. It somehow got out what I was pregnant. Rumors that I had cheated on my boyfriend buzzed around. I supposed those started because we were no longer spending time together and he was giving me the cold shoulder. Therefore out of humility I dropped out of school. Junior year had just started too.
Nine months later I had given birth. I allowed my best friend's mother to name my baby girl, it was the least I could do after all she had done for me.
Before I knew it, Yumiko was two and my best friend was ready to go to University. I had a part-time job as a waitress, it paid well, but I still couldn't afford to get an apartment. I needed to get a place of my own; I couldn't live with my best friend's mother forever, though she didn't seem to mind. So my best friend and I decided to become room mates. With her job as a lawyer's intern and my job as a waitress, we were able to get an apartment. Her University fee was covered seeing as she received a scholarship for core academics and so we could pay living expenses.
A year later my cousin came to live with us. Not just because he could no longer afford his own homing but because he was dating my best friend. How and why she put up with that lecherous cousin of mine is beyond me.
Yumiko didn't mind the lifestyle I ran, at least I didn't think she did. At three years old I'm sure she understood that I had to be at work from six to ten at night to earn a living and support her. I'm also glad she never asked about her father. With all the play groups we attended where many children came with their fathers, I thought she would question that topic.
In a way, I'm grateful my life turned out this way. I have no idea why, but I am. I just hope the rest of my life goes well…
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(Normal P.O.V.)
“Mama, mama!” four year old, Yumiko Higurashi called.
“What is it sweetie?” Kagome took her daughter into her arms and set her on her lap. They were in the kitchen of the four bedrooms, two bathroom apartment.
“Uncle Miroku gave me this book of pictures. Wanna look at them with me?”
Yumiko opened the red and gold book to a page in the middle. “He said all the good pictures start here,”
Kagome rested her chin atop the wavy raven tresses of the child in her lap. She read the heading of the page and it said `Sophomore Year'.
“Mama, it's Auntie Sango,” her chubby little finger pointed to a picture.
Kagome looked down at her best friend's picture. Sango looked almost exactly the same, from the photo taken five years ago. The only different was the look of maturity, other than that, the brunette hair and brown with magenta flecks eyes were the same.
“Here's Uncle Miroku,”
Kagome darted her eyes over to the picture of her cousin. Miroku, his perverted grin was no longer displayed amongst recent photos but it was still there in many ways. He still had his dark brown hair tied in a rat tail and his eyes were the same navy-grey though with a harder, more mature look.
“Ooh, looky here. It's you Mama,”
Kagome looked down at the fifteen year old image of herself. She seemed so much happier back then. It looked as if her raven hair was shinier and her chocolate brown eyes gleamed with more life.
Yumiko turned a few pages, “Uncle Miroku said this was where the awards are,”
They skimmed the first page where `Most Likely to…' awards were. The next pages were `Best of/at…' and the final group of pages was `Couples…' Sango and Miroku were least likely to get together. Kagome smirked at this; they had gotten together when high school was over.
“Mama, who's that?”
Kagome glanced over to where her daughter's finger was. It was the `Most Likely to Stay Together' picture…it portrayed her with her then boyfriend, Inuyasha. Just looking at his photo struck her with a million swords to the chest. His midnight hair and violet-grey eyes brought memories of happiness and pain. “Well Mimi, that's an old friend of mine. Why don't you go play in your room, okay? I just need to do some things,” She suppressed the tears until Yumiko had left. Her barrier broke and she allowed all her sorrows to pour out.
“Good morning. Oh no, Kagome what's wrong?” Miroku rushed over to his cousin's side and crouched over her.
Kagome pointed to the year book Yumiko had left on the table. It was still open to the `Couples…' page.
Miroku closed it and turned back to Kagome. He took her in his arms and coaxed her. “Kag, it's okay. I'm sorry; I shouldn't have given it to Yumiko. You needn't have been reminded of those bleak memories. Come on, stop your crying, I don't think Yumiko would like seeing you this way,”
Kagome looked up at Miroku, “It's just…he…left me…and I…was so young…I was…on my own…just to raise a child.” It was a struggle but she managed her speech through her sobs. “Also…it's been four years…and he…hasn't called or anything…”
“Aww Kag, it's okay, forget him. Tell you what, I'll go wake Sango and we can have a day on the town, just us four and you can clear your mind.”
“Okay…I'll go clean myself up and get Mimi ready,” They stood up and embraced each other. “Thanks Miroku,” Kagome whispered.
“No problem, anything for my baby cousin,”
Kagome's spirits lit up a little, “But you're not even a month older,”
“So? You're still the baby,”
“Whatever,” they walked down the hall, Miroku turned to the first door on the left and Kagome to the right. He went so wake up Sango as she went to freshen up.
Kagome sat down at her vanity and took in her reflection. She sighed and began applying a thing line of eyeliner. Next came the concealer and lip gloss. After making her crying face scarce, she went to the closet and grabbed a pair of jeans and a red tank top.
Half an hour later Kagome was ready, hair in a high pony tail; Yumiko in her pink sundress, hair in low pig tails; Sango was awake and ready in a white tank top and a denim mini skirt. They waited on Miroku who was still getting ready.
“About time,” Sango scoffed, “I thought we were the ladies of the household,”
“Yes, but my dear, might I remind you that you were the one who knocked me unconscious when I woke you up,”
“Woke me up? You practically molested me!”
“Mama, Auntie Sango, what's molested?”
“Look what you've done Sango,” Kagome scolded before looking back to Yumiko, “It's a bad word that you don't need to know. Just forget you heard it and Auntie Sango won't use that word again,”
“Well if everyone's ready to go,” Miroku tried.
They left the third floor apartment and went down to the underground parkade by way of the elevator.
“Your car or mind?” Miroku asked when they reached the stalls where his and Sango's cars were.
“I'm low on gas,” Sango replied, referring to her copper Sentra.
“My Acura is it then,” Miroku unlocked the navy blue sports car with the remote and opened the passenger door. Kagome and Yumiko slipped into the back and Sango into the front. As Miroku walked around and got into the driver's seat, Kagome buckled her daughter into her child's seat and set on her own seatbelt.
“So oh-cousin-of-mine, where are we headed?”
Miroku pulled out of the parkade before choosing to reply, “I thought a day at the super mall would be good for you ladies,”
“Uncle Miroku is that the one with the amusement park?”
“Why yes it is Yumiko. Tell you what, why don't we let your Mama and Auntie Sango go shopping and I'll take you,”
“Ooh, can Uncle Miroku take me Mama?”
“If you promise to be good for him and he promises to keep a good eye on you,”
“Of course Kagome,”
“Yay!” Yumiko squealed before starting to ramble off what she and Miroku were going to do. Suddenly out-of-the-blue she began singing songs she had learned in pre-kindergarten. She had gotten everyone else to sing along with her by the time they had reached the mall.
Once inside the mall Yumiko grabbed Miroku's hand and ran off leaving Kagome and Sango. They laughed at the domineering four-year-old and entered the nearest store.
Miroku held onto Yumiko's small hand as she weaved in and out of carts, people, kiosks, benches, and other of the sort. “I see the Ferris wheel! Come on Uncle Miroku!” she cried, starting to run faster. Miroku tugged at her arm, swung her up into the air and caught her. She began protesting but he held her tightly to his chest and walked.
“I'm a big girl, let me walk!”
“No, because you're going to take off like a horse and I'm going to lose track of you. Remember what your mother told you,”
“That's a good girl, tell you what, I'll get you an ice cream when we get there okay?”
An ice cream and a few rides later, Miroku was already feeling tired. He sighed, “It's only been half an hour and I'm bushed. Who would have thought taking care of a four-year-old would be so difficult? How Kagome does it is beyond me,”
“You know, talking to yourself will make people wonder,”
Miroku looked over to see a silver haired man standing next to him. He looked no-nonsense in a business suit, the jacket slung over one shoulder, and a black Fedora on his head. “Sorry, but do I know you?” Miroku asked politely.
“Damn, that's right we haven't seen each other since high school. Of course you wouldn't recognize me,”
“So, you are?”
“No, no way,”
“Uh, yeah, yes way,”
“Shit, it is you, there's no mistaking your voice or attitude,”
“So what have you been up to?”
“University, how `bout you?”
“I'm head CEO of my father's company. What are you studying?”
“Business and politics. Still have a year or two left though,”
“How's about you forget those last few years of school because I just may have a proposition for you,”
“Really and what might that be?”
“A good businessman never reveals a proposition in a public and/or casual vicinity,”
“You may be a businessman of good stature but your attitude really hasn't changed all that much,”
“So what's with the silver hair and amber eyes?” Miroku felt a tug on his pant leg and looked down.
“Uncle Miroku!” Yumiko whined, “You said you'd watch me!”
“And who might this be?”
“Umm, a daughter…of a friend…”
“I see…would this be a friend I know or -” He pulled out his cell phone which was playing the theme from The Legend of Zelda. “Damn. Excuse me a moment,” He turned around and answered the call, “Yeah? Uh huh. Again? Tell her the answer is still no. We cannot and will not give her more space. Hell with hair care product marketing! I've already told her that she is strictly limited to hair styling! Fine, put her on. No Yura! We've been through this already! Stop pestering the company of else we will evict you. Okay, good. Bye.”
“CEO not all cracked up to what it's supposed to be?”
“You have no idea,”
“Uncle Miroku!” Yumiko hugged, making a pouting face.
“Yumiko hang on for just a few more minutes please?”
“Fine, but can I see your cell phone?”
“Okay,” Miroku absentmindedly gave Yumiko his phone and turned back to Inuyasha.
“You let a child use your cell phone?”
“What harm could she do?”
“Hello? Mama why don't you have your phone on? It's Yumiko, I really need to tell you something,” She sent a glare at her uncle, “Call back soon okay? Bye!” She folded the phone and gave it back to Miroku. “Thank you,”
“Mimi,” Miroku knelt down to meet at eye level with the child.
“You only use my nickname when you did something bad,”
“Uh…okay…well what did you have to tell your Mama?”
“I can't tell you, it's a secret.”
“Is it about me not paying attention to you just now?”
He sighed, “Tell you what; I'll get you a bag of any candy you want if you don't tell your Mama what you were going to tell her on the phone.”
Yumiko's eyes shone with excitement, “Okay,” She willingly obliged to Miroku's bribe.
“Bribery? You really do have the makings of a good businessman,”
“Yeah, well it just comes naturally I guess,”
“Seeing as you obviously have a full plate at the moment, how's about we have our meeting and Nyoko's Bar and Grill tonight at about six?”
“Okay, I'll see you then,” With that Inuyasha walked off into the crowd.
Miroku turned and crouched down low to let Yumiko onto his back. He held onto her tightly and walked off to the candy store. He pulled a bag from the rack and gave it to Yumiko. As she pulled scoops of candies into the rather large bag, Miroku realized his mistake…
Nyoko's Bar and Grill…
That was where Kagome worked…if Inuyasha was to see her…and tell her who he was…on shit…he didn't get Inuyasha's number to change the location of their meeting…oh boy, was he ever in a jam. He turned pale as a wave of guilt and sickness washed over him in masses. Just as he was about to `throw-up', a tug at his pant let and the all too familiar, “Uncle Miroku,” calmed his nerves.
Yumiko's bag was filled all the way with an assortment of taffy, chocolate, gummies, jelly beans, gumdrops, hard candies, lollipops, marshmallows and other sugary treats…Miroku instantaneously became sick again at the thought of the consequences for all the sugar this four-year-old was about to consume. Kagome would definitely beat his head in and Yumiko would more than likely get sick…as well, the price of these candies would probably be quite high.
Low and behold, the candies rang up a straight twenty dollars, which was the only bill left in Miroku's wallet. He began to realize why he had lost so much money before moving in with Sango and Kagome. He was a splurge…no limits to his spending…especially for useless items. It was now a wonder to why his credit card hadn't maxed out yet…keyword: yet.
They decided to walk around the mall, simply window-shopping and eating the over-priced sugar indulgences…Yumiko had inhaled a third of the bag in about forty-five minutes. Miroku couldn't believe such a small figure like she could just take-in so much in so little time. Although nothing could really distract him from the fact that he was `betraying' his cousin by meeting with Inuyasha…as he really had flung himself into the deep end.
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The rest of the two hours until Sango gave Miroku a call to meet her and Kagome went by in frenzy. Miroku finally decided to take the half-full bag of candy from Yumiko despite her giggly protests. They hit the amusement park again on a marathon of rides much to Miroku's dismay and ended up maxing out his credit card…the lovely goods bought with the credit: food. Chili dogs, French fries, hamburgers, onion rings…well, not all of the credit was used on food, Miroku bought a…gadget…of the sorts, and Yumiko wanted a huge life-size stuffed velveteen teddy bear.
“Good lord, look at you two!” Kagome exclaimed when they all met up again in the parking lot. “Miroku, you look exhausted and like you were in a good fight. As well as you, Ms. Yumiko! You're covered in sugar, chili dog sauce and ketchup! Your face is filthy and not to mention sticky!” She took a swipe at Yumiko's chin with her finger. “I leave you two for three hours…”
“Kag, calm down…They just had a lot of fun, didn't you Mimi?” Sango smiled. Yumiko giggled and nodded in response, all the while clutching the oversized teddy bear.
The ride home wasn't completely silent as Miroku had hoped it to be. Kagome was scolding him about how much sugar and junk good he had let Yumiko consume and on how she'd have pains later. Yumiko had taken off into a song about pink polka dot elephants and purple monkeys. It was a wonder to him how Sango was able to sleep through the racket while he couldn't even get through the noise of his own problematic thoughts. Yes, he was still worried about his dilemma and was in a panicked and distressed state.
The fifteen minute ride seemed to take longer for everyone. They all yearned for even a ten-minute nap…even Yumiko was beginning to tire from all her sugar-intake and sudden energy bursts. Regardless that it was one in the afternoon, they all wished it was midnight so they could sleep. Unfortunately for Kagome she still had to work until ten…but at least it was Saturday, the restaurant was closed Sundays and Mondays.
As soon as they had reached the apartment, unloaded all their bags from the RSX and Kagome had cleaned up Yumiko, they all retreated to their rooms and collapsed onto their beds. Within ten minutes the suite was enveloped in a deafening silence. All were immersed in a peaceful, dream-filled sleep, except for Miroku who was having nightmares about how Kagome was going to carry out his murder.
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Five-thirty rolled around and Kagome was in a frenzy trying to get ready for work. She pulled on the black, short-sleeved blouse, black mini-skirt, and nametag but was having problems locating her high heeled stiletto sandals. Yumiko was adding to the clamor by crying and complaining about her acquired stomach ache. Kagome finally found her shoes under her bed and had calmed her daughter down. She left Sango to care for Yumiko and rushed with Miroku out the door.
“I am so late!” Kagome chanted as she and her cousin rode down the elevator, went into the parkade and to the RSX.
“Relax; we'll be there on time. At least you don't have to take the bus today.”
“Yeah, thanks…so who is this mystery man you're meeting?”
“An old friend,”
“I see…do I know this old friend?”
“You might,”
“Alright then,”
“Five forty-five on the dot,” Kagome exclaimed, not even bothering to wait for the car to stop before hopping out. Miroku watched her rush into the building before parking.
Inside the restaurant was brightly lit on the dining side while the bar was dim. Furthest from the entrance stood a stage, a sight was suspended from the roof over the stage reading “Karaoke Night”. A microphone with stand was set solo on center stage.
“Welcome to Nyoko's Bar and Grill,” a familiar voice teased.
Miroku turned to see Kagome at the hostess podium, he smiled in response.
“It seems you have a reservation, Mr. Houshi.” Her finger was poised over a place on the reservation list. “It's not six o'clock yet but I can make an exception,” From under the podium top she pulled tow menus, along with a child menu and crayons. “I know you love crayons and coloring, and you might have to wait for your `date' to arrive,” Kagome winked, “Now will that be smoking or non?”
“Non if you please,”
“Of course,” she led him to a table close to the stage and set down the menus. “Anything to drink?”
“Seeing as I have to drive later, I'll have a Coke,”
“I'll be right back,”
Sure enough a tall glass of Coke was beset before him in less than two minutes. “So I see it's karaoke night,” Miroku stated. “Does that mean you're gonna sing?”
“Miroku, you know I haven't since…well since that last day he and I were together…”
“Come on now, you sang lullabies to Yumiko…you still do sometimes,”
“But that's different…that's me singing my child to sleep, not entertaining a bunch of adults,”
“Yes, but you have so much talent…don't let it all go to waste because of the one guy who brought you done,”
“I don't know,”
“Please? I'd love to hear you sing your favorite Sheryl Crow song: Over You…it's one you sing to along often as well,”
“Fine, if you're gonna keep pestering me, I'll do it.”
“Thank you Kagome,”
“Whatever…now if you'll excuse me, this waitress is about to be real busy.” With that she got up to greet the incoming customers along with the other waiters and waitresses.
Miroku preoccupied himself with the crayons and children's menu. He colored the restaurant's gold coin mascot and his other treasure box friends. He also started on the word search, matching game and word scramble as the noise picked up and the room because full. In all of his inner child's fun Miroku lost track of time and didn't even notice when a certain someone arrived.
“Still the kid who loves to color, huh?”
Miroku looked up to see Inuyasha and immediately dropped the crayon in his hand. “Yeah, I guess I am…” He watched his old friend take the seat across from him and pick up a menu.
“I guess there's no need to apologize for keeping you waiting,”
Miroku, confused, looked at his watched which read `6:30 pm' He laughed indignantly, “I guess not,”
“Anything to drink?” Kagome had returned upon the arrival of Inuyasha.
“A malted whiskey on the rocks please,”
“I'll be right back,”
Miroku awaited the questions bound to come from Inuyasha but to his surprise, Inuyasha hadn't even looked up from the menu in his hands. Soon a glass of liquor was set on the table.
“You boys ready to order?” Kagome had her pen poised over her notepad and eyed her cousin and his companion.
“I'll have the original with a baked potato and Caesar salad,”
“The usual please,” Miroku replied.
Kagome smiled and uttered a quaint, “Certainly,” and left to give the chef their orders.
“The usual? What might that be?”
Miroku laughed, “Chicken and shrimp stir fry with sautéed veggies,”
“And how'd that come to be your `usual'?”
“I've been here once a week, every week for more than a year…that's the tray that I took a liking to.”
“I see…so has the old pervert finally caught a woman?”
“Actually yes, and you won't believe who it is,”
“Try me,”
“Really now, she actually gave in?”
“Indeed she did,” They laughed, “So how about you, anyone since, well, Kagome?”
“To be honest, no one. I tried the dating game again but I couldn't bring myself to it after I…abandoned her,”
Miroku was slightly shocked, Inuyasha felt remorse about leaving Kagome, and there they had been thinking he didn't care. “So, have you contacted her lately?”
“No…couldn't get a hold of her number or place of work or residence.”
“I see…anyway, getting off that topic. What's with the drastic physical changes?”
“Quite a long story actually. Turns out my step-father is actually my real father, so that makes me a half-demon. I became this way on my twentieth birthday so I've had this look for about a year and a half now. I was so mad though…I had been living with my birth father for so long and no one even bothered to tell me. So that's how I got the company after Sesshomaru refused to take it.”
Kagome returned with their platters and yet again Inuyasha failed to notice it was her. “I'll be opening up the show in about five minutes,” she murmured to Miroku before leaving.
Inuyasha and Miroku ate their meals with light conversation when a voice rang out through the room. “Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Karaoke Night at Nyoko's Bar and Grill! I'll be opening up the night with my rendition of Over You by Sheryl Crow.” Applause broke out and died when the music cued.
Miroku turned to look on at his cousin as she sang with her familiar charisma and presence.
I feel like cherry wine
Like Valentines
Like a Spring is coming
And everything is all right
I've got a love that's new
I hear you're happy too
That's the way it should be
But lately I feel like crying o

I wanna get over you
But you're everywhere
And I just can't get away
I gotta get over you
Cause it's just not fair
That I still see your face o

I heard your name today
I walked away
Cause everyone's still talking
I don't need that in my life
Got better things to do
Than worry about you
I'm gonna keep on walking
But sometimes I don't know why
I wanna get over you
But you're everywhere
And I just can't get away
I gotta get over you
Cause it's just not fair
That I still see your face o

Well we had a good time
But time goes on
You didn't really want me until I was gone
I wanna get over you
Before you get over me
Over me
I wanna get over you
But you're everywhere
And I just can't get away
I gotta get over you
Cause it's just not fair
That I still see your face o
When she finished, the emcee took the microphone and praised her, “Let's give it up for our very own Kagome Higurashi!” A large round of applause and cheers rang out, “Now anyone else up for a round of sing-along?”
Miroku turned back to Inuyasha who seemed to be in a daze, “That was Kagome?”
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A/N: I hate to end it here, but it's already been a bit of a lengthy first chapter. Well let me know what you thought so I know whether to continue or not. So until next,
A/N 2: This fic has already been posted on and animespiral, but because of not allowing any song lyrics to be inserted in a fic, With or Without You has been posted here. Chapters 2-5 will be posted sequentially. Please review! I'd love some more feedback for this fic. Thank you in advance.