InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With or Without You ❯ Chapter Two: The Locket ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With or Without You
By: inuyashas-dark-angela.k.a. myztik_shadow_inu
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Content)
Genres: Drama/Romance
Summary: It's been four years since they've seen each other...since she had his child and he abandoned her.  When they meet again will they reach amends for the sake of their child or will sparks fly?
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Disclaimer: I own nothing of the sorts…except for the plot.
Thank you to xANIMLADYY, Keath's girl, inu-dog-dem, and Raskanii for your wonderful reviews!!!! They were very much appreciated.
Thank you to Akihana, SailorMoon90225, inuyasha-angel18, and kougakola!!!!
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Chapter Two: The Locket
When she finished, the emcee took the microphone and praised her, “Let's give it up for our very own Kagome Higurashi!” A large round of applause and cheers rang out. “Now, anyone else up for a round of sing-along?”
Miroku turned back to Inuyasha who was in a daze, “That was Kagome?”)
Miroku nodded in response, “Yeah that was Kagome. Now listen, you can't tell her who you really are. She's had so much heartache over the years. If you were to tell her your true identity now she'd definitely have a break down. Let her have some more time first,”
“Fine,” Inuyasha was defiant but he knew Miroku knew better than he did.
Kagome returned to their table about ten minutes later. She knelt down beside Miroku after politely asking Inuyasha to excuse them. “I'm going to have to go home. Apparently Yumiko has a fever now too on top of the stomach ache. Sango's not too sure on what to do so…”
“How are you doing to get home?”
“I guess I'll just take the bus,”
“I don't mean to eavesdrop, but Miroku, give her your keys, you did drive right? I'll be glad to give you a lift when we're done here.”
“Oh…well thanks…so, Miroku?”
He shot a look of questioning at Inuyasha before handing over his car keys. Kagome snatched up the keys, said her words of gratitude and rushed off.
“Isn't Yumiko the name of the child you were with at the mall?”
“So what child is my daughter?”
Miroku sighed, “Yes, Yumiko is in fact your daughter,”
“And from what I took from that conversation: you live with Kagome,”
“She and Sango, yes.”
“Well that just makes my situation a whole lot easier.” Inuyasha's words were coated in the venomous sarcasm.
“What do you mean?”
“My proposition. You become my co-CEO and help run my father's business. That would call for business trips, long hours at the office, and getting together in each other's homes to prepare proposals and such. So, with you living with Kagome and the fact I can't tell her who I am just yet…”
“Me, your co-CEO? I'd willingly take the job but with the `Kagome factor'…”
“I suppose we could just use the office or I could find a way to deal with my little dilemma.”
“So that means?”
“You're hired. Screw resumes, interviews, and outer opinions. You're working under yourself…of course I still have some power over you as I am the son of the founder slash original CEO of Taishou Incorporated.”
“Still a boaster,” Miroku laughed.
“Damn straight,” Inuyasha joined, chortling.
A shrieking voice took over as an anonymous woman took the karaoke stage…a double-take ensured the performer was indeed a female; she sported a buff build, short, dark hair, and a mono-brow. Her voice had the grace of a thousand hippopotamuses on land. As for her song of choice: `It's Raining Men' didn't exactly sit too well with the audience either. People sitting at their tables could be seen cringing and covering their ears. Though she didn't seem to notice or she took it as a compliment, OR she was just plain naïve.
“This has got to be the worst thing I have ever heard,” Inuyasha remarked after the reign of `polite' yet reluctant applause.
“Or seen,” Miroku added, looking bewildered. “For a woman her size, you'd think her voice would be lower and with that mono-brow she could seriously be mistaken for…err…actually, come to think of it, she looks a lot like that Dana girl from middle school.”
“Yay Dana!” The cheer erupted from the far side of the room.
“Well that answers my question,” he commented with a chuckle.
Soon another voice took over the sound system. It was a male voice but higher in pitch and it was coated in the “accent” of a gay man.
“Jakotsu?” Miroku wondered aloud, his jaw slack.
“Yours and Kagome's cousin?” Inuyasha asked. He received a slow nod in response. “Well this'll be interesting,” he sat back with his malted whiskey and watched the purple-pink and blue clad cousin take a risk on stage with his rendition of Celine Dion's: `Because You Loved Me.' To his surprise, Jakotsu had an oddly tenor toned voice which was very “celebrity” quality, if that be let what it's called.
Jakotsu's number finished as Inuyasha decided to speak again. “Didn't expect that singing voice from him…your family's full of talent, it seems. So, how `bout you, you have the family gift of song?”
“Well…I don't really know,”
“Why not find out then?” he chastised.
“How `bout no?”
“Aw, come on, be a sport. Let's see if the singing ability is genetic. You never know unless you try…you can't be as bad as Dana over there. Just as well, it'll just be me and Jakotsu who know you did this,”
“Oh fine…seeing as you've already proven you can sing in high school, I'll get you back another time.”
“Do whatever you can, just get up there and sing.”
Miroku got up hesitantly and made his way to the stage. He was immediately adorned with a microphone. His opted song: Kissed by a Rose. To Inuyasha's second amazement, Miroku shared the same dulcet tenor tones of Jakotsu. So the musical talent was genetic…probably from the Higurashi DNA. Kagome's father, Miroku's mother, and Jakotsu's mother had all been in a choir as children as far as Inuyasha was aware. So all of Jakotsu's brothers presumably also had the gift of vocals unless they'd taken after their father…Kagome's brother, Sota, had taken after their mother, no song whatsoever. That thought brought a new one to Inuyasha's mind: Kagome…
“So…” Miroku started as he sat back down, completely, but unintentionally breaking Inuyasha's thoughts.
“Higurashi's carry the dulcet tones.”
Miroku smirked with a proud gleam in his eyes. He always took well to compliments. “I thank you grandly,” he mocked a snobby British actor. “That being said, I will never do that again. Fortunately, this performance will never come up again.”
“Hey, Miroku!” Rang an all too familiar voice.
“Oh…hello Jakotsu,”
“Good job up there! I can't wait `til Kaggy sees it,” he brandished a silver digital camera and turned it so Miroku could view the screen. Low and behold, his performance was fully recorded. “It's too bad she had to go home…poor Yumiko,”
“Jakotsu, you couldn't really show this to Kagome, would you?”
“Why not silly bird? She's the only one who hasn't seen it. I mean there's Bankotsu, Renkotsu, Suikotsu, Kyokotsu, Ginkotsu, and Mukotsu by the window. They're all too chicken to go up there though…well anyway, how rude of me!” he turned to Inuyasha, “I'm Jakotsu, Miroku's cousin.”
Inuyasha shook his offered hand, “Inuyasha,”
“My…I think I've heard your name before, but where, oh where?” he tapped his chin with his index finger.
“Maybe some form of news source or media…this IS Inuyasha Taishou (see footnote), Jakotsu,” Miroku intervened.
“Oh that must be it…charmed,”
“I'm sure,” Inuyasha replied in a skeptic tone.
“I must be going now…you know how Shichinintai brothers get, hm?”
“Too well,” Miroku responded, looking pale.
“Bye,” Miroku and Inuyasha chorused in unison.
As soon as the infamous Jakotsu made his exit, Miroku groaned and slammed his head on the table, just barely missing the remaining sautéed vegetables on his plate. “Why do I have the feeling they're going to drop by the apartment on their way home? And why do I have this sneaking suspicion that I'll be laughed at later?”
“Don't sweat it Miroku,”
“Easy for you to say,” he mumbled monotonously. “Honestly, who carries a camera when going to dinner?”
“A smart person,” Inuyasha teased, “One who wants to capture every fun moment of life so they can look back and say `I made a good choice.'…” His tone gradually decreased into nothing as he spoke.
Miroku sat back and propped his arm atop the back of the chair. “I take you're regretting something and saying `I made a bad choice.'”
“You have no idea…I can't believe I was so stupid. I left her to support a child on her own. At least her mom helped her out,”
“Her mom? Inuyasha, Kagome's mother kicked her ass to the corner when she found out about the pregnancy. Apparently Kag was a whore and disgrace to the family,”
“Aw…now I really feel bad…I'm such an idiot. I can't believe this,” He closed his eyes and downed the rest of his drink.
“If it makes you feel better, Kagome's still hanging onto the hope that you'll come back into contact with her.”
“Well why'd you say not to tell her who I am?”
“I'll get back to you on that,” Miroku replied quickly, he himself confused with what had possessed him to rebuke his friend from speaking to his cousin. “Anyway…” he hurriedly averted the path of conversation…and was successful.
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Since you've been gone
I can breathe for the first time
I'm so moving on, yeah, yeah
Thanks to you, now I get, I get what I want
The song blasted through the RSX's subwoofers. Kagome loved the song…she just wished it would speak for her. Her fingers toyed with the pendant suspended on the solid gold chain hanging around her neck as she waited for the light to change. “`I can breathe for the first time?' More like I can't,” she chastised grumpily. Her thoughts sent her into a frenzy of deep trance so she didn't notice the light had turned green. `I'm so moving on'…jeez…did I love him that much? Or even a better question: Do I still love him…and if so, how much? It sure seems like I still love him as much as I did in high school.' Horns honking angrily brought Kagome back to reality. She released her clutch and pressed on the accelerator, changing the car's gears and sped further down the road.
He wasn't what I wanted, what I thought, no
He wouldn't even open up the door
He never made me feel like I was special
He isn't really what I'm looking for
“Ugh…what is with these songs?” She pushed the CD button in a frustrated manner and fell into a sense of tranquility with the soft tunes of classical piano. Kagome, all the while paying attention to her driving, allowed herself to be carried away. The piece was one of her favorites…as well, it had helped her make first place in the piano playing competition at the age of fourteen…that competition was incidentally the place she had met Inuyasha. Kagome remembered it so clearly: He had been a reluctant and stubborn child for his parents. He was refusing to rehearse with his accompanist because she wasn't `good enough' nor was she his vocal coach. Kagome had intervened and so ended up being Inuyasha's accompanist.
Kagome smiled lightly at the memory, though instead of the dark haired, violet-grey eyed fourteen-year-old, she saw a younger version of the man Miroku was having dinner with. She led her train of thoughts to another station: `Who was Miroku with anyway? Why did he seem so familiar?' Many of her questions carried on, unanswered, and before she knew it, she was home. She pulled the RSX into the parkade and its designated stall before shutting off the music and ceasing the ignition.
She sighed as she entered the elevator, still in her daze. It had been a long day and she had a certain inkling that she would be in for a long night. As the elevator ascended along the shaft, Kagome closed her eyes and leaned up against the rail. Her mind trailed back to the silver haired, amber eyed stranger from the restaurant. The more she pictured him, the more…well…attraction she felt. He did look mighty handsome…what was under that black Fedora and suit? Surely it was…Kagome shook her head, slightly ashamed and disgusted with herself. She led her hand to the pendant hanging from her neck, remembering her lingering hopes.
The elevator finally came to a stop and Kagome stepped off and made her way to the unit. Upon opening the door, she was greeted by a staggering Yumiko and an exhausted Sango. Kagome picked her daughter up and rested her cheek against the child's. Sure enough, it was hot with temperature. Sango mumbled a short `one-oh-seven' and dragged herself to the living room where she collapsed on the sofa. Meanwhile, Kagome kicked off her stilettos and padded to the kitchen, still carrying her whimpering child. A medicine cup was filled with a teaspoon of cold/fever medication next to a plastic cup of water. She took the medicine and held it to Yumiko, who resisted.
“So this is probably why Sango's tired…” Kagome muttered. “Come on Mimi, this'll make you feel better.” She prodded.
“No…that stuff makes me sleepy.”
“Honey, that's why it makes you feel better,”
Yumiko still wouldn't open her mouth to take the grape flavored syrup, much to Kagome's dismay.
“I'll let you stay up tomorrow and wait for me to get home,” she pleaded, although she knew perfectly well that she didn't have work the next day.
“Please sweetie? Just this one little cup,”
Yumiko shifted her eyes for a few moments before slowly opening her mouth. Kagome tipped the medicine in and handed over the water which Yumiko gulped down quickly with a `Blech.'
“That's a good girl,” Kagome praised, dropping the cups into the sink. She felt Yumiko's breathing on her neck as she walked into the living room. She sat next to the sprawled out Sango and watched the TV. which was displaying a piano concert.
“How was work?” Sango groaned out.
“Not too bad…I wasn't all that busy. My dear cousin persuaded me into singing the karaoke…and it was caught on tape by Jakotsu who was incidentally there with the rest of the six of my cousins. It would have been really freaky if Sota were there…a cousin's reunion…how'd you manage here?”
“After Yumiko's whining she fell quiet and then began whimpering about being cold so I felt her and her body was burning up. As you saw in the kitchen, I couldn't get her to take the medicine so I set her in her room to rest. She kept calling me for things like more pillows and blankets; less pillows and blankets.”
“Just be glad she didn't have a headache or stomach flu,”
“Kagome giggled lightly, ever so slightly shifting so not to disturb the now slumbering Yumiko. “So do you know who Miroku had dinner with? I forgot to get his name,”
“No idea actually…describe him, I might be able to figure it out.”
“Hmm…well silver hair and amber eyes. Maybe a little taller than Miroku,”
“I have no idea…silver and amber…must be some sense of unique quality…so on a scale from one to ten: hot or not?”
“Ten being the highest? I'd say eleven,”
Sango laughed lightly, “Oh…someone's getting a crush!”
“Sango please…you know my beliefs,”
“Yeah…but that doesn't mean you can't have fun before then…or…Kagome, what if Inuyasha doesn't come back? I don't want to sound pessimistic or put you down…I just think that you're holding onto an inevitable fantasy,”
“I guess you're right…but still. I have this gut feeling he will return to be with me and his daughter.”
“Well if it's instinct, I guess I can't change your mind.”
“I should put this one to bed,” Kagome heard a light snore from the small four-year-old in her arms and stood up.
“Hey, we've got the rest of the night and its Saturday, what movie do you want to watch? I'll put on some popcorn too,”
“Hmm…I'm in the mood for a light, cheery flick…how's `Be Cool'?”
“John Travolta and Uma Thurman? I love it,”
“Okay…I'll be right back,” She padded around the sofa and made to turn left down the hall but she heard a knock on the door and turned right. `Must be one of the neighbors…wonder what they want...?' (Apartments…only if you have a key or pass card can you enter the actual main building…) “Jakotsu?” she stuck her head out the door to see his six brothers with him. “Oh, hey guys…come on in,”
The seven male figures stepped into the unit and took off their shoes. At Kagome's direction they shuffled into the living room, Jakotsu tailed them off along with Kagome, who was still holding Yumiko. “Aww…she looks exhausted,”
“Must be…she had quite a day with Miroku at the mall,”
“Really? Oh yes, about Miroku…you missed quite a treat when you left the restaurant,”
“What might that be?”
“Well he-” Jakotsu paused, “Hello Sango,”
Sango smiled in response, “What about Miroku, Jakotsu?”
“Well he got up and sang on the karaoke stage…lucky for you, I got it on camera. Would you care to see it?”
“Yes, lets,”
Jakotsu took off his one-shouldered backpack and reached into it. He pulled out the silver digital camera and some wires. He maneuvered between his siblings to the TV and began setting it up. Within moments a frozen picture of Miroku was displayed on the screen. Jakotsu pushed the play button and on went the performance. The sight amazed Sango and Kagome; and Yumiko awoke to the tenor vocals. “Mama, what's Uncle Miroku doing on the television?”
“Uncle Jakotsu taped him when he was singing, Mimi. Isn't he a good singer?” Sango replied.
“Oh yes…I want to be a singer just like him and Mama…” Kagome's performance was played by Jakotsu following Yumiko's comment.
“We're not the only ones who can sing Mimi. You uncles here are all very good singers too. Did any of you perform?”
“Jakotsu here did,” Answered Bankotsu.
“Let's see!” Yumiko cheered, suddenly tireless and lively.
Jakotsu pressed the review and then play buttons and his performance was under way.
“Celine Dion? Very brave,” Kagome praised.
Yumiko applauded before stifling a yawn which was rather large.
“I think we need to leave so Sleeping Beauty can get her rest,” Bankotsu grinned. He led the others back into the hallway.
“Thanks for stopping by,” Kagome called out before turning to Jakotsu who was cleaning up his mess. “Did you find out who was with Miroku at dinner? I forgot to get his name,”
“Actually I did…Inuyasha Taishou,”
Kagome and Sango followed Jakotsu out and bid goodbye to him and the rest of the Shininchitai boys. They returned to the living room where Yumiko was laying on the sofa contentedly. Sango remembered the popcorn and went to get it as Kagome picked her daughter up again and sat her in her lap. Yumiko snuggled into her mother and closed her eyes. Soon Sango returned with the bowl of popcorn and they began their Saturday night matinee.
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Sango was asleep when the movie ended so Kagome shut off the DVD player and TV. She carried the long slumbering Yumiko to her own room and lay down on the double-sized bed. Her thoughts reeled yet again about this Inuyasha Taishou…during the movie she and Sango had spoken about how they had thought `Inuyasha' had been a unique name; as well as why Miroku would be dining with a Taishou, one of the richest families in the world. Her contemplation soon brought her into a deep sleep.
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“So this is your place?”
“Yeah…it's actually pretty roomy for an apartment,”
“I'll bet…so do I get a `grand tour'?”
“If you want one,” Miroku led Inuyasha down the hall. “This is the kitchen, then the living room…why's it so dark?” he flicked on the light and saw a dozing Sango with a remote in her hand. “That answers my question,” he turned the light back off as Inuyasha chuckled. They walked down the hall and made a left. “The bedrooms are here, mine and Sango's on the right and Kagome and Yumiko's on the left…I'll be right back…” (Have I confused anyone? Sorry if this apartment lay out seems a little strange.)
When Miroku was gone, Inuyasha peered into the first room on the left. With the lights on, he saw pink and purple walls decorated with blue butterflies and flowers. The floor was hardwood just like the rest of the unit. He left that room and moved onto the next. Using his demonic sight, he saw Kagome with a child upon her chest. He stepped into the room quietly and neared the bed. Inuyasha took in the sight of his first and only love and child. How he longed to put everything back in the right so he could be with them…his family.
A glistening object around Kagome's neck caught his eye. It was a gold chain. He tugged on it ever so lightly and up came a heart shaped pendant. A jolt tingled in his mind as the memory rolled back to him:
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“Merry Christmas, Kagome,”
Kagome accepted the small, white, rectangular box and lifted off the lid. Her eyes instantly shone with excitement and awe. “It's beautiful…thank you,” She placed a kiss on his lips. “Put it on?” She asked after they broke off, holding the gold chain up to him. She turned and held up her hair. Once it was on, she gazed at the gold pendant. “You are so good to me…”
“Open it,”
And she did…
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Inuyasha opened the pendant and saw the picture of him and Kagome in their younger years. It was the locket he had given her nearly five years ago…
Their locket…
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A/N: Okay…this chapter's not as long as the last one…but it was kind of hard to write seeing as I only wanted to stay on this one day. Next chapter, I promise Kagome and Inuyasha will meet…but Kag doesn't exactly know that Inuyasha IS Inuyasha…have I confused anyone? Well…I promise the next chapter will be up sooner. So until then, reviews please!!!!