InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With or Without You ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With or Without You
By: inuyashas-dark-angel</center>
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Content)
Genres: Drama/Romance
Summary: It's been four years since they've seen each other...since she had his child and he abandoned her.  When they meet again will they reach amends for the sake of their child or will sparks fly?
Disclaimer: I don't own any aspect of this fic, except for the plot. All characters affiliated to Rumiko Takahashi and VIZ.
A/N: I apologize for leaving you waiting for an entire year for this update. II realize that I left you waiting much too long for this chapter. But don't despair, I'm updating now. Enjoy!
Chapter Six: Letters
A few moments of fatigue and confusion passed and Kagome's mind began racing. She didn't know what she was thinking of though; did she want an explanation? An action? Something she could put in place of the incident at hand? No … that would be denial; but what was she supposed to do? Walk into the office and act natural, like she hadn't heard anything? Walk in and say “Oh that's great! No we can move on as a family!” and accept this? Or storm in and confront the two of them? She was so confused … what was she supposed to do in this dilemma?
Soon, all of her reasoning gave way, all she could feel was anger. She had no shock left, only a growing sense of madness, red and raging. Anguish pulsed through her veins and took over her every being. She hated Miroku for even thinking that concealing this secret would protect her. She hated Inuyasha for listening to this preposterous demand. She even hated herself for being such a fool. It was as if the world she'd rebuilt for herself in the past four years was crumbling and crashing down, even her foundation was cracked and collapsing. She couldn't take it anymore; Kagome raised her befallen hand and rapped loudly against the thick wooden door.
“Come in,” rang Inuyasha's voice, which was obviously still upset.
Kagome hastily opened the door and walked in rather quickly, “You need to sign these … both of you.” She mumbled, trying to hide her anger, but slammed the files on Inuyasha's desk before storming out, completely forgetting her scheme for subtlety. The office door slammed shut behind her, rattling the walls and light weight items on the desks.
What's up with her?” Inuyasha pondered aloud, picking up the manila clad papers.
“You don't think she heard us talking do you?”
“Nah … PMS-ing, maybe? Or maybe someone was being bitchy on the phone.”
“Maybe,” Miroku got up from his desk and strode over to Inuyasha's desk, pen in hand, ready to read and sign the forms and contracts Kagome had left.
Meanwhile, Kagome was on the verge of a mental breakdown. She wasn't sure whether to scream out or cry, either way would be suiting as all she felt now was agony. The moment she'd been waiting for, for four years had come to pass but it was all wrong. She hadn't foreseen this event unraveling like this … Inuyasha wasn't supposed to be a half-demon; he was supposed to have come found her, as a human, and taken her into his warm, loving embrace and proclaim his undying and steadfast love for her … but alas, this was all her imagination, all a miserable fantasy. Nothing ever goes as you want it to, hadn't she learned that by now? Apparently not, seeing as she had become pregnant at sixteen, shattering her dreams of a “normal” high school life, and becoming a musical prodigy; and at current she had been double crossed by past and present … past and present Inuyasha, that is.
The phone ran and Kagome composed herself as well as she could, “Good afternoon, Taishou Incorporated; Kagome speaking, how may I help you? Ah, Ms. Kagura Kaze, what can I do for you today? No, I don't know why your renewal contracts have not been approved yet … any checks from Tama Limited? No, we haven't received them … oh, I see, they were bounced … Ms. Kaze, the bouncing of your checks should be taken up with your bank … no, I am not telling you how to do your job, I was merely suggesting … well I'll be sure to keep my suggestions to myself next time … very well … good day, Kagura.” Kagome slammed the phone down. As if her day couldn't get any worse; first it was getting a vital secret exposed to her in the most brutal and deterring way, and now it was Tama Ltd. Blaming her for all their company mishaps! There was only one thing that came to her mind.
When Miroku and Inuyasha finally finished with the forms and contracts, a whole forty-five minutes had past. “I'll take these back to Kagome,” Miroku said, neatly returning the papers to the folder. Inuyasha merely nodded, dropping his pen back into the cup and going back to his RPG. Miroku left their office and walked slowly to the reception. From the conference room, he heard a loud tapping and clicking noise. There, at her desk, in the reception, was Kagome typing hurriedly. Miroku considered warning her that if she kept her mad, strong keystrokes up, she'd end up damaging her keyboard until he felt her dangerous, livid aura. “Umm … Kagome?”
“Yes, Mr. Houshi?” Kagome responded, her tomes sharp and bitter.
Miroku was shocked at her reply she never referred to him as Mr. Houshi unless they were in the presence of members of another company. “Here are the papers …” he cautiously neared her desk and placed the folder down, “Is something wrong?” he asked hesitantly.
“No … not a thing,” Kagome replied curtly.
“Why the raging typing and snappy replies then?”
Ms. Kaze of Tama Limited was on the phone. Apparently their company's been having some trouble. She asked why their renewals haven't been approved yet and why some of their checks have been bounced. I suggested taking up the bounced checks with their bank and she assumed I was telling her how to do her job.” She hadn't even looked up from her monitor, nor had she stopped typing. “You try dealing with bitches like her on the phone during period end. See if you don't snap a little,”
“I was just curious to why you're in such a foul mood … I'll leave you be now,”
Kagome spoke none as Miroku returned to his office. One. Two. Three tears seeped out of her eyes and trickled down her face and onto her hands, still typing on the keyboard. She hastily wiped the streams they'd left on her cheeks and continued on typing.
Meanwhile, Miroku sat down in a chair across from Inuyasha's desk and let out a breath of air. “You were right she did deal with a bitchy correspondent on the phone,”
“You see. I know these things, I mean while Kikyo was here … well, not really here, doing what she was supposed - never mind … anyway, whenever I was on the phone there was always at least one bitch everyday during period end. I've had a whole new respect for secretaries ever since. Except Kikyo of course; I don't even know why her resume looked so good … anyway, it's period end, everyone's gonna snap sooner or later, especially them secretaries; it's nothing to worry about.”
“I suppose … but Kagome usually doesn't let this kind of thing throw her off,”
“She does have a lot of work … why don't you try and relieve her of some filing?”
“Nah, I'm good,”
“Well then, stop worrying about her. She's just a little stressed out,”
“If you say so,”
Twenty minutes later, a strong knock came at the door. Without waiting for an answer, Kagome burst in, a white letter sized envelope in hand. “Here,” she thrust the envelope into Miroku's hands, “It's my letter of resignation. Consider this my two weeks notice.” Inuyasha and Miroku were too stunned to speak so Kagome carried on, “I hope you find that the letter covers all necessary information needed for a resignation. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go pick up my daughter,” Kagome turned to leave, “Oh, and if you don't mind, I won't be returning afterwards, I'd prefer to take the rest of the afternoon off. Good day to you, gentlemen,”
Kagome retrieved her jacket and purse as she left the conference room and headed back to the reception and to the elevator. She sighed heavily as she entered the cab. What a mess everything had turned out to be! The Fates really did have it in for her … Kagome blinked back the tears threatening to fall. She couldn't cry no, she still had to pass Sota and Musuo in the garage. The elevator's trip down the shaft ended and Kagome stepped out into the brightly lit garage. She put on a smile and made her way to her brother and his superior who were just closing the hood of her car.
“Hey Kag,” Sota greeted.
“Ms. Higurashi,” Musuo followed.
“Musuo, I've told you, just call me Kagome,”
“I know … it's just habit. Kikyo always wanted me to call her Ms. Kukira.”
“Please, I'd rather not hear my half-sister's or my father's name spoken today,”
“Sorry Ms. - I mean, Kagome,”
It was then Sota decided to interject, “Sis, you look a bit flustered. Everything all right?”
“Hmm? Oh yes, everything's fine; just stressed from all the work,”
“Alright then,”
“So is this baby ready?” she asked, referring to her Cadillac.
“Sure is,” Musuo replied, “Oil's been changed and everything's been checked. It's good to go,”
“Great, thanks. Well, I should head off, have to pick up Mimi.”
“See you tomorrow then?”
“I'll call ya later sis,”
“Alright, bye then!” Kagome retrieved her keys from Musuo and slid into her car. Soon she was up and running, pulling out of the main parking lot and onto the main road. Then and only then did she begin to cry …
Fortunately there were few other cars on the route she was taking and those few were all in different lanes than she. Her tears blurred her line of vision yet she was able to register and recognize a red light from green, another vehicle from a bush or sign, and such. There seemed to be no end to her sobs; no relief for her rage, anguishes, and pain. It was all too much for her … if not for Yumiko, Sota, and Sango, Kagome would have seriously considered wrapping her car around a tree or pole, or even driven off the bridge and into the chilling, rushing river.
Sesshomaru's words from the banquet echoed endlessly in her mind … they burned through like a raging sea of hot, molten lava … my half-brother … reunite … the pathetic fool … surely you've noticed the drastic change in his appearance … you foolish woman!
“No!” Kagome screamed aloud. “I didn't … I didn't even know … you're obviously been double crossed by the past and present. You'll know what I speak of in due time he said … I was so stupid! Why didn't I realize it before? Taisho was Inuyasha's supposed step-father's surname, as well as his mother and step-brother's. Why didn't I recall that? Fuck, I was so naïve not to figure that out before! Why was I so blind and naïve? My life is just crashing down around me … what did I do? What have I done to deserve this?” Kagome swerved into the community center parking lot where Yumiko's pre-kindergarten class was held. Once parked, she cut the ignition and wiped away her tears.
She made her way into the makeshift school, red cheeked and puffy eyed but upon reaching the foyer and walking down the short hall, Kagome forged a small grin. Her false smile widened at the sight of Yumiko chatting animatedly with her friends at their table. Despite her attempts at a happy face, Kagome knew her daughter would be able to see right through it. She nodded greeting to the teacher and approached Yumiko's seat.
“Mama!” Yumiko broke conversation with her friends and smiled toothily at Kagome, but her smile dimmed when she noticed her mother's post-crying face. Nevertheless, she brought no attention to it and followed through with what she'd originally wanted to ask, “Can Shippo come over today, Mama?”
Kagome looked at the other three children at the table to see their reaction to being excluded from the invitation but they were already distracted in their own discussion. “Not tonight honey. We have a very important errand to run, plus we need to ask Shippo's mama and see if it's okay. Maybe tomorrow though, alright?”
“I'm sorry sweetie,”
“It's okay, I'll get my stuff then,” Yumiko slid out of her seat. She soon returned, her jean jacket zipped up high and her backpack on her back. “Bye Shippo, bye Soten, bye Sasuki, bye Shiori!”
“Bye Mimi!” the four children chimed in unison.
Yumiko took her mother by the hand and proceeded to leave the room, “Bye Ms. Kaede!” she chirped to her teacher.
“Goodbye Yumiko, have a good evening,” Kaede nodded quaintly to Kagome and resumed her task.
Kagome strapped her daughter into her car seat before seating herself in the drivers' seat. Before long they were on the road, “Hidden Valley Estates,” she murmured to herself.
Ten minutes in, Yumiko decided to speak up, “Mama, why did it look like you were crying when you came to pick me up? And where are we going, you didn't turn at that stoplight.”
“Well Mimi, Mama had a … fight with Uncle Miroku, and this fight isn't going to be fixed by one of us just saying sorry. So, we're gonna go find a new apartment to live in,”
“How about Auntie Sango?”
“I don't know. She might stay with Uncle Miroku, or maybe she'll come with us,”
The rest of the drive was silent except for the soft music coming from the radio. Kagome eyes welled up with tears up multiple times but disallowed herself to cry. Yes, her pain was excruciating, but she couldn't cry in front of her daughter, she hatedlooking for vulnerable and helpless in front of Yumiko. The apartment building was large, it had to be at least twenty stories and its square footage was too large to even estimate. Other than a parking lot, the building was surrounded by a tennis court, basketball court, swimming pool, and jungle gym.
Kagome un-strapped Yumiko and carried her into the complex. Unlike the apartment they currently lived in, this one had a reception much like one you would find in a hotel. A woman sat within the doughnut shaped desk and smiled warmly as the two Higurashi's approached. “Good afternoon, how may I help you ladies today?”
Kagome was unmoved by the woman's sugary voice, “I was just wondering if there were any vacancies available,”
The woman, whose name plate read Kalika Jennings, smiled all the more. “Why yes, there are. How many bedrooms are you looking for?”
“Um, three I guess,” Kagome replied, keeping the thought that Sango might be joining them; that, and the fact they'd need a lot of room for all of their things.
“Alright, I have four openings. What other rooms and/or services are you interested in?”
“Kitchen, complete with appliances, preferably two bathrooms, and room to bring in a piano,” As she listed off the preferences, Kalika typed them into the search engine. It wasn't long before she looked up from the screen and nodded.
“There are two unites accommodating those options: one on the fifth floor facing east, and the other on the eighth floor facing west. Our doors, hallways, and elevators should be large enough to fit an upright piano.”
Kagome looked at Yumiko, “Sunrise or sunset, sweetie?”
Yumiko pursed her lips together and darted her eyes around in thought, “Sunset!”
“Alright then; the unit on the eighth floor, facing west, it is then.” Kalika chimed as she punched it into her computer. “Now then, I'll need your name, current home address and phone number, cell phone number if applicable, and current work number.”
Kagome rambled off all of the information required.
“So you have a landlord?”
“We'll just have to get some information from them, so if you have their contact?” She snatched up a pen and quickly scrawled down the name and number Kagome gave her. “And when are you planning on moving in?”
Today … if that's alright,”
“Of course it is. In that case, I'll see you two lovely ladies later. Buh-bye now,”
“Thank you so much. Bye,”
Back in the car as Kagome started pulling out of the parking lot, Yumiko spoke out, “Mama, I like that lady, she seems nice,”
“I'm glad you think so sweetheart. Now then, let's head on back to Uncle Miroku's apartment and pack up our stuff and say goodbye to Auntie Sango,”
“But you said she'd come with us,”
“I said maybe hun, I don't know whether she'll come with us or stay with your uncle,”
“Mama … was it a really bad fight with Uncle Miroku?”
“Yes Mimi, it was …” Kagome refrained from adding: “And I don't think I can ever forgive him.”
“Was Mr. Yasha in it too?”
“He was part of it,”
“Did you break up with him?”
Kagome gasped, “No, not yet, but I quit my job at the office,”
“So you're only gonna be working at Nyoko's then?”
“So you'll have more time for me? Because when you started working at the office you started spending less time with me,”
“Oh Mimi, I'm sorry … I never meant to neglect you, I just didn't think that the job would be so time consuming and tiring. I'm sorry,”
“It's okay. I had fun with Uncle Sota and Auntie Sango … and even Auntie Ayame and Uncle Koga when they helped watch me. And all those short times with Mr. Yasha were really fun too; he's a very nice man, and he even told me little secrets.”
“What kind of secrets sweetheart?” Kagome looked in the rearview mirror to see her daughter's face.
“Like how he liked you. He said you were very beautiful which is why my name means child of beauty; and that you were really in-tell-agent; and then, that one day when you and Uncle Sota were too busy to pick me up from school and Mr. Yasha came, he said he hoped he could pick me up more often because he said that he thought you were his special lady.”
“I see …”
“Mmhmm, did you think you were his special lady?”
“I would have liked to be, Mimi; but now, I don't know,”
“How come?”
“Because I found out a secret that shouldn't have been a secret,”
“And that hurt your feelings?”
“I guess it did,”
“Is that why you fought with Uncle Miroku?”
“That's part of it … your uncle knew this secret and kept it from me,”
“Well then in that case, I'm mad at him too.”
Kagome could only smile a genuine smile. By that time they'd reached the apartment, the car pulled into the parkade and mother-daughter disembarked. With Yumiko in her arms, Kagome stepped into the elevator. As the cab made its way up the shaft, Kagome desperately attempted to blink back her tears.
“It's okay to cry Mama.”
“Thank you Mimi,” she mumbled as her tears spilled over from behind her thick curtain of lashes.
The elevator stopped on the first floor to pick up more passengers. Kagome had kept her eyes shut as more tears found their way out from behind her lids, so it surprised her to hear Ayame and Koga's voices. She looked to her friends and smiled as big as she could, which wasn't very much. “Hey,” she mustered.
“What's wrong?” Ayame asked quietly as she took Yumiko from her arms. She gave her goddaughter a kiss on the cheek and bounced her around a bit before passing her off to her godfather.
“I'll tell you when we get inside,” Kagome whispered.
Koga assumed it was a “woman's” thing, so he kept his nose out and swung Yumiko from side to side, “You're getting big! I won't be able to swing you around anymore,” he teased.
“As big as a tree?”
On the fourth floor they stepped off. Yumiko was still being carried by Koga as Ayame, whose arm was around her friend's shoulders, and Kagome led the way down the hall.
“Sango!” Ayame called, kicking off her flip-flops.
“In the living room!” Came the reply.
Sure enough, Sango was lying sprawled out on the sofa watching Passions. One look at the crying Kagome set her leaping off the sofa and to her friends' side. The three women padded slowly to the cushiony seat and sat down. “Let's go get a snack, Mimi.” Koga said, taking the hint that the girls needed to talk alone.
“So … what happened?” Ayame murmured compassionately.
“Why are you so upset Kag?” Sango followed.
“Inuyasha Taisho is actually Inuyasha Takahashi, Yumiko's father …”
“Letter of resignation? I thought you said she'd snap a little,” Miroku said, staring at the envelope.
“Just open it and we'll see why she's resigned,” Inuyasha replied, rolling his chair around his desk and beside Miroku.
“Dear Mr. Takahashi and Mr. Houshi:”
Just from reading that line, they knew what the purpose of Kagome's resignation was.
“Due to unforeseen personal problems, I am forced to resign my post as your secretary and spokeswoman for Taisho Incorporated.I regret having to resign during period end preparation, but these conditions are unavoidable and would undoubtedly affect my work performance. I realize there are terms and conditions found on my job contract which is why I am willing to remain for the minimum two more weeks. Also, there are terms on my part which I would like to review with you.
All company resignation protocols, as discussed in my contract, will be followed and discussed during the next two weeks, and completed on my last day of work. I understand this is an untimely decision as it is period end, I suggest posting the position on all available resources to ensure prompt response. I will, along with currently assigned work, interview suitable replacements.
“On my behalf, I only have a few requests to make and I hope you can hold ground and respect them. I must beseech that you refrain from contacting me once my two week period is complete.”
“But we live together,” Miroku stated, bewildered.
“Second, please keep my resignation concealed. I do not wish to be pestered by remaining employees of this company on why I left the position. Please state simply that I did not meet the required standards this job demanded. Thirdly, on the day pay checks are issued, three weeks from now, I will come pick up my last check in person from the front desk on the main floor, please be prepared for that. Lastly, concerning the next two weeks, I must request that my presence may be excused from meetings, preparations, presentations and such.
“I hope my requests and demands are found acceptable and simple to comply to. If there are any problems and/or inquiries, you have access to me during the work day and my personal cell phone number should there be any difficulties needing to be addressed immediately. My time at Taisho Incorporated has been short, but certainly a brilliant and building experience.
“Thank you for your time,
“Kagome Higurashi.”
The letter was signed with Kagome's curvy signature in thick black ink. The small splatters over the I's were evidence she'd been upset while signing. Inuyasha and Miroku could only look at each other. If they hadn't already been in deep water, it was boiling now.
“What?!” Sango leapt up from the sofa. “No way. How could …”
“Are you sure Kag? I mean, how do you know?” Ayame looked intently upon her friend.
“I was bringing papers for Inuyasha and Miroku to sign and Miroku's door was slightly open. They were having a bit of an argument … it's all just a blur now, but all I remember is Miroku saying that Inuyasha had to tell me who he really was … Inuyasha fought back saying it was Miroku's idea in the first place to keep his identity a secret and the last thing said was “What am I supposed to do? Go up to her and say: Hi, how are you? Oh, and by the way, I'm Yumiko's father!””
“Oh my god …” Sango sat back down, “Miroku? That's horrible,”
“So what did you do?”
“Nothing really. I brought the papers in, acted a bit snippy, and started typing up my letter of resignation. Miroku came in while I typed and I blamed my foul mood on the call I'd gotten from Kagura at Tama. But anyway, I left to pick up Mimi and we went and bought an apartment in Hidden Valley; and Inuyasha and Miroku have probably just finished reading my letter,” New tears formed and fell, and soon Kagome was shaking with heavy sobs.
“Well I'll be, Miroku keeping that from his own cousin,” Koga was leaning up against the door frame, “Or should I say, keeping him? I never thought he'd be capable, let alone gutsy enough.”
Ayame shot him a quick look before encircling her arms around Kagome and Sango.
“Are you sure you want to move? I mean this apartment is under our names, we could kick him out,” Sango said quietly.
“Yeah, but he'd know where to find me,” Kagome managed.
“Both of them,”
“Then, how many bedrooms did you get?”
“Three … why?”
“Because I'm coming with you,”
“You don't have to. Don't end your relationship with my cousin because of me,”
“Nonsense, Miroku's an awesome guy and all, but you're my BFF. Come on, a year and a half of dating to seventeen years of friendship? That's a total no brainer,”
“Thank you … I said we'd move in today though.”
“Then let's get busy!” Koga rubbed his hands together excitedly.
Within half an hour they'd collected boxes from the basement, packed the majority of Yumiko, Kagome, and Sango's bedrooms, and the landlord had come to call with forms needing to be signed stating they indeed relinquished all rights of the apartment to Miroku. In the midst of all the mild chaos, Yumiko remained in the living room, watching TV. The phone rang diligently and she reluctantly answered, not wanting to miss her show. “Hello? Oh, hi Uncle Miroku … they're busy,” At that moment Koga and Sango came into the room, ready to pack up bits of the living room. “Hang on,” Yumiko thrust the phone at Koga and said nothing more.
“Hello? Hey Miroku … Sango? She's busy … I don't know why, but she's running around like a headless chicken … and Kagome? She's doing the same. Oh, no, now she's out the door saying something about errands. It's utter chaos here … alright, I'll tell `em. Later,” he returned the phone to its cradle just as Kagome entered the room with some boxes.
“Thanks Koga … what'd he say?” Sango grabbed a box and began placing pictures and mini statues into it.
“Meh, he asked for you two, told him Sango was running around like a headless chicken and Kagome just left screaming `errands'. Apparently Tama Limited demanded a meeting scheduled for tomorrow so he's gonna be working `til at least four or five.”
“Good, so we have enough time to get out of here without getting questioned … tonight at least,” Kagome filled her fox with trinkets and vases arranged on top of the piano. “Koga, mind taking a load of boxes down to the cars? The foyer's filling up, and mind checking on Ayame while you're down there? She's been down there for a while now; I thought she was right behind me,”
“Yeah … one question first, how're we gonna take the piano?”
“Your truck, if you don't mind getting it,”
“No problem. We'll just take that load of boxes to your new place first because after those boxes in the foyer go, the cars are filled up to capacity. And then we'll swing by Ayame's and my place and pick it up.”
“Sounds good,”
“Then I suppose Kagome and I should go down too if we're going to bring our stuff now; plus, I really want to see this Hidden Valley Estate for myself.” Sango grinned as she hefted her box up and walked out of the room.
Koga scooped up Yumiko who'd just turned off the TV and tossed her over his shoulder, “Come on you little bugger, let's go see your new home.”
Yumiko laughed gleefully and thrashed about, but her godfather held her firmly in place on his shoulder.
Kagome laughed lightly at the scene before her, packing had relieved some of the anger and pain she'd felt, but the sense of deception and betrayal still loomed mercilessly above her head. Only time could tell what would happen next … whether it be her happiness or eternal heartache and misery.
At Hidden Valley, Kagome and Sango each retrieved a set of keys from Kalika, and the group, each carrying a box or two, made their way up to the apartment. It was an open complex, the living room and kitchen on either side of the door right when you entered. They deposited the boxes on the bare oak wood floor of the living room and walked forward to the sliding glass door that led to the balcony. To the left were two doors and two others to the right. The doors on the left were bedrooms whereas the ones to the right were a bedroom and bathroom. Outside, the balcony had a spectacular view of the city; they knew automatically that they'd be spending many-a-night out there. Back in the living room there were three doors, one of which was a sliding tri-fold, the tri-door was a coat closet, the other a small walk-in closet, and the last a bathroom.
“I hate to stop the tour, but we have vehicles to unload and more stuff to get,” Koga said plainly.
Within another hour they'd brought the remaining boxes, beds, sofa (they'd left Miroku the loveseat), the TV and appliances from Sango's room, and the piano (which didn't cause them much of a problem as it did when they'd first gotten it). Currently, they were arranging Yumiko's bedroom, re-assembling her shelf unit, setting up her bed frame, and filling her dressers and closet with clothes; although Sango was back at the “old” apartment gathering the rest of her things …
Miroku came through the apartment door and immediately noticed the coat closet was free of Sango, Kagome, and Yumiko's jackets and shoes. A few of the pictures and paintings from the hallway walls were also missing. He peered into the kitchen, nothing seemed to be gone except for the kettle, and toaster oven. The living room gave him a shock, the piano, sofa, and coffee table were missing, as well as a number of movies from their VHS/DVD collection. What on earth could have happened? Had there been a break-in? Or … was this how Kagome would keep Miroku from contacting her after her two weeks of floating status were over? He stood, stupefied, facing the TV but completely looked passed it; in his state of dementia he didn't notice Sango pass through the hall with a relatively small box in hand.
`Fuck … did I ever make an ass of myself. Can I persuade Kag to forgive me? And knowing Sango, she's probably gone too … obviously.' Miroku snapped our of his drunken-like stupor and made his way to the bedrooms, turning left, he didn't realize Sango was just coming out of the kitchen. The bedrooms, all except his, were completely empty; it was official, they'd moved out. Miroku made to return to the living room. This time he saw Sango and this time she was headed out the door.
“Sango!” he yelled, quickening his pace.
She turned around and looked at him, a pained and slightly angered expression set on her normally vibrant, cheery face. Sango set the box she was handling down. “Miroku,” she murmured as said man rushed towards her.
Miroku took her by her upper arms, grasping lightly with his hands, “Sango … where're you going? Where're Kagome and Yumiko?”
“Gone already; as for where I'm going, that's none of your concern,” Sango's tones were curt and bitter.
“What, why?” Miroku was dumbfounded.
“Miroku we've obviously moved out,”
“Yes, I see that, but why? Where?”
“You already asked “where” and why? Miroku, you kept Kagome - your own cousin - from the one thing that could make her feel complete again. You kept that truth from her; the love of her life for god's sake! That's disgusting and repulsive! Tell me, what did you think would get accomplished by not telling her Inuyasha wasthe Inuyasha? Hmm?”
“Sango … I -”
“Wasn't thinking? Was confused? Thought it would be funny to do it? My god, you could have at least told me and I would have helped you make a decision. Maybe you did have a valid reason for keeping Kagome from Inuyasha, and had I known those circumstances, maybe I'd be more lenient now, but I didn't know the circumstances Miroku. I didn't have a clue. Fuck, what were you thinking?”
“Not what was best for Kagome; but-”
The sound of flesh hitting flesh rang out crisp and clear. Sango had wrenched out of Miroku's light grasp and slapped him, leaving a bright pink wound on his cheek. Fire burned in her eyes, mercy was obviously not a factor at the moment with her.
“That's right; you weren't thinking about what was best for Kagome. Well you know what, I'm not up for listening to your reasoning and excuses right now, which I'm sure are really pathetic, so if you'll excuse me,” She picked up the box at her feet and continued out the door, “I don't want to hear anything about you pestering Kagome at work either. Grow up Miroku, and when you've cleaned up your act, then you can come and find us; and don't go through this “metamorphosis” over night, it won't happen. Anyway, it'll probably take me more than a month to forgive and forget, but Kagome, good luck with her. Goodbye Miroku,”
Further down the hall, Sango turned around, “Oh, and the apartment is no under your name; Kagome and I forfeited ownership of it to you,”
With that Sango was gone. Miroku rubbed the tender spot where she'd slapped him. `What a dumb-ass!' he chided to himself as he shut the door and slowly made his way back to the living room.
Without a care, Miroku slumped down the floor, crying; and there he remained, all his sorrows spilling out from the empty void which had been his heart …
As soon as she had started walking away Sango broke down in tears. Miroku had been the only one she had ever truly loved; but she had to do it. He'd betrayed her best friend in the worst way. She knew everything would settle, sooner or later anyway. It really was inevitable whether or not this matter would take several days, weeks, or months. `It's for the best.' Sango told herself, making her way to her car. Once the box was secure in the trunk, she hopped into the driver's seat, took one last look at the building, imagining Miroku one more time, and drove off into the sunset.
Kagome was just finishing the last touch in the now homely apartment. Koga and Ayame had left just after Sango had, and Yumiko had already been put to bed long before they'd gone. Kagome sighed, the apartment may have been perfect but her life certainly wasn't. She grabbed her sweater off the sofa and pulled it on as she made her way to the sliding glass doors and stepped out onto the balcony and into the cool dusk air. Kagome leaned up against the railing and looked out toward the setting sun.
The gorgeous hues of pink, blue, purple, yellow, orange, and red illuminated the sky. It seemed like forever since she last watched the sunset … it'd been with Inuyasha back in high school. Kagome felt the breeze caress her face as she let herself get carried away in thought-filled memories …
“Come on,” Inuyasha said, taking her hand and setting off at a run.
She tried desperately to keep up, “Where are we going?” she panted as they ran through the park and up the large hill.
“You'll see,” he stated simply.
Soon they were at the top of the lush, grassy hill. Kagome collapsed against Inuyasha who in turn pulled her against his chest. He faced her toward the cliff-like drop off of the hill, opposite the way they'd come and uttered a simple “Look,”
Kagome gasped as the sky before her turned with golden colors of yellow, pink, and purple; she'd seen the sunset many times before but never had it been as extravagant as this. The sun slowly lowered itself beneath the horizon, its glowing corona shooting rays of light upward to the already amazingly lit sky. Kagome turned in Inuyasha's arms and gazed into his vibrant violet eyes, “It's beautiful,” she whispered.
“Yes … but it's not as beautiful as you,” he murmured back, lowering his head to hers.
Kagome blushed in response and began leaning up and met Inuyasha's lips in a sweet and chaste kiss …
(End Flashback)
`Our first kiss,' she sighed, breathing in the cool, now night, air. The breeze tousled her rich ebony locks and licked her pale complexion.
“Kag?” she heard from inside the apartment.
“I'm out on the balcony,” she yelled lightly back.
Soon Sango appeared, stepping out and closing the screen. From the light coming from inside Kagome could see tell tale signs that Sango had been crying.
“Sango, what happened?”
The woman in question simply fell against her best friend and began to sob heavily.
The next day, Kagome arrived at work as usual and sat at her desk, not bothering to great her superiors in the conference room as she always had. She began working diligently, organizing files, stamping paperwork, punching numbers into the system; when Miroku came out to get a cup of coffee she did nothing to acknowledge his presence, and he did nothing to try and talk with her. It was so awkward not speaking with her cousin, they'd always have long chats about nothing in particular, and now it was all gone because of one lousy yet inane mistake. Maybe, and only just, they could patch things up, but nowhere in the near future, Kagome was simply hurting too much and did not feel the need for forgiveness.
The end of the day came and no words had been exchanged except for those of sheer business; Kagome, Miroku, and Inuyasha all seemed to want to avoid the topic of resignation and the reason of. Whenever they'd spoken, no eye contact was made, no emotion was used, the office was almost eerily too uneasy. Sota had come up once, but the quiescent atmosphere proved to spook him so he departed as quickly as he'd arrived.
The weekend went uneventful, Ayame, Koga, Sota, and the Shichinintai brothers came over to offer a support system for the grieving women and to ask for a better detailed explanation as to why the sudden change of address and heart.
“Inuyasha Takahashi and Inuyasha Taisho are one and the same,” Kagome offered, “I've been deceived … and worst yet, Miroku knew and said nothing. Apparently it was his idea to hide this truth from me because he thought it was for the best …of me.
“So what are you doing about your job at Taisho's?” Sota inquired, “You'll have to see the both of them everyday,”
“Which is why I've resigned my position, I'll be interviewing possible prospectors come Monday morning.”
Sota said nothing more, he didn't want Kagome to know he pitied her for having her life get dragged through hell and back for the second time in four years; his sister hated when people pitied her with a passion, she wanted no one to think she was feeble, weak, and vulnerable to life, which she wasn't, he knew because of all she'd been through.
Silence drifted over the group, no one wanted to say more; the tension ran thick, no one dared move as if they were afraid to create an awkward environment, although, the situation was already awkward as it stood and would remain as such for an unknown time to come.
Another week went by in office and nothing still. Miroku and Inuyasha did none to persuade Kagome not to go through with her resignation especially now since she'd already found a more than qualified replacement; when Kagome had hired Ms. Rinoa Bennett on the spot without warning, the two men realized Kagome was completely serious about leaving. Unbeknownst to the two, Kagome was taking this resignation the hardest, somewhere in the back of her mind she was hoping, praying, that they would stop her and put an end to all foolishness. She didn't sincerely want to give up the position if it meant being close to the father of her only child and having that chance of becoming a family … did the Fates really hat her that much? Was she ever destined to be happy and live a fulfilled life as much deserved by the next person?
Alas, the last day of the two-week period arrived, carrying nothing but gloom and even more pain. (A/N: Sorry about the quick time shift … not really in the mood to write that, it'd be too long, tedious, and not to mention repetitive.) All week Miroku and Inuyasha wished for Kagome to withdraw her resignation whilst she prayed they would stop her. The mood around office had changed slightly, conversations still remained strictly business-related, although eye contact had been re-iterated and tones warmed up. Rinoa had been present for every day, receiving training and background experience to the going-ons of Taisho Inc.; she dared not question the thick tension and remained virtually silent.
Today was calm as Kagome packed up her belongings from her desk, remembering each picture, personalized pen, and cup. One last time she watered the foyer and conference room plans, and made a pot of coffee. It took every string of nerve she had not to cry, she kept her poker-face on and the waterworks off. The minutes ticked by slowly, clocking toward the final hour of the day, with each passing moment, anticipations rose and tensions ran even thicker. Kagome picked up the elegantly decorated stationary set paper and read if over carefully before slipping it into a matching envelope and sealing it with a kiss to the man she'd loved.
Inuyasha could barely concentrate on his tasks at hand. Every second he couldn't go without twitching or fiddling with some material. `Damn it all,' he thought, the phrase ricocheting off the walls of his mind like a mantra. He'd really screwed up, this was worse than when he'd abandoned her, pregnant. This time he'd blind-sighted her, played with her delicate emotions, deceived her in one of the worst ways possible … and worst of all, made her fall in love with him again, albeit this time under a different identity. What kind of a soul was he?! The nerve …
Inuyasha's fist connected with his desk, causing everything on/in it to shake. A large clatter resounded from behind the computer monitor. In a manner he'd grown so accustomed to, he reached for the silver key box and took in its appearance. The glass had shattered, lines of its brokenness marring the perfect picture. “Just like the intangible relationship itself, shattered by one stupid mistake.” He recited dangerously, his temper was about to skyrocket when a knock came at the door. “Yes?” he responded, attempting desperately to keep his raging emotions in check.
Kagome stepped quietly into the room, softly closing the door behind her. “Hi,” she said timidly.
“Hi,” he replied back, the box was still in his hands, in plain view.
Kagome noted the silver box with the familiar photo set within the obviously-broken frame but decided to bring no more attention to it. “Just came in for a final `goodbye' and to give you these,” On the ledge of his desk she placed her ID and pass cards, along with the envelope addressed to him and a small red pouch that jingled ever-so lightly when she set it down. “I'll leave the car keys with Musuo -”
“Keep the car,”
“Mr. Taisho, I couldn't possibly -” she began to protest.
He cut her off sharply, “Keep it,” he persisted.
“How's Rinoa's progress?” Inuyasha tried to keep conversation, after all this may well be the last time he saw Kagome for a while, lord knew how long it'd take him to find her.
“She'll be just great for Monday. I sent her home about an hour ago, let her have as much time for herself this weekend before the reality, not to mention busy-ness of this job kicks in …” Try as Kagome might to focus on conversing, she could no longer contain her curiosity, “If you don't mind my asking, what's in the key box?”
Inuyasha was taken aback by the question but unlocked the box with a key he'd produced from the silver chain around his neck. He took the red satin ring box out and tossed it to her (which she caught easily). “Something I would've given you almost three years ago if I hadn't been so stupid,” he stood and walked over beside her.
Kagome gazed curiously at the box, contemplating its many possibilities; with a deep breath in she slowly flipped the lid. Exasperated, she drank in the appearance of the silver band, the diamond and onyx stones twinkling in the light. “Is … is this …” she looked at Inuyasha questioningly.
“An engagement ring?” he finished for her, “Yeah … I was going to propose a few weeks after grad while Sango, Miroku, you, and I went vacationing at the villa … but that obviously didn't happen.” He returned her hard gaze, losing himself in her deep, chocolate orbs. Slowly he inched closer to her soon claiming her lips in a sweet kiss.
Kagome responded but only for a moment; she pulled away slowly and hesitantly, and locked gazes with Inuyasha again, looking stern and determined. “Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice … well, let's just say it won't be happening. Goodbye Mr. Taisho, it was nice working with you,” At that she took his hand and shook it before turning and walking out the door. Realizing she still held the ring, she shut the box and handed it back to him. This time was officially the last time she'd be stepping out of his office, “I'm sorry,” she murmured quietly, willing the overwhelming urge to cry away; she'd hold strong at least until she got home.
Inuyasha looked out the door warily, not hearing Kagome's short apologetic utterance as she exited the conference room. She was gone, really, truly gone. There wasn't anything that came to his mind to help him gain Kagome back. He'd fucked up big time and there really was no chance of turning back time now. He'd plausibly caused the love of his life to be twice bitten, forever shy … `twice bitten' both times by him …
He slammed the door with such a force the walls rattled and the door nearly came loose from its frame. “Damn it!” he roared before falling to his knees and deteriorating into shameless tears.
“Composure Kagome,” said woman told herself as she walked through the foyer one last time. The walls shuddered violently and Kagome took a quick look behind; what had just happened in that office? `Forget it; going back will just prolong the pain …' Without another word or hesitation she stepped into the elevator and allowed the door to slide shut behind her.
Thinking she could walk out of the building without being noticed, Kagome carefully made her way from the elevators to the main entrance (she hadn't gone all the way down to the garage); just her luck though, Musuo was on his way in from a smoke break.
“Musuo,” she said startled.
“I take it you're leaving now,” he replied stating the obvious.
“Yeah … my time's up here,”
“Aren't you taking your car? Taisho's orders that you take it,”
“I couldn't …”
“Well, if not that car, another one; I have a new set of cars still waiting in the wings, I'm sure you couldn't resist,” he cocked an eyebrow up, awaiting her response.
“I … fine then,” Kagome gave in to pressure and followed the mechanic back to the garages.
Almost immediately she chose an emerald green Impulse, without word nor argument Musuo retrieved the keys for her. “It was nice working with you Kagome,”
“As you, Musuo; do drop by with Sota whenever the chance arises,”
“I'll try my best,”
At that Kagome coyly stepped up and embraced the tall man before her, “Thank you, Musuo.”
“For what, exactly?” he asked, returning the loose hug.
“I really don't have a clue …” Kagome giggled at the irony of her ways.
“Well, in that case, you're welcome.”
A final adieu bid, Kagome was revving up the engine of her new vehicle and out the garage doors. Desperation sank into her as she pulled out of the garage and onto the main road. “Goodbye future, so long waiting, adios big family dreams …” Kagome mumbled miserably, eyes swimming in unshed tears. “Damn stupid emotions …” Not wanting to risk being a traffic hazard she pulled over into the designated lane and shut off the car.
The tears spilled from the confines of her eyelids as her forehead rested on the steering wheel. The more Kagome tried to will the sobs to cease the stronger the onslaught came; she'd cried enough already, it was time to move on, find someone new, give Yumiko the father she deserved.
But that was just it; didn't Mimi deserve her biological father? Not some man Kagome picked off the streets and forced herself to love, but her daughter's blood?
If things were fucked then, they were completely out of proportion now.
Just down the road was the park filled with memories of her teenage years; it'd always been her favorite place to sit and think, today being no exception. Hence she walked down the path and up the hill to the giant oak sitting majestically at the top.
The memories rushed back to her; of their first kiss, their first confessions and proclamations of love, the scene when she'd told him they were expecting … One would think she'd wanted to be away from it all, the reminders of love and pain, however Kagome found being close to the past gave her more peace of mind.
Tilting her head back against the hard wood, Kagome allowed the tears to continue streaming down her face. There was no preventing her emotions from riding free and this setting was the perfect place to do so; no one was around to try and uplift her and prolong her expressions of grief.
As if the heavens empathized with her, a light rain began to fall, gradually becoming heavier and reckless.
`I wonder if he's read the letter yet …'
Inuyasha calmed himself from the sudden burst of rage and self-hat and picked up the items Kagome had left behind. He chucked the company objects toward the wall and looked over the velvet pouch and scented stationary.
Hesitantly he loosened the strings and dumped the pouch onto his hand. A grip constricted around his heart as he gazed upon the golden locket he'd given her nearly six years ago to date. Inuyasha's eyes glazed over with a thin sheen of tears. It really was over … the one thing she'd kept as a memoir of their days together Kagome had returned.
Placing the locket down on the desk he opened the sealed envelope. He took in the sight of gold and silver embellishment intertwining upon the pages, and the curvy, neat yet uneven hand he knew was as Kagome's.
Dear Inuyasha,
Fate has an odd way of intervening in our lives, doesn't it? It's as if I have a sense of déjà vu currently because we're once again being split up, although this time it's to my own accord and I'm not coming away pregnant …
Pregnant … exactly how he'd left her those years ago. Looking back, it was the worst mistake he'd ever made … but letting her walk out of his life this time around came in at a close second.
Life has a cruel sense of humor … right when you think you've got everything going for you and you forget about the past it alwayscomes back to slap you in the face. My father, my child hood best friend, my mother … you…”
Inuyasha's heart broke even more upon reading that line. He'd caused her so much pain and had been the catalyst for so much more.
“…but somewhere I know all the experiences have made me stronger, I just haven't been able to unlock that strength yet. I truly couldn't tell you why I am writing all of this to you, but it certainly isn't for pity; I'll get over this and as much as it hurts to say so, I'm going to try getting over you …
He couldn't decipher what she'd haphazardly crossed out after that line, but it looked awfully like `but I'm not sure I can …'
I remember the first time I met you; it was at the Sunshine Music Festival. I'll never forget looking over from my space in the green room and seeing the boy with brilliant violet eyes smashing his phone to a million pieces because his accompanist had gone into premature labor. From that moment you intrigued me and I made it my vendetta to at least get your name …
Inuyasha's mind flashed back to that day, seven years back now. He'd been so upset Clarice would be absent from what was “the most important day of his career”. And there Kagome was, offering to play, boasting she knew every and any one of Billy Joel's songs.
It'd been a showcase of who was more talented until he finally relented and agreed to hear her play at least. She'd ended up playing the song by memory (as claimed) with extra grace notes, chords, and other brilliant touches, which was something Clarice could never amount to.
“…and who would have thought I would become your stand-in pianist for the day? I definitely didn't.
That night at the company gala, you knew … knew we'd danced Phantom of the Opera once before which is why it was perfect; why every move was made with a practiced precision, it was the same routine we'd choreographed together and I didn't even realize it. I didn't even realize your identity when Sesshomaru appeared out of nowhere and practically told me everything (quite blatantly too).
I loved you. (This was striked out when a few fine lines) I still love you, but the worst part of that is knowing my feelings aren't reciprocated. And if they are, you have a cruel way of showcasing it.
“However Yumiko brought it to my attention that you believed me to be “your special lady”, I would have been flattered, but under the circumstances …She told me you'd told her this one day after picking her up from school.
It was true; since the day Inuyasha realized he loved Kagome when they were teens, it'd been his goal/dream to take her as his wife and he just let it slip away … so it was no surprise the next part of the letter shattered his already broken heart.
Youknow, I always wondered if you did want me to have that honor … but now I question it; would have married me out of love or sheer pity and obligation for impregnating me.
“I'm not sure if your intentions were pure from when we were reunited or if you simply to meet your child, regroup from there, and/or vanish from our lives yet again …but I hope your conscience is clear now, Yumiko and I are managing fine (we were and will once again be fine). At least Mimi had the chance to meet her father, although unbeknownst, for that I am grateful.
By now it'd been an hour since he'd read and re-read Kagome's letter and was currently taking a walk in the park. His suit jacket and Fedora forgotten in the car he strolled soaked to the bone, mulling over Kagome's written thoughts. If only he hadn't left her the first time, this monstrosity of a conflict wouldn't be occurring.
He found himself sitting at the grand oak situated in the center of the park; the exact location Kagome had been not too long before. The rain dripped slightly yet consistently through the leaves, continuing to drench the crest-fallen half-demon. His hair plastered to his built albeit pathetic form as he allowed himself, for the first time since he'd first broken up with Kagome, to cry.
I only wish Yumiko could have grown up with a father, let alone her biological one. I don't plan on finding someone else, I love you too much to do that but if I do find someone … they will never give me the same happiness (and pain) (Those last two words had been crossed out with a single line, giving Inuyasha a hit to the heart) as you have.
“You may or may not have noticed yet that the locket you gave me when we were fifteen is in that pouch. For four years it'd been the only thing that helped me believe and have faith you would return to me, but … now it's the only thing that will potentially keep me from moving on. So for that reason, I return it to you …
He fingered the pendant now chained around his neck absently as the tears cascaded from his eyes. A grief-unending overwhelmed him; it was too much to bear. So there he sat, rooted to the base of the tree, reminiscing a future without the woman he loved …
I wish you a good life; may you find someone else who will love you just as I haveormaybe evenmore …
Sincerely yours,
Kagome Higurashi.
A/N: There you have it folks, Chapter Six. I do hope you enjoyed it; there is no excuse for my year's hiatus, except for family conflicts/events, and a minor case of writer's block. Whether you choose to believe me is up to you.
I do however assure you Chapter Seven will be up by the end of August, no later. This time it's a fact, considering I will have much more time to myself this month (oh the joys of being able to skip out on family vacations … haha). So until then my dear, ever-faithful readers and reviewers,
Good wishes,
-Clarissa Ann Mirko.
P.S. Don't forget to leave a review on your way out, please? May just speed up my updating process a bit more. (;
Review responses:
Keira-chan - Thank you SO SO much for your feedback. Yes, this fic is moving a bit too fast, but you'll find out why that is in due time (actually, you'll find out next chapter). I realize that portrayal of character relationships and emotions are vital, especially in fan fiction, but like there is a reason for the fic moving so fast, there is a reason why I've been so vague about the characters. However, I do appreciate your feedback very much, and I'm grateful for your advice on how to make this fic better. I do hope you liked this chapter, and I hope to receive more feedback from you! :) Thanks again!
GranolaBar - I'm so happy that you love this fic!
bubblez4ya - It's quite all right that you didn't know that I'd updated last chapter, what's important is that you were actually able to read and review this one. I'm sorry for leaving you with the cliff-hanger but I wanted a more dramatic approach to this fic, you know? I'm glad that With or Without You is one of your favorites. Thank you! :)
L1Ldumie TK - I'm glad you like With or Without You so far … I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for your review! ;)
meechums - I'm glad you like this fic so much, and it's great that you think it's flowing smoothly. Hooray for long chapters! Haha. Oh, no, this review was of help to me; actually, it let me know that you're enjoying the length of my chapters. Thank you for your feedback. ;)
lunnasakura - Oh, don't worry, we all make asses of ourselves sometimes. ;p Don't worry about it. I'm glad you enjoy this fic so much. I'm sorry … I know it was mean to put a cliff-hanger there, but I kinda wanted a bit of a dramatic end, you know? Well anyway, I hope you liked this chapter! Thanks for your review! ;)
dieforinuyasha - Wow … someone who thinks the cliff-hanger was great! Haha. I'm glad you liked it. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for your review! ;)
Dragon and Sword Master -
Aya Linn Bushido -
Abby -