InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With or Without You ❯ Week Long Assignment ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Week Long Assignment


“I'm so late!” Her dark raven hair blew wildly behind her as she made it to the college doors. She ran down the halls trying to make it to class in time before the bell, but alas to her dismay the bell rang just before she made it to the class doors. She burst through them grabbing the attention of everyone. Her face went scarlet as she made her way to her seat walking past her teacher.

“It's nice to see that you have decided to join us today Higurashi.” Her teacher glared at her as she took her seat.

“I'm sorry, it wont happen again I promise Mr. Maruyama.”

“Yes.” Mr. Maruyama made his way over to his desk at the corner of the room with an unamused expression on his face.

“Kagome where were you this morning? We were all supposed to meet up at Starbucks to talk about our plans for spring break.” Kagome turned to her childhood friend. Sango Hayashi was known as the tomboy out of the two. They have been friends ever since they could remember, hell probably even before that.

“I'm sorry. I stayed up late last night working on my Japanese History paper. I have to hand it it by the end of tomorrow and I was no where near done with it. Not only that but I didn't want to have to do it today since I wanted to have a school work free day. I'm just hoping that Mr. Maruyama doesn't have us doing anything today or my plans will all be ruined.” Kagome explained as she pulled out her notebook and a pen. Mr. Maruyama made his way back to the class holding a stack of papers. He looked over his class and began handing them out.

“This will be your new assignment for the rest of the week. On it you will find a list of things that you are and are not allowed to do until next Friday Any questions?” He turned and began to write something on the board.

Kagome got her assignment and began to read it over. She was a bit confused as to the point of this assignment. Sango beat Kagome to it and asked Mr. Maruyama.

“Why can't we do these things?” Sango asked holding her paper air.

“Ah. That is an excellent question Hayashi.” Mr. Maruyama turned back around to the class exposing what he had written on the board. “You see, this month we are going over the Holocaust. That assignment will begin today after you leave my class. You see during the Holocaust the....” Everyone began taking notes expecting what Mr. Maruyama was lecturing about to be on their final test for this subject.


“Man that was a boring day of class.” Sango exclaimed as they made their way to get some lunch. Kagome sighed loudly in relief that class was finally over.

“Its a good thing that Miroku and InuYasha asked us to meet them at WacDonalds 'cause I'm starving.” Just as Sango made that comment Kagome's stomach began to growl loudly.

“I guess you are too.” They both started laughing as they walked down towards WacDonalds.

Miroku Nakamura and InuYasha Tanaka were Sango and Kagome's boyfriends. They all met in junior high and became really god friends. At the beginning of their junior year in high school InuYasha and Kagome had started dating. Sango and Miroku, on the other hand were a completely different story. Miroku couldn't keep his hands to himself and Sango just wouldn't admit to having any feelings for Miroku That is until their senior year. Miroku confessed his feelings for Sango during a talent contest when he dedicated a song to her and ever since then they've been dating.

The boys were already inside ordering food when the girls walked in laughing. Miroku was the first out of the two to notice them walking in and he waved at them. After they got the food they went to the table the girls were sitting at. It was such a nice day out that they decided to eat outside. InuYasha sat down next to Kagome and gave her a kiss on the cheek as she stole one of his fries. Miroku sat down next to Sango giving her a kiss as well.

“Hey! I got you your own food so you wouldn't steal mine. I swear your so small but you sure can eat.” InuYasha said as he ate one himself. They all began to laugh at the comment.

“Aw, babe haven't you ever heard the saying, 'food tastes better when its free or when its not yours'?” Kagome asked and everyone kept laughing.

“So how was everyone's day today?” Miroku asked as he ate his food.

“Well my day sucked. I still don't understand why my dad wants me to go to all these business classes. Why cant he just be happy with Sesshomaru working for him? Technically its still in the family. I just don't want to be stuck in an office all day, I wanna be out in a shop working on cars and motorcycles.”

Sesshomaru Tanaka is InuYasha's older half brother. After Sesshomaru's mom had gotten a deadly illness she passed away and his father remarried. He worked for their father at Tanaka Industries. All he did all day was sit behind a computer screen and handle paper work. That was a lifestyle that InuYasha was trying to avoid at all costs. He just wanted to work with his hands nothing more. It was his one true passion. His father on the other hand just wanted to make sure that his boys would be financially stable. He didn't have a problem with InuYasha wanting to work on cars or with his hands. He just wanted what was best for his sons future that was all.

“I wish he would just let me work on cars. He knows its what I really want.” InuYasha stated as he too a bite out of his burger.

“He only wants what's best for you. Face it he only does this 'cause he cares about you.” Sango explained to her friend. Miroku agreed with is girlfriend and turned towards Kagome and Sango asking them how their day went. He knew that they have one class together. Kagome dug in her bag and pulled out the paper that Mr. Maruyama had given them earlier that day.

“Mr. Maruyama gave us a week long assignment. We aren't allowed to do any of the things on the left side of the page. He claims its to have us understand what people had to go through during the Holocaust.” Kagome explained to the guys as they looked over the piece of paper Kagome had handed over to them.

“What!?!? You can't watch T.V. Or go to the movies? That old mean is off his rocker.” InuYasha nearly shouted out his statement on how the old man was crazy.

“Yeah. So I guess movie night at your house is canceled Miroku.” Sango told her boyfriend with a frown on her face. They all really looked forward to those movie nights. Movie nights was the only time that they all got to hang out all night and act like they were still in junior high or high school. If it wasn't watching a movie they would go out and mini golf, bowl or anything along those lines. They had started this mini tradition when they had met back in junior high and happily kept it going all through high school up to this point where they were all in college.

“I guess so. How long do you have to follow this ridiculous list for?” asked Miroku handing the paper back to Kagome.

“Until next Friday” Kagome explained to him. They all continued talking about each others day until they finished their food.


They had decided to head over to the mall after they finished with their lunch. Spring break was coming up and InuYasha's dad had told him that they could use the family beach house.

“Hey Kagome how about we go get some new bathing suits for when we go to the beach during spring break?” Sango asked her friend a little over excited. She grabbed Kagome and started to drag her towards one of the nearby stores.

“I guess we'll meet up with you guys later.” Kagome said as she got dragged away. With that said InuYasha and Miroku decided to go to the video game store. What else were they supposed to do at the mall for a while without the girls.

“So when are you and Kagome gonna know?” Miroku asked InuYasha as they searched through the x box section for any good games. InuYasha turned scarlet as he got put on the spot like that, by his best friend at that.

“That's none of your business you lecher.” Miroku turned to his friend of almost a lifetime.

“Seriously though man its been two years and you guys still haven't done anything with the girl.”

“I just want her to be the one to decide when were ready to take that next step in our relationship. I don't want to make her do something that she's not ready for. I swear sometimes I wonder how Sango even puts up with just dating you.” InuYasha explained to his friend and he meant every word of it. It was true though, they've been dating for 2 years now and still haven't done anything intimate with each other. The most that they ever did was make out excessively. I mean sure it had crossed InuYasha's mind plenty of times before about taking Kagome but she had told him time and again that she wanted it to be special. She explained to him that she wanted her first time to be with someone who she knew she would end up spending the rest of her life with. Not saying that InuYasha didn't want to spend the rest of his life with the girl. InuYasha just thought that they were too young for that big step in their relationship . For crying out loud he was just about to turn 22 and Kagome had just turned 20 this past February.

“Look I now she said she wants it to be with the person that she knows shes gonna be with for the rest of her life and I know for a fact that you want to be that guy, so why don't you just get her a promise ring? Its not like your proposing to her or anything, its just a promise that your going to be there for her for as long as she'll let you.” Miroku's suggestion wasn't a bad one at all.

This made InuYasha think for a minute. It wasn't a bad idea at all. He sure did love Kagome a lot. That was definitely something that he was going to have to consider. They kept searching for games when he spotted one that he and Kagome could both enjoy playing together.

“I wonder how the girls are doing with their bathing suit shopping?” InuYasha asked as he picked up the game and kept looking at other ones.

With the girls.....

“How about this one Kagome? I think you would look great in this one.” Sango held out a bathing suit in front of Kagome's face.

“Oh that looks so nice.” Sango handed it over to her friend. Kagome walked around to where Sango was standing holding a bunch of bathing suits and held one out for Sango.

“How about this one? You would look amazing in this.” Kagome handed the bathing suit over to Sango. Deciding that their arms were getting heavy with bathing suits they went over to the fitting rooms. After all the bathing suits the tried on they chose one each.

Happy with their decisions Kagome called InuYasha to ask them where they were so that they could meet up with them. Once they met up with the boys InuYasha showed Kagome the game that he bought so that both of them could have fun playing it together. After looking around a couple other stores they all decided to head over to InuYasha's house to hang out for the rest of the day. They had decided to go swimming once they got there because there wasn't much that Kagome and Sango could do cue to their assignment.


“Kagome!” InuYasha's mom Izayoi greeted them at the door when they got to InuYasha's house. She walked up to Kagome and gave her a hug nearly suffocating the poor girl.

“It's so nice of you to visit.” InuYasha walked to his mom at this point seeing Kagome trying to breath.

“Mom, what are you trying to do, kill my girlfriend?” InuYasha asked his mother. Izayoi finally let go of Kagome.

“It's nice to see you too Izayoi.” Kagome said trying to take in a deep breath finally feeling her lungs return to their normal size. Just then Sango and Miroku walked in from behind InuYasha.

“Miroku! Sango! It's so nice to see you guys as well.” She walked over and did the same thing to the both of them nearly suffocating them.

“So what are you guys up to today?” Izayoi asked them.

“Probably o swimming or something.” InuYasha answered for all of them. Once they got upstairs to InuYasha's room they all got into their bathing suits. Kagome and Sango didn't wear the ones that they just bought because they wanted to save those for when they all went to InuYasha's family beach house over spring break. The girls changed in InuYasha's room. Kagome in his room and Sango in his bathroom while he and Miroku changed in separate guest rooms. When the girls finished getting into their bathing suits they all headed over to the pool.

The girls were wrapped in towels hiding their bikinis Sango took off the towel revealing a hot pink halter top bikini with black stripes. Kagome followed suit and revealed her green halter top bikini with black stars on the very top of the top part of the bikini and on the left top corner of her bottoms. The girls were laying down on two float beds in the pool.

“CANON BALL!!!” InuYasha and Miroku yelled as they jumped into the pool. The girls Sango and Kagome were caught off guard and their flats flipped over and they fell in the water.

“Why you!” Kagome made her way towards InuYasha and stood before him before he came up for air Sango doing the same to Miroku. As soon as they came up for air the girls began an all out water war. They spent the rest of their day fooling around in the pool. Until they all had to go home. It was a good day.
