InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With or Without You ❯ Weekend Trip To Kyoto ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Weekend Trip To Kyoto


The week went by fast and it was already Friday again.

“Thank goodness its already fuckin Friday!” Sango nearly shouted out as she walked into class with Kagome.


Good morning Mr. Maruyama”

“Yes, yes take your seats.” Mr. Maruyama said from his desk. Once the bell rang Mr. Maruyama explained to them that second half of their previous week long assignment. They were to write a paper on how the list changed their usual routine for the week. After he went over the new assignment everyone groaned. They spent the remainder of the class discussing their different opinions on the previous assignment.

Class seemed to go on forever for Kagome. Today she was supposed to go visit her family in Kyoto at the family shrine for the weekend. Kagome's mom had decided to move to Kyoto with Kagome's grandfather at the family shrine after Kagome graduated from high school. A few months after that Kagome's grandfather passed away leaving Kagome's mom to take care of things over at the shrine. Sango, Miroku and InuYasha told her they would drop her off at the train station and pick her up when she got back into town.

“Well Kagome its noon right now and your train leaves at six. So that gives us six hours to hang out before you leave. What do you think we should do until then?” Sango asked Kagome as they made their way down the street to Starbucks.

“How about we go watch a movie. I'm not gonna be here tomorrow for movie night so why not watch a movie today that way I don't mess up the tradition?” Kagome suggested as they walked into the building. They made the line and kept on with their conversation.

“OK sounds good to me. Well Transformers came out last week and I hear it was really good. Wanna go see that?” Sango asked Kagome as they made it up to the register.

“What can I get you lovely ladies today?” A young man asked from the other side of the counter.

“Ill have a Vivano Smoothie.” Kagome told him.

“Alright one Vivano Smoothie coming right up, and what can I get for you.” He turned to Sango.

“Ooo, that sounds good ill have what shes having.” She told him. Kagome paid and they waited for their drinks. After getting them they walked out of the building and sat down on one of their outdoor tables. Little did they know that they were being watched from across the street.

Once they finished their drinks Sango called Miroku while Kagome called InuYasha telling them the plan. They were all going to meet at the movie theater in 30 minutes to watch the movie. When they all met up they went and got their candy then went to find some seats. Kagome found the perfect seats towards the middle and they all got comfortable. They began talking amongst themselves for the time being until the movie starts.

“INU-BABY!!!” Every stopped dead in their conversations when they heard the sudden shriek through the theater room. They all turned their heads in the direction that the noise came from and notice a group of girls. Amongst them was Kikyo Saito.

Kikyo used to be InuYasha's girlfriend when they were all in junior high. After he met Kagome and Sango Kikyo started being a real bitch to the girls and InuYasha didn't appreciate the way that she was treating his friends. She would call them names and talk about them behind their backs. She would pull mean pranks on them. Hell she even did it to Miroku whom she knew was InuYasha's best friend since forever. She looked a lot like Kagome only a bit taller and paler. She had moved away in the middle of their sophomore year in high school due to the fact that her father got relocated.

Kikyo threw herself on InuYasha which only angered Kagome.

“Inu-baby I've missed you so much. How come you never called me?” She was practically all over InuYasha. Kagome cleared her throat and Kikyo gave her a disgusted look.

“Why are you here?” She asked Kagome bitterly.

“I happen to have come here to watch a movie with my friends and my boyfriend.” Kagome answered.

“Oh little Kagome got a boyfriend? Well where is he?” Kikyo asked. Kagome looked at her. Her eyebrow twitched in anger before she answered the stupid question.

“Your all over him you stupid slut. I'm InuYasha's girlfriend.” Kagome told her triumphantly. She crossed her arms over her chest as if telling her to compete with that. Kikyo looked a bit hurt then turned back to InuYasha.

“Did you miss me that much that you had to start dating someone who looks exactly like me?” Kikyo asked InuYasha. “I bet she doesn't pleasure you like I do.” Kikyo made circles on InuYasha's chest with her index finger. InuYasha blushed which did not go unnoticed by Kagome.

“Don't tell me you two haven't done anything like that. Have you told her about that night that we shared together before I left?” Kikyo smirked evilly as she saw Kagome's face. Kagome was on the verge of tears. InuYasha at this point was in shock that she would even bring up that night in front of Kagome. He looked over at her but his face got pulled back into Kikyo's face as she kissed him full force on the lips. He was in so much shock at the moment that he couldn't even move.

From what Kagome saw though it was enough to break her hear. He boyfriend was allowing this girl to insult her, their relationship and kiss him. He didn't even pull away or push her away. Kagome couldn't take it anymore and did the first thing that came to mind. She ran out of the theater and Sango followed after her. Kikyo still kissing InuYasha who still couldn't move looked up to see the girl run away. She pulled away from InuYasha and laughed. A few minutes passed and Kikyo was still throwing herself all over InuYasha. Miroku not wanting to leave his overly shocked friend stayed and tried to get the girl off of InuYasha. After literally prying the girl off of InuYasha.

“Seems like our girlfriend just left you here all alone.” Kikyo pointed out. InuYasha looked up and saw the doors closing. After realizing what just happened he shoved Kikyo to the side and ran in the direction that Kagome and Sango had just gone.

InuYasha made it out the front door of the theater and looked in every direction for the girls. It started to rain when he walked to the sidewalk. If it wasn't for the rain he would have been able to pick up their scent.

“Alright. Love you too. Bye.” Miroku walked up next to InuYasha hanging up his phone.

“Was that Kagome? What did she say? Is Kagome OK? Is she mad at me? Did she tell yo...?”

“InuYasha calm down. Sango she's fine. They grabbed a cab and Sango said she was going to take Kagome to the train station early.” Miroku explained to him. InuYasha took out his car keys.

“I'm gonna go see her.” He was about to take off to his car when Miroku stopped him in his tracks.

“No InuYasha. Kagome is really upset right now and she probably just wants some alone girl time with Sango to clear her head. I'm sure the last people she wants to see right now is us.”

“NO MIROKU!!! I need to see her. I need to explain to her. I cant have her hating me over this. What if she leaves me? How could I go on without her? I...I....” InuYasha was freaking out. Miroku pat his friends shoulder.

“Sounds to me like your really in love with her InuYasha.” Miroku told him. InuYasha looked as if he just came to a revelation

“Oh Inu-baby!” Was all they heard coming from the theater doors. They both looked terrified and ran towards InuYasha's car just trying to get away from the girl.


“Kagome are you sure your going to be OK?” Sango asked Kagome running her hand through her best friends hair. They were sitting on the couch and Sango was trying her hardest to cheer up her friend.

“Yeah ill be fine. I'm gonna go take a shower and freshen up OK You go and get your car. I don't want to be late for my train ride to Kyoto.” Kagome got up and they said their goodbyes. Sango lived with Kagome but she had left her car over at Miroku's house. Miroku's house was only two blocks away. She left and Kagome started to get her bath water ready when her phone started to ring. She walked over to the counter and looked at her phone. She saw that it was InuYasha and let it go straight to voice mail. While she was in the tub she kept thinking to herself. She looked over at her phone and it began to vibrate. When she picked it up she noticed it was voice mail alert.

Something inside her didn't want to hear what the message said but she just needed to hear his voice no matter how much it hurt. She put the phone on speaker and listened to what was on it.

“You have one new message. First new message from 'Tanaka, InuYasha. Kagome please pick up your phone. Don't do this to me please. I messed up back then, it was a stupid mistake. Please don't hate me. I...I need to hear your voice Kagome. I need to know that your OK Please don't leave without saying goodbye at least. You not speaking with me right now is torture enough. Please Kagome, call me back. Don't leave without saying goodbye.' End new message. There are no more messages. Main menu. To listen to your messa...” Kagome hung up the phone. She heard the front door open and she quickly got out of the tub.

“Kagome I'm back are you ready yet?” Sango yelled from the living room. She knocked on Kagome's bedroom door.

“I just need to get dressed.” Kagome told her. Sango noticed that Kagome's voice sounded very sad and broken.

“Kagome are you OK Sounds like you've been crying. Do you need anything before we go?” Sango worried so much for her friend. They acted more like sisters if anything. Kagome walked out of her room fully dressed in some jeans, her favorite sneakers and a hoody over her t-shirt.

“Kagome you haven't even brushed your hair yet.” Sango pointed out to her. Kagome looked a herself in the mirror and noticed she still hadn't taken off her towel from her head. She chuckled and went to go put her hair in a messy bun at the nape of her neck cursing at her hair towards the front for not staying back. After she was ready they put everything in Sango's car. Kagome was only going to be gone for two and a half days so she only brought a duffel bag with her stuff in it. Everything else they had were just presents they were sending Kagome with for her family.

The ride to the train station was mostly quiet. Kagome just kept staring out the window at everything that was passing by. Sango was really beginning to worry about her best friend.

“Are you positive your going to be OK Kagome?” Kagome looked over at her friend and gave her a small warm smile. She nodded her head and then turned to her phone. She kept looking at it for some strange reason.

'I don't know why but I want to hear his voice again.' They reached the train station and Sango found a bench for them to sit at while they waited for Kagome's train to start boarding. Before they new it Kagome had to get on the train. They hugged goodbye.

“Call me if you need anything OK Kagome?” Sango yelled after her as she watched her friend disappear into the train. She watched Kagome as she sat down by one of the windows and waved to her. Sango returned the wave then she noticed Kagome suddenly avert her gaze. She looked behind her and there was InuYasha. He looked just as bad as Kagome did. The train whistle went off and it began to move forward.

InuYasha kept watching Kagome through the window. She looked so sad. He really messed up this time and he didn't know what to do to fix it.

“When you get back Kagome I promise you I'm going to make this up to you one way or another. I don't want you to leave me. I...I love you too much for that Kagome' He finally admitted to himself. He was deep in thought when he felt someone hit him in the chest. He looked in front of him and noticed Sango standing there looking very pissed off.

“Nice going InuYasha! You upset Kagome. Do you know how miserable she looked when we left? Shes barely talking to me! You better hope she comes back happy or else. God you sure can be such a fuckin idiot sometimes.” With that Sango walked away leaving a very stunned InuYasha behind.

“I'm gonna fix this.... I just Don't know how.” InuYasha said to himself.


Kagome arrived in Kyoto two and a half hours later. She had called her mom telling her that she was going to be there a bit earlier than planned. Kagome looked all over for her mom when she spotted her and her little brother Souta. They waved at her and she ran up to them giving them each a huge hug.

“Kagome were so glad to see you.” Her mom told her as they hugged.

“Yeah sis.” Her brother told her as she ruffled his hair.

“I missed you too Souta.” They all got in Kagome's moms car and headed towards the shrine. They arrived there around seven and Kagome put her bag in the room she was staying in for the weekend.

“So why did you decide to come here early?” Mrs. Higurashi asked her daughter. Kagome didn't want to tell her mom what happened at the movie theater.

“I really didn't see the point in waiting any longer to get here and be with my family. I mean I get to see my friends all the time so its not like I'm really missing out on anything. I'm just glad to see you guys” Kagome told her. They kept talking for a bit longer and then Kagome decided to head to bead. She was tired after everything that happened earlier that day. She was laying down on her bed when she got a text message from Sango.

'Miss you already. Hope your feeling better. Love you.' Kagome smiled at herself. She loved Sango so much like a sister, she was always looking out for her. She replied to her text and brushed her teeth before getting into bed.

With InuYasha...

“I wonder how InuYasha is doing?” She asked no one in particular. She dosed off after that.

“InuYasha come on. You gotta come out of that room sometime. The world isn't over.” Izayoi was begging her son to come out of his room and talk with someone or at least eat something. He stayed in his room ever since he got back from the train station.

Back with Kagome the next day....

Kagome got up before everybody else and decided to make breakfast. She brushed her teeth and rinsed her face before heading downstairs. She made a huge breakfast for her mom and her little brother. She called them down to eat and they all sat down at the table eating together. Souta was telling Kagome about all the new friends he made in school recently.

Mrs. Higurashi suggested that they got to Himeji street. They all agreed and headed out after Kagome cleaned the kitchen and they all got dressed and ready to go.

“Kagome dear thank you for breakfast again you really didn't have to do that. Your our guest not the other way around.” Kagome's mom was telling her as they looked through some things. They passed by a pet store and Kagome noticed a puppy that reminder very much of InuYasha. She smiled inwardly. Her mom noticed Kagome's sudden change in attitude

“Honey is something wrong?” She asked concerned about her daughters well being. Kagome snapped out of whatever trance she was in and smiled at her mom.

“Yeah everything is fine. Just got a little sidetracked is all.” Kagome told her. They spent most of the day there and when they all started to get hungry they decided to head on home for dinner. They had already eaten lunch out so they didn't starve all day until dinner.

When they got back to the shrine Kagome told her mom that she wanted to make dinner for all of them. Her mom wasn't too happy with the idea at first but then she agreed to it. Kagome began cutting up some veggies and some meat. After dinner was prepared they sat down and ate as a family. It was beginning to get late so they all decided to call it a day.

The next day Kagome woke up to her phone going off.

“Moshi moshi.” Kagome answered.

“Kagome we have a slight problem.” Sango explained to her. Kagome at this point began to panic.

“Is everyone OK? Is Miroku OK? Are you OK? Is InuYasha OK?” Kagome couldn't stop all the thoughts that kept running through her head.

“Kagome I'm fine and so is Miroku, I just wish I could say the same for InuYasha. Izayoi called us over this morning freaking out about InuYasha. He wont come out of his room, wont eat, wont even talk to anyone. I Don't even think hes slept at all since you left. Kagome please talk to him. Your the only person that can it through his thick head that he needs to eat and sleep.” Sango sounded desperate.

“Hold on.” Sango sounded like she was handing the phone over to someone. “Kagome dear? Please talk to my son I cant bare to see him like this its tearing at my heart. Please help my baby. Please.” Izayoi begged of Kagome. Kagome thought for a second.

“Ill talk to you guys later OK I'm going to try and call him.” Kagome said goodbye to Izayoi and hung up. She looked at her phone staring at InuYasha's name for a while.

'What do I tell him? What will he say to me?' Kagome thought. After a few minutes passed by she hit the call button.

“Ka...Kagome?” Finally hearing his voice for the first time the whole weekend he kept going. “ that you?”

“InuYasha...are you OK? Everyone told me that you've locked yourself in your room and wont even eat.” Kagome told him over the phone.

“Kagome how I've missed your voice.” Kagome began to blush. It was a good thing that InuYasha couldn't see her face over the phone. “Please tell me you don't hate me. I know I fucked up but please don't hate me.” InuYasha practically begged of her.

“InuYasha..... I don't hate you. I don't think this is the way we should be discussing this.” Kagome told him. “InuYasha I have to go. I have to get ready to catch my train back home.”

“Kagome wait...” The phone line went dead. InuYasha finally opened the door to his room and everyone bombarded him with a million questions about what happened and if he was OK


Kagome went and brushed her teeth before she headed down into the kitchen to get something to eat. Her mom woke up and made her some breakfast.

“So are you all packed and ready to go back home?” She asked her daughter.


“I'm sure gonna miss you dear. It was so nice of you to come and visit us.” Mrs. Higurashi gave her daughter a hug. Kagome after eating went upstairs and got ready to head to the train station. She pulled on some jean shorts her converse and a tank top. She tied up her hair in a messy bun and then headed downstairs where her mom was waiting for her to finish getting ready. They all got in her moms car and headed off to the train station.

“Bye sis. Thank you for all the cool stuff. Ill miss you.” Souta gave Kagome a hug.

“You call me more often OK I wanna know how my daughter is doing more than just once every two weeks you know.” Mrs. Higurashi said hugging her daughter goodbye.

“I will mom. Ill talk to you guys later. I love you both bye.” Kagome boarded the train and waved to her mom and brother through the window. She lucked out with getting the window seats.

She put on her headphones and relaxed in her seat dozing off for the majority of the ride. She woke up to someone shaking her a bit.

“How much longer is it going to take?” InuYasha was pacing back and forth in front of Miroku and Sango.

“Relax InuYasha it takes to and a half hours to get here from Kyoto and its only been two hours.” Miroku explained to his friend. InuYasha sat down and waited impatiently for the train to arrive.

30 minutes later...

“Ma'am we've arrived in Tokyo.” One of the train employees told her. Kagome got up. It had gotten cold on the train so she pulled on her hoody during the ride before dozing off again. Kagome made her way off the train and pulled out her phone to text Sango and tell her that she had arrived.

“She just got off the train.” Sango told the guys. They all got up and began waling towards where Kagome said she would be. They spotted her and waved her down.

“Kagome its so great to have you back.” Sango said hugging her. Kagome laughed.

“I've only been gone for two days.” Kagome told her friend. Sango let go of her and Kagome walked over to Miroku giving him a hug as well She heard someone clear their throat behind Miroku and she looked to see who it was. There stood InuYasha smiling at her. Sango and Miroku decided to leave the two alone to talk.


“Hi” InuYasha pulled out something from behind his back and held it out to Kagome. It was a bouquet of calla lilies. Kagome took them and admired their beauty.

“I know their your favorite I remember you telling me so on our first date.” InuYasha explained to her. Kagome looked up at him a bit in shock.

“You... you remembered that?” Kagome asked him. He nodded his head. “Thank you. I love them.” Kagome told him. They stayed silent for a while.

“Kagome I messed up really bad. Please let me make it up to you. Let me take you out to diner on Friday Just the two of us. Please Kagome.” InuYasha asked her. Kagome agreed to the date and InuYasha smiled warmly at her. She returned his smile.

'That smile. I love that smile.' Kagome thought to herself.

'Kagome I promise you I will make things better.' InuYasha made a silent promise to her.
