InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With or Without You ❯ Finger Painting ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Finger Painting


Kagome seemed very out of it for the rest of the week. When she was in class she could barely pay attention to what her teacher was giving a lecture about. Once the day was over Kagome walked back home. She went straight to her room and plopped down on her bed.

'I cant concentrate on anything today.' She grabbed her laptop and tried to start on her paper for Friday' After about 30 minutes Kagome got frustrated and decided to give up because she couldn't come up with anything.

“Argh I cant even think right now.” She got up deciding to go for a walk.

“Maybe a walk help clear my head.” She grabbed her Zune and shoved it in her back pocket. She went out to the park and walked around for a while still getting distracted. She decided after a while to go back home and take a nice hot bath. When she got to her apartment she went straight to her bathroom setting her Zune on the ihome she bought for it. She was relaxed with her eyes closed listening to the twins when InuYasha's face popped in her head. She quickly opened her eyes.

'Why cant I stop thinking about him? Why am I so nervous about whats might happen Friday on our date.' Kagome thought to herself. She stayed in the bathtub for 30 minutes then got out when she heard the front door open.

“Kagome I'm home.” She could hear Sango yelling from the front door. “Miroku's with me and we brought something for you.” Kagome walked out of her room in sweats and a tank top She let her towel hang around her neck. She gave the both of them a kiss and a hug hello.

“What is it?” She asked as Miroku handed her a flat box. It had a note folded in between the ribbon that was holding the box shut.

“Its from InuYasha.” Sango told her. “He wanted us to give it to you.” Kagome stared at the box in her hands.

“Oh....OK.” She didn't understand why he didn't just give it to her himself. She was half disappointed because part of her wanted to see him. Sango watched her best friend staring at the box in her hands trying to read her emotions. She decided to break the awkward silence that suddenly fell over the room.

“Well were gonna go get something to eat, wanna come along?” Sango asked her. Kagome getting pulled out of her thoughts finally registered what Sango had just asked her.

“No. I'm not that hungry right now. You guys go ahead and enjoy though.” She told them.

“OK.” Sango told her. She got her bag and motioned for Miroku to leave. Miroku said his goodbye to Kagome. Sango gave Kagome a hug.

“Are you gonna be OK girl? Do you want me to stay here with you instead?” She asked Kagome. She shook her head.

“No you go ahead and enjoy I'm gonna stay here and try to finish my paper for Friday” Kagome explained to her.

“Alright. Just call me if you need anything OK? Love you.” Kagome gave her a hug then went into her room as Sango walked out the door. She placed the box down on her bed then walked over sitting down in front of her mirror and began brushing her hair. She looked back at the box through the mirror then decided to get up. Kagome walked over to the box and pulled out the note from under the ribbon opening it and reading it.

I hope that you can accept this gift as part of my apology. Please don't be mad at me for getting you this. I know you don't like it when I buy you things like this but I just want to make you happy. I cant wait to see you and that beautiful smile of yours that makes me so happy.


Kagome blushed at the last part. She looked over at the box wondering what it could be. At first she hesitated then decided to open it and find out what was inside. She was in the middle of taking the ribbon off of it when her phone started going off. Kagome looked at it for a second then answered it.

“Hey Kagome you want me to bring you anything from outside.”

“No Sango Ill make myself something to eat. Thank you though.” With that Kagome hung up the phone. Her stomach started to grumble so she put the box down deciding it could wait until she finished eating something. She walked over to the kitchen and made herself some mac and cheese. She grabbed a bowl and then went to the couch deciding to watch some TV while she ate. Kagome surfed through the channels and stopped when she saw that they were playing The Breakfast Club. She finished eating and went to go clean her dishes. Forgetting about the box that was sitting on her desk in her room she sat back down on the couch and continued to watch the movie. An hour into the movie Kagome fell asleep on the couch.

“Kagome.” Sango called to her. She shook the sleeping girl a bit trying to wake her.

“Kagome wake up its one in the morning.” Kagome mumbled something about dongs and puppies then turned over on the couch. Sango decided that since Miroku was going to spend the night that she might as well put the man to good use at the moment.

“Miroku can you take Kagome into her room please.”

“Yeah sure.” Miroku answered her. He walked over to Kagome and picked her up off the couch careful not to wake her. He struggled a bit at first but then was able to pick her up in his arms.

“Man shes heavier than I thought.” He told Sango as he carried her into her room. Sango was already in there getting Kagome's bed ready for her.

“She only weighs 120 pounds Miroku.” She informed him.

“What I thought she only weighed 100 pounds... barely.” He admitted to her. “Shes so skinny and InuYasha picks her up like she doesn't weigh a thing that anyone would think she only weigh around 100 pounds.” He confessed to her.

“You forget though, InuYasha is a half demon so of course its going to be no problem for him to pick her up.” Miroku nodded in agreement and they walked out of Kagome's room after he placed her on her bed. Before walking out and closing her door Sango looked over at Kagome's desk and noticed that she still hadn't opened the gift that InuYasha had sent her. She wondered why. Was Kagome that upset with InuYasha that she didn't want to accept his gifts? She closed Kagome's bedroom door and walked over to Miroku who was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels.

“I'm kinda worried about this whole Kagome and InuYasha hing. You know she still hasn't even opened the gift he sent her.” Sango told Miroku as she sat down next o him on the couch. Miroku put his arm around her and kissed her on the head.

“Everything will work out between those two. Don't you worry about it. Those two are made for each other and its going to take a lot more than Kikyo to keep them apart.” Sango looked up at her boyfriend.

“How can you be so sure about it.” He chuckled at his girlfriends question.

“Because a little birdy told me that InuYasha is in love with little old Kagome.” He told her. She gave him a funny look .

“He is? Really?” She asked him. Miroku nodded his head.

“Good. Its about time. He should really tell her that he does.” She stated.

“I think hes more worried about her not returning his feeling.” He pointed out to her.

“Pfft. Kagome's been in love with that big idiot for the longest time now.” Sango explained to him. Miroku smirked.

'Good then everything should work out perfect on Friday' He thought to himself. He looked down at Sango and picked her up bridal style off the couch. She shrieked out at the sudden gesture.

“Miroku.” She smacked his chest playfully. “What do you think your doing?” She asked him as he started making his way over to her room.

“Oh you'll see.” Was all he said to her before throwing her on her bed. He grinned down at her. Just when she was about to say something else he started to tickle her vigorously. They had a tickle fight for what seemed like hours then decided to go to sleep. It was almost four in the morning when they finally got to sleep.


Kagome didn't have any classes on Tuesdays but she had to go to work in the mornings until around three in the afternoon. When she got up she wondered how she got in her room. All she remembered was falling asleep on the couch. She got up and took a shower after brushing her teeth. She walked over to her close and took out some clothes to wear deciding on a light blue t-shirt with the batman logo on it, a pair of jeans and her converse. After getting dressed she put her straight hair into a messy bun and went to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast. When she finished eating and cleaning up her dishes she grabbed her keys and headed out the door putting her headphones on listening to her Zune

Kagome worked at Fukazawa Daycare owned by Kaede Fukazawa. She was a very nice elderly lady. Kagome enjoyed coming in to work at the daycare very much. She had been working for Kaede since she turned 15. Not only was Kaede Kagome's boss but she was also like Kagome's second mother with all the help that she offered Kagome when she needed anything.

“Morning Kaede.” Kagome waved as she walked in through the door.

“Good morning Kagome.” Kaede replied. Just as Kagome walked back into the room after clocking in she nearly got tackled down by a big crowd of little people.

“Kagome, Kagome.” All the little kids from the daycare really loved Kagome. Hey all thought she was the coolest person they had ever met being really smart and pretty and all. All the little girls admired her and wanted to be just like her when they got older. Kagome really loved to be around them. Since Kaede had a lot of things to take care of today she left Kagome in charge for the day.

“Hey guys.” Kagome said to the kids. “What do you guys think we should do today?” She asked them. They all began telling her their suggestions on what to do for the day all at once.

“Hold on you guys. One at a time so I can understand you guys.” Kagome told them enjoying their excitement

“Lets play tag.”

“Lets play pretend.”

“Lets watch a movie.”

“Lets paint.” They told Kagome. She thought for a moment. She walked over to their daily activities board. Kagome grabbed one of the markers and began writing down the plan for the day.

“OK. So how about we go outside and play tag in the back.” She explained to them as she wrote it down on the board. “Then we can have a snack. After that we can play pretend followed by lunch while we watch a movie. After nap time we can finger paint. How does that sound?” She asked them. They all agreed and Kagome took them all outside for their game of tag.

Once they all got a bit hungry Kagome brought them inside for their snack. They ate and Kagome started their game of pretend. After that Kagome served them all their lunches and started a movie for them to watch as they ate. They were watching The Fox and the Hound. Halfway through the movie all of the kids fell asleep so Kagome took it as an opportunity to go on a break and go talk to Kaede. Kaede was also taking her own break for the day before going back to her paperwork.

Kagome and Kaede talked for the whole time that the kids were asleep until they started waking up. Kagome told her about her trip to Kyoto and about what had happened between her and InuYasha. When Kagome went back out to where that kids were she began taking out all the supplies they were going to need for their finger painting. The kids were all painting when one of the boys decided that the paint would look better on people instead of on paper which lead to a paint fight. After their little finger paint fight their parents started to show up to pick them up. Once all of the kids were gone Kagome sighed and looked around at the mess that needed to be cleaned up. This wasn't the first time this had happened. The kids just loved to finger paint and it always ended in a paint fight. Kaede had come out of her office and helped Kagome clean up before Kagome went home. Kagome said her thanks to Kaede and they said their goodbyes. When she finally got to her apartment building she got on the elevator to get to her floor.

“Good thing this paint comes out with water. I really love this shirt.” She said to herself looking down at her paint covered body. The elevator doors opened and she stepped out walking down the hall to her apartment. She looked up towards her door and almost wished she hadn't InuYasha was leaning against the wall next to her door. Kagome walked up to her door avoiding all eye contact with him.

“Kagome.” Was all he could say before he pulled her into a tight embrace Kagome was taken by surprise not expecting him to do that.

“InuYasha?” He finally let go of her.

“Why did you come here?” She asked him.

“Listen Kagome I know we were supposed to go on that date on Friday but I just couldn't go another day without seeing you. I was hoping we could talk. Maybe grab a bite to eat while were at it?” InuYasha looked at Kagome with pleading eyes. Kagome hesitated at first not really wanting to speak with anyone at the moment but she just needed some questions that had been clouding her mind so she nodded her head and agreed to go. InuYasha smiled and looked down at her paint covered body.

“Do you want to go change first or do you just wanna go like that?” He asked her. She looked down at herself completely forgetting that she was covered in paint and blushed. She opened her door and turned to him after they were both in her apartment.

“Ill be just 15 minutes.” She told him heading over to her room. InuYasha sat down on the couch and started watching some TV while Kagome got ready. After Kagome had taken a quick shower and put on a tank top and some jeans she walked into the living room where InuYasha was watching Teen Titans. She sat down on the couch and threw on her chucks. She really didn't want to carry around her bag so she put everything she needed in her back pant pocket. After they walked out Kagome locked her door and they walked out of her building and towards InuYasha's car. He walked her over to the passenger side and opened the door for her.

The whole ride over to the cafe they were headed to was quiet, Kagome stared out the car window the whole way there. Once they got to the cafe they found a table outside after ordering some food and drinks.

“What is it that you wanted to talk about InuYasha?” Kagome asked him. InuYasha was a bit taken back by the way that Kagome just wanted to get to the point of them being there.

“I'm doing fine how bout you?” He joked. Kagome not being amused just pressed on with her previous question.

“What did you want to talk about?” She asked again.

“I wanted to apologize about what happened at the movie theater with Kikyo on Friday You didn't deserve to find out about that. Not in the way you did. That was something you should have heard coming from me.” InuYasha confessed. Kagome kept looking down at her hands that were sitting in her lap not daring to look InuYasha in the eye.

“Why...why did you do it?” She asked him. She needed to why and she didn't want to hear it from someone else. She wanted to hear it coming out of his mouth. “Why didn't you push her away on Friday when she kissed you?” Kagome was clenching her fists at this point to the point where her knuckles were turning white when she remembered how Kikyo had thrown herself all over InuYasha. InuYasha not knowing how to answer her question hesitated a bit.

“ was...Kagome I don't even know how to answer your question to be honest. I don't even remember what had happened that night. All I remember was waking up in the morning and her being there on my bed laying down next to me with noting on.” He started. He stopped and thought for a moment before continuing.


“Hey InuYasha Happy Birthday.” A girl with red hair in pig tails told him giving him a hug.

“Thanks Ayame. Have you seen Kagome?” He asked her.

“Last I saw her she was in the back garden with Sango.” She informed him.

“Thanks. Enjoy the party.” He told her before heading outside to look for Kagome.

“Sango are you sure?” Kagome asked.

“Yes I'm sure InuYasha will love it.” She reassured her friend. Just then InuYasha walked up to them.

“Sure I'd love what?” He asked throwing his arms around the both of them. Kagome blushed in embarrassment.

“Hey InuYasha.”

“So what are you guys up to?” He asked. Kagome turned even more red holding something behind her pocket tightly. Just when she was about to give InuYasha what she was holding Miroku showed up next to them.

“Hey guys its time for the cake.” He told them. They all began waling back to the house talking about how great of a time they were all having.

“It sure was nice of Izayoi to let you have your birthday party while they're out of town.” Kagome told InuYasha. InuYasha's dad had to go on a business trip with Sesshomaru and Izayoi had decided to tag along wanting to get out of the house.

“Yeah it sure was.” He agreed. Once they were all inside the house everyone sang Happy Birthday to InuYasha. Just as they finished someone came up behind Kagome and asked her for a dance. Kagome really didn't want to but she didn't want to be rude to the guy.

“Sure Kouga.” She smiled at him. He led her to the middle of the room where everyone else was dancing and began to dance with Kagome.

Kouga Watanabe was a wolf demon. He always had a crush on Kagome but could never convince her to date him. He knew that there was something going on between her and InuYasha and always started fights with InuYasha for it. He had icy blue eyes and long brown hair that he tied up in a high ponytail As Kagome danced with Kouga, Kikyo was making her way over to InuYasha holding two cups in her hands. She tapped him to get his attention.

“Thirsty?” She asked as he turned to face her. InuYasha just looked at her and told her no. She looked at him hurt then decided to press on.

“InuYasha please can we just talk?” She asked him. InuYasha finally gave in and walked over with her to a quieter room. He walked her up to the family home theater. Once in the room Kikyo sat down next to InuYasha on the sofa.

“Thirsty?” She asked him again handing him one of the cups she was holding in her hands. InuYasha took one of the cups and chugged down half of it. He never noticed the smirk on Kikyo's face as he drank.

“So what did you want to talk about?” He asked her trying to find out why she desperately wanted to talk to him. In all reality he just wanted to get this over with so he could go find Kagome. He really needed to talk to her about something.

“I just wanted to apologize for the way that I had acted when we were dating.” She explained to him. InuYasha shot up at this.

“Kikyo that was almost 3 or four years ago or something like that.” He thought about it for a second. He couldn't really remember when it was. “Why are you bringing this up now? Besides its not me you should be apologizing to, its my friends.” He told her. He started to feel dizzy and sat back down holding his head.

“Are you OK?” Kikyo asked him. She knew full well what was going on. She had put a couple of roofies in his drink and he was finally feeling the affects of it. She had put in more than one because she wanted to make sure it worked fast and because of the fact that he was half demon so it wouldn't just affect him as easily as it would a human. InuYasha looked over at Kikyo and after that he had no control over his actions.


Kagome walked over to where Sango was with Miroku and a couple other people.

“Hey have any of you guys seen InuYasha?” She asked them. She had to go soon and she just wanted to wish him a happy birthday again and give him his present. Everyone shook their head no.

“No. Last we saw him was when we sang Happy Birthday to him then he just disappeared” Miroku told her. Kagome nodded her head .

'I wonder where he could be?' She thought to herself. She asked around for him some more then decided it was already late. She walked back over to Sango and Miroku and hugged them goodbye.

“I have to go but please tell InuYasha I said Happy Birthday again and that I'm sorry I had to leave.” They agreed to pass on the message and with that Kagome headed outside to where she parked her moms car. She had let Kagome borrow it so that she wouldn't have to walk back home.


InuYasha woke up the ext day with a massive headache.

“Ugh... What happened last night?” He asked himself not noticing the other body laying down on his arm. When he went to get up to go to the bathroom was when he noticed. He looked over when he realized that he couldn't move his arm and what he saw made him stumble off of the bed. The loud thump from him landing on the floor caused the person on his bed to wake up.

End Flashback...

Kagome just kept looking down at her hands while InuYasha finished telling her the story. Now she understood. Kikyo had taken advantage of him. She had used him as if he were a piece of meat.

“Why didn't you ever tell me or anyone else for that matter?” She asked him in a quiet voice. He looked at her from across the table.

“I was just so ashamed and I thought you would never look at me the same way anymore. I should have realized she was up to something. I'm sorry Kagome. I never wanted to hurt you so I never told you about what had happened that night.” He explained to her. He pulled something from under his shirt and held it out around his neck for Kagome to see. “I still hold this close to me at all times because it shows me how much you care about me.” Kagome looked at the chain around his neck. It was the birthday present she had given to him the next day when they all hung out. She had given him a locket with a picture they had taken together one day at a photo booth. Kagome blushed. InuYasha got up off his chair and made his way over to Kagome offering his hand to her. She stared at it for a second then looked up at his face questioning his motives.

“How about a walk in the park. It is a nice day out. Why waste it?” He told her. She nodded and too his hand getting up off her chair. Once they started walking InuYasha never let go of her hand almost as if he would lose her forever if he did. After they had it made it to the park and walked around for a bit InuYasha looked over at Kagome.

“Does this mean you forgive me?” He asked her referring to how she never let go of his hand either. Kagome looked up at him and noticed the hopeful look in his eyes.

“Yes on one condition though.” She told him.

“I'm listening.”

“We never keep anything from each other ever again no matted what it is.” She explained to him. They were by the lake in the park. InuYasha stopped and pulled on Kagome's hand bring her close to his chest in an embrace. He put his arms around her shoulders while she looked up at him blushing. He smiled.

“OK then. No more secrets.” He told her.

“Promise?” She looked him dead in the eye proving how serious she was about the situation.

“Promise babe.” Her blush got even deeper. InuYasha's smile got even wider.

“Like for one... you look beautiful when you blush.” With that he leaned his head down and gave her a quick kiss on the lips not wanting to rush things he began to pull away only to be held in place by Kagome hand on the back of his neck. Without hesitating he deepened the kiss. After coming out of their kiss for air they smiled at each other and continued their walk talking about anything and everything. Once it got dark InuYasha took Kagome home and told her he would see her on Friday He wouldn't be able to see her Wednesday of Thursday because he told her he would be really busy. In all reality he was still preparing for their date. He wanted it to go perfect. They said their goodbyes and Kagome walked up to her apartment as InuYasha drove off. She walked into her apartment and made her way into the kitchen getting a drink out of the fridge. When she closed the fridge door she noticed a not hanging from it. She plucked it off and read it.

Don't wait up for me, I'm staying over a Miroku's tonight. Ill be back in tomorrow after school. Please feed Kilala for me. Thank you. I love you girl. Be safe.

Kilala was Sango's pet fire cat demon. She had gotten her when she was just a little girl as a present from her dad. When she moved in with Kagome she just couldn't leave her behind and brought her along.

Kagome threw the not out after she finished reading it and walked over to her room. She took a shower and brushed her teeth getting ready for bed. She walked back out into the hall and called for Kilala A few seconds later she could be seen going towards Kagome jumping into her arms.

“Wanna sleep with aunty Kagome tonight?” Kagome scratched the back of the demons ear as it started to meow and purr. Kagome chuckled.

“Ill take that as a yes.” Just as Kagome was about to lay down on her bed she looked over at her desk and noticed the unopened gift that InuYasha had sent her with Miroku and Sango.

“I wonder what it could be.” She thought out loud She made her way over to the box and picked it up. She looked at it for a while then set it down on her bed. Kilala walked over to the box and put a paw on it sniffing at it. She looked back up at Kagome then back at the box. Kagome pet her and sighed.

“Your curious about whats in it too aren't you?” Kilala meowed in response to the question. Kagome had already taken off the ribbon on it so she grabbed the sides of the top of the box and began pulling it off. Once the top was off she pulled back the thin film paper that was in it. She gasped.
