InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With Time Comes Change ❯ Birthday Surprises pt. 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer - Inuyasha © Rumiko Takahashi
Chapter One:
Birthday Surprises pt. 1
“Ses-shou-ma-ru, we are going to be late,” she complained with a whiney voice for the third time in the past five minutes.
A frustrated Kagome paced back and forth in her silver t-strapped Manolo Blahnik stilettos. The `clinking' and `clonking' echoed on the marble floors of Sesshoumaru's bedroom while she tried to will the door to the bathroom open with the stare of her eyes.
He gave no reply of hearing her whines from behind that door. She growled to herself in frustration.
This might have been the first and only time that she had actually been ready on time. Usually it was the other way around. Sesshoumaru always ended up waiting on her to finish getting ready, for her to finish picking out which handbag to carry with which outfit, and for her decided on what pair of shoes she wanted to wear.
Kagome wasn't a petty or shallow woman; she just took pride in the way that she presented her self. That, and it was part of her job to look good. Her mantra was: if she looked good, so would her clients.
It was very out of character for Sesshoumaru to be running behind, he was always quite punctual. To Sesshoumaru Taylor, being on time said a lot about a person.
Time seemed to be amiss on the night that Kagome had wanted to go perfect. After all, she had planned it. It wasn't every day that your boyfriend turned thirty.
Earlier, Kagome had even brought all of her things that she needed to get ready over to Sesshoumaru's so he wouldn't have to stop at her apartment to pick her up. She thought that this way he could manage her time for her and keep her on track. This time, it was he who was running behind.
`Okay, so maybe taking a shower together wasn't the greatest idea in the world…' Kagome grinned as the scene reenacted its self in her mind. Enjoyable? Most definitely—but it had set them back an extra forty-five minutes. `And maybe I did hog the bathroom…I could have used the guest bathroom.'
Kagome dismissed that thought as she looked at herself from the mirror in Sesshoumaru's closet. Working in PR did have its benefits; take, for example, the chocolate-striped, cosmopolitan style dress with an empire-waist by Ella Moss. The dress had been a gift from one of the models whom she represented during a recent ad campaign. Kagome made sure that the model looked good both to the camera and to the press, and in return the model had wanted Kagome to look good. It took a special someone to be able to look good in the ankle length, asymmetrically cut, stripped dress, but if fit Kagome's small frame perfectly.
At the age of 25, she was highly sought after. She had quickly made a name for her self when she started her internship with Style PR, Inc. For Kagome it came naturally. Her personality, honestly, charisma, and charm won people over immediately. It didn't take long for her to develop some serious credibility. Kagome had really built up her clientele the past few years.
She ran her fingers through her straight black hair and walked towards the bathroom door while closing her eyes, trying to regain her calmness. She softly knocked on the door. “Sessh, reservations are at 8:30, it's going to take at least forty minutes to get downtown in this weather. If we are not there when we're supposed to be they'll let our table go because our whole party isn't there,” she calmly explained, trying to get some sort of reaction out of him.
Hunched over the sink with the cold water running was Sesshoumaru, he was a mess. Things had been going so well for the past five months with Kagome and he knew that she would not take tonight so well. Procrastination really wasn't his style, but for some reason, he hadn't been able to tell her this one thing.
The outside world never saw this side of him—the side that displayed his few insecurities and vulnerabilities.
He splashed some of the water on his face and tried to wash away the awful feeling that was flowing throughout his body. He soaked up the excess water with a towel but it hadn't washed away any of his worry.
Sesshoumaru could hear her protests about the dinner reservations. Yes, it was his thirtieth birthday, and no, he didn't really care. In all reality, he could really care less. He would much rather spend the night at home in bed with his Kagome.
Sesshoumaru took a moment and fell back into his calm façade as he opened the door. He was greeted by a pouting Kagome who had her arms crossed over her chest. He gave her one of those rare smiles and watched as the corners of her lips started to twitch upwards as she desperately tried to hold onto that frown. But to no avail, her face broke into one of her trade mark smiles that Sesshoumaru had silently appreciated since the day he first laid eyes on her.
He stalked over to her with a predatory gleam in his eyes and rested his hands on her shoulders. Visually, he was drinking in her beauty.
He gave her a quick kiss on the lips.
“Remind me again why we are going out when we could just stay in,” he said before kissing her softly on the neck, trying to seduce her, “just the two of us,” he added for a good persuasive measure between kisses.
“Oh no you don't. Sesshoumaru J. Taylor, stop being so sneaky,” she giggled while he lavished her neck with attention.
“You know very well that your brother and our friends are all waiting for the birthday boy to make his debut at his party,” she scolded. “And these reservations were hard to get. I really had to pull a lot of strings to get us in on that short of notice.” She stuck out her lips a little bit for good measure.
“This Sesshoumaru doesn't have friends…or a brother,” he said with the deepest amount of monotone that he possessed.
Kagome mentally rolled her eyes. Why was he trying so hard to get out of this tonight? It wasn't like he was ashamed taking that one step out of your twenties and one into your thirties. And why did he talk like that? She never really understood why he would talk in third person from time to time. Maybe it had to do with the way he was raised. Or maybe it was all that confidence that he possessed. `Confidence or arrogance, take your pick.'
But that's what made him Sesshoumaru, and she would take it, the whole package: the good, the bad, and the stuff that wasn't understandable.
She smiled. Kagome put her hand on his chin and playfully pushed him away. “You do too have friends, and a brother. Stop being so damn stubborn and finish getting dressed. I don't think they'll let your in without a shirt.”
Sesshoumaru nipped at her hand with a smirk; he knew that he would let her win this one. He walked over to his closet and put on the olive green button up shirt that Kagome had set aside. He saw the black sports jacket lying on the bed that she had instructed him to wear with his black trousers and put that on as well.
He turned around and faced Kagome for inspection. Kagome smiled as she approached him and unbuttoned the collar on the neck of his shirt along with the first few buttons. The shirt really brought out his amber eyes and pale blonde hair, which he kept relatively short and spiky. She ran her hands up and down his well developed biceps a couple times, taking in the sensations that his muscles imprinted on her fingers.
“So are we ready?” she asked, pleased with his appearance.
“I just have to put on my watch,” Sesshoumaru answered.
“Can you go grab my wallet? It's on the desk in the office.”
Kagome leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “Sure.”
She walked out of the bedroom and headed down the hallway.
Kagome opened the double French doors that lead into Sesshoumaru's small home work space and flipped on the lights. `So clean and so tidy, not a thing out of place, just like Sesshoumaru.'
She ventured over towards the black mahogany desk as she spotted that which she had been sent to retrieve in the first place.
Kagome picked up the wallet and accidentally caught piece of paper with her fingers. She tucked the wallet under her arm and set the paper back down on the desk.
She was turning to walk away but something caught her eye; she did a double take. Underneath the paper was what to be an airline ticket. She picked it up and examined it.
Her heart skipped a beat and her forehead tightened in confusion.
Normally, she wouldn't resort to snooping but desperate times called for desperate measures. She sifted though the other papers and the desk and pulled out an airline confirmation.
`I'm sure there's an explanation—a perfectly good explanation.'
If she would have had time, she would have parked her self in that chair and read through everything carefully. Since time was an issue, she carefully folded up the airline conformation and stuck it in the gold handbag that had been dangling off her wrist.
She shut off the lights and closed the doors, everything appearing how it had before she had entered. Everything, that is, except thoughts that now plagued her rudely awakened mind.