InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Sleepy Daddy ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Silvery bangs slid across a tan forehead as a man shifted in sleep, a few strands were slicked and stuck in place with perspiration that came in the humid night air. Beside the tall bed frame where the man rested, a small head bobbed up and down. Deep azure eyes focused on the sleeping man.

“Daddy, wake up” The child pleaded, prodding the man with a tiny finger. There was a heavy sigh from the man as he let one eyelid slid open, revealing a sleep groggy amber orb.

“What?” The man slurred. The child bobbed again, his tiny hands reaching for the comforter to use as leverage to pull his tiny frame up on the bed.

“Shinrai, I’m trying to sleep, what do you want,” The man grumbled again, reaching down and easily plucking the child from the floor, to sit him on his chest. The young boy giggled and leaned down so his nose hovered above his fathers.

“Mommy’s been up for hours and she sent me to wake you up. She says you’re being a lazy bum and that you need to get up and get moving,” Shinrai giggled. The man opened both his eyes now, his lids hovering half slitted in annoyance.

“She said that did she?” He asked. Shinrai nodded, giggling again.

“Inuyasha, are you up yet?” Both of their heads snapped up at the sound, and they listened as soft footsteps made their way down the hallway.

 Inuyasha sat up in the bed the boy cradled against his chest as he got up from bed, before the door to the room was pushed open.

“I’m awake,’ Inuyasha told her. Kagome chuckled brushing her dark hair over her shoulder before holding out her arms to the child that smiled at her from his place in Inuyasha’s grasp.

“Thank you Shinrai for waking him,” She praised the child. Inuyasha handed the boy to her, who wrapped his small arms around her neck, nuzzling against her.

“Keh, I’d rather you woke me up,” Inuyasha grumbled. Kagome rolled her eyes at him and left the room. Inuyasha trailed behind her, scratching his head and stifling a yawn behind his hand.

             Inuyasha found himself seated at the kitchen table, a plate set out for him, piled with toast and eggs, still steaming from the pan. He smiled, digging in with his fork. He looked up as Kagome scooted across his vision, her hips swaying to the music crackling over the radio. Shinrai was balanced on her hip, one of his small hands clasped in hers, as the other gripped her shoulder. They both laughed, as Kagome dipped the small boy. She straightened out, pecking him on the cheek.

“What are you doing?” Inuyasha asked. Shinrai laughed as Kagome tickled him before setting him down on the floor, where he scampered off into the living room.

“I was dancing, you do know that tomorrow is Sango and Miroku’s wedding, right? You didn’t forget?” Inuyasha snorted at her questions. Like he could have forgotten, Sango had only been over everyday for the past month, asking Kagome about flowers and entrees, what color for the bridesmaid dresses, and if Shinrai could be the ring bearer.

“Of course I didn’t forget, how could I” He replied. Kagome smiled and leaned on the table, her chin resting on her hand..

“Good, because we have to get there early because we’re part of the wedding party, so no sleeping in tomorrow” She teased. Inuyasha grumbled as he dug into his eggs again. Kagome smiled, extending her free hand to brush his bangs from his eyes.

“You’re too cute with your hair all mussed up from sleep” Kagome commented. Inuyasha scoffed, raising an eyebrow at her.

“I am not cute. I’m handsome, so get it right”