InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Chapter 17

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

             They opened up a bank account in Shinrai’s name when the first check came at the end of the month. Kagome brought the boy to the bank with her, told him the money was his, that he could use it when he was older. Or if there was a special toy he wanted, he could use it for that. Of course he asked questions, mainly about Kouga.

“Who is he, Mama? Why is he giving us money?” The small boy asked. He darted ahead of his mother to push open the door for her. His unruly bangs falling across his gaze. Kagome smiled at him, taking a sip of air, to calm her fly away emotions.

“Sweetheart, there are a lot of things that you wouldn’t understand if I explained this to you now,” She said slowly. He skipped down the steps ahead of her, spinning around to blink up at her.

“So, I could if I tried,” was his reply. Kagome stifled a sad chuckle.

“I’d rather explain it when you’re older. All right?” She asked. Shinrai studied her, her eyes were shimmering, and he could see in her half hearted smile, the sadness she was trying to hide. His mother was always brave, and she always smiled, so he never liked it when she cried. Especially if he had something to do with her tears.

“Okay, Mama. I can wait,” He told her. She brightened at his assent, and reached out to take his hand.

“Good, now let’s hurry to the store. I’ll buy you a cookie, and you can eat it after your hair cut”

      & nbsp;     Inuyasha sat down at his desk, he had been thinking of something. There had been something important he was about to do, and for the life of him he couldn’t remember what it was. His hair fell in his eyes, when he leaned forward and he blew the overly long bangs from his face, with a dissatisfied grunt.

“What was I doing?” He said to himself. He hoped maybe hearing his own voice would make the thought or action come back to him. He was wrong, the something he had been about to do, had flown from his mind.

“Damn it” He grouched. He tapped his fingers against the keyboard in front of him. The computer was off, and his desk was neat. He was off for the day, and now he couldn’t remember what it was he had been planning to do with his time.

‘I must be getting old,’ He thought with a frown. Inuyasha shrugged, and got to is feet. He shuffled around his desk and grabbed his coat, pulling it on and reaching for the zipper. His hair fell over his shoulder, and in his rush to zip, he caught it, braking a few silvery strands and ensnaring the rest in the metal teeth.

“Well, fuck,” He cursed, head bent so not to tug painfully on his scalp. He grasped the chunk of hair and the zipper, trying to work it out of the teeth. The phone started to chirp from his desk, and he let out a string of colorful curses.

“What!” He growled into the receiver. He regretted it, as soon as he heard the huff on the other line.

“Jerk, I was calling to remind you about your hair cut appointment,” Kagome sputtered. “Shinrai is waiting, he has a surprise for you. And if you don’t hurry up I’m going to keep it for myself” There was a click and Inuyasha let out a sigh, dropping the phone in its cradle.

“Haircut, that’s what I forgot” He snorted, before he grabbed a pair of scissors from the desk clipping the caught bit of hair, and then strolling out the door.

             Shinrai munched happily on his chocolate chip cookie. He was swinging his legs around, glancing up ever so often to grin at his father across from him. His father had already finished off his treat, and was reading a page from the paper, as he ran a hand through his newly cut hair.

“Daddy?” Inuyasha looked up at his son’s inquiry.

“What?” He grunted. Shinrai tilted his head to the side.

“You didn’t get very much of a hair cut,” The boy stated. Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

“I like my hair the way it is, I only needed a trim,” He replied.

“But wouldn’t you want short hair,” Shinrai said. “So you hair doesn’t get stuck in your jacket again”

“That was a one time thing,” Inuyasha retorted, nose wrinkling in displeasure at the reminder.

“Mama told me she liked my short hair better,” Shinrai continued. Inuyasha’s eyebrow twitched.

“Well, good for you”

“Don’t you want Mama to like your hair too? You should get it like mine, it’s better”

Inuyasha was trying to keep his temper in check. He knew that Shinrai was still young, so he didn’t know that his mother only told him certain things, so he would do them. Like getting his hair short, because she said she liked it. Or telling him that he could have a cookie if he picked up his toys. But honestly he was getting annoyed, being lectured about his hair cut by a pint sized five year old.

“I like my hair just fine Shin,” He said, grinding his teeth. Shinrai let out a soft sigh, and shrugged his shoulders.

“Okay” Inuyasha smiled as the room fell silent again. Shinrai went back to his cookie, taking the last few bites, then chasing them with apple juice. He stared at his empty plate, reached up to rub his nose, then looked back at his father.

“Daddy?” Inuyasha’s eyebrow twitched again.

“Yes, Shin”

“I’m sure Mama loves you, even though my hair cut is better”

Inuyasha sighed, and reached across the table to ruffle the boy’s dark hair.

“That’s good to know. Thanks Shin”