InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Chapter 16

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

             Inuyasha stayed his hand once again as it patted out a rhythm on his thigh. He was starting to annoy himself with his own nervous habits. He looked to his side where Shinrai was kicking his legs back and forth, a drawing pad on his lap.

“What are you drawing?” He asked his son, trying to distract himself from watching the court’s doors. Shinrai shrugged.

“Nothing, just stuff,” was his reply. Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

‘So much for a conversation’ He thought.

“When is Mama coming back? Why couldn’t we go in too?” Shinrai asked after a moment.

“Because, your mother said she had to do this by herself,” He replied, repeating his wife’s words. She had been reluctant to tell him about the court date, but when she’d got home the night before he’d pried out of her that it had been set for today. He’d been mad she’d thought she could do this without him, and even madder when she told him to sit this one out, not even allowing him to go into the court room.

“Then why did Auntie Amber go with her?” Shinrai asked, looking up from his drawing. Inuyasha took a minute to think over his answer, before opening his mouth to reply.

“Because Auntie is your mother’s lawyer,” was his retort. Shinrai looked at him quizzically.

“What’s that?”

“Um...” He let out a breath. “I’ll explain it to you when you’re older”

“You always say that Daddy” Inuyasha shrugged.

“Only since you started asking harder questions”

    &n bsp;       “So the terms are agreeable to both sides?” The judge asked. The two lawyers and their clients rose to the feet.

“Yes, we agree,” Amber said, her voice carrying strongly. The other lawyer nodded in agreement. Kagome let out a small sigh, as she took her seat again, trying not to fidget. The pressure on her bladder was reaching it’s limit.

“Good, now you both shall sign, and this court will be dismissed” The judge continued. He handed his bailiff a piece of parchment. He brought it to Kouga first, who glanced over it briefly before signing, and then over to Kagome. She glanced at it too, before jotting down her own signature under Kouga’s.

The bailiff returned the paper to the judge, who took it graciously and stood, dismissing everyone. Kagome got to her feet as quickly as she could manage, one hand on her lower back, the other keeping her balance on the back of the chair. Amber seeing this reached over and took her elbow helping her to straighten.

“I need a bathroom, urgently,” Kagome whispered to her friend. Amber chuckled and nodded. She slung Kagome’s purse over her shoulder, before grabbing her own briefcase.

“Let’s get you to one,” She said. Kagome nodded and they started down the aisle. Kouga followed after, his lawyer in tow.

“Kagome?” He called to her. Kagome let out a breath, glancing at him as he came up on her other side.

“Yes?” She answered. He smiled at her, it wasn’t the charming grin she once loved, but a rather poor imitation.

“I’m happy to do this, I really do wish I could change my past actions,” He said to her. Amber snorted on her other side. Kouga sent a glare her way.

“Well, you can’t, what’s done is done,” Kagome said, her eyes looking forward. She heard him let out a weary sigh.

“I truly am sorry, and I wish there was some way to make up it up to you, and your boy,” He replied. Kagome turned to glance at him, he met her gaze, those damn blue eyes of his glistening with his sincerity.

“I know, but there isn’t and there probably never will be, so just let it go,” She told him. He blinked and looked away, nodding. When they reached the door he held it open for her and she thanked him, but after that nothing was said between them.

Kagome felt her spirits lift as she spotted a silver head not to far down the long hall, sitting on the waiting bench. She lifted her hand to wave, and promptly caught his attention. She smiled as he gathered up their son and started toward her.

“Y-you married him?” She heard Kouga say. She turned to frown at him.

“Shut up Kouga” Amber snapped at him. He glared at her and then looked back at Inuyasha as he came upon them, Shinrai’s hand clutched in his.

“How are you feeling?” Inuyasha asked, looking her over. Kagome smiled at him.

“Like I need a bathroom, I swear if I don’t pop out this baby soon I’ll dry up like a prune from peeing so often,” She retorted. Inuyasha snorted. Shinrai reached out to curl his hand in his mothers dress, gaining her attention.

“Daddy said we could go out for ice cream, can we?” He asked. Kagome laughed and ruffled his dark hair.

“Sure, but first I have to find a bathroom,” She said. She took his hand and started down the hall, Amber following after. Inuyasha turned to follow, but stopped when Kouga cleared his throat loudly. He glanced his way, eyes narrowed.

“You got something to say?” He said, voice rumbling from his throat. Kouga looked a bit taken aback, before he pulled together his composure.

“Yes,” He answered. “I just wanted to-to apologize”

“Really? Well isn’t that a surprise,” Inuyasha retorted. Kouga frowned, reaching up to run a nervous hand through his hair.

“Well, I’m sorry, for abandoning her and leaving you to take care of her,” He said. Inuyasha clenched his fist and set his jaw.

“If that’s the case you can keep your lousy words. I don’t need ‘em and neither does she,” He growled out. “You’re a damn coward and a bastard too, you didn’t leave her in my care, she’s always been mine to care for” Inuyasha glanced up his eyes blazing into Kouga’s.

“You’re a fucking dick, and if I ever cross paths with you again, you can bet I won’t be this civil next time” Inuyasha finished shooting him another look before spinning around and leaving him behind to catch up to his wife and son. It might be a small family, but it was his.