InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Chapter 15

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


          &n bsp; Kagome cringed as another well placed kick from the baby had her bladder ready to explode. She glanced to her side, and briefly tossed around the idea of not bothering Inuyasha again with her bathroom problems. Another kick, and she forgot that idea.

“Could you maybe speed up a little, I need a bathroom badly,” She called out to her husband. Inuyasha’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the wheel tighter. He nodded and stepped on the gas.

“Stop it,” Kagome admonished. Inuyasha grit his teeth. “What the hell is your problem now?” She asked. Inuyasha all but growled back at her, before coming to an abrupt stop at a light.

“Since when do you need money from Kouga? Since when is my money not enough?” He snapped. Kagome let out a sigh.

“Amber is the one who started this, I didn’t want this either, but now it’s started so we have to deal,” She told him. He snorted, starting down the street again.

“Why can’t we just forget it, drop the whole deal?” He asked. Kagome squirmed in her seat, her patience for the conversation dissipating quickly.

“It’s a matter of the law now, he’s the biological father and has to pay child support until Shin is eighteen or if he goes to college until he’s twenty three. Just forget it okay, we will just stick the money in a bank account and let Shin use it when he gets older,” Kagome replied.

“I just don’t like you getting involved in this now, when you’ve got only a month to go and this stress isn’t good for you,” Inuyasha grumbled out. He took a corner quickly, and Kagome clasped the door handle, one hand fluttering to her stomach.

“I’m fine, it’s you who’s stressing, now chill out before you crash!” She snapped.

“You’re the one who was desperate to get to a bathroom”

“With the way you’re driving I won’t need one soon!”

       ;      The court date was set and Kagome had planned on not telling Inuyasha, knowing he’d demand to accompany her. She really didn’t need him, fluttering around her and puffing up around Kouga. The two had never gotten along, even when her and Kouga had dated.

“It’ll be quick and painless. Nothing to worry over, just a signing and agreement of terms. I’m impressed with how mature Kouga is being about this,” Amber told her, reading over some paper work.

“Yeah, I just can’t wait to get this over with. I can’t believe you got me into this,” Kagome sighed. Amber looked up at her.

“As your friend and as a lawyer I just couldn’t let it continue. You’ll be happy, and set after this, no more dealings with Kouga,” She replied. Kagome waved a thin hand.

“Right, right. Just to let you know, Inuyasha’s holding a grudge against you for putting me through all this stress,” Kagome quoted ‘stress’ with her fingers, and Amber chuckled.

“Right, so is he coming with you or not?”

“Not, I don’t need him to cause problems with Kouga. He can stay with Shin, he doesn’t even have to know about it,” She replied. Amber raised an eyebrow.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? I mean, he is kind of, you know, high strung about you,” She said nicely. Kagome snorted.

“It’s even worse now, then when I was pregnant with Shin. But It’ll be fine, if he goes my blood pressure will shoot through the roof,” She told her friend.

“Right, that I can see. So, I will pick you up in the a.m. tomorrow and we will go from there”

“Sounds good, now let’s go out for lunch, I’m starving”

Amber snorted. “When aren’t you”