InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Chapter 14

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

             “See doesn’t Daddy look so cute?” Kagome cooed, her finger tracing the glossy cheek of a toddler version of her husband. Shinrai giggled.

“I guess, but I’m cuter, aren’t I Mama?” He asked. Kagome laughed.

“Yes, you are, so much more. Oh, look here’s one of us together,” Kagome said as she turned the page, and pointing. It was a picture of them during the summer after they’d just met. A young Inuyasha, a reluctant smile on his face, as a younger Kagome gave him a hug around the neck.

“So you always loved Daddy? Even when you were small?” Shinrai asked. Kagome laughed again.

“Yes, always. We grew up together, perhaps you and Rin will become close like us,” was her reply. Shinrai titled his head.

“No, she’s fun, but sometimes she asks too many questions,” He replied. Kagome held in a snort at that, and ruffled his hair.

“Yes, well, sometimes little girls can do that”

“Will the new baby ask lots of questions?”

“Maybe, but first the baby will learn how to talk, so maybe you can help,” Kagome replied. Shinrai clapped his hands, and nodded.

“Yes, I can. I’m good at talking,” He said excitedly. Kagome chuckled and tucked him against her side, the photo album balanced on her lap. She pointed out another picture, starting to tell the story behind it. Shinrai sat and listened, content to let her speak. They sat together for hours, until Inuyasha came home to join them.

             “So it’s been a while since us three have gone out together” Amber smiled at the two pregnant women across from her. “Sort of makes me nostalgic for the college days” She continued.

“Whatever you say, I don’t know how you got through those first months being pregnant. Honestly Kagome I commend you on dealing with morning sickness and science labs” Sango grumbled. Kagome snorted.

“Please, in another month you won’t even remember the sickness. Even when you hold that baby, you won’t even remember the nine months,” She told her friend. Amber glanced between the two, her smile slipping.

“Please stop, it’s bad enough I can’t keep a guy for a month, I don’t need you two reminding me of my lack of children,” She sighed.

“You’ll get your turn, but right now you’re successful and rich, so enjoy it,” Sango replied. Kagome nodded.

“Exactly, you can set up the perfect life for your little ones, financial support”

“Right, with no man to be the daddy,” Amber returned.

“No, no more of that, lets talk about something besides your men problems,” Kagome told her.

“Kagome, have you ever asked Kouga for child support?”

Kagome blinked at that, and then let her gaze find Ambers.

“No, but lets not talk about that either,” She replied. Amber’s hand shot across the table to enclose Kagome’s, giving it a squeeze.

“It’s just that, well I think that you ought to. He’s doing so well in our father’s business, and you could use the money. Save up for a house with a yard, think of it. Shinrai and the new baby all set with a back yard and swing set, right in the best school district in town” She said.

“Kouga wouldn’t, he’s never been part of Shinrai’s life, and I don’t want him to be,” Kagome snapped, glaring at her friend. Amber didn’t flinch, just squeezed her hand again.

“I’ll be your lawyer, he can pay and not be part of your life. You should think of the future. Shinrai’s going to go to school soon, and then off to college. Kouga should pay for half of that. And more, clothes, food, trips to theme parks or vacations. You wouldn’t have to worry about finding a job again, you could just care for the new baby”

“Amber, I can’t afford you, and I don’t need Kouga’s money. I happen to like working too” Kagome replied. Amber sighed, and rolled her eyes, retracting her hand.

“Fine be difficult. I’ll drop it for now,” She said. Kagome sighed and they fell silent for a moment, before Sango broke it again with talk of baby names.