InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Chapter 13

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

             Two more months to go, and a new baby was to join the family. Kagome rubbed at the ache in her back again, her fingers trying to work out the knots that had worked themselves into the muscles of her lower back.

“Does it hurt again Mama?” Shinrai asked, crawling up onto the couch beside his mother. Kagome smiled at him, and gave up her attempt at a back rub. She leaned back against the cushions, a foam pillow between her back and the couch.

“Just a little, but when Daddy gets home he can give Mommy a nice back rub,” She told her son. He nodded, and leaned close to rest his ear against her stomach.

“Did the baby move again?” He asked. Kagome rubbed his head, threading her fingers through his dark locks.

“Not yet,” She paused, glancing down at him. “Shinrai, I think you need a haircut”

“But I don’t wanna, I want my hair long, like Daddy’s,” He protested. Kagome frowned at that. Her son would be mistaken as a girl if he did that.

“Daddy needs a haircut too, maybe you two can go together,” She suggested. Shinrai lifted his head to look at her, a pout on his face.

“But what if Daddy doesn’t want his hair cut?” He asked. Kagome sighed.

“He’s getting one, and so are you. When you get older you can grow out your hair, but right now Mommy likes your hair short, it’s much more handsome”

“Really?” He asked. Kagome smiled.

“Yes, it’s the truth. When Daddy was your age he had short hair too, one of these day’s I’ll go find those albums” She said. Her mind drifted to the location of those, and she shifted on the couch, making a move to get up. “Let’s go look right now, we can find them”

“Yeah, I can help, I’m good at finding stuff,” Shinrai exclaimed, jumping off the couch and taking his mother’s hand, pulling her with him.

       & nbsp;    Miroku had been tempted to find out the sex of his child, and after the second ultrasound he’d asked. He grinned like a fool when he’d found out, but decided that since Sango had wanted to wait, he would keep it to himself.

“Sweety, why don’t we ask Kagome for her list of names? She had a lot didn’t she?” Miroku asked, looking up from the book in his hands. Sango sighed and rubbed at her temples.

“Because, they were all names Kagome liked, we should find one we like. How about Jin?” She said. Miroku made a face and looked back in his book.

“What about naming him after me? Miroku Junior, I like that,” He said. Sango snorted.

“And if it’s a girl?” Miroku grinned.

“Then we’ll name her after you,’ He replied. Sango shook her head.

“No, I want an original name, so be serious,” She huffed. Miroku smiled, and reached to pat her leg.

“All right, all right you win”

“Good, now how about... Nikko?”

“No, that’s not very manly. What about Ken?” He suggested. Sango smiled at that, and jotted it down in the notebook beside her.

“Good one, now try to find some girl names, you’ve only been saying boys names. Find a girls name,” Sango replied. Miroku chuckled nodding, another grin lifting the corner of his mouth.

“Right, a girl’s name, I’ll do that”