InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Within The Attic ❯ First Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This really sucked. He was just fine in his old town. He wasn't the most popular of guys, ok an outsider; but he loved making people nervous. He might not have had a lot of real friend but the female population burned for him; of course that whole female fan club thing wasn't something he liked too much. All he wanted was to be left alone to live his hundreds of years in peace. He had no intentions of ever finding a mate, and the girls that lived in this area didn't have much to offer; well the ones that he'd met.
So there he was, wanting to go back to a place he couldn't stand. What was wrong with him? He is living in a new place, with new people and could possibly be happy. Feh…right! THAT'L HAPPEN!!!
Sitting on his bed, the agitated hanyou stared angrily at his stack of empty boxes. He had spent the last few hours unpacking, but now that there was nothing left to do. This house he lived in was too unfamiliar, he was tired, hungry, and wanted to get on the internet, but the cable hadn't been set up yet. Not till tomorrow…DAMN!
With a growl of frustration he reached over to his night stand and started dialing a number on his cell. While the phone rang he stood and headed downstairs, in search of something good to eat.
“Hello” A man voice answered on the other end.
“Long time no see, bastard” Walking out of his bedroom, he started to descend the stairs. “Thanks for calling Miroku” A shiver ran down his spine. He really didn't like the feel of this house.
“INU YASHA!!” Miroku screamed. “How's it going? Man how long has it been?”
“A few months” the hanyou grunted. “I just showed up today”
There was a pause. “You finally came?”
“uh…yeah” Inu Yasha said in a duh tone.
“OH MAN, where are you, I'll come over”
Reaching the bottom of the stairs he was able to see the two large doors, known as the front doors. Taking a left he made his way to the kitchen. “I live in that really old house somewhere near that huge tree.”
Pause. “That really help” a sarcastic voice was heard. “WAIT!”
Inu Yasha gathered a large pot and several roman cups while he heard Miroku whisper something to somebody next to him.
“DUDE” Miroku suddenly spoke up. Inu Yasha flinched.
“Damn it Miroku, sensitive ears asshole”
“I can't believe you live there” Miroku said.
Inu Yasha paused. “Why?”
“That place has had about.” He turned his head from the phone. “How many?” he screamed to somebody. Turning back to the phone… “15 residences in the last two years”
I little more concerned than before, Inu Yasha filled the kettle with water. “Why?”
“Supposedly, that house is over 500 years old. It was built for the daughter of a nobleman. Not sure what happened to her, but I know that it only needed a paint job. The house never started to deteriorate”
Putting the kettle on the stove he turned on the burner. “Who cares, it's just a story. You still coming over?”
“Yeah, I live a about 5 minutes away, I'll leave right now”
With that they both hung up.
Miroku was a friend of Inu Yasha's when he was younger. Miroku use to live in Inu Yasha's old town, but due to the death of his little sister, his mother couldn't stand living there anymore. It was too hard on her. It has been 10 years and their hearts have been healed the best that they could have. Last time he had talked to Miroku he was somewhat shocked to find that he mother had just recently found that she was a three weeks pregnant. That was four months ago; she must be getting pretty big by now.
Ten minutes had passed. Inu Yasha had already eaten his many roman cups and settled down in the living room. Looking around he noticed everything was new.
“Sesshomaru, what we had before was fine!” he murmured to himself.
“True, however I moved that to my room, this room lacked substance”
With out turning he knew who was there; Sesshomaru. His legal guardian. “Why didn't I get anything new?”
Sesshomaru turned and started his journey from the room. “You already have them”
Before Inu Yasha could come up with a smart ass response the door bell rang. Leaping from his spot he made his way to the door.
An hour had passed and the two boys just filled each other in on what they missed. Inu Yasha told him about the girls and his ongoing search for a girl repellant. Pouting at Inu Yasha's female success Miroku told him about the high school that he would be attending.
“The school year just started last Wednesday, I'm sure you could get on some sort of sports team”
Inu Yasha glared the stupid boy in front of him. “Why the hell would I want to do that? You know I have never been on a sports team”
Miroku smiled. “True, but I'm on the football team, and the girls-”
“In case you haven't been listening, I was running from the girls at my last school, why the hell would I want them to do that same at this one.”
Miroku shrugged, “their hot”
Inu Yasha rolled his eyes, “Why the hell would the girls be better in Tokyo?”
“Trust me my friend, they are!”
Just then a loud thud noise was heard above their heads. Looking up in surprise, it happened again. It was almost as if somebody dropped a chest on the floor.
“Whose room is up there?” Miroku asked curiously.
“No ones, it's the attic”
They both seamed a little worried.
Suddenly the sound of a person smashing widows came from the same spot above them. Growling Inu Yasha stood and headed out the door. “Fucking Bastard. Whoever it is gonna die.”
Miroku followed. “What if it's a ghost?”
Inu Yasha growled in annoyance. “Pussy” he murmured.
“Hey” Miroku glared at Inu Yasha's back and he opened a door at the end of the hall. Opening it seamed to be easy, but as soon as it did dust exploded into the room. The two boys stood there, covered in dust.
“Damn it” he growled. Behind the door was a staircase leading to the attic. The sound of glass breaking was heard once again beyond the steps. Growling louder, Inu Yasha started up the stairs. Half way up he had to stop. Something was pulling him down. It felt as if his heart was being ripped out. This air was filled with suck sadness that even the most spiritually impaired person could sense it. Finding his strength, Inu Yasha charged the stairs. Reaching the top he stopped. There before his was something he was not expecting. He thought he'd see piles of dust covered boxes, but instead it was empty, with the exception of a twin sided bed and a dresser in the corner. Across from the bed and dresser, on the other side, was a large mirror that looked to be made for royalty. The large 4 by 10 foot mirror was frames by gold and brightly colored jewels. Everything was covered in dust. The layer was think, even the air was filled with it. His thoughts were interrupted by Miroku's gasp behind him.