InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Within The Attic ❯ The Girl ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“What the hell?” Miroku said quietly.
Walking up to the mirror, Inu Yasha peeked inside of it. As soon as he saw his own reflection everything seemed to stop. The feeling of sadness dissipated and was replaced with love. It was as if something or somebody had just hit a life turning moment. The feeling of warmth surrounded Inu Yasha completely causing his to smile. He felt as if the thing he most desired just realized his existence and gave its self to him.
“Inu Yasha, look at this, somebody lived here.” Miroku called from somewhere near the bed.
“huh” Inu Yasha turned to look at Miroku, who seemed to be in quit a shock. Taking one last glance at the mirror he made his way toward Miroku, who was sitting on the bed with a large book in his hand. Inu Yasha sat next to him and looked at the page Miroku had opened. The book was indeed large, around a thousand pages. It was covered in so much dust that it was hard to see the natural color.
“A girl, she lived here all alone” Miroku flipped threw the pages. “That sucks”. He stopped on a page that seemed to have been drenched in blood. It was the last page. It only had one sentence, and it looked to be barely scribbled. Miroku whispered the words aloud. “I am no longer pure for I just killed a man”.
Flipping to the first page Miroku read the content. It looked to be written by a very well educated child, no older than 10. “Dear Future Me. Today is the day that I was given this book by my mommy. She gave it to me to write down my feelings. She said that I would have lots of feelings that I won't understand. I didn't understand that until my daddy took me aside and told me his secret. I am to be married to a boy I don't know when I reach of age. I was not surprised. I am a princess. I knew it would happen. I don't get to choose what I do. I am a princess but I am still a servant. I will be turning 9 in three days. Priestess Midoriku said that I will be able to start learning to how shoot arrows. I can't wait. K” Flipping threw the pages he checked the date. There were hundreds and hundreds of entrees. There seemed to be about three entries made a week for 8 years. Looking up at Inu Yasha he noticed him in deep thought. “You ok buddy?”
“Yeah,” he broke from his thought. “Just thinking.” A moment of silence went by. “How long do you think the attic had been sealed?”
Miroku thought. “I don't know. I would say by the amount of dust and the difficulty to breath, a really really really really long time” There was more silence. Suddenly Miroku smiled. “Ok, well, we have school tomorrow and the sun is setting, I am off.”
Inu Yasha nodded. Miroku stood and headed for the door. Inu Yasha followed. After grabbing his shoes and keys he headed down stairs. Opening the door he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around he winced.
Inu Yasha stood there, looking angry. “Where do you think you're taking that book?” he growled.
“um…no where” Miroku handed Inu Yasha that book.
“Didn't think so”
Miroku smiled.
Placing the book down on his desk he made his way to the bed. I was well after 10 and he was tired. This was one of those days where he did way more that he wanted to, and if he were human he would be in pain the next day. For the last hour he had been staring at the book. He didn't open it, just looked at it. There was a person's life, sitting right there; all the secrets of a young woman. He didn't know weather or not to open it. Was it ok?
Giving up for the night, he took off his pants and shirt, leaving him in his boxers. Lazily, he flicked off the light and climbed into bed. Closing his eye sleep quickly took him. His last thoughts were on the possibilities of events in the girl's life. Who was she?
He laid there, turning over he yawned. What happened, wasn't he just really tired. Why couldn't he fall asleep? That's when it hit him. He smelled the sent of fresh wildflowers. Turning onto his back he sat up with the thought of an intruder. There, in front of him was something he had never seen before; more of somebody.
She sat at the foot of his bed smiling loving at him. Normally he would have shit his pants, but the warmth radiating off of her was so calming and welcoming. He just stared into her eyes; they were full of hope. Her fair skin was flawless in the moonlight that shown threw his window. As she stood and walked toward him her long raven hair moved elegantly around her shoulders. It appeared to be silk.
Somewhere around the time she sat down next to him he noticed it. Music was playing. Immediately he recognized it; My Immoral by Evenescense. However the song played, but there were no words, just humming. Smiling at him she placed her hand onto his cheek and rested her cheek on his temple. Inu Yasha stiffened with her touch. It was so warm and inviting, yet cold. There was a distant feeling of pain and suffering; of loneliness. He wanted to help her. He wanted her to know he was there.
Taking her face away from his she turned his face towards her and looked him straight in the eyes. That's when he heard it. It seemed to be coming from her but her lips never moved. He was singing to him in her head.
“these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase”
She leaned forward slightly and pressed her lips into his.
It only took a second for him to close his eyes and relax into it. He felt her push him down into his side. When he opened his eyes he saw her looking straight at him, for she laid down with him. She smiled lovingly and leaned forward once again, capturing his lips. Wrapping arms around his neck, she brushed a tooth against his bottom lip. He shuttered.
He could feel it. His body started to heat.
Placing his hands on her lower back he pulled her closer to him. The kiss deepened but kept its slower worshiping pace. She tasted sweeter than anything he could imagine. He never thought he could find something so…good.
Keeping the arm he was semi laying on where it was, he moved his other upwards. His fingers played across her face, feeling her soft skin. He moved them down her neck and across her collar bone. He couldn't get enough; he didn't want to ever stop. He had to have her. She had to belong to him.
To his disappointment she pulled back from the kiss. That's when he first realized what she was wearing. It was a plain white rope, sash and all. It started to slip down her, exposing her shoulder. Gently he moved his fingers over it, just to feel her skin. She shuttered.
Just then she stiffened. He looked back into her eyes, only to see then full of sadness. She leaned in and kissed him softly once again, but this time, he could feel her leaving. Her presence was dissipating.
Inu Yasha's eyes widened. “no, wait, don't go” he wrapped his arms around her tightly only to find they went threw her. Looking into her eyes, he watched as she faded away.
An annoying beeping sound flared in the background. Sitting up he reached over and slammed his hand over the button on his alarm clock. He stopped, something wasn't right. He felt completely refreshed, like he had the greatest sleep of his life. The sun was up and the birds were chirping, but a moment ago it was dark and he was tired. Sighing in udder disappointment he realized…it was a dream, she wasn't real. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes only to stop. Looking down in his arms laid the white rope the girl in his dream was wearing.