InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Within The Attic ❯ Dreaming ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sitting down in his first class, Inu Yasha just stared off into space. He was in such a good mood it put him in a trance. He was convinced that it was a dream, but that girl was real. She entered his dreamed and left him a gift of proof, but where was she? Could he get to her…better yet, who was she?
“Inu Yasha”
“Miroku” he whispered.
Miroku studied him. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah” There was a pause, and Miroku was looking at Inu Yasha expectedly. “Ok no”
Miroku sat down in the desk next to Inu Yasha. “What happened?”
“I might have um…” Inu Yasha blushed.
Miroku gasped. “Who'd you do?” He smiled. “Oh please tell”
Inu Yasha growled and punched him in the head. “I didn't DO anyone”
Miroku rubbed his head in pain. “aww so you did other things” Miroku jumped as Inu Yasha's silence. “WHO!”
Inu Yasha sighed. “I don't know”
Miroku looked at him funny.
“I was lying in my bed and she appeared. We only kissed, nothing else, but she disappeared. She just vanished in thin air. I woke up afterwards.”
Miroku let out the breath the he had been holding. “Oh it was a dream.” He laughed. “I thought there for minute that you were loosing it.”
Inu Yasha looked up at him sternly.
“What?” Miroku asked nervously.
“It wasn't a dream”
Miroku's face paled.
“Look, I don't know either, but her clothes were there when I woke up. She had to have been real, how else would they have gotten there?”
Miroku just stared at Inu Yasha as he kept his focus on his desk. “You mean to tell me that a girl visited you in your dreams and that she vanished in thin air?”
“Yeah, that's about it” Inu Yasha smiled lovingly.
Miroku started busting up.
Inu Yasha growled. “What's so funny?”
Gasping for breath Miroku managed to say “You finally fell for a girl but you can't have her.” Miroku laughed some more.
“what?” The hanyou glanced at Miroku suspiciously.
“Well, she is obviously dead; a ghost if you will. How else would she disappear?”
Inu Yasha looked down sadly.
“Wow” miroku's eyes opened wider. “you must really like this girl”
Inu Yasha said nothing.

That day at school was nothing out of the ordinary. He had 6 classes, all in which sucked ass. Not to mention another fan club was in the making. Why the hell couldn't those girls just leave him alone?
Irritated once again, the hanyou roughly pressed the buttons needed to bring his computer to live and sat down in a huff. Waiting impatiently, he grabbed for his cell phone and dialed a familiar number.
“Hello” The voice answered.
“Miroku, do you know if this house had any names at all?”
There was a slight pause.
“Miroku?” Inu Yasha growled.
“Hold on a minute” There was another pause. There were voices in the background. “Ok, the house was once called “The Tomb” but now people know of it as the “Higarashi House”. Why?”
“Nothing, just interested.” Looking back at his computer, Inu Yasha noticed it was done and ready for using. “Hey Miroku I have to go”. He hung up.

Looking for hours, Inu Yasha couldn't take it. He needed a break. Glancing at the clock he realized he'd been there all afternoon and into the night; it was now 10pm.n Lazily, he stood and headed for his door. Walking downstairs he once again made his way to the kitchen. After a few minutes he settled for grabbing a Sprite and some pretzels. Making his way into the living room he plopped down in the couch. Grabbing a handful of pretzels he began to think. Why couldn't he find anything useful on the house? He couldn't even figure out who the girl was that lived here. There was nothing.
Without even noticing it, he had rolled over and closed his eyes.
Rolling back onto his back the tired hanyou lazily opened his eyes. The first thing he saw were perfect glossy brown eyes. That's when he realized the extra weight and the familiar scent. Taking a moment to glance around he realized that he was still in the living room, lying on his back on the couch, being straddled by the beauty from the night before. Was there a problem?
Absolutely not!
Looking into the girls eyes once again he realized that she was smiling at him. Without knowing it he placed both of his hands lovingly on her hips; she was wearing the same robe from the night before.
Slowly and elegantly, the girl leaned forward, resting her head on his chest. Immediately, his hands found their way to her back, where he started to hold her protectively. Rubbing his fingers along her back he felt the softness of the rope, and what waited underneath it; his fingers found her hair. He was so caught up in what he was doing, he didn't realize she was doing something as well.
The girl moved closer to her eye, only to whisper quietly. “Mine”.
The sound that came out of her mouth both turned him on a great deal and left him wanting more. There was no way to describe the perfectness and shear innocence in her voice. He had to have her moan his name. There was no way around it, it just had to happen.
Oh yes, and her word of choice. Most defiantly! He was more than willing to give himself to her, but that means she was his, and will remain so until the end of eternity. Oh did he like that sound of that.
Slowly the girl pulled back, sitting up, still straddling his hips. To his surprise, the girl had untied her robe. The fabric hung loosely over her shoulders and breasts. Sadly, her breasts were still hidden behind the hated curtain, but her stomach and lower regions weren't. Moving his eyes down he memorized the shape of her well formed body. Her stomach was flat as could be, rimmed in muscle. Further down he went when he realized that the only thing that separated her and him were his pants and boxers; for she was wearing no underwear. Growling to himself he glared at his pants in a way to where if he had any kind of mind powers, they'd lit on fire by now.
Trying to calm himself, he closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Opening them once again he noticed the look of hurt in her eyes. What happened? Reaching his hand up to her he gently held her cheek. She leaned into the embrace placing her hands on his as if to saver the feeling. Smiling at him she beckoned him to join her.
Sitting up, he smiled back at her. Placing his hands on her hips she wrapped her arms around his neck. Full of need she engulfed his lips. It didn't take long for her to get a response. This kiss was full of love and passion, but was much quicker than the one from the night before.
Moving his hands up and down her back gently, she nibbled on his bottom lip. Leaning back he pulled her with him. He moved his hand inside of her robe as she flattened herself out on his stomach; their kiss never broken. He moved his fingers down her sides and all over her back, taking in the softness.
Breaking the kiss, she smiled sexual. Inu Yasha froze when he felt her lips press gently against his pulse. She started at the crock on his neck with her tongue and made her way up to his jaw. Inu Yasha moaned slightly.
Grabbing her head, he pulled her up to a heated kiss. Breaking the kiss as quickly as if came; he moved his lips to her neck. He nibbled the warm flesh as he wrapped his arms around her. A moan escaped her lips, sending shivers down his spine.
Grinding her hips into him she wrapped her arms around him. Grinding her hips into him again a growl of pleasure escaped the hanyou's chest, as he tightened his grip. In a deep voice she growled, the best she could for a human, that same word as before. “mine.”
“yes yours” the hanyou responded desperately. Quick little kisses were being placed around her neck, cheeks, and face. He needed to touch her, every part of her. He started to move his hands down her butt then the back of her legs. Bringing them back up he moved them over her arms; taking off he rob in the process. Pulling her back slightly, he took in the perfectly shaped body before him. She was completely symmetrically with the softest skin that he had ever known a girl to have.
Looking lovingly into her eyes he cupped her right cheek in his palm. Taking the other hand he gently rubbed that back of it over the pale skin of her other cheek. She smiled. He pulled her down towards him so that their noses touched. As he rubbed his nose against hers he closed his eyes, growling out one word.
Slightly opening his eyes again he looked up into her eyes. She leaned forward and gently kissed his lips once. Pulling back he noticed her body becoming transparent once again. In an attempt to get her to stay he grabbed for her, only to have his hands go right threw her.
“NO” his voice pleaded.
She smiled once again, as if she knew something good that he didn't. As her body vanished from his sight he heard her last word, and by far his favorite. “Yours”
Laying there, something dawned on him…he was GOING to read that diary.