InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Within The Attic ❯ The Last Straw ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This was it, he was going to read it.
Ok so he was a little unsure of whether or not it was ok, but he was still determined.
Sitting on his bed, he had just run upstairs from returning home. He had spent the entire school day thinking up elaborate stories of who this girl was. He even started to guess her name, but no matter how hard he tried, none of the stories or names fit. He knew that she was a princess, and that she was going to be forces to marry a guy that she didn't know, but then what?
Grabbing the book of his desk, he sat it in his lap. Taking a deep breath he opened to the first page. Immediately he recognized this page, it was the one that Miroku read.
He started reading, taking in ever syllable.
Four hours, 6 roman, and a 2 liter Pepsi later, Inu Yasha put down the book for a quick rest. He had gotten threw half of the book, more than he thought he could in such a time period. He just couldn't put it down. Sometimes he had to reread sections, due to the legibility of that handwriting, but he made good time.
Thinking over what he just read, a feeling of pity overwhelmed him. This girl had to be one of the strongest people he had ever met, to have stayed so lighthearted after what happened to her.
It had taken quiet a while to get to the entries where she actually sighed her name instead of just writing k. Kagome, her name was kagome; far different from what he'd come up with. The name just screamed purity. He loved her name.
Now that he had a name to go with the mystery girl, he was able to read on with less confusing. Kagome, his kagome, had trained with Priestess Midoriko since before she could remember. The power this young girl processed was too much for the young girl to handle. It had gotten to the point where during immense emotion periods her spiritual powers went haywire and caused her to slip into a coma for a few days.
However, she did not go threw this alone. She had a sister, a twin; Kikyo. They had possessed the same kind of power, however, kagome didn't have the control that Kikyo did, making Kikyo less of a hazard. Kagome's twin spent her time protecting and helping her sister. Kagome described Kikyo as a angel with the nurturing heart of a mother and she wouldn't give her up for anything.
However, even though kagome loved her sister and depended on her for everything, she had to accept the fact that he had lost her. Kikyo had been out gathering herbs when an ominous aura materialized around her; Naraku. He wanted her powers, so tried to absorb her body into his. She purified him in the process, but not before giving up her own life to do so. Her body was never found. Only the scars in the earth and the villagers nearby were the only proof they had.
Naraku had turned into a human, Onigumo, and been let free. After all being posessed by a heard of demons was a good way of proving he didn't have control. This was a week before kagome's 11th birthday.
The loss of her sister devastated her. Having trouble finding a reason to live, she practiced the control of her powers intensely. Kagome knew that something about Kikyo's death was amiss and she vowed to become the strongest so she could find the truth, along with kikyo's body. Taking along a few companions she set out on her 12th birthday, promising to return to her kingdom to marry the man her father desired her to. She gave herself two years. If nothing was found she had to return anyway.
That was where Inu Yasha left off. The way in which kagome described the hole within her and the suspicions she had made his heart hurt. This girl was only 11 and had to deal with this. Although her pain was too much for him to handle, the thing that did it was her intelligence. She thought everything out at a level that he would never reach. How did a girl that barely reach puberty become so smart?
Stretching, Inu Yasha reached for the book once again. It was only 8pm so he had a few hours before he had to go to bed. The next few chapters were nothing short of amusing. This girl had traveled with a small fox-demon child (Shippo), an old priestess (Kiade), and a wolf demon (kouga). It was as if they were family. Kiade use to threaten to purify Kouga if he didn't stop being to egotistical; that and stop telling every male within a five mile radius that kagome belonged to him. Inu Yasha managed to read another hundred pages before he realized it. He was so caught up in the story of her life that he just couldn't put the book down.
This girl was so young, yet did so much. He managed to kill herds of demons, get herself separated from the group, save the life of everybody in her company many times, perfect the art of archery, meat a demon lord, gain more power than Kikyo ever could, and many other things. The thing that got Inu Yasha though, was the fact that during a battle kagome was injured, and when Kiade did the surgery, she found the Sacred Jewel. Kagome had given it to the demon lord, who was quick to becoming a very good friend of hers.
This girl was amazing. She knew how to fight, she was well educated, she had more passion that anybody he had ever known, and that pure heart of hers. She would never hurt another soul if her life depended on it. Ok, so maybe she killed demons, but those were crazed evil consumed monsters; who were killing innocent people. Those don't count.
Placing the book down, Inu Yasha yawned. Deciding that he had enough for one day, he turned off his light, stripped down to his boxers and covered himself in his sheets, hoping for the arrival of his deity. He fell into a deep relaxing sleep.
“Wake up my love” that all too familiar voice echoed threw his ears. Oh he loved that sound. Opening his eyes, he was welcomed with the most gorgeous thing sitting next to him. Quickly wrapping his arms around her he turned, bringing her down with him. Rolling on top of her he smiled down. SOMEHOW, he had gotten between her legs and was now in complete control.
His smiled stopped suddenly when he saw the look on her face. She was looking from side to side nervously. Finding his balance, he cupped her cheek in his hand, forcing her to look up into his eyes. Something was wrong, he could feel it. It was as if her presence was slightly being over run with another.
“What's wrong” Inu Yasha whispered.
Kagome's eyes started to tear. “He's coming for me” was all that she managed to get out.
“Shh, no ones coming, your safe with me, I wont let anybody touch you.” He wiped away her tears. She smiled generously, giving him the green-light. Leaning down he captured her lips in a kiss that promised future activity.
As she moved her hands around his chest, he moved his free hand into her rope. He started on her side, but then moved it gently over her stomach, then back. Using only two fingers, he moved them back over her stomach, sending chills down her spine. This time, however, he moved them up. Reaching the soft skin between her breasts he flattened out his hand, only to cup her perfect curves. Instead of doing the rough things he had in mind, he just moved her fingers over her breast, brushing up again her nipple every once in awhile.
Moving his lips to her shoulder, it freed her mouth, allowing him to hear her moans that his tongue silenced. He felt her hands move to the small of his back, pushing down on it, begging for closeness. With her pressing herself up against his quickly stiffening member, he was loosing control. Biting his lip hard enough to draw blood he brought himself back. Liking up the blood till none remained he went back to work on her shoulder. Gently grazing her flesh with his teeth he was rewarded with a gasp, and nails digging into his back.
He was happy, and he could tell she was. This was right. I had to be. She couldn't really be dead. The fates could be that cruel; but then what was she? Why did she disappear in thin air and why did she always leave her robe?
He would find out later, right now he was going to enjoy himself; which they did. However, it didn't last long. With a few gropes, some intense making out, and a moan or two, she gave him that same sad smile from before.
He knew she was going to leave; like she always did. He gave her a sweat sad kiss goodbye. “You won't leave me hanging tomorrow night would you?” he smiled sadly.
She cupped his cheek. “I could never leave you “hanging” long”
And with that she was gone.