InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Within The Attic ❯ The Importance of the Mirror ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Miroku stood there, in his group of other jocks, starring at the oncoming cheerleaders. His mouth slightly opened, hand preparing themselves for the opportunity of a lifetime; a crowd of hot cheerleaders.
He was pulled from his thoughts when somebody grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him down the hall and around the corner. An empty hallway; no hot cheerleaders. Miroku panicked.
“What the hell” he turned around. “Cheerleaders” he started to walk back towards his prior position on the hall.
A growl was heard behind him. Miroku turned to face a slightly angry Inu Yasha with his arms crossed. “Yes buddy?”
“She came again, last night”
Miroku sighed. “Dude, it's just a ghost”
“She can't be just a ghost.” Inu Yasha turned around, placing both hands on the wall. “The fates wouldn't be that cruel”.
Miroku froze. “WHOA, man you really do love this chick. Wow, that kinda sucks” he found himself pushed up against the wall. “Calm down, it really does suck. How the hell are you supposed to be with somebody that isn't real?”
“She's real! It's as if she's a spirit, but spirits can't so what she's doing”
“Ok, so what do you think we should do?”
Inu Yasha stepped back “Read the diary, there has to be some clue to get her out.” He faced Miroku dead on. “You are all into that monk spiritual stuff. I know that you'd be able to see things I couldn't”
Miroku nodded. “Indeed my skills are unmatched. I will lend my talents to you”
It had been three days and they did that same thing everyday. Miroku would read the entries out loud and they would comment on them, even take notes if necessary. This is what they found out.
Kagome traveled for two years before returning home. Upon arrive she had gained the knowledge that she was to wed the next week to the worst kind of scum; Onigumo. He may have been pure at one point, but kagome could sense evil brewing in the man somewhere. In her attempt to persuade her father into canceling, she packed enough food for a month and moved herself into the attic. Normally that wouldn't be so hard to get her out, but they didn't count on her being as strong as she was. She had become stronger than Kikyo ever was, and with that power she put up a barrier around the attic. She swore she would starve before she allowed herself to be given to such a man.
Her father mysteriously died a few days later, giving the kingdom to Kagome, but since she was in the attic the, Onigumo took charge. Kagome wished that she would exit the attic and take control of her kingdom, but she couldn't. That means that she would give herself to that man, and he would still rule, but have her too.
The diary ends when kagome stalked about onigumo finding a powerful demon that could hold off the spell long enough for onigumo to get her down. He tried and was killed in the process. There is nothing besides that to explain what kagome was or why. The diary just ended. Did she live for a good 30 years? Did she have kids? What happened?
On the night of the third day Inu Yasha was becoming restless. He hadn't seen his “woman” since the last time; three nights ago.
Laying in bed he turned over closing his eyes in frustration.
A little while later a voice woke him. “He's coming for me”.
Opening his eyes he knew who it was. Sitting up he looked at the girl in the corner of his room. He frowned at her distance but still asked the obvious question. “Who” Inu Yasha half grounded.
“Naraku; his spirit still remains and wishes for...”
Inu Yasha stood and walked to her. He was standing right in front of her. “For what?” he whispered.
She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Please don't let him get me” She sniffed.
“What does he wish for” Inu Yasha asked in a soothing voice. He placed his nose in her hair.
“The Shikon No Toma”
Inu Yasha froze. `Didn't she give that to that lord guy' He looked down at kagome. “You have it?”
Kagome shook her head. “No, I gave it to a friend, but he thinks that I still have it. He wishes for his life to be restored to him.”
Inu Yasha just looked at her. `Why is she talking so much now? And why won't she just do something about it. She's powerful”
As if she was reading her mind she began to speak. “I sealed myself in the attic when Naraku over threw the kingdom. It took him a few days, but he managed to find demons with immense powers to open the attic.” Kagome stopped and closed her eyes. She tried to calm her breathing.
“Then what? Did he…” He didn't even want o finish it the sentence.
Kagome shook her head. “No, but he tried. I had kept the dagger my father gave me. I…” Kagome shook. “I killed him.”
Inu Yasha wrapped his arms round her when he saw how distressed she looked.
“I did a common spell to seal myself in the mirror until I was able to think of a way to take back my kingdom. The only problem was that, the magic the demon was using to keep the attic open fused with mine, creating a curse. I can't get my body out of the mirror” she started to cry harder.
Inu Yasha just eyed her. “But how am I able to touch you if you don't have a body?”
Kagome looked him in the eye; he couldn't decide if she was thinking really hard or trying not to cry. She touched his face with her hands. “I am one of the most powerful being ever to walk the earth. My soul can do things others can't.”
“But they why would you need your body?”
“Wouldn't you be irritated if your body lay dormant in a mirror for 500 years while your soul can roam freely; only to be able to materialize for short time periods?”
There was a pause. “Yeah” Inu Yasha said dumbly.
Kagome smiled. Reached up she kissed him gently. Pulling back she smiled. “I only have a short time before Naraku finds me. I don't want to waste it my love”
Inu Yasha gulped at her sexiness. She kissed him again, but this time more passionately.
“Wait, she said that her body is dormant in the mirror?” Miroku asked. He was over at Inu Yasha's once again, but this time not reading the diary. He came over because his dear friend had something important to tell him. Little did his friend know, but he knew something wasn't right.
“That's right”
Miroku shook his head. “That doesn't make sense. If Onigumo was dead then she would get her kingdom. There is no reason for her to hide in a mirror.”
Inu Yasha glared. “Then what do you think happened. I hope, for your sake, that you aren't suggesting she's lying”
Miroku sighed. “If you suggest that she is telling the truth then I have an idea.”
“What” Inu Yasha jumped closer to Miroku excitedly.
Miroku stood up and pointed his finger toward the sky. With a deep super hero voice he said. “The 3 day plan.”
Inu Yasha just looked at him, blinking.
“Day one; banishing spell! Day two; barrier breaking!. Day three; …” He thought for a moment.
“Day three is the last resort. I'll tell you later.” He wrapped his arm around his friends shoulder. “If the first two don't work there is only one thing to do.” He thought for a moment “I need to bring in reinforcements”