InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Within The Attic ❯ Doesn't Make Sense ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

He stared at his friend suspiciously. He believed what his friend was saying, but something seemed amiss. He, Miroku, had gone on to every place he could think of to gain information on this kagome and her family. It seemed that a chunk of the history was missing. All that was written was taken by somebody in the night a few hundred years ago. NO one remembered what was said in the scrolls. There were only rumors. A few people believed that the daughter of the lord killed her father then herself. Some said that the mirror was the gate to hell and that it sucked her in. She had just enough power to seal herself in the mirror itself. Some say that she waited around for her true love to let her out.
These were interesting stories, but one girl caught his attention; not just because she was the most gorgeous thing either. She claimed to be a demon slayer; Sango. She lived in a shrine with her little brother and a young priestess; Rin. She said that the princess was sealed in the mirror by her sister. She said that her sister was jealous about her ruling the kingdom, and had sealed her in the mirror and took her place, making people believe that she was Kagome.
After five days of researching he was here, in Inu Yasha's bedroom, watching him daydream about this girl. Does he not realize that this girl was dead and that he could never be with her?
Miroku let his thought wander again. He had remembered, four days ago, Inu Yasha had come to him asking him about how to rid a house of evil spirits. Being a trained monk, he would have noticed an evil spirit lurking within the walls, but he never did. Ever since kagome had mentioned to Inu Yasha about Onigumo's evil spirit strange things had been happening. Things were moved, thing would fly across the room only to break on whatever object it came in contact with, Sesshomaru was heard screaming a few times (out of anger), windows were broken, strange marking were found engraved in things, and so on. There were signs of a poltergeist, but no evil aura. Something didn't seem right. There was an aura around thought. It was neither pure nor evil. It rested somewhere in the middle.
Shaking the thoughts out of his mind he sighed, he had a feeling he knew what was going on, but didn't know how to go about it. There was no barrier on the mirror, so that wouldn't work, and a banishing spell would just send her spirit to the after life, leaving her body. There was only one choice left and he knew that Inu Yasha wouldn't like it. It was the only he knew to break the curse; everything else would just fail them.
Inu Yasha sat in front of his monitor, starring at the scene. He had kicked Miroku out hours ago for starring at him wile sighing a little to long for comfort.
It had taken him weeks, but he found something on kagome, kagome Higarashi. The only thing left from those how stole all the documents was a painting. The painting was of her entire family. The sad thing was that she wasn't in it. It was as if it was painted while she was still traveling.
He made his way to his light switch, only to turn it off. Taking off everything but his boxers he made his way to his bed. Covering himself in his covers he smiled. His `woman' had come every night this week so far. Even though they didn't get past making out, and a few gropes, he still thought as if it were the most intimate thing to do. Her kisses were the greatest thing he had ever experience. He couldn't ever think of a time where something affected him as greatly as her two lips.
Smiling to himself, he rolled over and fell sleep.
Inu Yasha gasped as his eyes flew open. Looking down he saw the one thing he wasn't expecting. His blankets had been thrown to the side and a very attractive, familiar, hell...perfect girl had her hand tightly gripped around his man. She moved her hand slightly, causing Inu Yasha to grip the sheets.
Kagome giggled.
Releasing his man, gaining a wine of displeasure, she crawled over have till her face was directly over his. He starred at her, trying to catch his breath.
She smiled. Leaning down she made her way to his ear, hanging her breast over his face. “I know how to break the curse…my love” she whispered sexually.
He wrapped his arms around her waist. Pulling her down, he kissed her hungrily. Breaking the kiss he looked her in the eye, memorized by the amount of passion that was held within them. “How?”
Placing her hand on his cheek she spoke softly. “Do you love me?”
He didn't move for a moment. The boldness of her question caught him off guard, however it didn't take him to long to answer. There was only one true answer to that question. “Yes”
“Do you want to be with me forever?”
He just nodded.
She leaned down and kissed him. He kissed back immediately. It was obvious to her that he just couldn't get enough. Pulling back she smiled at him. Caressing his cheek once again she spoke softly. “Break the mirror Inu Yasha, break it and I would live with you forever”.
“Break it?” he leaned in for another kiss.
“Yes” they continued to talk between short hungry kisses.
“Shatter it”
“OK” They continued their kiss until Inu Yasha broke it. Even though he didn't really believe Miroku, he still needed to ask this. “Why did you seal your self in the mirror after you killed onigumo? You would have ruled. No one would have tried to go against what you said”
Kagome looked at him terrified before her features smoothed out. She looked at him sadly. “That's because I didn't seal myself in the mirror.”
Inu Yasha glared at her. “You lied to me?'
Kagome shrunk back. She settled to the side of Inu Yasha, looking away. “I didn't want you to think of me as week.”
Inu Yasha sat up. He leaned his head on the back of her shoulder. “Tell me”
Kagome sighed. “I was sealed by Kikyo. The demons that took over onigumo had joined together once again. There weren't very many left over.” She paused. “They corrupted Kikyo and made her try to kill me for the jewel. When…the time came…she just…” a tear fell down her cheek. “She couldn't kill me; she just sealed me in the mirror instead”
Inu Yasha wrapped his arms around her and laid back down. “I wouldn't have thought you week.” He nuzzled his nose in her hair. “I will break the mirror, for you”.
Kagome smiled.