InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Within The Attic ❯ Yukari ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Starring into her reflection in the doorknob, Yukari held her breath. It happened, just like the night before, and all the nights before that. Those dreams, no visions, of something so familiar, yet so distant. They led her here. Years of searching, of wandering Japan, and she finally found it. She stood in front of the house she remembered more clearly than anything else. It was the house, finally, she found it. Releasing a breath of relief she stiffened with fear and uncertainly. She was here, now what?
As long as she could remember, which isn't saying much, she had these dreams/visions. Well, actually, her earliest childhood memory was the first day she entered the first of many orphanages. She was six when that happened, but she had no memory of her parents and there were no records for her anywhere. By time she was given to “them” she had already had a collection of strange `visions'. These things clouded her mind over the memory of her parents. How important where these `clouds' anyway? She would rather have real memories than dreams of a life she didn't know. Why would she go around doing the things she was in her `visions' anyway?
She had been drawn here. Her soul had longed to be here. Just beyond this door might be answers. There were so many questions she had yet to answer and so many answers' that she didn't understand. Who was this girl that seemed to sad? Why was this dog ears boy trying to help this double-soul being? Why was the mirror so important and how did the double-soul get herself stuck into it? Why did she feel so close to the dog eared boy? Was he related to her?
She shuttered at the thought. The feelings that she had toward this boy were not for that of a relative. Besides, why would she have `visions' of him getting COMFORTABLE with a girl that looked just like her? Scary!
That brought up another thing. Why was that voice always taking to her in her `visions'. It kept telling her to go there, to this house, and protect the mirror. If she didn't her blood will taint all and kill at random. WHAT THE HELL DID THAT MEAN ANYWAY???
Turning the door knob, she slowly pushed on the door. With a slight screeching noise, it opened. The air within the house was crisp with evil. It flowed outside tainting whatever it reached. Could she be too late?
Taking a conscious step into the house she made her way towards the stairs. Looking around she was amazed at how well she knew this. It was exactly the same. Looking upstairs, she made her way to the first step. Placing her foot on the first step a surge of power went threw her body. A flood of memories reentered her mind. She remembered walking up this stairs before, along time ago. She was running from something.
Continuing her journey she took every step carefully. Another surge like that would send her down the stairs. She needed to be careful.
Taking her first step on the second story she wrapped her arms around herself. The air became think and cold. If you looked very carefully you could see the air was filled with a kind of mist that seemed to surround everything. It filled her lungs, trying to seal them off. Yukari pressed on.
There were pictures hanging on the wall. Glancing at them she smiled. In a large frame were two silver haired boys buried up to their neck in sand; no longer than 5 and 10. A day at the beach with the family no doubt.
Walking a few more steps she stopped dead in her tracks. There, on the wall was a painting. A painting she had never seen in her `visons', but see knew it. She knew the figure in it. A tall handsome man; demon, a dog demon. Three swords at his waist. Toughing the swords a feeling went threw her. Those swords, she held one. She was there when they were forged. They were made at the same time by the fangs of the dog demon's in he picture, but how did she know this?
Suddenly every hair on her body stood up. Her stomach turned in fear and worry. Snapping her head to the side she saw a door slightly open. A great power was flowing freely from behind the door. Kagome stiffened. She saw this, the mirror was behind there, and she had to protect it. Taking off at a run toward the door she opened just enough for he to get threw and headed up the stairs. As she moved up the stairs she could feel it. There were two beings up there, standing in front of the center of power; the mirror. She knew it them, something was about to happen, something terrible.
Skipping the last step she stopped in horror of what she saw. The dog eared boy just threw a familiar book at the mirror with a force no human possessed; the mirror would surly break.
“NOOOO” kagome screamed running toward the mirror.
The two boys in the room turned and looked at her. They just stared in shock.
As she ran the figure of a woman appeared in the mirror and smiled at her a smiled filled in hatred. She looked just like her. The only difference was that the figure's eyes were dark and full of hatred. Oh yeah, that and she had a deep scar that reached from two inched above her eyebrow, over her eye, to two inches down her cheek.
Immediately she knew who it was. Six feet from the mirror she reached out her hand and screamed. “NOOO” but it was too late. The book smashed into the mirror, shattering it in an instant. A force flew from the mirror sending her flying across the room. Her head hurt like nothing else she had ever imagined. A life time of memories were making an attempt to restore themselves. She screamed in pain.
“Inu Yasha, I don't think this is a good idea” Miroku said as he follows his friend up the stairs to the attic.
“Shut up Miroku. She needs to be released and the only way to do that is by breaking the mirror, so that's what I'm going to do” Inu Yasha growled in annoyance and determination.
Shaking his head in disbelief he pressed on. “She told you this no doubt?” Miroku asked.
Inu Yasha stopped almost to the top and turned around in furry. Miroku didn't seem to care. He wasn't afraid. “YES…SHE…DID!”
“And you believe her.”
“WHY WOULDN'T I BELIEVE HER?” Inu Yasha yelled.
“Think about it my friend.” Miroku started to raise his voice slightly. “We had gone over every spell book imaginable, searched the net, and read the diary. Nothing is matching up. In the diary it said that Naraku was purified by Kikyo only to become onigumo. Then some of the demons that made up Naraku, that weren't purified, materialized and tainted Kikyo's body, sending her to kill her sister in search of the Shikon Jewel. Why would Kikyo seal her in a mirror along with the jewel? That makes no sense. We KNOW that Kikyo and Naraku didn't get the jewel. They could have easily taken it by force but instead sealed her in a mirror, why would they do that?”
Inu Yasha growled. “Because Kagome managed to bring a part of Kikyo back and Kikyo couldn't kill her sister. But if she didn't that means that Naraku could, so she sealed her there so protect her.”
“Don't you understand? Kikyo took care of a Naraku at full strength when she was young. Naraku now faced a new powerful Kikyo and a nearly invincible Kagome. They would not have lost. Naraku had no chance of winning! Why would Kikyo seal Kagome in a mirror if Kikyo was brought back by Kagome?”
Miroku sighed and raised an eyebrow at Inu Yasha. Inu Yasha was changing his story. “So Kikyo, a priestess that overpowered the great kagome couldn't over power a week Naraku. Yes Inu Yasha, you make perfect sense.” Sarcasm dripped off every syllable.
Growling Inu Yasha turned around and headed up the stairs, diary in hand. “I don't have time for this.” Walking up to the mirror he looked at his own reflection. Taking a step back he looked around for something to break it.
“Inu Yasha please reconsider.” Miroku pleaded. “This doesn't sound right. You know kagome was more powerful that Kikyo, and Kikyo was more powerful that Naraku. Kagome wouldn't have fallen to her sister and Kikyo wouldn't have fallen to Naraku”
“SAVE IT” Inu Yasha screamed. Taking a step for balance he threw the book as hard as he could at the mirror.
“NOOOOO” a familiar voice was heard behind him. Turing he saw the last thing he expected. There was the girl that placed his dreamed, a look of horror spread across her face.
“Kagome?” he whispered in shock.