InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Within The Attic ❯ Broken Mirror ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Kagome?” he whispered in shock. He stood there as the girl ran toward the mirror, hand held out for it and everything. As the book smashed into the mirror a force flew from it and hit the girl, sending her flying across the room; skidding to a stop on her back. Immediately she brought her hands to her head as if her head was about to explode. She let out an ear piercing screamed.
Where the mirror once stood a woman appeared. A scar ruined the perfect image of kagome. She smiled at the lump of a girl that cradled her head. Turning to Inu Yasha she noticed the look of horror and confusing on his face. Walking toward him she looked him right in the eye. “What's wrong Inu Yasha dear? You don't seem too happy to see me?” She stopped right in front of him and reached up, cupping has cheek in her palm.
Inu Yasha just stood there. He didn't know what to do. The girl that he thought was in the mirror wasn't her. It was somebody that looked like her but smelled of dirt, death, and hatred. Her eyes held a cold evil that threatened to swallow his soul. He watched as she raised her hand and touched his cheek. Her skin was a pasty white and cold; so cold. Flinching he stepped back, away from her.
The girl laughed. “My Inu Yasha, what's wrong? Isn't this what you wanted? You wanted to be with me for all eternity?”
“You” he barely squeaked. “You aren't her” He ended in a growl.
“Indeed” The girl smirked.
“You're Kikyo” Miroku's calm voice broke threw part of the tension.
She smiled. “Very good Monk” she turned back toward Inu Yasha. “You should listen to your friend here. I heard your argument, and he was absolutely right”
Inu Yasha growled. “Where's kagome?”
“Dead” Kikyo said like it was nothing.
Inu Yasha's heart stopped. His kagome was dead. He couldn't breath. This girl had tricked him. His kagome was dead, but then how what he able to touch her…Inu Yasha felt himself fill with anger. He was being touched by this cold bitch in a disguise.
“Kagome sealed you in that mirror.” Miroku made his way toward the heartbroken hanyou. He stood beside him and looked toward Kikyo.
“Yes I did. My SISTER put me in there.” Kikyo's body shook with anger. “I just wanted to live, but she wouldn't let me. She wouldn't give it to me” Hatred flowed from Kikyo.
“Yes” Miroku nodded. “It all makes sense now. You were brought back by Naraku, but purified the demons, did you not” Kikyo didn't move. She just stood there in her flames of hatred listening to the familiar story. “You might have purified the demons, but apart of your fake body was tainted with the evil of the demons. You weren't able to purify it. It drove you to want to live, no mater what it took. Kagome wouldn't give the Jewel to you, so you tried to kill her.”
“SHE WANTED ME TO DIE” Kikyo screamed.
“I do not believe that she wanted you do die, then again you are not the sister she once loved. Your presence is laced with the blood of the people you killed to find your sister. However, she didn't have the jewel. You would have sensed it and tried to take it from her. You may be tainted but you loved your sister and wouldn't have wanted to kill her. However, she didn't have it. I believe that she might have let its new guardian's identity be reviled during your visit. In your rage you tried to kill her.”
Letting their words sink in Inu Yasha, is chest started to hurt. The hatred of kikyo's words were filling the attic with a thickness that made it hard to breath. He felt his blood boil as only one thing entered his mind. `Kill the girl who killed kagome'.
“Would you mind explaining to me what happened to your sister?” Miroku asked, feeling his friends anger rise.
Setting her gaze on Miroku she clenched her fists. She watched as Miroku fell to his knees in pain. He held his stomach. “You want to know what happened to my sister?” Her muscle in her body clenched. Miroku screamed in pain and fell the rest of the way to the floor.
Inu Yasha's blood boiled. He couldn't move, he couldn't control any part of it. Even his thoughts were taken over by this new enemy; his demon blood. `kill the killer of kagome'
“I'm right here”
Kikyo took her gaze off Miroku, breaking the spell. Miroku caught his breath and looked at what Kikyo was glaring at; the forgotten girl from before. She was indeed beautiful. Power radiated off her in its purest form. There was no evil in the smallest form within this girl. The girl Inu Yasha described to him was standing right in front of them.
“I remember now Kiyko” kagome spoke calmly.
The sweat song of her voice reached the hanyous ears. His demon blood released him, causing his to fall to his knees is exhaustion. He opened his eyes to see a familiar yet blurry form. He reached out for her. “Kagome” he whispered. Breathing heavily he could feel his energy restoring itself quickly.
“When you found out that I gave the jewel to Inu Taishu you were going to kill me and go after him. I couldn't allow that.”
Inu Yasha's ears perked up to the sound of his father's name. What did he have to do with this?
Kagome brought her hands to her chest and looked down painfully. All of these memories brought on emotions she wasn't prepared for. She remembered everything. She was kagome. She was reborn into the same body, but under a different name. She couldn't remember all of it because part of her soul missing. “I couldn't kill you. You're my sister and I love you.” Tears started to run down her cheeks. “I sealed you in the mirror so you would kill anymore people, hoping that over the years you would be able to purify the last of the demon, but I didn't realize until now.” She looked up at Kikyo with determination “You aren't my sister, your body is made from dirt. My sister's souls had passed on. You may have her memories, but you aren't her.”
Kikyo laughed. “I would not have my powers if I didn't have my soul”
Kagome smiled. “If you were Kikyo you would know the answer to that”
Kikyo stopped laughing and glared at Kagome in confusion.
“My sister's powers absorbed into the dirt at her resting place. You are made from the dirt of the field she died it. That is why you could not beat me, you aren't as powerful as you once were. My sister would have been able to break whatever spell I put on her”
Kikyo's eyes turned blood red “I AM KIKYO”
“I sealed you within the mirror with part of my own soul. My soul kept you sealed there, but when Inu Yasha opened the attic that I bound close you could feel my soul lighten in his presence. Even then you could tell that he and I were meant to be. Our souls yearned for each other. You used that to your advantage. Somehow you were able to leaving the mirror. You let down your defenses enough for my soul to take what I wanted. I seduced the hanyou. It's like a memory to me now”
There was a long pause. Everybody could feel kikyo's anger. Kikyo knew kagome was right.
The imposter Kikyo charged kagome.
Kagome stood there, patient, not a single muscle in her body tense.
Inu Yasha found his strength. “KAGOME!” he ran toward her. A force of energy emitted itself from kagome, hitting him back to the farthest corner of the attic. As Kikyo reached kagome, kagome held out her arms. She wrapped them around Kikyo, surprising the imposter, and whispered.
“I love you” kagome's eye watered. A light burst from kagome, blinding Miroku and Inu Yasha. Everything went black from there.