InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Without a Lullaby ❯ Undiluted ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n:Before reading further, there will be LIME and possibly LEMON in this chapter. Read the summary. It'll say which. I'm too lazy after I finish the chapter to come back and write which it was. ^_^ enjoy that.Oh, and once again, “You Are My Love” is NOT my song. Sang by Yui Makino for Tsubasa Chronicles.
Anyway, I really appreciate those who are reviewing still! Thank you so much! Trin,Harper, Ray-chan, and of course, Megan. Anyway, if there is anyone who is looking for updates on “Failure: Not an Option” They'll be coming very soon. A computer wiz we know is uploading Microsoft Word, which is somewhat necessary for me to be able to post chapters... I will be able to update, and start (*squee*) new stories. Exciting, right? Anyway, thank you guys.
There has also been a lot of problems at home, and I've had a lot of emotional problems as well… but I've been dealing with them slowly, and that's the best way to do it, right? Anyway, this is not a blog or a journal, so here we go!
And for those wondering about Shippo, Kirara, Miroku, and Sango... they're coming up very soon.
Sorry! One more thing… I'm going to try and start scanning pictures I've drawn onto the internet and post them up! So keep an eye out, okay? Okay.
Chapter XIX: Undiluted
“Rin chan, behind you!” Kagome rushed to the child, tackling her to the floor at the last possible moment as the demon's arm scrapped the ground where Rin had been just a fraction of a second ago. The ground was upturned with large claw marks, and Kagome stared at it with uneasiness as she heard a threatening growl coming from the side of her.
Sesshomaru had placed himself between the demon and his wards. He stood in all his glory, a shining white figure like some kind of morbid knight. Tokijin was raised and a rage was covering his perfect face.
He was not going to play today.
He was going to maim and destroy.
Kagome felt herself shield the child protectively with her own body as Sesshomaru brought the Tokijin up, and brought it down quickly as an arc of light came from it like lightning across a stormy sky.
“Dragon Strike!”
It was futile, she knew, as the demon scrambled to get away from the fury.
But no one escaped Sesshomaru.
Not even herself.
A giant wind rushed through her hair, blowing it wildly in her face and she almost fancied she was flying... Weightless through a still time…
…well, that was, until the blood rained down upon her like Kami had a morbid sense of humor.
Lucky me...
She sighed, backing up, happy it had covered her back to where Rin could not see... Rin wasn't even really aware anything was going on, Kagome guessed, for she didn't do anything but smile as Kagome. Her eyes shined bright, and she grabbed onto Kagome's clothes and tugged.
“Arigato, Kagome-neesan! You saved Rin!”
Kagome stared at the child quietly, looking down at the adoring cinnamon eyes. The innocence, the purity… never tarnished by this lifestyle.
…though she was nearly killed not even five minutes before.
Kagome realized… Rin's faith in herself and Sesshomaru was unwavering.
...How does she do it...?
The toad lifted his bulging eyes to his lord, watching him nervously as Sesshomaru commanded he take Rin away to look for food at the moment. It was indeed a very careful process of shielding Rin from the mutilated corpse. But it was successful, though Kagome was unsure how, as she stood up and flicked her arm in an attempt to get an excess of the entrails off of herself. Blood splattered the ground, the trees, the bushes, and Sesshomaru.
Looking vaguely annoyed at her mistake, Sesshomaru lifted a sleeve to wipe the mess from his face as Kagome gasped and smirked sheepishly.
My bad...
“Go clean yourself up.” Kagome was sure that he was just ordering her or the mere sake she stank. But as she lifted her arms and twirled to reveal her back to showing off her sopping wet kimono, she just snapped at him, “You know, this was all your fault! I wouldn't have to clean myself up if you were a little more efficient.”
Sesshomaru felt his eyebrow twitch as he stared at Kagome's bloody back, “The youkai is dead, is it not?” Kagome threw a dirty look at him over her shoulder, giving him a hard stare.
“Yeah, but you didn't have to use me as a human canvas!”
Then Kagome felt her insides beginning to clench, as the stench was starting to overwhelm her. She had been avoiding look at the corpse, or at her own clothes for the mere fact she did not want to lose her stomach. Long ago she had learned to look at these things with a vague sort of detatchment, and it was getting progressively easier to ignore… but she still could not ignore the way the moistness stuck her kimono to her back, or the feeling of chunks of something sliding down between her shoulder blades.
She watched as Sesshomaru crinkled his nose in mixed disgust and amusement, replying, “Are you implying that you prefer I help you then?”
Kagome felt herself turning bright red, as she covered her face and turned from him, “You… you're… argh! LECHEROUS HENTAI!”
Sesshomaru simply stared after her as she stormed off in a fit towards the nearest stream… or, what she assumed was the direction to the nearest stream, anyway….
Sesshomaru shook his head as an invisible sigh passed through his lips, and he began to follow her, muttering softly, “Humans…”
So weak…
But he knew that either way, he wouldn't change things as they were.
Sesshomaru continued walking, taking his time, as he knew where she was and could smell nothing of any sort of danger around.
Of course, she's downwind…
But he still could not feel any jyaki of any sort, so he spent his time leisurely as he possibly could, knowing he would have to clean himself as well eventually. But for the time he enjoyed hearing Kagome gripe and grumble, feeling her frustration set in as she got disoriented and lost her way. Her annoyances honestly amused him, though he wasn't sure why.
Well, that was… that sometimes it did, though sometimes it caused himself to become agitated.
I suppose it really depends on what it is that causes her distress
But just the mere fact Kagome had no sense of direction amused him to no end. She got lost so easily, whether it was around the castle or around his lands.
He wondered how she had lived so long.
Inuyasha protected her with his life, there was no way he was going to let something harm her…
He felt himself bristle at the idea, still feeling somewhat inadequate on how well he could protect her. He knew what had happened had happened, and could not change.
But it does not separate the reality…
Sesshomaru stopped and breathed in deeply, trying to rid himself of these childish thoughts. There was nothing he could do to change what had happened, and all he could possibly do was try and rectify the consequences of what had happened the best way he could and prevent it from happening again.
Sesshomaru winced as he heard Kagome bellow into the trees, sending a flock of birds into the air at the ferociousness of her outburst. Sesshomaru slowly progressed his way forward until he came upon her, finding her on her knees and crying.
He frowned a bit at this, coming to her and looking down upon her as she sat there with her face in her hands, just sobbing. As he approached her, she lifted her eyes… they shined like crystals as the tears fell from her eyes…
He wasn't sure why she was crying again, and he didn't care to know. All he knew was that he didn't want to see her crying again.
So he approached her cautiously, as if he were approaching a small wild animal, looking down upon her as she lifted her gaze up to him and sniffed.
She looks like a hare…
And she did, with her pink nose and bright eyes.
The Lord knew what he was aiming at, but this Sesshomaru did not use the word `cut…e'.
He shivered, and tried to ignore the fact he did acknowledge where that thought was heading.
“What are you looking at, you jerk?!” Sesshomaru blinked at her, watching her as her nose crinkled up in a sign that she was distressed, a pretty scowl set on her face.
This only furthered to amuse him.
He even felt the corners of his lips twitching, though he didn't even smirk at her.
But he knew she saw the slight change anyway as he watched her pride stand on end, and she stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes on her own.
“What, do you think this is funny?!”
Sesshomaru feigned indifference.
“Find what, exactly, funny?”
He watched Kagome become angrier, and he liked making her angry. The fact that someone dare yell at him almost excited him.
Though… months ago I would have struck her down where she stood…
He just continued to watch her as she stood there, trembling slightly, an angry glare on her face which was meant only for him.
“You do think this is funny, don't you?! You… you…”
Sesshomaru felt his hand lift on its on accord, and before he knew it… he cupped her cheek and drew near her, looking down into uncertain eyes as she stuttered. She exuded innocence… she, through all her pain and all her hardships… had somehow managed to stay only Kagome.
He tilted his head down, bringing his lips only a hair away from hers, as a silver curtain spilled over his shoulder and shielded them from the world.
It was only him and her.
And that was completely fine… Nothing else mattered then. Not to him, and not to her…
He felt her warm breath spread over his lips, causing them to tingle as he never kept his eyes off her, an unwavering stare. Her eyes moved back and forth to his, unable to look away…
And Sesshomaru saw her eyes closely for the first time… they weren't just sapphire, they were a myriad of color… sky blue, cerulean, stormy blue, crystal blue… they were the absolute definition of beauty.
And they shined like twilight, as if heaven had kissed her eyes. But such a resounding sadness laid there… such sorrow and loss.
Sesshomaru didn't know how to take that away for her…
He slowly closed the distance between them, placing his lips firmly upon hers, and capturing those pink tiers in a kiss that slowly broke her heart, yet she didn't know why…
She found herself leaning into him, grasping onto his haori tightly, as she felt a strong arm wrap around her back and pull her as close to him as possible.
It seemed almost as if he wished to become one with her.
She felt his soft velvet tongue part her lips, and before she could react properly he had invaded her and taken her captive… there was no place to go, and currently she wasn't sure if she would leave if she had the chance.
She nearly gasped as she felt him press her up against the tree behind her, and their kiss went suddenly from capturing to devouring. She became desperate, one hand finding a way into his hair and grasping firm hold of it as he entangled his body with hers, pressing a knee inbetween her legs and pushing them apart. She felt herself sharply exhale as he pressed his knee into her warmth, and he hoisted her up higher, the bark sliding against her back. She cried out as suddenly stopped kissing her and bite down into her neck, growling viciously as he drew blood.
She felt him lapping at it, sucking on it as he grinded into her, and his hardness became very apparent. She drew in a breath between her teeth, hissing slightly as a tightness wound in her stomach, and she rubbed herself against his knee.
Everything was a haze, an excitement and newness taking her by surprise… but somewhere inside her she felt doubt, even fear, at what was going on…
But almost every part of her did not care.
She felt him bury his nose in her hair, him sniffing as he pushed against her possessively. She felt him mumble something against her hair, blinking as she strained to hear him.
“…What…what was that?”
Sesshomaru tilted his head and pressed his lips against her ear, whispering to her.
Sing it for me again…
She blushed heatedly as she suddenly became very aware of how entangled they were, and how open they were.
Sesshomaru dragged his tongue slowly from the base to the tip of her ear, before asking her, “…Please?”
…I can't say no if he asks like that…
Kagome started off stuttering… but the words became more comfortable as Sesshomaru backed off a little. To her surprise, he slowly lowered himself to the ground, and carefully pulled her along, wrapping his arms securely around her as the words flowed from her lips.
Kiss me sweet,
I'm sleeping in silence,
All alone.
He not stands the snow.
In my dream,
I'm calling your name,
You are my love.
She could have sworn the soft rumble from Sesshomaru's chest was a purr, but she didn't dare say anything to ruin the moment.
In your eyes,
I search for my memory.
Lost in then,
So far in the sea-bring.
Hold me tight,
And swear again in the night again,
We'll never be apart.
Sesshomaru shifted her from his side to on top of him, and she laid her head down on his chest. Through the rumbling, she thought she heard him whisper, “We'll never be apart…”
If you could touch my favor softly,
I'll give you my love.
We set sail in the darkness
Of the night
Out to the sea,
To find me there.
To find you there.
Love me now,
If you dare...
Sesshomaru stared at her quietly, running his fingers through her hair as she sang to him. Never before had he indulged into something so meaningless… though, even if it should have been meaningless… it meant everything to him.
Kiss me Sweet,
I'm sleeping in sorrow,
All alone,
To see you tomorrow.
In my dream,
I'm calling your name,
You are my love...
He watched as she rubbed her eyes slightly, sighing heavily against his chest. Slowly, he sat up and brought her with him. But she continued to lean against him, not separating the space between them any. As he turned his head down to meet her gaze, he watched the fleeting emotions cross her face that were as plentiful as the myriad of her eyes. He knew she felt so many things.
I know, for I feel it as well…
Again, Sesshomaru found himself kissing her, as he pushed her on her back gently and covered her body with his own. She wrapped her arms around his torso as far as she could reach, and did not protest when he sliced her kimono open and threw the bloodied thing away. Underneath she was completely bare, and he ran his hand over her skin and stopped only to palm her bust.
She arched absent-mindedly into his touch, and whimpered slightly as he pulled away to rid himself of his own clothes as quickly as possible. He dipped his head low to taste her again, shivering as she cupped his face and returned his kiss passionately. He reached down with his hand, probing her, and finally slid two of his fingers inside her. Again she whimpered at the invasion, squirming underneath him and unused to such a wonderful feeling.
Sesshomaru stopped when he found her g-spot, and she arched her hips high into him, crying out at the sudden burst of feeling she had from him touch.
For now, he allowed himself to get lost in her scent again, burying his nose into her hair as he pumped her, feeling her tight wall contract around his fingers. He was making sure to drive her as close to the edge as possible without sending her over.
Dipping his head low, he removed his fingers as he felt the spasms increase. As his fangs suddenly elongated, he bit down into her collarbone as he entered her and she shouted his name aloud. He tensed as he buried himself into her to the hilt, growling loudly as a warning to any who heard.
Blood clouded his vision as his youkai called to him, driving him to claim her. He had already marked her as his own, and now he needed to finish.
He pulled back and thrust into her, her wetness coating him.
Sesshomaru turned his gaze to her, and found her eyes were tightly shut and she was panting. Her haggard breaths caused her chest to rise and fall, drawing his attention to those hardened pink nipples that were taunting him for a taste. But he was determined to complete his mark, and fully claim her.
Again he pulled back and thrust forward to meet her hips. By then she was moaning, eager, pushing him on and forward.
It was all he could do not to tear through her and destroy any who he found to be a challenge for the right to Kagome.
Growling, he sped up the pace, pounding her, trying not to be merciless in his attempt to be with her. But she just kept crying his name out, as he pushed her over the edge more than once, trying her best to keep up with him.
Everything about her was too enticing.
Her scent, her looks, the way her body molded to his drove him wild.
To be inside her was more than ecstasy. It was pure and utter bliss.
It was brilliant.
As his name spilled from her lips again, his growled loudly, digging his claws into her body and crushing her against him as he shoved himself to the very back wall of her and felt himself spill his seed inside her. He quivered as he did, and a flash of white took over his vision temporarily.
The taste of her blood was sweet, the feeling of her was perfection in itself.
There was no way she did not belong to him, from the sheer simple fact of how well her body accommodated him.
Kagome very suddenly found herself on top of Sesshomaru instead of under him, though he had somehow managed to keep himself inside of her despite the reciprocal.
But he was no longer biting her, which was to her relief. The pain and the pleasure had been heaven and hell, and just as addicting. She shivered as he withdrew himself slowly, and she squirmed at the feeling of his semen still being coated inside of her.
It was so warm.
It felt so good.
And she didn't feel ashamed.
...she felt… quite the opposite.
Undiluted love.
He never stopped licking her shoulder languidly, his eyes closed and a definite purr coming from his chest. But he acknowledged her with a, “Hn?”
Kagome slightly fidgeted, laying her head on his shoulder as she stared at him. She continued until he had finally turned to look back at her. She took a deep breath to calm herself as she stared into those molten orbs, which looked at her with such an intensity she almost thought she was looking into the sun.
“Sesshomaru… Aisheteru.”
Kagome couldn't help the tears that flowed as he looked at her as if to see she spoke the truth, or when he only crushed her to him as if he would never in the world again let her go.
A/n: I know Kagome cries a lot! I know, I'm sorry! I almost cried too, sorry.
Happiness for Kagome.
Anyway, hoped you guys enjoyed the lemon!And what a surprise… a humongous chapter! Whoo hoo!
PS! I took this chapter down because pyrokittenpointed something out to me I was too dumb to remember. Fuck me.
Anyway, it's all better now. THANK YOU!