InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Without a Lullaby ❯ Vague ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n:Haha, just for some clarification on my newest chapter… that was a really dumb mistake. Though I like your interpretation Trin, (as it would make it seem so much deeper… sigh)… I must be a nice author and admit that that was my own idiocy.
Hey, at least I admitted it… right? ;-;?
And btw, I'm happy every appreciated the lemon ^-^.
Oh, and… well, of course things are going to mess up.
I'm evil like that.
Besides! Their personalities are so fucking different things aren't just gonna magically work, right?!
It's okay. You can say it.
“I hate you.”
^-^ Mwa.
P.S.! I wrote two small one-shots. One is rated X for rape, and it's called “Lies”. If you don't like that stuff, don't read it, but it's relatively mild.
The second one is also angsty, but is rated P for pre-teen. Just for adult situations, such as desperate feelings. This one is called “Solitude”. Go check them out! (I'm promoting my own stuff. I'm sad. ;-;.)
Chapter XX: Vague
“You fucking like pissing me off, don't you?!” Sesshomaru nearly winced as Kagome stomped her foot for emphasis on her anger.
“No, I'm not doing it.”
Sesshomaru growled somewhat inaudibly as he took a step forward, towering more than a head over her, looking down upon her in annoyance. “You will do as I say as long as you are within my presence.” Rin and Jaken somewhat stared blankly at each other, and then to the adults as they argued needlessly over kimonos for Kagome.
“Why would you have me wear something so impractical? It makes absolutely no sense.” Kagome pointed at the horribly traditional kimono, and though it was quite stunning, it was screaming unrealistic.
“Because, you are a lady and you should act the part.”
Kagome gave him the eye, and Rin cringed at it. It meant Kagome-neesan was mad.
“We're traveling, Sesshomaru. What if I have to run?” Rin nodded her head, agree with Kagome-neesan, looking to Sesshomaru for his argument.
“There is no reason for you to be running.”
Rin blinked.
“I ran YESTERDAY for crying out loud!” Rin nodded again. She had run yesterday, and quite a bit too.
“What for?”
That was a silly question of Sesshomaru-sama. Rin wrinkled her nose in wonder at her master's apparent selective memory.
“Well, only the YOUKAI that attacked Rin, Jaken, and I while you were out wandering about. What did you say? Patrolling?” Rin had noticed the slight low blow she had inserted into the comment she made, as if Sesshomaru had left for the hell of it, and that it was more dangerous for him to be away than anything.
Rin watched with scrutinizing eyes as her master battled with a rising pride and a need to remain clam. It didn't take long for Sesshomaru to take very apparent distaste to her comment, speaking with an extremely dry tone.
“Forgive me that I do not meet your highest of standards, my royal ningen pain.” Rin watched as Kagome's mouth dropped slightly open, reminded her of a Koi fish somewhat, and she flushed. Apparently the matter of the kimono had dropped, for Sesshomaru-sama began leaving with a very vexed Kagome following behind him and whispering harshly to him.
Because Rin did not hear, she assumed Kagome-neesan was saying mean things to Sesshomaru-sama for the faces Jaken was giving her were hilarious. He was even stuttering, stumbling over coherent sentences such as, “That… why I'd… wha-t the?... fuc…ding stupid…. Grr… ningens!”
Rin looked down at the toad demon with sparkling eyes, speaking to him, “Jaken-sama, what is it that Kagome-neesan tells Sesshomaru-sama?” Jaken choked on his words a bit, knowing if he told the human female such obscenities that his lord would wring his neck. “None of your business, Rin! Mind your own!”
Rin fumed a little, becoming somewhat testy with Jaken's hypocrisy. “Jaken-sama, why is it Rin must mind her own business but Jaken-sama has very open ears to conversations that are not his own?”
Jaken sputtered again, caught in his hypocrisy by a twelve year old, and grew annoyed with her for he had no answer but a bullshit one for her.
“Respect your elders and do as you're told, Rin!”
Rin grew angry, tripping Jaken for his unfavorable remark and ran ahead to catch up with Sesshomaru and Kagome.
“Just because you're a youkai and you can fucking destroy me does not mean you own me, Sesshomaru, so don't you fucking go around bossing me like I'm your fucking pet!”
Sesshomaru turned and hissed at the girl, too enraptured in their small argument to notice Rin's new arrival, “You are mine, Kagome, and I will do what I like with you.”
The more he spoke, the more Kagome wanted to smack him. “I am not yours!”
Rin was growing upset with their angry words, so se grabbed Kagome-neesan's sleeve and tugged just enough to grab her attention. “Kagome-neesan! I'm hungry.”
Sesshomaru's slits turned Rin and dilated, infuriated with the woman that stood before him. “Rin, you shall have Jaken accompany you. Kagome and I have more to discuss.”
Rin grasped onto Kagome's sleeve harder, wanting to get her away from her master's mood. “Demo, Sesshomaru-sama…”
Sesshomaru growled slightly, stepping forward, “Rin, now.”
Rin gasped a little, surprised at his even slightly threatening attitude and took off to Jaken without another thought.
Kagome grew enraged at his minor display, shoving Sesshomaru, “You might be angry, but don't take it out on her!”
Red bled into Sesshomaru's eyes and he snarled at her, “Be silent!”
She did as she was told quickly, glaring him right in the eyes as he grabbed on to her and pull her into his chest.
“Why do you insist on giving this Sesshomaru so much trouble…?”
Kagome sighed, grumbling slightly, “I don't mean to… but why do you insist on controlling me so?”
She felt as Sesshomaru dipped his head down slightly, pushing the collar of her kimono aside, revealing the scar he had left her with since their first coupling.
She tensed, feeling that tingling sensation spread through her being… it happened every time his flesh came in contact with that spot. She knew he was rubbing he scar.
“Why does that matter…?”
Sesshomaru pulled back slightly, panting somewhat, staring down at her as she leaned into his embrace.
“Do you know not what it means, Kagome?”
She simply shook her head.
“It means, Kagome, that you are my mate.” Kagome's eyebrows drew together, and she was still not entirely sure what that meant. And despite her confused face, Sesshomaru did not bother to explain it more clearly.
Kissing her forehead gently, he released her and spoke softly, “Let us go find Rin and Jaken. We must find something soon or we will be in trouble.”
Kagome nodded absently, completely ignoring anything besides the feeling of her insides clenching at what he had said.