InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wolf of mine ❯ Buyo strikes Back! ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Buyo Strikes back!
Disclaimer: I don't own Kouga and Co. in any way or form ok?
As they sped back to Kagome's house, she was, for her unusually silent, thinking everything over in her head,
`I don't know what to do, Inuyasha was my first serious love, at least I thought he was, but I don't know if he feels that way about me. But then Koga who right after he kidnapped me in the first place told me he was in love with me! And he has been so sweet the last two days, but what would happen to my relationship with Inuyasha if I did decide to become Koga's mate? Koga hates him! I couldn't stand to never see Inuyasha again just because of that we've been through to much together!' With a groan Kagome buried her face in her hands as Koga ran.
She was so busy thinking all this over that she didn't even realize that they had arrived home, until Koga set her gently on her feet.
With a quick smile, she got out her keys to unlock the door so that they could go inside.
“Why don't you stay in here for a while, and watch some TV, while I see about making us some dinner ok?” she said as she went into the kitchen to look around.
Plopping onto the couch with a happy sigh, Koga smiled.
`I'm here alone with the woman I love, and she's making me dinner, also as an added bonus, the clothes she is wearing are still wet so I can see all her wonderful curves underneath them.' He smirked as that thought crossed his mind, and he closed his eyes to savor the memory.
But before he knew it, being as tired as he was, from the last couple of unusual days he drifted off into a peaceful slumber, dreaming wonderful dreams about Kagome.
He was so engrossed in dreamland that he didn't feel the added weight on his stomach from were a certain large lump of fur, with cute pointy ears had settled.
As she came out of the kitchen, to let Koga know that it would be just a little bit longer on the food, because she had to thaw out the meat, Kagome stopped the words never quite leaving her throat.
As she came upon a sight that few would ever see, Koga sleeping peacefully on her couch, his black pony tail cascading over one of the armrests, as well as one of his arms, while his other arm and one of his legs was dangling off the side of the couch, his head lolling slightly to the side, a very happy look on his face, with a purring and very content Buyo sleeping on his stomach, she couldn't help but give a little “Aww.” before she smirked and went in the other room to get something.
Tiptoeing back into the room, she smiled at him as he slept, before lifting the camera and snapping a few instant pictures, one that she would show him (and he would probably rip to shreds, because it wouldn't be any good for his enemies to see the great Koga sleeping like a baby, and cuddling with a cat.), and one or two that she would keep for herself so she could remember this moment forever.
She left the room just as quietly as she came not wanting to wake him from his restful slumber.
Going back into the kitchen, she sighed before starting to boil water for the meat.
Slowly Koga blinked his eyes open in surprise, as he sniffed the air, as he pushed Buyo off of him, and got to his feet stretching his muscles as they were a bit sore from sleeping in one position for over an hour.
Going into the Kitchen he saw a wonderful sight: Kagome, her face a bit flushed standing over a stovetop, stirring a pot on the stove that smelled heavenly.
Looking up as she sensed him coming in the room she flashed him a quick smile, as she turned toward him.
“You were sleeping so peacefully that I didn't want to wake you, because you must have been really tired to fall asleep like that.”
Sniffing the air he walked over to were she was cooking.
“What smells so good?” he asked as he looked in the pot.
“Beef stew, it's my moms recipe and I making it for the first time, so I hope its good.”
Catching her hands with his, he smiled at her. “Anything you make is wonderful my sweet.” He said seriously as he gazed down into her brown eyes, his own sparkling a bit.
Blushing a bit because of how close she was to Koga, Kagome smiled at him and went to turn to stir the stew, anything so that she could put just a little bit of space between her and the very sexy wolf demon standing in front of her.
But as she went to turn, he caught her wrist, pulling her gently toward him; as he bent his head down to meet her lips with his.
As he gently brushed his lips against hers, he slowly let go of her wrist, to run his hands over her back, and down her sides.
Licking her lips a bit he sighed, as her lips parted and he was able to taste her like this for the very first time, taking it slow he explored every bit of her mouth that he could, pressing her to him as if he never wanted to let her go.
Kagome meanwhile had dropped the stirring spoon as he kissed her, so that she could run her hands up to his hair, were she tugged it out of his high ponytail, letting it drape over them like a soft black cloud, as her hands then went over to his ears, were she began to rub them in between her fingers.
As she did that, Koga let out a kind of half contented growl, half purr as he kissed her.
Slowly he began to run his hands over her back, making her moan just a bit into the kiss.
Just then the doorbell rang, causing Koga, and Kagome to pull away from each other just a little breathless.
Growling just a bit at the fact that they were interrupted, Koga looked at Kagome, and couldn't help but smile just a bit, at how beautiful she looked, Her black hair mussed up, shirt wrinkled, and lips a deep cherry red and just a bit swollen from the kiss.
Kagome straightened her shirt, ran her fingers through her hair, but only succeeded in making it even more mussed up, and growled slightly herself, as she practically stormed her way to the door, mad enough that Koga felt REALLY sorry for who ever was at the door.
As she opened the door, Kagome's upset expression didn't improve any, for on her doorstep was non other than Hojo, Eri, Ayumi, and Yuka.
Ok and that's wear I'm going to leave it for now sorry about the delay folks.