InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Woman & Child ❯ Birds & Magic ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Woman & Child
Chapter Seven: Birds and Magic

Akahana, the Lady of the Tori received word that her ally, Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands was in the area with his retainer and child. She sought out the taiyoukai. Akahana was just as her name implied. She was a red flower, beautiful with short hair the color of scarlet. She had narrow dark red eyes that match the rouge on her delicate lips and the color of her finger nails. Upon her back were full black wings that she always kept neatly folded high on her back so the red tips would not drag on the ground. She wore jeweled armor and under that she wore a black silk kimono and hakama with a red obi. She was taiyoukai and a merciful and powerful leader. Her mother had been allies with Sesshoumaru’s father. And in honor of that, Akahana and Sesshoumaru had continued to ally the southern and western lands after the death of their parents.

Akahana had always cared for Sesshoumaru. And wanted to become his mate, but the inu was so wrapped up in himself that he hadn’t noticed. Or he didn’t care. The red tori knew if they were to mate, their children will be powerful indeed. And Akahana would the envy of the other noble youkai females who sought the throne besides the mighty Sesshoumaru. She would have him no matter what. Akahana wanted to wait until the hanyou, Naraku was killed. But she needed a heiress and Sesshoumaru needed a heir. Females were meant to rule all of the birds, while the males were expected to rule all canines. With the western and southern lands within the same family, the northern reptile youkai and the humans that dominated the east would crumble. Akahana smiled to herself, yes that was a good plan indeed.

A large Peregrine falcon flew into the great hall, Akahana sat in and perched itself upon her shoulder. Akahana was sitting at the end of the hall in the company of her nobles and advisors. Today was the day Akahana heard the requests of the people of her land. A village leader was seated before her discussing the news of the new crops when the falcon whispered in her ear. That particular falcon was Akahana’s personal friend. He has lived longer than most falcons and Akahana felt very close to the bird. Which is exactly why Akahana only trusted the bird with news of the lands, she only humored her advisors and the villagers in coming to address her personally. The falcon, called Katana told her of Sesshoumaru’s arrival in her mountains. Akahana smiled and abruptly stood. Her personal guards also stood without question. The village headsman looked up in confusion. Akahana smiled and bowed politely. The headsman bowed lower with respect.

“Forgive me, but I have important business to attend to.” Akahana stood up straight. “Your request for more protection is granted. If the locust youkai are destroying more crops than I will see to their destruction.” Akahana smiled brighter. “Besides, those youkai are particularly delicious to those in my court.”

The village headsman smile and bowed again. “Yes, My Lady. Our village is eternally grateful for your kindness. Thank you.”
Akahana bowed slightly and took her leave out of the castle. She immediately took to the sky after Katana to the last spot the falcon left the inu taiyoukai. Akahana had superb eyesight and it didn’t take her long to spot the taiyoukai flying on his cloud toward her castle.

Sesshoumaru easily caught the delicate and pleasing scent of Akahana. He smiled to himself as he remembered the affair they had over one hundred years ago. They didn’t become mates because they were still in the middle of wars with the north, and afterward they were wrapped up in affairs with their lands. Sesshoumaru knew Akahana wanted to bear his children but Sesshoumaru didn’t want to be stuck with a life mate he couldn’t love. Sesshoumaru chuckled to himself, he remembered pulling out each time he released with her and her angry expression at another lost attempt at becoming his life mate. He finally caught sight of her stunning form coming towards him with a new falcon and her two most trusted guards. Sesshoumaru knew she saw him long before he saw her. But he also knew that she wouldn’t be able to smell Shori on him.

Both youkai touched ground and smiled.

“Lady Akahana,” Sesshoumaru said with respect. “It has been awhile.”

Akahana gave her wings a quick flutter and settled them on her back. “It has My Lord, to what do I owe this honor? It can’t be treaty affairs, surely you would have sent one of your vassals.” Akahana stepped closer. “But oh, I happen to have heard that you haven’t attended to your lands in quite some time. Surely you hear the rumors of your abandonment of the Western Lands.”

Sesshoumaru’s smile fell slightly. “I have and I assure you, the rumors are false.” Sesshoumaru stepped closer, “there were times when I have left my lands for much longer periods.”

Akahana reach up and caressed the taiyoukai’s cheek. She leaned up and gently kissed him. She knew he wouldn’t return the kiss, he wasn’t the type. But she enjoyed it anyway. “So, if it isn’t a business visit, then have you come to pillow with me?”

Sesshoumaru’s stoic mask fell back into place. “Unfortunately, I have not come for such a pleasurable visit.”

With another flutter of her wings, Akahana frowned. “Oh too bad. Well then, what can I do for you?”

“I need the power of the shikon no tama.”


Inuyasha couldn’t sit still. Something about Sesshoumaru’s visit bothered him. The way he looked at Kagome and the comment he made stirred something inside him. First Kouga gave him that feeling and now Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha leapt into the trees without a word to his friends and searched out his mysterious brother. It didn’t take him long to catch the new scent of his brother, Inuyasha still couldn’t believe that Sesshoumaru had a mate.

Shori bathed alone humming a soft tune she was making up for Rin. She smiled to herself as she thought of her Lord and she wondered how long he would be gone. She could still feel his burning caresses all over her and she sighed with pleasure. Suddenly her eyes shot open as her senses began to go into overdrive.

“What!” She exclaimed. “No, what’s happening!” Then all on it’s on her body changed shape in the water and she lost control. The white wolf jumped out of the water and took her clothes into her mouth. Just as she turned, a silver haired hanyou crashed through the trees. Shori’s first reaction: “inu, protect myself.” She dropped the clothes and lunged for the hanyou’s neck.

Inuyasha could smell Sesshoumaru on the wolf that was attacking him, he wanted to laugh. His brother took a wild animal for a mate! Inuyasha swiped at the wolf but her teeth sunk into his arm. Inuyasha howled in pain as snatched the wolf off. He dug his claws into the wolf and flinched when she whimpered in pain.

Inuyasha dropped her in time to dodge a deadly poison whip. Sesshoumaru charged towards his brother with blood in his eyes. Inuyasha jumped back to avoid Sesshoumaru’s deadly claws. The hanyou was shocked when Sesshoumaru stopped charging and knelt next to the injured wolf.

“Shori, change back.” Sesshoumaru said softly as he stroked her soft fur. He placed a necklace with a glowing blue jewel around her neck and watched as a soft blue light surrounded her, slowly the white wolf disappeared and a shaking, naked girl was lying on the ground, the light around her faded. But the jewel still shined brightly. Sesshoumaru pulled off his armor and haori and put around the waking girl.

“Sess-hou-chan, I couldn’t control it.” Shori whimpered softly. “What happened, why have I changed back.”

“It is the magic of the tori.” Sesshoumaru touched the necklace around the girl’s neck. “But it is only temporary. You are full youkai until the curse takes over again.” Sesshoumaru smiled slightly as he looked into Shori now sky blue eyes. These eyes suited just as much as her deep brown ones did.

Shori gasped as she looked over Sesshoumaru’s shoulder to the approaching hanyou. Sesshoumaru didn’t turn as he flexed his claws and growled.

“If you want to keep your head, Inuyasha. I suggest you leave.” Sesshoumaru said as he calmed his inner youkai.

“Keh! I came here for answers and I be damned if I leave without them!” Inuyasha withdrew tessaiga and pointed at his brother.

“You attack my wife, then turn your blade on me? Your life is forfeit my brother.” Sesshoumaru stood but stopped when Shori gasped and took hold of his clothing.

“No! Sesshoumaru don’t. I attacked him. Please don’t hurt your Brother.” Shori pleaded. “Please, Sesshou-chan. Lets go back to camp.” Shori tried to get up but Sesshoumaru stopped her and lifted her into the crook of his arm.

“Inuyasha, you want answers. Come with me.” Sesshoumaru growled as he walked into the woods.

Sesshoumaru growled the entire way to camp. Luckily Rin was asleep and didn’t see the blood that now stained his pristine clothes. Inuyasha trailed behind, careful not to irritate the taiyoukai in front of him any further. Inuyasha knew that if the girl hadn’t stopped Sesshoumaru, the hanyou would be fighting for his life at that moment. He watched as Sesshoumaru gently placed the now sleeping girl besides Rin and wrap her tighter with different clothing. Sesshoumaru sat against a tree well away from the sleeping females. Jaken was also snoring loudly on top on Ah-Un who had wrapped itself around Shori and Rin protectively. Sesshoumaru glared at his brother as a sign to sit with him.

Inuyasha sat against the tree on the opposite from his brother. The silence was deafening for a long moment before Inuyasha finally spoke.

“So, that’s her, huh?” Inuyasha said quietly. “Not what I expected.”

Sesshoumaru remained silent for a moment before speaking. “Nor I.”

“I-I’m...sorry.” Inuyasha never apologized to Sesshoumaru or thanked him or just sat with him for any amount of time without trying to fight. This was all new to him. “For hurting her I mean...I didn’t know.”

“Hn.” Sesshoumaru responded. “When did the miko die?”

Inuyasha gasped at the question, then sighed sadly. “Almost a year ago, a little before Kohaku came back to us.” Inuyasha turned his head slightly and caught sight of Sesshoumaru’s mokomoko-sama, it twitched when Inuyasha spoke of Kohaku. “He told us what happened to Rin. So your sword is stronger now?”

“Hn... it is.” Sesshoumaru heard the rustle of fabric and he knew that Inuyasha had his hand on Tessaiga. “Father wasn’t as powerful as we are now.” Sesshoumaru said.

Inuyasha was shocked. ‘Did he say “we”, he did.’ Inuyasha smiled slightly.

“So what did you do to convince that chick to fall for you.” Inuyasha joked.

“This Sesshoumaru had no need to convince. She merely came to me on her own accord.” Sesshoumaru defended himself. “And she is Shori-sama to you half breed.”

“She was a wolf, what happened to her?” Inuyasha ignored that last insult.

“A curse.” Sesshoumaru got down to business. “The miko, Kagome. She is the reincarnation of Kikyou? Is she not?”

“How did you know that?” Inuyasha asked.

“I need not explain myself to you.” In truth it was the flea Myouga who served Sesshoumaru just as he served Inuyasha as per the Inu no Tashio’s request. “Kikyou, had part of Kagome’s soul. Was it returned to her?”

Inuyasha was silent for a moment, then answered quietly. “No, Kikyou’s soul is at peace...somewhere else.”

“Hn, that” Sesshoumaru said.

“Now are you going to answer my question? What did you want with Kagome.” Inuyasha asked almost angrily.

“I needed your mate to give her power to mine. But she may die, and I do not wish that.” Sesshoumaru stated nonchalantly.

Inuyasha took in Sesshoumaru’s words as slowly as he spoke them. “Why?”

“Be specific hanyou.” Sesshoumaru growled.

“Why, every thing.” Inuyasha snapped.

“Shori needs a miko of Kikyou’s power to break the curse and bring out her youkai self. If a miko were to do that, Shori’s youkai would revolt and kill her before the miko can purify her.” Sesshoumaru took a breath. “Do you understand?”

“Yeah, I get it.” Inuyasha said. “But what about that necklace. Why can’t she just keep that thing?”

“That... is only temporary. An imitation of the jewel you seek.” Sesshoumaru answered.

“It has the same power of the Shikon no Tama!?” Inuyasha gasped.
Sesshoumaru sighed when he thought of the price of the little magical jewel that hung loosely around his mate’s neck. He now had a wife and a consort within a matter of days. Although the agreement wasn’t unbearable, he had to think of the price if both Shori and Akahana gave birth to sons. Who would be his heir? Most likely it would be Shori’s, her child would carry more inu blood than Akahana’s.

He thought of the day before and making a deal with the winged demoness.


“The Great Sesshoumaru seeks the power of the jewel? That is interesting.” Akahana ran a hand through her silky hair in thought. “Might I inquire as to why?”

“I wish to lift a curse and only your magic is capable of doing such.” Sesshoumaru cryptically.

Akahana sat against a nearby tree. “You were cursed?” She said with disbelief.

“Not I, my wife.” Sesshoumaru corrected.

Akahana’s eyes grew wide and she sat up partially. Then she sat back and sighed. “Finally, you have a mate. That does not benefit me in the least.” Akahana smiled.

“I didn’t expect that it would.” Sesshoumaru sat besides her. “She only has a year left, what is your price.”

Akahana remained silent for awhile. “My price?” She thought for a moment. “No other taiyoukai is worthy to give me an heir and I want our clans to crush the lizard menace. Sesshoumaru-sama, I ask to be your consort, then you will not be bound to me and I get my heiress.”

Sesshoumaru didn’t think twice. “Agreed, but if you bear me a son he will come and live with me as my wife’s child.”

“Agreed.” Akahana smiled. “If the first child is a girl you are released from your duty to pillow with me, but I will remain your consort always.”

Sesshoumaru smiled. Both he and Akahana knew that if she remained a consort he would feel honor bound to sleep with her from time to time. Akahana had still won. Akahana reached into her kimono and pulled out a necklace. She took it off and handed it to Sesshoumaru.

“I do not know the particulars of your mate’s curse, but with this jewel it will remain dormant until it is lifted completely by the means it was suppose to.”

“I am in your debt, Akahana-sama.” Sesshoumaru took the jewel from the woman.

“Sesshou-kun, do not consider this a debt to be paid.” Akahana smiled. “It is insulting. Our clans will benefit from this arrangement.”

“Yes, I’m sure they will.” Sesshoumaru felt himself grow within his hakama with anticipation, Akahana’s scent always had that affect on him. “Shall we?”

Akahana smiled seductively. “Oh yes, the sooner the better.”


Sesshoumaru growled. Having a consort wasn’t bad, and Shori would take in any cub he brought into the castle on pure ookami and ningen instincts. But Akahana was the jealous type and he would be expected to please her more often than he would prefer. Tori mated for life, it was rare if not impossible to find a bird that was only a consort. Ookami were the same, Shori would fight for him. That was the real problem.

Inuyasha stood and stretched. “Shori’s gonna sniff out that other chick. It’s tough keeping up with one female, let alone two.” Inuyasha wanted to laugh at his brother’s foolishness. Although having a wife and consort was normal, a woman’s heart was a fragile thing. And hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! “I hope you know what your doing, I wanted to be the one who killed you, I can’t have some wenches gettin’ there first.”

“Will you tell your miko of my request?” Sesshoumaru asked, ignoring his brother’s advice.

“Fuck no!” Inuyasha quipped. “Kagome is too kind and reckless! The wench would actually consider it!”

“Lower your voice.” Sesshoumaru hissed as he watched Rin turn over in her sleep.

“Kagome would say yes, so I won’t ask her.” Inuyasha repeated lower.

“Hn, she is kind. Maybe...” Sesshoumaru trailed off. He was wasting time with the hanyou. “Go Inuyasha, your pack is waiting for you.”

“Keh! Next time, I’ll kick your ass for trying to take Kagome.” Inuyasha scoffed before disappearing into the trees. Sesshoumaru snorted soundlessly when he heard his brother’s faint whisper. “Love yours as I love mine.”

‘You needn’t concern yourself, Inuyasha.’ Sesshoumaru thought. ‘About me or your miko.’

Sesshoumaru made his way over to his small family and sat besides them. Shori immediately felt his presence and snuggled closer to him, bringing Rin with her. Both of Sesshoumaru’s females sighed happily and slept soundly. Sesshoumaru gave the faintest smile before closing his eyes. Jaken had long awoken and listened to the conversation between to the brothers. Then to see his master smile as he allowed the ningen to touch him in such ways, made Jaken uneasy. He remembered a time when he and Sesshoumaru traveled alone, Jaken was happy then. But now he knew that he would never have that time again.

‘Damn it,’ the little youkai cursed to himself. ‘Ah well, at least My Lord does smile.’ Jaken sighed and settled again into sleep on the Ah-Un’s saddle.


“In a matter of days I will know if I carry the child of Sesshoumaru.” Akahana smiled as she laid on her expansive futon wrapped in her silk sheets. “Then I will protect that egg with all my power. Ohhh, how exciting!”

“And that imitation?” A dark voice asked.

Akahana glared into the shadows where the voice originated. “I fully intend to keep my end of the bargain. Why are you interested in that wolf anyway?”

The voice chuckled. “And if you bare Sesshoumaru a son?” The voice ignored the taiyoukai’s question.

Akahana snorted. “Ah, I am an honorable tori but I wish to mate for life. I will do as you ask and keep the child from Sesshoumaru.”

“The wolf will know of the boy?” The dark voice asked.

“Of course, but I will not know the sex for another six moons.” Akahana said.

“My patience is infinite, Akahana.”

“I believe that, Naraku.”

Dun, Dun, Dun! Naraku is here! And he has something up his sleeve. What could he possibly want with Shori! Read on and find out!

Next Chapter: