InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Words with My Uncle ❯ Kotaromaru ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

-Chapter Three-
“His wife smiled in her sleep. Why?
She's immortal. She has a son.”
-Ray Bradbury
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And so that is how my mother came into the picture. I don't think I need to tell you that my father was never in love with her. He needed her to give him me, but that was all. That's not to say that he was cruel to her or any sort of thing. For the time that he was with her, she was treated with respect and hospitality. But he never felt any kind of romantic feelings for her whatsoever. Then again, he didn't really give himself the chance to.
You see, after I was born and my safety was ensured, my father disappeared forever. It is possible that he is still alive, but highly unlikely, as I suspect that he would have wished to follow Kagura in death as soon as he could. I can only hope that somewhere in the next world, the two of them are finally together.
You may ask, aren't you angry with or bitter towards your father for leaving your mother and you alone? The answer would be no. For if I was in his predicament, I'd do the same thing. My mother was strong, anyway. She, as well, had no emotional attachment to my father, so his departure didn't trouble her greatly. She did a fine job raising me… For the time that she could, which was until I was ten. That, however, is a chapter of this story to be told a little later.
Sesshomaru, educated youkai that he so obviously was, did not fail to notice the tired cliché that was a heavy thunderstorm tearing through the dark sky on the night his son and heir was born. Inside Minami's room, the water-youkai struggled through the pains of labor. His child was bound to be a rather big infant; Sesshomaru himself had been. His sharp ears heard the woman scream and moan through the thin paper screen and the silky curtain of his silver hair.
Mentally he tallied up the number of hours he had so far spent waiting outside her quarters. Four. Average, for a youkai birth. Two times a lady in waiting had stuck her head into the hallway to inform him of the progress - both times he merely grunted and waved her away. Every so often, one of his personal advisors would visit him, asking why he wasted his time just waiting when he could be using the spent time to finalize deals or plot wars. It was uncommon for a man like himself - so important - to appear as though he cared about the outcome of the whole birthing process. Sesshomaru's own father had not even been home when his mother, Rei, had brought him into the world. With a slightly annoyed twitch of his left brow, he remembered how the Inu no Taisho had raced away at top speed to witness the birth of his half-breed embarrassment of a brother, however.
In any case, Sesshomaru just dismissed all his nosy advisors, too. The truth was that the tai-youkai was a tiny bit worried about Minami and his son. Although, the reason was completely selfish. He needed them both to be well and alive at the end of it all, so he could just… disappear. His plans were all laid out: he would name his heir, bid farewell to Minami, deliver one last letter, and then no one would ever see him again. He would follow the path that everyone who was important to him had taken. His mother, his father, Kagura, Rin, and even… Jaken.
It truly was the perfect plan; everyone would be happy with the outcome. His advisors would absolutely bask in the glory of being able to raise and mold the new tai-youkai. Inuyasha and the company he kept would undoubtedly be glad to be free of Sesshomaru, despite the hanyou being denied the chance to “settle the score”, as he put it, but he would get over that. And Sesshomaru himself would finally, finally be free. Free of his responsibilities and his troubles. Free of the burden of thought, emotion, living.
“My Lord,” a high-pitched voice interrupted his musings. With a small, unseen jolt as he returned to his senses, the inu-youkai realized that the sounds of Minami's labor had died. It was quiet. The beginnings of anxiety unfurled in his gut - such a familiar sensation now. Wasn't there supposed to be crying? Why couldn't he hear a baby?
“My Lord,” the female servant repeated, addressing him with her head once again sticking out from the doorway to his mate's rooms. “You may enter now.”
Sesshomaru stood up seamlessly, unfolding himself like a sheet of cloth, fluidly, and strode past the girl without a word. The atmosphere in Minami's quarters was heavy and humid, and it was impossible to miss that something of great importance had just taken place.
My son, thought Sesshomaru, my heir. Mine.
Beside the far wall, sweaty and red and ruffled, was an exhausted Minami. But the tai-youkai's molten eyes overlooked her appearance and focused instead on the tightly wrapped bundle in her arms, roughly the length of his forearm and approximately four times as wide. Minami said nothing, merely offered him the bundle with a tired but proud look in her gaze.
Taking it - mine, my child - from her, balancing it in his lone right arm, he tilted his head down and met with one of the strongest waves of emotion he had ever experienced. The fierce shock, awe, pride was nearly enough to make him visibly stagger. It was like looking at his own smaller, much younger reflection, with obvious flaws.
The baby in his hold was comprised of the same pale, faultless beauty that Sesshomaru possessed. Its tiny eyes were open and they shone just as brightly golden as his own as they stared up at him in infantile wonder. Just peeking out of the top of the blanket was a shock of smooth white hair. The shape of its face was so familiar, and yet there was no crescent moon upon the child's forehead, no markings on its eyelids. Sky blue stripes - one on each cheek - were the only perceivable crests. But then a tiny, claw-tipped hand shot out of the swaddling folds and wrapped itself securely around a strand of Sesshomaru's long silver mane that had fallen forward during his perusal of this wondrous new creature. The hand tugged twice, insistent, and the tai-youkai realized with another surge of pride that the reason he had heard no crying earlier was because this was his son and he was strong, just as strong as his father and grandfather before him. He would make an excellent ruler.
Sesshomaru lifted his head and looked at Minami, who was smiling fondly at him and the child. He felt a rush of gratitude towards her for bringing this miracle into the world for him, but didn't know what or how to express the feeling. But she just shook her head, seeming to understand and say, you're welcome, and, I'll take care of him when you're gone.
Because she knew; of course she knew. The woman was smart and after only several months of living in her mate's presence, understood that he had never planned on sticking around with her. And she accepted it. Sesshomaru thought that perhaps, under some other circumstances, he might have learned to care for her as someone more intimate.
“What will you call him, My Lord?” she asked softly.
Speaking past the inexplicable lump in his throat, he answered, “Kotaromaru.”
And there you have it. Unlike most children, I loved to hear the story of my birth. Craved it, even. It was my customary bedtime story, so important to my daily happiness that before my mother died she ensured that there would always be someone around to tell it to me before I went to sleep at night. Why was it so vital? The answer is simple: it was the only memory I had of interacting with my father. After that evening I never saw him again. Mother told me that he lingered long enough to announce my existence to the castle before he left. In the commotion that followed his declaration, he slipped away into the cover of the storm and that was that.
True to her unspoken word, my mother took excellent care of me once Father had disappeared. My earliest recollections are of her smiling face while she played with my hair or wiped smudges off my face…
Minami laughed softly, the sound like the tinkling of a small bell, ringing in the pointed ears of the young tai-youkai.
“S'not funny, Mother,” Kotaromaru huffed, resorting to the use of her formal title in order to display his displeasure with her amusement.
But the woman just laughed again, much to the annoyance of her four year old son. “Don't be such a sour puss,” she told him, extending one long, thin finger to poke the tip of his nose. Minami couldn't help teasing the boy - his disgruntled scowl was adorable, but it was the imperious, holier-than-thou expression that he had given when the butterfly had first landed on his head that really tickled her funny bone. In that moment there had been no mistaking whose son he truly was; he had looked exactly like Sesshomaru, even if he didn't realize it.
At such a young age it was remarkable how many times a day Kotaromaru managed to remind Minami of his father. The resemblance was there in the way he commanded the errant insect to immediately disengage itself from his person, and his instant scramble to smooth down his already flawless locks after the creature had fluttered away into the spring breeze. Of course, Sesshomaru would not have bothered to appear as though he was concerned with his hairdo, but that was only because he would have the confidence to know that his hair was immaculate anyway. Minami suspected that as he grew older, her son would develop the same self assurance.
But then, in many other ways, the boy was very different from his sire, and she figured that was just as well. She did not want her son to follow a path that was identical to Sesshomaru's, because she knew there were parts of the inu-youkai's life that had resulted in a lasting negative impact upon the lord, whether or not he ever admitted it. Most significantly, Minami wished to avoid the family conflict: the full measure of that which Sesshomaru went through was made painfully clear to her when his half brother came pounding on her door two days after Kotaromaru was born.
The infant pup in her arms wiggled and crooned, already so energetic, grasping at the long black waves of her hair dangling before his face. She was getting ready to feed the child when suddenly there was a huge crashing sound and moments later, looking very harassed, one of her lady servants came rushing into the room.
“My Lady,” she gasped, eyes darting back and forth to the entrance as though she expected someone to come tearing through it, “You have… a visitor.”
And before Minami could move to protest or demand an explanation, the door slid open forcefully, revealing the source of all the noise. In its frame stood a man - hanyou, she recognized, noting the furry little dog ears on his head - who bore a striking similarity to her departed mate. She quickly realized, however, that this person was nothing like Sesshomaru at all.
“Where the hell is he?”
One of her sculpted black brows rose. “Excuse me?”
“I said where the hell is he, bitch?”
Minami was not accustomed to being spoken to in such a demeaning manor, and she almost motioned for the guards who were waiting anxiously behind the hanyou to seize him, but something in his rugged appearance just barely stopped her. Was that worry?
“First of all, half-breed,” she said, sounding fierce, “You will address me with the proper respect. I am the Lady of this land, understood?”
The man looked like he was going to tell her to stick her propriety somewhere it didn't belong, but she cut him off and continued, “Second of all, the term `he' is incredibly vague and could apply to any number of beings, including yourself. So before you open your mouth again, do think about elaborating, would you?”
To his credit, the hanyou actually looked like he was trying to control his obviously rising temper. When he started talking again, it was in a strained but softer voice. “I'm looking for that bastard, Sesshomaru. He sent me some crazy fucking letter and I want answers.”
Minami blinked in surprise. “A letter?”
The man nodded. “Yeah. Here.”
He tossed it to her, and Minami held it out to read in the hand that was not occupied with holding Kotaromaru. It read:
By the time you have opened this letter I will be too far gone to ever return. In case you don't understand what that means, and I don't doubt that that is the case, I will explain. Read carefully, I won't be coming by to elaborate again. I am leaving, Inuyasha. Permanently. There is nothing left here to tie me down. You will find upon visiting my home, which I am sure you will do, that I am no longer needed there. I have taken a mate and sired an heir, and so I am departing as soon as this scroll reaches its destination.
Do not come to conclusions, Inuyasha. I am not writing to you with sentimental drivel about how I wish we could have gotten along better or that I regret our hatred of one another - that is not the case. But there is this: my son will grow to be a powerful youkai lord, and perhaps one day he will do the job I did not and end your sorry life. But that is later. Here and now he is young, an infant. I named him only an hour ago. His mother, Minami, is a capable woman, but vulnerable, as there are those who would aspire to cause her and my son harm. If I thought some great advantage could come of my remaining here to protect them myself, I would stay in an instant, but nothing would come of it, because those same enemies have heard tell of my unforgivable moment of weakness as well.
I am speaking, of course, of our encounter with Naraku. Words fail to express how much disdain I harbor towards that memory, Inuyasha, but let me tell you that it is significant enough so that I shall cease to discuss it here.
Let me make my point - I have been shed in a dishonorable light, and the people who will want to exploit this will not hesitate to act quickly. If they are to attack, it will be soon, while they are sure that they have the upper hand. Undoubtedly, they will have gathered an enormous force to support them, one that I am unlikely to be able to counter when my reputation has been so sullied recently. My former allies will be reluctant to offer their aid. The odds of my winning such a battle are few and far between.
This is why I am writing to you. I will leave, and when I do, my enemies will perceive a misconception. They will believe I have fled in fear, and left my home unguarded and open to attack. They will let their egos get the better of them, become careless. They will underestimate the power of the protection I have left behind. That protection, Inuyasha… is you. Despicable half-breed though you are, there are many full blooded youkai alive today who have let themselves go and become a disgrace to the noble blood that they are so proud of, and they are worse than you. They are weaker than you.
When they come calling, I ask you to protect my son. You will have the assistance of any who are still loyal to me, and you will find that those who are will be extremely useful in battle and otherwise. Under my orders, they will obey you.
Will you do this for me, Inuyasha? It is the only request I leave for you, and I do so reluctantly. But the well-being of the future tai-youkai takes precedence over my pride, and so here we are. Protect him, Inuyasha, if not for myself, then for his own sake. He is your nephew, after all.
Minami's mouth was agape by the time she finished reading the letter. She could scarcely believe that the Sesshomaru she had known could have written such a plea, or confess his own weakness. She reread the last paragraph, and the final sentence jumped out at her. `He is your nephew, after all.' That meant…
She looked up at the man called Inuyasha. “You're his brother.”
He snorted. “Half-brother. What of it?”
Sesshomaru had never mentioned having a half-brother. She thought she knew why. “I'm Minami,” she explained, standing up and taking a step towards the hanyou.
He nodded slightly, like he already knew that, and his amber colored eyes drifted down, towards the bundled up baby who was staring curiously at him. “That's the kid, huh?” Inuyasha asked, ears tilting forward when Kotaromaru gurgled in the back of his throat.
Minami nodded.
“What's his name?”
Inuyasha nodded again. “Figures he'd name the pup after himself.”
At that, Minami chuckled, and the hanyou looked taken aback by her reaction. After a moment he blushed lightly and muttered, “Keh.”
Struck by a sudden impulse, the water-youkai asked, “Would you like to hold him?”
Once more, Inuyasha appeared startled, as though the last thing he expected was for her to offer such a thing. He shook his head almost violently, but she could see the interest in his eyes. She took another step forward, making him wary. But when she extended the baby for his perusal, the hanyou lifted a tentative hand towards the bundle.
Instantly the child's fingers groped at Inuyasha's hand, latching on tightly to his much larger thumb. Inuyasha uttered another soft “keh”, and the hint of a smile played around his lips. He looked kindly upon the baby, as Minami was sure he never did toward Sesshomaru. It made her feel happy, for some reason.
The moment ended soon after, when the hanyou withdrew his hand - Kotaromaru complained loudly - and backed away. His expression was closed and carefully guarded, but Minami thought she heard a bit of wonder in his voice when he promised, “I'll be back tomorrow.”
And he did come back, the next day and every day after that for a week. Minami would sit with him, baby in her arms, and they would talk about all sorts of things. She told him what she knew of Sesshomaru's plan, which wasn't much more than he already guessed, and he told her about himself. He explained a little about his relationship with his brother, and assured her that he would protect her son if and when the time came when it was necessary. He wasn't about to let a member of his family - even his brother's child - die at the hands of those awful greedy youkai. It wasn't Kotaromaru's fault that he belonged to Sesshomaru, anyway.
After that week of discussions, Inuyasha went back to his home, a village that he gave her the directions to, and told Minami to send for him whenever she needed to. Watching him leave, the water-youkai reflected that if there ever came a day when she couldn't be around for her son, she was glad that someone like Inuyasha would be there for him.
As Sesshomaru predicted, the enemies came, and they were sadly unprepared. Expecting nothing more than a desolate castle full of useless servants, a weak youkai hime, and a defenseless pup, they were extremely surprised when their tiny force was destroyed by the small army led by one angry hanyou. The second time the attackers came, Inuyasha had brought along his friends to the fray, and Minami watched from the safety of her rooms while he and his strange assortment of companions fought valiantly for her cause. At his side were a human monk, a youkai slayer, and her pet hellcat. The other two comrades he brought along - a strangely dressed miko girl and a little kitsune - stayed inside with Minami, eagerly watching the fight along with her.
The girl, Kagome, was undoubtedly Inuyasha's mate. Minami liked her. The moment Kotaromaru set his eyes on her, it was clear that he liked her as well. He waved his chubby baby arms at her, his signal to be played with, and Kagome complied happily, not in the least bit put off by his miniature sharp fangs and claws. She seemed used to such features, and Minami guessed that it was from playing with the kit, whom the miko treated as though he were her own son, which was impossible.
When the assailants finally gave up, about three long weeks of constant feuding later, Inuyasha and his group packed up and got ready to leave. When it was time to say farewell, Kotaromaru clung to Inuyasha's haori and was reluctant to let go. Minami finally had to pull him away somewhat forcefully, and the hanyou quickly ruffled the pup's hair to calm his crying.
“Call on us again if you need to,” Kagome said, smiling.
“I will,” Minami nodded, returning the gesture.
“Keep yourself safe,” the monk, Miroku, advised.
Inuyasha made a noise of assent, then turned on his heel and walked away. The others gave small waves and parting motions before following after him.
Now, three years later, Minami had only seen the mismatched assembly a handful of times, the majority of which being on each of her son's birthdays, when Kagome insisted upon visiting and giving the boy a present. The last time they had showed up, Kagome was carrying a newly born baby boy in her arms, and Inuyasha looked incredibly proud of himself.
“Kyuichi,” Inuyasha introduced his son, and Minami remembered Kotaromaru remarking how much his new cousin looked like a wrinkled red pig, for which she promptly swatted him over the head for. Inuyasha, on the other hand, had just told his nephew that he had looked the same exact way as a baby, making the young tai-youkai scowl in offense and denial.
Presently, as she watched her son mutter angrily about “stupid butterflies” and “giggling girls”, Minami knew she was happy with the way things had turned out so far. It was true, that Kotaromaru was becoming more and more like Sesshomaru every day, but at the same time, she recognized the vein of wildness in the boy, and knew exactly where he had inherited it from.
“Momma,” said Kotaromaru, in good spirits again. “What're you so happy about?”
Minami let her warm gaze meet that of her child's as she responded, “I'm just thinking about how much I love you, aisoku.”
Kotaromaru crossed his arms in front of his chest, blushing faintly, and said, “Keh.”
Youkai: demon (roughly translated, that is)
Inu no Taisho: Sesshomaru's father's title; I don't believe he was ever actually given a real name in the series.
Tai-youkai: suppose that this would be the equivalent to “demon lord.”
Hanyou: half-demon
Inu: dog
Hime: princess
Miko: Shinto priestess
Kitsune: fox spirit/demon
Haori: the top half of Inuyasha's Fire Rat ensemble
Aisoku: “beloved son”
Thank you for the review:
Fanfactor - Please keep reading. I'm glad you enjoyed it so far.
Disclaimer: Inuyasha is property of one Ms. Rumiko Takahashi. And thank gosh for that, because if I owned it you would be running for your life. Toodles.