InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Work in progress ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Rin's eyes peered up from her breakfast to the creature across the table. The lord sat straight and elegant as he consumed his meal like he always did. Muffled yelling rang outside and came closer to the hut in a haste manner. The human and the demon looked in its direction as a young boy busted inside.
“HEY, SHIPPO! GUESS WHAT?!” Tamaki ran inside and stopped dead in his tracks staring blankly at the current occupants of the hut.
“UNCLE SESSHOMARU!!!!” he exclaimed and leaped over to the demon and hugged him around his waist. Rin's jaw dropped and stared wide-eyed in shock that the young boy would dare to touch him… well she hugged him many times when she was young but she was his companion. Tamaki would have been taught that Sesshomaru is indeed a dangerous creature and is not to be messed with from his father and mother…
Sesshomaru shot an annoyed glare down at the boy and completely ignored him by continuing to gracefully eat from the steaming bowl.
“Uncle Sesshomaru, when are you going to show me that Dragon Strike again? It was awesome! You think I could do it, too, someday?” Tamaki asked.
“I highly doubt that you could,” he smoothly replied. “You must possess the right type of sword, of which you have none, and plus you are just a hanyou. You won't be able to generate that much power.”
“That's what you said about my dad and the Wind Scar and he sure proved you wrong,” Tamaki grinned up at his uncle. “I bet if I train hard enough I could send you flying, uncle.”
Sesshomaru placed his bowl down and smirked lightly at the boy. He then casually lifted a finger and flicked the Tamaki's forehead with an extract of light energy that caused him to fly back out the door with amazing force. Rin heard Tamaki crash into something outside followed by a yelping, “WHOA! THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!”
“Sesshomaru-sama, I didn't know you liked children so much,” Rin giggled out and captured his attention once again.
“They are tolerable,” he replied coolly. “The fact that they learn faster than my opponents amuses me.”
At that moment, Inuyasha stomped in the hut and plopped down next to Rin to grab a bowl of miso from the pot in the pit. As soon as he filled his bowl he exchanged glares with his brother while he ate. Feeling the tense danger in the air, Rin decided to break the ice.
“So, Kagome told me that you are performing in the festival this year, Inuyasha?” she asked.
“Something like that,” he responded gruffly and kept his glare to Sesshomaru. Perhaps they were having a staring contest… well… glaring contest.
“Ah, what will you be doing?” she tried to keep the conversation going to try to pry both of them out of the thought of fighting.
“It's a surprise,” he said.
“Ah, something humiliating that the miko is making you do…” Sesshomaru's remark bit into his brother's ego. “Perhaps I will stay for this festival then.” The lord brought his tea cup to his lips.
“Oh don't worry. Kagome already planned on you staying so she has a job for you, too.”
Sesshomaru stared blankly and set his empty cup down. “She did not ask me of such a thing.”
“That's Kagome for ya,” Inuyasha slurped down the last of his food and turned to leave. “Better do what she says. No matter how much more powerful you seem to be, that woman will find a way.”
Sesshomaru made a gruff sound in his throat that scoffed at Inuyasha when he left the hut. Like some human woman could ever have any power over The Great Lord Sesshomaru…
“Oh I can't wait to see what you will be doing!” Rin chirped and leaned the teapot above his cup. “Would you like more tea, Sesshomaru-sama?”
He gave her a small nod with his usual empty expression and was captivated by her perfect form as she poured the tea.
“Ok, here ya go!” Kagome chirped while she pushed the pile of supplies into the demon's arms. “Take these to the town square, Sango will tell you what to do when you get there!”
Sesshomaru contemplated his position of this situation. He considered just dropping the items and leave until his good-for-nothing kin's words rang back into his noble head.
No matter how much more powerful you seem to be, that woman will find a way…
He shot the miko a glare while she just smiled back at him with such brightness like the sun.
So he headed towards the town's center with the supplies…. The whole trip there he growled in his head about nobles shouldn't be doing such work for nothing of importance. But then that young girl's scent reached his nose. Ah…
Rin was helping Sango hang some paper lanterns on a booth when she looked over to him and smiled.
She was just simply heroine… he didn't know what to make of it… she scared the living shit out of him. The thought of killing her for it probed his mind but he knew that it wouldn't solve anything. It would cause more problems than he is willing to take responsibility for. For the first time in a long time, Sesshomaru felt like he was trapped. There must be a way to handle this… if only he knew how.
“Oh, good. Our muscle is here!” Sango rang while receiving a gloomy look from her husband, Miroku. “Kagome said she wanted you and Rin to go catch some fish for the grill tonight. After that you can help finish setting up the booths.” Rin eyed Sango suspiciously and received a wink in return.
“I can help with the fish,” Shippo called out from a wooden heep.
“I don't think so! You are not going anywhere till that booth is up,” Sango growled to him. Shippo exchanged glares with Sesshomaru when he dumped the supplies next to the young demon and walked off with Rin following close behind.
“Sango, are you sure that the two of them being alone is a good idea?” Miroku asked. “You know how Sesshomaru is…”
“It'll be fine, now get back to work,” she commanded.
AN: short still working on the story…. >.<