InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Working for The Devil ❯ Staring contests, and first fights ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay sorry for the extra long wait, I've had this chapter done for a while now but due to the fact that I was in a car accident and my internet and phone connection were cut off I'm a little behind in everything. I am fine from the car accident, but my car un-drivable and I’ll need $1,400 to make it drivable once again. My internet and phone were cut off not because I didn't pay the bills but because I was switching phone companies. They screwed me over and I've been without a phone or internet for too long. Well anyway enough about my poor life here the next chapter you've all been waiting for hope you like, because I did something crazy towards the end.

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The large doors creaked open and in walked a guard carrying a glass filled with a dark liquid.

Lucifer held out his hand and took the glass that was given to him without saying so much as a ‘thank you’ to the demonic guard.

He took a long drink from the glass and looked over at Hatori who was standing to the side of him.

"Now then back to business. Tell me how the army is coming along?” he asked casually.

“We’re recruiting more men as we speak and they are all being trained accordingly.”

“So when do you think they’ll be ready?”

“I’d say that they’ll be ready in three months at the least.”

“Well let’s make that four months.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Oh, how is that halfling doing?”

Hatori was quiet for a moment, he didn’t like the way Lucifer referred to Kagome.

“She’s doing fine for someone who has no instructions.”

“About that.”


“I want you to tell her that she needs to seduce him.”

Hatori's face blanched and it took a few moments for him to respond.

“Excuse for asking sir, but why?”

“Because I have nothing better for her to do. She was such a hassle around here.”

Hatori didn’t like that either but what choice did he have Lucifer was his master as he was everyone else’s. Hatori simply nodded his head before leaving the room.

‘This is just some game to him isn’t it?’ Hatori thought while descending the stairs.


Kagome rolled over in the bed it was so comfortable, so much better than that wannabe cot that people in Hell called a bed. Rocks would have made a better bed than that cot.

Kagome slowly slid her eyes open replaying the events of last night in her mind. Suddenly the image of InuYasha’s friend flashed in her mind’s eye. She couldn’t believe she did that.

Kagome sat up in the bed her face red with embarrassment and she decided to push the thought as far away as possible.

She climbed out of bed and according to the clock it was about in the morning. What an ungodly hour.

She decided she should take a shower since she hadn’t taken one since she’d been there. She may be dead but she wasn’t going to live like it.

Kagome stepped into the bathroom to find that the towels were kept in a small closet left of the toilet. She pulled out a towel and placed it on the sink and opened the medicine cabinet to find the toothbrush she had InuYasha buy.

After brushing her teeth she turned on the water for the shower and adjusted the temperature to her liking. She had just pulled off InuYasha’s t-shirt when Hatori appeared in front of her.


"Hey Kagome."

Kagome reacted like any woman in her right mind would have.

She screamed…really loud.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” she yelled using one hand to cover herself while the other beat Hatori around the head.

‘How did I end up in this situation?’ Hatori thought.


Hatori had finally made it out of the labyrinth that Lucifer liked to call home, and seen Sesshomaru.

Hatori called out to him to get his attention and quickly caught up to him when he stopped.

“Hey guess what I get to do?”

“I despise guessing games. Get to the point already, but then again knowing you it’s something about Kagome.”

“Damn it. I thought you hated guessing games.”

“It’s not guessing if I know what you’re going to say.”


“Well get to the point or I’m leaving.”

“Well Lucifer finally decided what he wants Kagome to do.”

“And that is?”

“He wants her to seduce that boy.”

Sesshomaru face faltered for a split second and in that time frame his face showed only disgust.

Hatori didn't notice.

“I have to go and tell her the news, want to come with?”

“I’ll go some other time.”

“Suit yourself.”

Hatori continued on his way leaving Sesshomaru to do whatever it is that he does and walked towards the swirling vortex of death.

Once there he flew up into its terrifying depths and let it take him to Kagome’s exact location which happened to be in the bathroom where she was currently half naked.

End of Flashback

Yeah, currently he was being smacked upside the head by an angry, red-faced half-naked, beautiful woman.

After Kagome had beaten Hatori halfway into submission she was able to grab the t-shirt off the floor and cover herself with it.

At that same moment InuYasha came bursting into the bathroom.

After a brief but violent fight in the suddenly too small bathroom Kagome had kicked both of them out and locked the door behind her to enjoy her long over due shower.
“Who the hell are you?” InuYasha asked the guy that had been ceremonially kicked out with him.

Hatori stared at InuYasha in complete and total shock.


“I said who the hell are you? First the crazy violent little girl, and now you. Just where the hell are you all coming from?”

“You can see me?” Hatori asked as if he hadn’t heard a thing InuYasha said.

“What? Not this again. Of course I can see I don’t have conversations with myself.”

“Right.” Hatori said and stood up.

InuYasha followed suit and straightened his wrinkled pajama pants.

“So who are you?” InuYasha asked again.

“I’m not supposed to say but since you can see me I guess its okay. The name’s Hatori.”

“InuYasha.” he said introducing himself. “So what are you doing here? Please tell me that her time to watch me is over?”

“Actually I can’t tell you, I am here to speak to Kagome though.”

“You’re not staying too are you?”

“No of course not you only need one of us to watch over you.”

“About that why is he watching over me.”

“Can’t tell you that either.” Hatori said cheerily.

InuYasha walked over to his dresser and started to pull out clothes to wear for the day since he was up. He looked back and seen that Hatori was looking back at him.

"You mind?"

Hatori immediately took the hint and left the room without a word leaving InuYasha to dress in privacy.

Once InuYasha had finished dressing he joined Hatori in the kitchen and decided to make coffee.

Kagome had just emerged from her shower fresh and clean.

'Feels so good to be clean.' she thought to herself as she dressed for the day. She sighed as she pulled on the same outfit that she had been wearing since she got there.

'Maybe I can have InuYasha buy me some clothes I don't wanna wear these forever, even if it is cute.'

She walked out the room and went to find InuYasha and Hatori.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Kagome asked.

She had found Hatori and InuYasha sitting at the table in the kitchen just staring at each other.

Neither one of them seemed to hear her so she just shrugged her shoulders and went to make her breakfast.

She decided on a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table with them still staring at each other.

She was about to say something when Hatori blinked and InuYasha slammed his hand on the table effectively scaring Kagome and making her spill her milk and cereal half on the floor and half on the table.

"You blinked I win." InuYasha said.

"You spilled my cereal!" Kagome yelled.

"You cheated." Hatori complained.

Kagome forgot about her cereal for the moment as she realized just what they had been up to.

"Don't tell me you two were having a staring contest." Kagome said while eyeing them inquisitively.

"Yeah and I won." InuYasha declared.

"That's because you cheated."

"How did I cheat? I didn't make you blink."

"Who cares about your stupid staring contest one of you is going to get me another bowl of cereal."

They both looked at Kagome as if they were seeing her for the first time despite the fact that InuYasha had just spoke to her seconds ago.

InuYasha noticed to mess and asked her what she did. Kagome gritted her teeth and launched into a myriad of reasons why men were the scum of the universe.

Hatori got up and proceeded to make Kagome another bowl of cereal for her to eat.

"Here Kagome calm down and have breakfast."

Kagome continued her rant until she had a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.

"Is she always like this?" InuYasha asked.


Kagome kicked Hatori from under the table.

"So Hatori what are you doing here anyway?"

"I have your assignment and some new rules for you to abide by."

"Really now? Well you can tell me all about it after I finish breakfast."

After Kagome finished her breakfast she and Hatori went outside to discuss her situation.

"Well first things first how are you?"

"I hate it here. Well no that's not it I don't hate it here I just hate him. He is so frustrating."


"Yeah I would go on but then you'd never get to tell me what my assignment is."

"Well you are to seduce him."

"...What?" Kagome asked after a measured pause.

"You have to seduce him."

"Why? Why in the hell do I have to seduce him?! I don't like him!"


"No I won't do it! I rather go back to Hell than to seduce someone I don't like."

"Kagome would you just listen?"

"No! I said no and I mean it!"

Kagome was starting to panic. She wanted a job so she could see the world and maybe see what was left of her family. Seducing InuYasha was not a part of the deal.

"Kagome you don't have a choice in the matter!" Hatori yelled.

Kagome looked at Hatori in shock he had never yelled at her before. Hatori went on to explain the rest while she was silent from shock.

"You also have new rules too. The 20 feet thing is over he can go freely with or without you. You still have your super human strength since he is a hanyou and things may get a little crazy once you seduce him."

"That's not happening." She interjected.

"Whatever so anyway you have your powers and now you don't have to be so close to him. Also to make things easier other people will be able to see you if you want them to."

"Just one question. Why am I seducing him?"

"I have no idea."

"What? I have to seduce him and you have no idea why?!" she yelled.

"Again with the yelling?"

"Yes again with the yelling, I'm supposed to seduce somebody and I have no inkling as to why! Tell me how you would feel if you had to seduce someone you didn't like?"

"Well considering that they would be women I really wouldn't care one way or the other as long as I got to sleep with her."

"You pig!"

"Hey I may be dead but I'm still a man and I have needs." he said raising his hands in defense.

"Whatever you just want someone to be necrophiliac (I have no idea if this is a word) don't you?"

"It wouldn't hurt."

Kagome ran her hand down her face in frustration.

"Just go home then."

"Aww sick of me already? Don't I get a hug?"

"No you get a kick in the head and just to let you know it's not the one on your shoulders."

Hatori cringed at the thought, "Um, no I'll just go see you later."

"I don't want to see you unless you you're telling me I'm done here."

"You won't be until you seduce him."


Hatori disappeared and was gone just like that.

'What am I going to do? I don't wanna seduce someone I have no interest in. Then again if I never want to see him again then I have to. Which would be worse staying here until he dies or seducing him? I guess seducing him will have to be it, since I have no idea how long hanyous live.' Kagome thought.

Kagome walked into the house and sat down on the couch.

InuYasha who had just come from his room looked at her as she stared blankly at the TV screen.

"You know that the TV isn't on right?"

No answer. Kagome just continued to stare at the TV.

"Hey are you alright?"

The minute those words left his mouth InuYasha regretted it because in the next 10 seconds Kagome started crying.

Kagome didn't know what she was going to do. On one hand she could seduce InuYasha for a reason unknown to her or she could see how long hanyous lived. Neither of which she wanted to do. All that stress piled up and was now released in the form of angry tears.

"Hey, hey what are you doing?! Stop crying! No crying!"

"Shut up it's all your fault!"

"My fault? What did I do?"


"That's really specific." InuYasha said sarcastically.

"Shut up!" Kagome said as she used one of the couch pillows to smack him in the face.

"No you shut up!" InuYasha retorted as he picked up his own pillow and smacked her back.

Kagome made a face, she couldn't believe that InuYasha hit her. Wiping the remaining tears from her face she grabbed another pillow -so she had one and each hand- and began a rapid succession of beating him.

Kagome's tears dried up as fast as lightning as she and InuYasha engaged in a pillow fight.

InuYasha and Kagome both continued to smack each other with pillows. Kagome caught a pillow InuYasha threw at her in the face and decided to tackle him to the floor instead.

Grabbing a pillow off the couch she smacked him in the head with it. InuYasha rolled them over so he was on top of Kagome and took her pillow and smacked her with it instead.

Kagome struggled for a while as she tried to flip InuYasha and stop him from hitting her. Finally she was able to roll him over and they continued to roll each other over and over and over until they were both too tired to move.

Kagome was left on top this time, her body was sprawled across his. Imagine them making an X on the floor.

"Get off you're heavy."

"I can't move right now, besides it's your fault that I'm so tired."

"My fault?! It was you who started it."


Finally regaining some strength Kagome rolled off of InuYasha. Kagome sat up and eventually pulled herself up and stood above InuYasha. Kagome had come to a decision.

"Get up."


"Because you're taking me out."

And that was it!


"Yeah you know like a date."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa why would I take you of all people out on a date?"

"Because I said so."

InuYasha sat up now too.

"And what if I said no."

"Then I'd say you don't have a choice."

InuYasha stood up now, towering over Kagome as he walked closer to where she was.

"And what if I still refused?"

"Oh you don't want to go there."

"Really? Don't I? Because I'm not taking you out besides no one else can see you."

"Well that's where you're wrong according to Hatori I can become visible to other people at will."

"I still ain't taking you out."

"Well then I guess I'll just have to make you take me out."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Fine then."

Just as they were preparing to have yet another brawl on the floor the door bell rang and with an aggravated sigh InuYasha went to answer it.

It turned out to be the postman delivering a package for him, InuYasha signed for it and walked back into the apartment. He set the package down on a nearby stand and went to find Kagome who was no longer in the living room. He expected Kagome to still be prepared for a throw down but instead she was in the kitchen searching through the fridge.

"What are you doing?"

"Why do you always ask that, can't you see what I'm doing?"


"Blind idiot, I'm making lunch since you won't take me out."

Kagome pulled out some chicken, along with some vegetables.

"About that, why did you want to go out?"

"It doesn't matter. Just forget about it."

InuYasha opened his mouth to say something else but closed it as she just continued around the kitchen preparing whatever it was she was making.

"If you're just going to stand there and do nothing could you please leave, the kitchen isn't big enough for the both of us."

Actually the kitchen was big enough for another six of them to be standing there but InuYasha took the hint and left the kitchen. If she wanted to be alone then he would leave her alone.

He wasn't going to try and figure out the female psyche. Nope it'd be a cold day in Hell before he would even attempt to understand them.

As he left the kitchen his mind wondered to what could be in the box that was delivered, well only one way to find out. InuYasha picked the box up from where he set it down and pulled at the tape that held it together.

Once the box was open inside was a stack of documents from affiliates that InuYasha's company worked with. The documents pertained to proposals that the companies had. He had forgotten that he had the secretary forward all proposals to his home.

No better time to see what everyone wanted, than now.

Back in the kitchen Kagome was considering her next move she had to seduce him right? There were only so many ways she knew...okay scratch that there were none. Kagome didn't know a lot when it came to men.

Kagome washed the chicken and placed the boneless breasts into a skillet to cook while she chopped the vegetables into smaller pieces, and washed them.

Sure she knew that most of them liked women who had huge breasts, tiny waists, round plump bottoms, and was either an airhead or easy. Kagome was none of these, okay so maybe she had a small waist but it at least fit the rest of her body.

While the chicken was cooking in a separate skillet Kagome heated a wok with a little oil as she prepared the vegetables to be sautéed. Soon the skillet was hot enough and she added the vegetables.

Kagome continued to try to come up with ways to seduce InuYasha...wait a scene from that movie she watched a few nights ago came back to her. There was that one scene...maybe she could do that. It worked for the girl in the movie didn't it.

Kagome removed the chicken from the stove and began slicing it into bite size pieces to be added to the sautéing vegetables. Once that was done she added a bit of more seasoning and let it cook for a while longer before she turned the stove off.

Kagome realized that movies were movies for a reason. This stuff didn't happen in real life but on some occasions the movie would be based on a true story. Hopefully her plan would work.

Kagome served the food onto separate plates and after finding a way to hold them both without falling -since InuYasha's plate was heavier- she went to find InuYasha.

Thankfully she didn't have to walk far at all for InuYasha was not even two steps in front of her. He took a plate from her muttering a thanks as he turned and returned to his seat in front of the TV.

Lunch was pretty silent, but neither of them complained as the show Kagome was watching kept her preoccupied and the papers InuYasha kept busy.

Soon the plates were empty and the bellies were full. Kagome figured this would be as good time as any to try out her plan to seduce InuYasha.

Slowly but surely she rose from her spot and went to stand in front of InuYasha who was now half watching the show.


Kagome didn't say anything as she slowly and deliberately straddled his lap by placing one leg on either side of his parted legs.

"Wh-what're you do-doing?" InuYasha stuttered as Kagome raised her arms to wrap them loosely around his neck. A blush raising to his cheeks to stain them a delicate pink.

Kagome still hadn't muttered a single syllable much less a word as she continued to advance on InuYasha. She moved closer pressing their chests together and angled her head so she could look in his eyes.

"Kagome what are you--"

Kagome silenced any further protest by putting her fingers to his lips. To say that InuYasha was shocked would be the understatement of the year. He was her emotional roller coaster!

First she was angry at him, then she was sad, and then she was happy, and now she was sitting in his lap like an overdue Christmas present. What the hell was going on? It was too much for his brain to cope with, so how was she fairing?

Kagome leaned her face closer to InuYasha's. She was just centimeters away when she closed her eyes and moved in for the kill.

InuYasha eyes darted from her lips to her eyes, then to her lips again.

'Wait why is she closing her eyes? Is she trying to--oh shit!'

'Wait...what am I doing? I can't do this, I just can't!'
Kagome thought.

InuYasha panicked he grabbed Kagome by the arms and pulled her away from him before she had the chance to plant one on him.

InuYasha opened his mouth to question her motives he ended up closing it again as tears began making their way down her face.

"I-I can't." she mumbled as she pressed her face into the crook of InuYasha's neck, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt.

"....?" InuYasha was at a lost for words.

"Just hold me." Kagome commanded softly.

Weird-ed out by the whole situation InuYasha obliged her request and wrapped his arms around her as she cried.

Kagome continued to cry until she fell asleep against him. InuYasha just continued to stroke her hair. He would have tried to lay her down so she could be more comfortable but he decided against it since the other times he woke her up he ended up in some type of pain.

Eventually lulled by the sound of her breathing he too fell into a light slumber.

I'm gonna end it here...tell me what you think. It was my first time writing what I hope was a warm and fluffy moment. To me it really wasn't. Anyway hope you guys like it.

If not then oh well review please.

Final thoughts from InuYasha

'What in the hell just happened? Wait I don't wanna know, just tell her to wake up. Wait that drool? Great now I'm wearing a tear-strained and drool-drenched shirt. She can have this one.'

Till next time. Hehe.