InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Working for The Devil ❯ Miroku, the married lecherous pervert ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry it took me forever and a day to write this. I had most of it done but I wanted to add something and thus writer's block appeared. Then I had to worry about school AKA college and the evil math. I have to retake Intermediate Algebra because of a C-, and then take Trigonometry after that. Why oh why did I choose the major with tons of math classes? Excusing all my whining you may get on with reading the long over due chapter.
misfotbride138 - Sorry it's not Kouga, though I did think about it. LOL.
InuYasha looked through the peephole and grimaced as he saw who it was, before opening the door however, he stomped back into the kitchen and demanded that Kagome be quiet. Kagome disliked the idea of being told what to do so she left the kitchen in favor of his bedroom.
The doorbell had been rung at least 3 more times by the time he got to the door to finally open it.
There standing in the hall was the one and only Miroku, the most idiotic married man on the planet. Yes, that's right Miroku was married and was no longer the lecherous pervert bachelor that he was before. No, he was just the lecherous pervert now.
“Why are you here?” InuYasha asked. The world was against him no one wanted him to have any sort of sleep.
Miroku pushed past him and invited himself in, earning a glare from the slightly sleep deprived hanyou.
“Is that anyway to greet someone who just brought you dinner?” he said holding up a bag of what looked like take out.
“Why did you of all people bring me dinner?”
“Because I'm your friend.” Miroku said walking towards the kitchen.
“And Sango must be out of town again.”
“What makes you say that?”
“That's the only time you come over and bring take out.” InuYasha said walking into the kitchen himself.
“Okay so you got me, Sango went on yet another business trip. And since misery loves company I'd thought I'd come pay you a visit.”
“She'll be back in a few days, so you've got nothing to be miserable about.”
“I was talking about you.”
“Would you like to have your stomach inside or outside of your body?”
“Inside if you will.”
“Then shut your mouth, so what'd you bring?”
“I'm talking to you so could you please answer the question.”
“You told me to shut my mouth.”
InuYasha almost took his fist and smashed it into Miroku's head but settled for, “Stop being a smart ass and give me the bag.”
Miroku handed over the bag, which InuYasha set on the counter and began rifling through it.
Miroku taking the hint went to pull some plates from the cabinet, where the plates were only to find that the plates weren't there anymore.
“Hey InuYasha where are the plates?”
InuYasha looked up from what he was doing to see what Miroku was talking about. Seeing that Miroku was indeed standing in front of the cabinet that usually held the plates, he wondered where they could have gone.
“I don't know. Why don't you try another cabinet?”
And so he did and in every cabinet he looked in all he found was food. He was beginning to wonder why he brought takeout if InuYasha had all this food to cook.
“Say InuYasha since when do you buy groceries? Are you trying to impress someone?” he asked turning around to face him.
“Then why all the groceries?”
“Because someone is going to teach me how to cook.” He answered as he finished removing the food containers from the bag.
“Really what's her name, when can I meet her?”
“Who ever said that she was coming here? And besides you're married you don't need to meet her.”
“Ah, but I must to make sure she is qualified to date you.”
“I'm not dating her.” He said finally turning to face Miroku.
“Not now you aren't, so was she coming over today?”
Miroku turned around and began searching the cabinets along the floor, after three tries he finally found the plates and brought them up to rest on the counter.
InuYasha dug the silverware and chopsticks out of a drawer and set about serving the food onto the plates.
Kagome who had been in InuYasha's room doing nothing was once again bored for all of humanity to know. Taking a deep breath she smelled that tale tell scent that promised a delicious meal.
She hadn't realized she was hungry, and so without another thought she got off InuYasha's bed and walked towards the kitchen in hopes of getting him to give her something to eat.
She walked into the kitchen and noticed immediately that there was another guy in the kitchen besides InuYasha. The guy had black hair that was tied into a rat's tail at the nape of his neck, and his eyes were a deep sapphire blue darker than her own.
He was tall too an half of an inch or so taller than InuYasha and he was good looking to boot. She thought that maybe he'd make a good companion if he could see her and if she wasn't dead. And also if there was no ring on his finger to foretell of his marriage.
Kagome was just going to wait until they both left the kitchen to fix her self something to eat.
When Miroku turned towards the doorway of the kitchen there he saw a girl standing there with long ebony hair and startling blue eyes. Kagome had her eyes focused on InuYasha who was still shoveling food on his plate, so she didn't notice when he came over.
“Hey InuYasha you liar you said she wasn't going to come over today.”
“And she's isn't.”
“Then who is this lovely young lady?”
Kagome looked at him in shock, he could see her too!
`This is just weird why can he see me too? If he can see me then maybe I'm not really dead…hmm might as well convince myself that all those years were just some sort of dream…oh who am I kidding…I am dead. ' Kagome thought.
InuYasha looked equally shocked because 1) he had told her to stay out of sight and 2) because someone else could see her.
“You can see me?” Kagome asked directing her attention to Miroku.
“Why of course I can, a blind man would be able to see someone as lovely as yourself.”
“Hey! How come he can see you?” InuYasha asked angrily.
“If I knew I wouldn't be asking him now would I?” Kagome answered smartly.
“What are you talking about?” Miroku asked directing his question to InuYasha.
Before Kagome could tell him otherwise InuYasha spilled the beans.
“She's some kind of angel sent here to look after me.”
“What?” Miroku asked confused.
Kagome wasted no time running over to InuYasha to beat him around the head, spewing all types of profanity that Miroku was sure she shouldn't know.
After viewing the abuse being dealt out to his friend Miroku made his way over to break up the fight…five minutes later.
Of course by then InuYasha had it mostly under control he had Kagome by the wrists which kept her from causing harm to his upper body, however her legs and those damned shoes of hers were causing all types of abuse to his shins and feet.
“Okay I think that's enough abuse for one day, um I never did catch your name.” Miroku said pulling, more like trying to pull Kagome away from InuYasha.
“It's bitch because she a—damn that hurts would you stop that!” he yelled when she kicked him one last time before being dragged away.
“My name is Kagome, how many times do I have to tell you?”
“So your name is Kagome, I'm Miroku pleased to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too.”
“So what's all this business about you being an angel or is that some kind of metaphor?”
“It's a metaphor.” she lied.
“A metaphor huh? You're a terrible liar.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well if were in angel only in metaphor then you wouldn't have attacked InuYasha so violently though I must say that I enjoyed seeing that.”
“So therefore you must be a an angel sent here to watch after InuYasha, for what reasons I don't know, if anything you should be from hell because with his attitude that should be the only place that he is allowed.”
“Some friend you are.” InuYasha commented.
“What kind of friend would if I never told you the truth?”
“One that still breathes.” InuYasha said as he lunged at Miroku.
Before he could reach him Kagome grabbed the back of his shirt preventing him from moving further.
“Let go!” he yelled at Kagome.
“Shut up I wanna hear the rest of his theory.” she retorted.
“Besides that no one human would be able to able to hold onto InuYasha like you do, and you clearly aren't a youkai.”
`Damn his perspective skills.' Kagome thought darkly.
“Okay so you got me. I'm some sorta angel.” She said letting go of InuYasha's shirt.
Having been bluffing about the “an alive friend” thing InuYasha calmly went back into the kitchen to finish piling more food on the plate.
Kagome noted this and thought, `Why doesn't he just go back for seconds.'
Miroku seeing that her attention was elsewhere he decided to get her attention, so he reached out with his hand.
Miroku stroked Kagome's bottom through the tight black pants that allowed him to feel every curve her ass made. Kagome let loose a short scream before she backhanded Miroku into the nearest wall.
“Fucking pervert, what the hell do you think you're doing?!” she yelled and started to make her way over to Miroku's body that was somehow recovering rather quickly.
She hit him hard enough to put any other person in a coma, then again he could see her so maybe he wasn't a normal person.
Kagome prepared her fist to strike Miroku who had just managed to stand up, when he raised his hands in a please-don't-hit-me manner.
Kagome dropped her fist, it'd be wrong to kill him since he had a wife. She glared instead.
“Apologize. Explain. Swear.” she demanded.
“What?” he asked confused.
“I want to apologize, and then explain your reasoning, and then I want you to swear to never touch me again.”
“I'm sorry I touched you but you see it's like some kind of curse that I can't control, my hand just finds the softest part of the female body.”
“I don't want your damn excuses!” she yelled.
In the midst of this little fiasco InuYasha watched from the kitchen doorway with a smirk in his face.
“I'll never touch your butt again, I'm sorry please forgive me.” Miroku begged.
Kagome satisfied with his answer, lessened her death glare by a slight margin.
“I accept your apology, however do it again and I will not hesitate to leave your wife a widow.”
Miroku just nodded his head and moved away and slipped into the kitchen.
InuYasha had finally finished piling the food on his plate and had taken the liberty to make Miroku's plate as well.
“Man that's no angel, but she's perfect for you.”
“She hit you harder than I thought your brains are rattling around up there.”
“So you have no idea why out of all the innocent angel needing people she chose you?”
“Nope and I wish she wasn't here she a pain in the neck and ass.”
“Is she that bad?”
“Yeah she said I have to be nice to her but she isn't nice at all it's kind of hypocritical if you ask me.”
“Hypocritical or not you have to admit she's hot.”
“If you keep going on like this I'm gonna have to kill you for cheating on Sango in your mind.”
“There'll be no need for that.”
“You sure?”
“Very Sango is the only one for me.”
Kagome was still standing in living room, mind rushing at the speed of light at all the thoughts running through it.
Everything was going wrong. The person she was supposed to look after could see her and now so could his friend. She couldn't figure out why the both of them could see her. InuYasha was kind of an exception because of his heritage. Since he descended from both a human and a youkai parent that may have left him with some ability to see things that were…um…paranormal.
Miroku was another story she had no idea about his linage and why he could see her. Maybe it was contagious every person InuYasha came into contact with would be able to see her. No it wasn't that InuYasha had touched a few people today and none of them could see her.
Kagome was going to continue her inner monologue but the growling of her stomach interrupted.
`Screw it I'm hungry I can think about it after I have a full belly.' she thought.
Kagome walked into the kitchen just as the conversation between Miroku and InuYasha was ending.
Without saying a word she pulled out a plate and started to fill her plate with food. Soon she was joining them at the table. Chopsticks in hand she began eating.
Dinner that night was very quiet.
After dinner Miroku pulled out a movie that he brought with him. InuYasha was going to decline the movie since it looked like it was a chick flick.
“Come on I heard that it's a really good movie and I wanna watch it.”
“Then watch it by yourself.”
“I don't wanna watch it by myself.”
“Then watch it with her.” he said pointing at Kagome.
Kagome who had just come from washing her dishes asked what they were talking about.
“I want to watch this movie but InuYasha here won't watch it with me so will you?”
Kagome glanced at the DVD case that Miroku held in his hand, it looked like some chick flick and frankly she had enough of those.
“I don't know it looks like a chick flick.” she said.
“You are a chick.” both Miroku and InuYasha said simultaneously.
“That doesn't mean that I like those kinds of movies.”
“Watch it with me please?” Miroku practically begged.
“Okay I'll watch it with you.”
“Good so InuYasha are you going to join us?” Miroku asked.
“Sure why not?” he answered.
15 minutes into the movie and InuYasha was asleep, it was true the movie appeared to be a sappy romance story for the first half hour then lo and behold the action appeared.
There were explosions happening left and right, people where being killed with guns and brutal hand-to-hand combat. InuYasha woke after a particularly loud explosion.
“What the hell? Is this the same movie?” he asked, seeing the drastic changes.
“Shush, you're interrupting the movie.”
InuYasha didn't take kindly being told to shush, instead of retorting he looked and seen that Miroku had also fallen asleep.
`And he wanted to watch the movie!' InuYasha thought.
A few minutes later the movie had ended and the credits were scrolling up the screen.
“That was better than I thought it was going to be” Kagome commented to herself.
InuYasha had taken the responsibility of waking Miroku, with a slap to the head. Miroku woke with a curse and a groan.
Seeing that the movie was over he collected his things and prepared to leave. It was growing dark and he needed to get home.
“It was nice seeing you InuYasha and meeting you Kagome.” Miroku said as he left out the door.
“Whatever.” InuYasha replied.
He watched Miroku to the car and waved as he drove off before shutting the door.
He walked into the kitchen to wash the dishes that he and Miroku used only to find Kagome already washing the few dishes.
InuYasha turned around and walked to his room to take a shower before bed. After a nice shower he walked back out into his room to find Kagome on his bed brushing her hair.
Nothing was wrong with that, though something was wrong. Very wrong. She had changed out of her clothes and sat on his bed dressed in nothing but a t-shirt, one of his if he wasn't mistaken.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Brushing my hair what's it look like?”
“No not that damn it what are you doing in my clothes?”
“Well I can't very well sleep in my clothes.” She said as she placed the brush in her lap to braid her hair and tied it back with an elastic band she found.
“You had no problem sleeping in them before.”
“That was before.” she sat the brush down on the small night stand near the bed and prepared to climb under the blankets.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?”
“I'm going to sleep.”
“Not in my bed.”
“Well I'm not going to sleep on the couch if that's what you think.” she said sitting back up.
“Well neither am I.”
This was going to get them nowhere.
“Why don't we share the bed tonight, I'm too tired to argue. We can figure out sleeping arrangements tomorrow.”
InuYasha felt his face grow hot, she did not just suggest that they sleep together. There was no way he was climbing in to bed with her, but he still wasn't going to sleep on the couch either.
Fighting her was out of the options since she was just as strong as him, so what could he do to get her out of his bed.
“If you're trying to think of ways to get me out of this bed you can stop right now because it's not going to happen.” Kagome said startling him out of his thoughts.
InuYasha scowled.
Just what was he supposed to do then? He didn't want to sleep on the couch and yet he didn't want to climb into his bed that was currently occupied with a girl who only was only wearing one of his t-shirts.
Normal males wouldn't have a problem jumping right into bed with her, hell if she was normal he wouldn't have a problem. She wasn't normal though. And neither was he.
He was once again startled out of his thoughts when he found himself being pulled across the room by Kagome. Apparently she got tired of him standing there in some kind of daze.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like? You were standing there in thinking mode again so I decided to decide for you.”
“I don't need you to decide for me.”
“Really, because by now any normal-female-loving-man would have jumped into the bed by now.”
“You're forgetting that you're not normal and neither am I.”
Kagome stopped tugging him for a second and turned on him, pulled the waistband of his pants and boxers away from him before he could stop her and peered down into the depths of them.
Fast as lightning InuYasha pulled her hands away but not before she got a good look at his…um…shall we say the family's very royal jewels.
“Looks normal to me.”
InuYasha sputtered indignantly, a scarlet blush covering his face.
“So are you getting in this bed or not?”
InuYasha didn't answer as he walked over to the bed and grabbed a pillow and continued to walk out the room and went to grab a blanket from the linen closet.
Kagome watched him go, with a small smile on her face sure she won and got the bed to herself. Still she felt kind of bad for having kicking him out of his own room.
`Oh well he'll get over it. Kagome 1 Dog-boy -10.' Kagome thought.
Kagome climbed into bed and fluffed the remaining pillow and hunkered down for some good sleep.
InuYasha tossed the cushions from the couch and proceeded to move the low table in front of it over so he had room to bring out the sofa-bed. He wouldn't be sleeping as comfortably as he would as if he were in his bed but comfortably none the less.
He grabbed the remote and flicked on the TV. Nothing like some mindless drabble to help you get to sleep. He closed his eyes and thought about his life before the so called angel walked into it.
He had an older brother who was the previous owner of his business. His brother was a pain in the ass, the neck and damn everywhere else. He taunted InuYasha most of his life, and InuYasha grew to hate him more and more over time, so it came as a really big surprise to find that Sesshomaru left his entire company to him when he died.
InuYasha's mother was the best she came from a very prestigious family. Her name was Izayoi, and she loved him very much. He couldn't remember much about her though because she died when he was very young. From what he could remember she always hugged him and smiled.
His father was a great man even though he was never really around, which is why Sesshomaru got away with teasing InuYasha about his heritage. InuYasha could count the times he actually saw his father on one hand. The first had to be when he was born right, assuming his schedule had room for “visit newborn son in the hospital”.
His father died a few years after his mother and Sesshomaru ended up as his guardian although InuYasha was only surrounded by nannies until he ran away when he was 16, to live on his own.
InuYasha grimaced his life wasn't bad, nope not when there were children out there who got abused just because they were born.
With that done and over with he drifted off into an uneasy sleep and vowed to get Kagome back for that little stunt she pulled.
Finished for this chapter anyway… review please.
Words from InuYasha
“The stupid bitch looked at my…SHIT!”