InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Working for The Devil ❯ I'm some sorta angel... ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry, gomen, and a million other ways to say sorry. My brother wanted to download a million things and of course a wonderful virus appeared. After trying to delete the virus I ending up having to take it in and having it wiped clean. Since I didn't think that this was going to happen I didn't save the part of this chapter that I had already done to my flash drive. So I wound up trying to remember what I had wrote, while purchasing my own computer just for me. And since I download nothing I shouldn't have this problem again so once again sorry for the super late chapter.
She looked up at him with love and happiness flowing freely from her eyes. He looked at her with even more love and happiness if that was possible. The space between them was growing smaller with each ticking second and before they knew it their lips were locked in a deep passionate kiss.
Kagome looked a t the TV with nothing but mild interest, the movie just plain sucked. People just didn't fall in love like that it took time and according to the movie it only took two weeks. Kagome turned the TV off and rested her head on the back of the couch and closed her eyes.
She thought about nothing in peculiar when a thought suddenly stuck her. Her family. She knew her mother and grandfather where probably long gone by now. That just left her little brother who by now should be attending to his own grandchildren.
She smiled at the thought of her brother running around telling his grandchildren stories about the past much like their own grandfather had done.
She outright laughed at that thought. Then on a more serious note she looked over to the hallway where InuYasha's bedroom was and thought back to what happened only a few hours ago.
“What the fuck do you mean babysitter?”
“Just what I said I'm your new babysitter.”
“From where Hell?” InuYasha said sarcastically not having lost his humor despite the shoe lodged against his throat.
Kagome tensed for a second but slipped back into her calm and composed self before answering, “You wish.”
“Could you get your foot off me now?” InuYasha asked although it sounded more like a command.
Kagome looked down at the pinned boy and decided she should let him up lest he try to start another fight that she was not in the mood for.
“I'll let you up a few conditions.”
“What kind of conditions?” he looked at her skeptically.
“The first condition is that I have to be within 20 feet of you at all times.”
“What? Why 20 feet? Why not a million?”
Kagome sighed, “Because those are the rules, now onto the next condition.”
“What I have to be nice to you or something?” he asked jokingly.
“Yeah that's it actually, you don't have to be prince charming but, you have be nice to me otherwise I might just have to kill you.”
“What else princess?”
“Since I'm not living off of Ramen for however long I'll be here, go buy some fucking groceries.”
“What you're going to live with me?”
“What part of 20 feet at all times don't you understand?”
“No there's no way I'm living with some little girl the people around here will think I'm some kind of pedophile.” he protested.
“I am living with you, you have no say or choice in the matter. Besides no one will be able to see or hear me, it's strange that you can.”
`You're the strange one.' InuYasha thought darkly.
“How come no one else can see you, but I can?”
“Um, because I'm some sorta angel. Now do you agree with the terms or not?”
“Why not since I really have no choice in the matter.”
With that settled Kagome promptly lifted her pointy heeled shoe from InuYasha's throat. InuYasha wasted no time getting to his feet and looking down at the girl. This would be the first good look he got at her.
She was shorter than he was by almost a head and only thing that wasn't black on her besides her skin were her eyes. They were bluish gray.
Once his look over was through he walked down the hallway he had dragged her through earlier and into his bedroom for some much needed rest. He had work in the morning and besides the whole thing with the angel-thing girl was some sort hallucination…right?
End of flashback
Kagome turned her head back towards the blank TV when she heard a particularly loud snore from InuYasha. There was nothing left for her to do she had tried to watch one of the so called romantic flicks that was on TV. She ended up accusing the show of not conducting the `falling in love' part correct.
Kagome shifted so she was lying on her back on the couch her feet propped up on the arm on the opposite end. Thought she remembered she had a family she couldn't remember much about them.
She knew what they looked like and how they acted but she didn't have any actually memories. She couldn't remember any birthdays or holidays she spent with them. Hell she couldn't even remember much about herself she didn't remember whether or she had a boyfriend, whether she had had sex, or any of her friends.
She wanted to remember and she wished she could but due to the dying part she could not. Death was another step of life and so you had to have a fresh start. Death only let you keep so many memories that it would be just better off just to forget them completely than to live with such limited memories of the ones you held dear.
Hatori had helped Kagome cope with this part of death and thus became her new best friend. Later after getting on poor Hatori nerves after talking and crying non-stop for about a week he dumped her onto Sesshomaru.
The stoic look on Sesshomaru's face shut her up immediately, and for the first time in a long time since she was down there she was quiet…for all of five minutes. While she was still being quiet Sesshomaru had a hard time figuring out why Hatori had left her in his care.
She had done nothing so far besides stare at him silently for the past four minutes. The next thing he knew she was talking a mile a minute then she starting crying and talking at the same time.
The stoic look on Sesshomaru's face slipped for a second and in that second it showed a shocked inu taiyoukai. He no longer had to wonder why Hatori left the girl in his care. It was obvious that he could only handle so much. It was then he was reminded of the one person he would have rather not have forgotten about, Rin. His only human companion.
Hatori and Sesshomaru helped Kagome get back on her feet and back to her old er, new self.
`I wish I could remember what I was like before.' she thought as her eyes drifted shut again.
The next she knew she was being nudged awake.
`Damn I fell asleep again.' Kagome thought as she opened her eyes.
“Scoot I gotta be to work soon.” InuYasha said as he pushed Kagome into a sitting position so he could sit down.
Kagome now fully awake glared at him for disturbing her sleep not once but twice, and he ignored her completely and totally. He was too engrossed in his Ramen and the early morning news.
“Looks like another hot one, at least it's not gonna rain again. Then again he said that yesterday and it rained.” InuYasha muttered to himself as he finished stuffing his mouth full broth soaked noodles.
Kagome looked away from him since he wasn't paying any attention to her glare, she slipped her shoes back on from when she took them off during the night. She stretched and then scratched her back as a sudden itch had called for attention. That was when she noticed that InuYasha was looking at her.
“Your wings, they're gone.”
“Yeah I can make them go away when I feel like I don't need them.”
“So you really weren't some hallucination were you?”
“Nope I'm as real as a sorta angel comes, so when you gotta be to work?”
InuYasha looked at the clock that was perched on the wall and answered, “Shit now!”
With that InuYasha promptly turned off the TV and ran to the doorway to slip on his shoes. Then he proceeded to run like the wind with Kagome floating behind him. Her wings back in place.
He arrived at work quicker than he expected and when he looked around he noted that there was no one there. He was about to go and find Myouga to question the hell out of him when he heard giggling behind him. InuYasha turned his head and looked at the still floating girl behind him.
“I couldn't help it I just had to reset the clock to be half an hour early.” Kagome answered the unspoken question.
“You little bitch.”
“That's not nice.”
“Like I fucking care, setting my clock forward isn't on my nice list either.”
“Well it isn't my fault that you didn't pay attention to the time on the TV it was still right I can't change that.”
InuYasha opened his mouth to say something then closed it, much like a gaping fish would when it was removed from water. She was right on that point he'd get her back. How hard could it be to get a flying-angel-girl-thing back?
InuYasha took a seat on one of the many available stairs and waited until someone else got there.
“So what do you do all day?”
“Whats it look like?”
“If I knew then I wouldn't be asking now would I?”
“It's obvious I build buildings so someone can either have a place to live or work.”
“Sounds boring if you ask me, why don't you find something more interesting to do.”
“Like what?”
“I don't know save people, join the NBA, find shiny jewels, and defeat a bad guy with a fetish for spiders.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you're crazy?”
“No they haven't they actually told me I kick ass.”
“Right. So you're gonna be here all day then?”
“Yeah I kinda have to if you're gonna be here all day, 20 feet remember?”
“Yeah I remember.”
InuYasha crawled into his bed and got underneath the covers. He closed his eyes and waited for sleep to come and take him, it didn't take long.
He dreamed a dream that was pleasant since he was hacking away at every body that got on his last nerve and then he brought them back so they could experience the pain again. His list contained his brother, his brother's loyal servant/secretary Jaken, Myouga on some occasions, his friend Miroku on most occasions, Kouga the bastard ookami, and some other random people that popped into his head.
He slept with a small smile gracing his face before rolling over and letting out a very loud snore.
He never heard the girl come in and set his clock forward.
When his clock went off he got up but he wasn't awake just yet. He just kinda sat there for a few minutes in a low blood sugar daze. After sitting for a while he finally woke up enough to climb out the bed. Trudging his way to the bathroom he washed for the day. He walked back to his room and pulled out his work attire a pair of ragged jeans and a t-shirt that had a few paint stains on them from other jobs. He decided it would be better if he braided his hair today.
InuYasha spent the better part of five minutes separating the mass into three equal parts the actually braiding part was easy.
That all being done there was nothing left to do besides eat some breakfast a.k.a Ramen and see how the weather was supposed to be for the day. After that he would find that there was no girl with wings on her back that had to follow him everywhere.
So you can imagine his surprise when he walked into his living room Ramen cup in hand fully prepared to sit down and watch the news when he saw her laying on his couch once again sleeping.
InuYasha sighed a sigh of unhappiness as he knew he would have to put up with her for the time being. Nudging her shoulder he woke her.
End of Flashback.
“So how long are you staying with me?”
“I don't know, but I hope I find out soon.”
“Because you're a boring person.”
“Well excuse me for being so boring.”
“The only thing interesting about you is your ears.”
Having finished that sentence she promptly reached to grab his ears and rubbed them before he had the chance to slap her hands away.
“I hate it when people do that, especially little girls like you.”
“I'm getting tired of you calling me little girl.”
“Well I don't care you look like a little girl, you act like a little girl, so therefore you are a little girl, little girl.”
“My name is Kagome KA-GO-ME use it damn it!” Kagome screamed in his face.
“Whatever Kagome.” InuYasha replied a little shocked at her outburst.
Kagome smiled and was about to say something else when an older stout man approached.
“Well who do we have here, InuYasha you're here quite early.” Myouga stated.
“Yeah I couldn't sleep so I decided to enjoy the sunrise here.” He lied.
“Sure you did. Since you're here so early want to come with me to the doughnut shoppe and get a few doughnuts for the rest of the crew?”
“Sure why not.”
Myouga and InuYasha made there way to the doughnut shoppe with Kagome floating silently behind them.
Myouga and InuYasha didn't talk much on the way to and from the doughnut shoppe so nothing more eventful than purchasing round sweet calorie filled and heart-attack-waiting- to-happen treats happened.
When they got back to the construction site more of the workers had arrived and after a short morning break they all got to work.
InuYasha went to working on installing the windows in the part of the building that was mostly finished.
Kagome sat next to him wings absent from her back once again, she was bored just having to sit there and watch him install a window. Didn't anything exciting go on around here?
“Say InuYasha?”
“Could you get me a doughnut?”
“What for?”
“Because I'm hungry, I may not look like it but I need to eat too.”
“Why can't you get it yourself?”
“Remember the 20 foot rule! Could you try listening to me for once? Besides how would it look if a doughnut just floated up and was eaten by a person no one else could see?”
InuYasha face took on a thoughtful expression as Kagome continued to rant about why she couldn't get her own doughnut.
“The people here would probably be so freaked that they'd hire someone to try and exorcise me out. And then they'd—.“ she was interrupted by InuYasha.
“Okay, okay just shut up, I'll get you your stupid doughnut.” InuYasha pulled off his gloves and set out to the break room where the doughnuts were Kagome following behind him.
InuYasha walked into the break room looking around once to make sure that no one was there before he made his way over to the table were the doughnuts lay.
“Okay so what kind do you want?”
“Just a plain glazed one.”
InuYasha grabbed the doughnut and headed back to the building he was working in. Handing over the doughnut he got back to work.
Kagome happily munched on the doughnut not having a care in the world besides that dog eared hanyou beside her.
Sooner than later InuYasha had finished his shift and was now walking home with Kagome walking behind him.
“So what do you have planned for today?” Kagome asked.
“Nothing, besides some sleep.” InuYasha replied.
“Sleep? Why not do something for once?”
“Because I'm tired because someone had to set my alarm clock forward.”
Kagome decided not to comment on that even though that was a legitimate reason. She instead looked towards the sky and seen that the sun was a little past midday.
Kagome looked back at InuYasha and sighed, she'd just have to try some other day.
Truth be told Kagome wanted to go and have some fun somewhere and see how much the world had changed since she'd last been there. There was just no way she was going to spend whatever time she had here looking after a man who was partially capable of taking care of himself.
The man ate Ramen for breakfast for crying out loud…
She looked around and focused on what she could still remember. Besides form the few stores and buildings every thing was pretty much the same.
Before she knew it they had arrived at InuYasha's house, where he promptly fell onto the couch in a face down position and closed his eyes for a nap.
Kagome walked into the kitchen and searched high and low for something to eat besides Ramen and she was not very successful in her search. She found some cereal which would have sufficed had the milk not been chunky and green. Then she found some bread and thought about making a sandwich, however the only lunch meat she had found had something unidentifiable growing on it.
Did he have anything to eat that wasn't making science experiments in his fridge?
A frustrated sigh left Kagome's mouth as she realized that there was nothing to eat besides the Ramen unless beer counted as food. Kagome grabbed a beer, opened it, and took a few sips before walking back to where InuYasha was located.
“Hey InuYasha, get up.” She ordered as she stood over him beer in hand.
InuYasha didn't budge.
Kagome set the beer on the little table that stood between the couch and the TV and tried to wake him by taking a hold of his shoulder and shaking.
She didn't get so much as a mumble from him, seeing that her kinder methods were getting her no where she took a hold of his shirt and hefted him onto feet, and starting shaking violently.
That of course had the desired effect.
“What the fuck is your problem? I tell you I'm tired and the moment I go to sleep you wake me up!” InuYasha yelled pulling her hands from his shirt.
“No need to be cranky InuYasha.” she said grabbing her beer and taking another sip.
“What do you want?” he asked looking down and finally noticing she had a beer and was drinking it.
“I'm hungry and since you have nothing to eat besides science experiments, which I'm not willing to eat by the way, you need to go shopping.”
InuYasha just looked at her incredulously. Here she stood before him drinking one of his beers and telling him he needed to go shopping. It was almost like a reversal of genders here.
She was the husband who worked all day and got paid peanuts and now she wanted her good-for-nothing wife to go shopping and prepare dinner.
`She just did not wake me up because she was hungry.' InuYasha thought.
InuYasha sat back down on the couch and put his head in his hands trying to think of the best way out of this situation.
On one hand he could go grocery shopping and get her out of his hair long enough to get some actual sleep. InuYasha had pulled two all-nighters previous to the day he met Kagome. He had reached his limit of sleepless nights and needed rest.
But instead of getting rest he had to deal with a homicidal angel-girl-thing who intended to make his life a living hell.
He looked up to see Kagome finishing off the beer. She looked so weird drinking a beer. Although she was probably older than she looked, it was like looking at a 12 year-old drinking beer and actually enjoying it.
Shaking his head he went back to his thoughts of his second choice.
On the other hand he could tell her to suck ass, have a big fight with her and never get to sleep.
Sighing he made up his mind and went to grab his wallet, checking to make sure he had money in it before stuffing it in his pocket along with his car keys.
Kagome followed behind him as he walked out the door and got inside his car. He started it momentarily and took off down towards the store.
After finding a decent parking space they exited the car.
Once inside the store Kagome began to point out all the things she wanted.
“Make sure you get one with a date at least a week away. No not that one.” Kagome fussed.
“Is this one okay?” he asked holding a bottle of Skim milk.
“If I wanted watered down milk I would've just mixed what you had at home with water. Get either 2% Reduced Fat or Vitamin D.”
InuYasha grabbed the 2% Reduced Fat and checked the date. The date was far enough for him as he placed in the already overflowing basket.
Kagome checked over what was already placed in the basket making sure she didn't forget anything, satisfied with the contents of the basket she told InuYasha to head towards the checkout.
The lady at the checkout counter eyed InuYasha warily, never had she seen a single man buy so much food without ever talking to their wife on the phone to make sure they had gotten everything. Nevertheless she rung up the items and then bagged them. When she announced the total InuYasha cringed, he never knew food cost so much, then again he never really bought food.
He took the groceries to the car loaded them and started home. Getting the groceries in the house was fine putting them up was another story. Putting away the perishables had been no problem, it was everything else they had a problem with.
Kagome had insisted that she be the one to reorganize the kitchen as she saw fit. InuYasha hadn't had a problem with that, hell all he wanted to do was crash. It wasn't until she announced that she was going to toss the Ramen that sent him into a frenzied state.
“You're not throwing way my Ramen bitch!” InuYasha yelled.
Kagome who had maintained a cool and calm demeanor just looked at him indifferently and hunched her shoulders.
“I need more room for the dried cranberries, and the granola.”
“Then put them in the pantry.” he said.
“What pantry?”
InuYasha walked behind her and opened the door that was in the corner revealing a cabinet space.
“I knew I shouldn't have bought all this food.” He muttered sinking into one of the kitchen bar stools and leaning heavily against the counter.
“What's the point in buying groceries if you're just going to eat Ramen all the time?” she asked as she put the last of the groceries up.
“That's what I'm saying I don't know how to cook so all I eat is Ramen.”
“So why don't learn or something I`m sure they have classes somewhere or get someone to cook for you.”
“Someone to cook for me?” he echoed lifting his head to look at her thoughtfully.
“There's no way I'm doing it. I'll show you but there's no way I'm gonna parade around here making you dinner like I'm your wife or something.” She said catching his gaze.
“I wouldn't dream of asking you to marry me in the first place.”
“Good because I would have said no and kept the ring any way.”
“So what are you going to show me how to make?”
“I don't know what do you want?”
“Whatever you're cooking.”
“I'm cooking what you want. Could you please decide on something or do I need to dictate your life for you.”
“No I don't need you to dictate my life. How about we have the steak then.”
“You didn't buy any streak.”
“Right. Okay so what did I buy?”
“Well you bought rice, carrots, lettuce , toma—.“
“Okay I get it I bought a lot of stuff. Look I'm gonna take a nap so come and get me when you've decided.”
InuYasha was just laying down in his bed when the doorbell rang.
“What now?”
He got up and stomped in a flurry of steps to the door and peeped through the hole to see the one and only…
Ha… a cliff hanger.
Words from Kagome
“Well who is it? Is it the tooth fairy because she's 10 years overdue.”

So who do you think it is? Feel free to guess all you like in your reviews and thank you to those who have stuck through with me this long.