InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Working for The Devil ❯ Rain and oh boy ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay I know I suck for delivering this chapter super late and super short but I'm working on the next chapter as I type, if time and my muse allows it I should have the next chapter up next week or so. Thank you for being patient with me.
Disclaimer : I do not own InuYasha or his brother Fluffykins-sama, the lovely and all great Rumiko Takahashi does.
On with the story.
InuYasha sat in a tree as the sky opened and poured buckets onto the Earth. The leaves of the huge tree provided some protection from the storm, but he was still getting wet.
He had smelt the rain coming, but didn't give it a second thought. If he knew it was going to be this bad he would have just stayed home.
InuYasha pressed his ears tighter against his skull, if it was one thing he hated it would be water in his ears. He groaned as lighting lit the sky and thunder cracked.
`Just fucking great. I just had to come out here today didn't I.' He thought to himself.
InuYasha had been on his way home after visiting an old friend when, boom the sky opened and poured out insane amounts of water.
InuYasha didn't have to look to know he was soaked to the bone. He figured he had two choices. (1) Get from under the tree and run home as fast as he could or (2) stay under the tree and freeze. Let's just say he opted for the first idea.
InuYasha moved from under the tree getting the full effect of the rain on his skin. After moving from under the tree he made a mad sprint for his house. Running may not have been the best idea considering he was a hanyou and ran at a speed most Olympic runners wish they had. InuYasha leaned against the closed door of his entrance once he had made it home and groaned. He was not only soaked through but he was dripping.
“Might as well take these off, no point in ruining the carpet.” He said and then stripped out his clothing. His hair was still dripping slightly and he had the urge to shake like a dog after a bath. He refrained from doing so though.
InuYasha proceeded to wring out his hair the best he could. Once that was done he gathered his clothes and sprinted to the bathroom.
He was wet and cold and a nice hot shower would do him some good. InuYasha tossed in his clothes onto his bedroom floor.
InuYasha turned the shower on and soon enough the bathroom was filled with steam and InuYasha stepped inside his shower. He was so preoccupied with his shower that he didn't hear a body fall from a swirling vortex onto his hard wood bedroom floor.
Soon enough InuYasha had finished his shower and went back to his room to find something else to wear. He didn't notice the girl lying on his bed as he walked past her twice to get to his drawer for a pair of boxers and a t-shirt.
After being dressed InuYasha walked out his room to grab a bite to eat from the kitchen.
InuYasha ended up with a cup of chicken flavored instant noodle Ramen, his favorite meal. He liked other things but he didn't know how to cook anything.
`I better learn how to cook a man can't survive off of carbs alone.' He thought.
With the cup Ramen firmly grasped in his hand he walked into his living room and sat on the couch. Finding the remote he turned on the TV. and flipped channels until some thing caught his eye.
There was a TV. show where a mom goes on a killing spree killing everyone but her family.
“That's one crazy bitch.”
Before the movie had ended the phone in the hallway began ringing, sighing he went to answer it.
It was his boss Myouga on the phone.
“What is it?” InuYasha asked as he picked answered the phone.
“You're just one of the few people who don't know how to answer a phone aren't you?” Myouga responded.
“What do you want?”
“How do you know that I'm not just calling you to say hi and see how you're doing?”
“Because you never do social calls and besides its 10 minutes to 12 kinda late to be calling for a social call don't you think.”
InuYasha could hear Myouga sputtering on his side of the phone, he smiled knowing that he found him out.
“So what do you really want?”
“I need you to come in, in the morning.”
“What? Tomorrow's my day off.”
“I know but one of the workers called in saying that his wife went into labor early and is staying with her, he won't be in for a couple of more days so I decided that you could be the first one to work his shift.”
“Isn't there some rule that says you have to go in alphabetical order?”
“No there isn't, besides you don't have to work the entire shift just 7 hours.
“Myouga that is the entire shift minus an hour.”
“I know.” InuYasha could feel the evil smile on his face, and sighed before rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“Okay is that all or do you want my help in making sure everyone works on their day off.”
“No that will be all so I will see you tomorrow then.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Good get some rest.”
“Yeah whatever.”
With that said InuYasha hung up the phone, and wanted to bang his head against the wall in frustration.
Although he had never said so before or ever for that matter he had something he wanted to do on his day off.
Since he was going to work bright and early he would need some sleep. Being a hanyou had its perks, like he only needed a few hours of sleep to be fully re-energized, unlike his human counterparts.
The only funny thing about this whole situation was that although he was the President of the company he was working for you rarely found him in the office. He preferred to work with his hands rather than with his head because it was just easier on his brain.
Despite what some people thought InuYasha was as smart as his brother who had left him the company after he had died. He still showed up to the board meetings to make sure that things were running smoothly and then for the rest of the day he was of in other parts of the company working like he was just some other employee.
The company didn't just have one product or business branching from it; it had many, so many in fact that they were almost creating a monopoly. The branches ranged from architecture to construction and so much more. InuYasha was only interested in the board meetings and working in some of the construction areas.
Not everyone knew that he was the President of the company as proven earlier by Myouga who had called him in to work. And that was just how InuYasha wanted it he didn't want people to fawn over him or treat him differently just because he owned the company.
Turning around and walking back into his living room he seen the movie credits scrolling up the TV and sighed. The movie was just getting really good and he had wanted to see how it ended since she had got caught by the police and all.
Deciding it was time he got some sleep he picked up his empty cup of Ramen and turned off the TV. Discarding his empty cup he walked to his bedroom where he fully intended to jump into his bed had there not been a body in the way.
`What is that? How'd it get in here without me knowing? And why does it have a pair of black feathery wings attached to its back' his thoughts were running wild.
He stepped closer to get a better look and noted that the winged thing in his bed was a woman, a very young woman at that. She couldn't have been any older than 17 if she was even that.
The girl had long ebony hair which blended in too well with her black outfit, he couldn't tell where her hair ended and her clothes began. From what he could make out she was wearing one of those corset tops and a pair of black pants. Adorning her feet were a pair of black stilettos.
`Does she have a thing against color or something?' he thought dryly.
Not sparing another moment InuYasha walked even closer to the girl and grabbed her shoulder to try and shake her awake.
“Mmm… leave me alone…” she mumbled.
InuYasha frowned at the girl she wasn't waking up and to top it off she told him to leave her alone.
“Hey wake up. I don't know where you think you are but I can guarantee you that my bed isn't it.”
“Shut up already.”
InuYasha glared at the girl that lay curled up in his bed like it was her own. He sighed a sigh of frustration before trying again.
“Hey little girl it's time for you to go home.” He said shaking her a little more roughly than before.
Kagome slid one eye pen and looked at the man that was trying to rouse her from her sleep.
After giving him a thorough look over her eye fluttered close and she rolled over, mumbling a, “Fuck off.”
InuYasha thought he had been nice when trying to wake her so he could go to sleep himself and here she goes cursing him and so on.
Making his decision without fully thinking through the consequences, not that he really cared, he grabbed her ankles and when she didn't respond proceeded to pull her towards him and off the bed. She made a thudding sound as she smacked into the floor for the second time that day.
Kagome having been rudely awaken from her sleep glared up at the hanyou that stood above her, glaring right back.
“Now that I have you awake would you mind explaining to me just how you got in here?”
Instead of answering his question she continued to glare at him, rising up from the floor she dusted off her clothes, and looked up at him again.
Kagome mentally ran a list of things that had happened to her thus far. She remembered that she took a job learned how to fly after the exploding incident, and then she was dropped out of the spinning vortex of doom.
`That's right I have to baby-sit him… He's too damn old for this.'
Then another thought crashed into her head, he wasn't supposed to be able to see her let alone touch her. When she was finally able to sort through all her thoughts he was still ranting on about something.
“Hey, I asked you a question? Are you even listening?!”
“You can see me?” she interrupted.
InuYasha looked at her like she had said she wanted to marry him.
“Well I sure as hell ain't talking to myself. Of course I can see you. Now will you answer my question already?”
Kagome continued to ignore him as she thought of ways that he could see her.
“Are you dead?”
“Huh, what? No I'm not deaf.” InuYasha answered swearing up and down that she worded the question wrong.
After all she was a little girl.
“I didn't ask if you were deaf I asked if you were dead.”
“I'm not either you little retard.”
“I'm not a retard.” she cried indignantly.
“Then why'd you ask such a stupid question. Anyway that's beside the point who are you and how did you get here?”
This was going to be a problem for Kagome her first job hadn't even really began and she was already having problems that she didn't know how to deal with. Hatori told her that no one should be able to see her and here he was talking to her asking her questions.
Soon worry was replaced with anger, she was mad at Hatori for lying to her and she was mad at this boy because he interrupted her nap.
“Little girl I'm not going to ask you again just answer the damn question or I'll have to throw you out.”
“Would you stop calling me a little girl I have a name.”
“I don't care about your name just tell me how you got here.”
InuYasha prided himself in his abilities to pick up things that humans could not so he was quite upset that a little girl such as herself was able to sneak pass his senses and fall asleep in his bed.
Though as he looked at her now that she stood up he was sure that she was no normal girl. Nope he was quite sure that she was not normal at all especially with those wings.
He was growing more and more frustrated because she wouldn't answer any of his questions yet he had answered hers.
“Little girl for the last time answer the damn question!” InuYasha yelled.
Kagome sighed before she answered, “I fell out of a vortex.”
InuYasha looked at her as if she had grown an extra head and sputtered helplessly at her answer.
InuYasha decided he did not want to hear anymore, he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the front of the house.
“What do you think you're doing?” she asked as calmly as ever.
He didn't answer instead he kept dragging her until they were standing in the hallway of the front door. He opened the door and pulled the arm that was holding onto the girl's hand and tried to pull her outside.
Kagome began to utilize her super natural strength when she seen him open the door. There was no way he was going to throw her outside especially with that rain out there. She pulled back for her hand for all she was worth.
`What the…? She won't budge. Well I've got a solution for that'
InuYasha didn't question her as he turned around and picked her up under her arms. If he couldn't push her out then he would throw her out.
“Get your hands off me or I'll-“
“Or you'll what cry, scream, like I give a flying fuck! All you had to do was tell me how you got in my house then maybe I would have called a taxi for you. But no you had to go and say that you fell out of a vortex, who the hell would believe you.”
Kagome remained silent and InuYasha took her silence as a sign that she was scared, and if the rain hadn't been screwing with his nose he would have known that she was in fact not scared of him.
InuYasha reined in his anger and put her down before he did something he would regret. InuYasha walked back into the house after closing the door behind him. The minute the door clicked closed he found himself sprawled on the floor.
The little girl he swore was scared of him had promptly flipped him onto his back and was glaring down at him. Then it occurred to InuYasha that she really wasn't a normal girl maybe she was a demon. A crow or something but the last time he checked crow demons were so weak that they didn't have humanoid forms. So what was she then?
InuYasha didn't waste anytime recovering if the little girl thought she could stand up to him then she had another thing coming. Standing up he noticed that she had taken a fighting position and waited for him to come to her. InuYasha being the hot head that he was charged at her but unlike some he learned from experience.
Kagome made an attempt to punch him in the gut but side stepped and grabbed her still outstretched arm and pulled it so it was resting rather uncomfortably against her back and then proceeded to do the same with the other.
Kagome winced at the pain but nothing more as she pulled as hard as she could to remove her wrists from his iron-clad grip. InuYasha smirked the girl was helluva strong but not quite strong enough.
Kagome thought fast and smashed the nice pointy end of her shoe into InuYasha bare foot. The reaction she got was most appreciated as he let loose a horrid sting of curses and let go of her arms. She then elbowed him in the stomach making him double over where she then grabbed him around the neck. Then she used her hips to bare much of the weight as she flipped him over her shoulder onto the floor.
This time the air in his lungs left his lungs in a whoosh and black dots danced before his eyes as he tried to regain his bearings. Upon regaining them he found that she was once again standing over him with a triumph smirk plastered across her face.
InuYasha tried to lean up only to find that she had the pointy end of her shoes lodged painfully against his throat and if he was to get up it would actually become lodged in his throat. He lay back down to find a better solution to get out of this mess he was in.
Despite his mind telling him to keep his mouth shut he just had to ask.
“Just who the hell are you?”
“Me, I'm your new babysitter!” she yelled.
InuYasha thoughts stopped, froze, thawed, and click back into function as he repeated,
There I did it, that it for this chapter, please r and r.
A word from InuYasha…
“Babysitter? What the fuck does she mean babysitter?”