InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Working for The Devil ❯ I paced, and look wings ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Here's the second chapter improved hopefully for the better. I forgot the disclaimer in the first chapter so I'll post it here.
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own InuYasha and his brother Fluffykins-sama.
Hope you like.
I know that Sesshomaru is OOC and frankly for now he's going to remain that way and Hatori is my own little character that I just threw in at the last moment.
I paced, I was always pacing. There was nothing to do besides pacing. I had got tried of just waiting and sleeping. Being in an eternity told me something about myself…I had no type of patience.
Spending time in an eternity where time seemed to stand still really sucked. Sooner or later I was going to get mad because there was nothing to do. Then I'd take my anger out on the first person who crossed my path.
Sometime later a good friend of mine Hatori walked through the doorway.
"Hey Kago--" he was effectively cut off when he found himself sailing through the air.
The moment I saw him I seized him be the shoulders and proceeded to flip him over my shoulder.
Hatori landed flat on his back looking up at me.
"Someone's bored again."
"No someone's pissed because she's bored and she needs something to destroy."
"That's what I just said."
"Well I said it better."
"And I thought I taught you how to fight so you could keep your anger and boredom under wraps."
"Well when there isn't anything to beat on those techniques are pretty much useless.”
“Right, remind me to get you something to beat on.” He said sitting up.
“Hatori I need a favor.” I said offering my hand.
“What kind of favor?” He asked taking my hand.
“I want to accompany you on your next mission.”
The reaction I got sent a brief rush of anger through me. Hatori laughed, he laughed so hard he ended up falling back down.
“And what may I ask is so funny?” I asked a twinge of anger could be heard in my voice.
“Sorry no offense or anything but you know you can't come.” He said once he calmed down.
“And why not?”
“Because you're…”
“The third best fighter down here, and if you haven't noticed by now totally evil.” I finished for him.
“You may be the third best fighter down here after me, Sesshomaru and the palace guards, and you may be totally evil, but still you have to get permission from Him.” He said finally standing up.
“You mean Lucifer.”
“No I mean Him.”
“Lucifer, Him what's the difference?”
“The difference is Kagome is that He prefers to be called Him.”
“I prefer to be called by the name on my birth and/or death certificate but no every one wants to call me bitch or wench or hey you hell angel.”
“And if I recall you have beaten every one of them into a pulp and have had them recite your name correctly.”
“That not enough, beating every one up into a pulp gets a little boring after so long and I need something new to do, and you owe me a favor.”
“I do?”
“You do. Look I'm not asking you to make Him let me go I'm asking you to ask Him if I can come just to watch if nothing else.”
“Alright I'll ask Him but I'm not promising anything.”
“Thank you, thank you, and thank you. You'll never regret this I promise.” I hugged Hatori tightly and kissed his cheek.
“You have to let me go if you want me to ask Him.” Hatori said after a prolonged hug.
I let go and watched him spread his wings and take off in the direction of His palace.
Hatori was the first and only person to talk to me after every one found out about the mix up. If it wasn't for him I'd probably still be in the corner crying my eyes out. Hatori…how should I put it...?
Hatori helped me cope with my losses helped me turn my weakness into a strength so powerful I wonder if he regrets teaching me.
Hatori is tall, at 6 feet tall I felt dwarfed at 5' 6''. He has these striking gray eyes that complement his jet black hair. And a smile that could change my attitude in an instant.
Hatori is the nicest person I know and sometimes I wonder what he could have done to be sent to Hell. His attitude screams that he's nice, sweet, and caring, not I'm a mass murderer or I like to rape girls.
Feeling for a nap I walked to my room which consisted of a bed and a window. I always thought Heaven was fluffy clouds and Hell was fire and brimstone. It turns I was wrong. It's like a city down here.
People and Youkai live in something like an apartment complex. There are restaurants where you can eat the cuisine you're used to.
Then there are gyms or training facilities whichever you prefer. There's no public transportation or an education system. There is also no type of currency, no kind of entertainment and no crime.
There is however assholes that think its okay to call you by whatever name they see fit. I know I don't belong here, but its not like I told whoever's in charge that I wanted to go Hell instead of Heaven.
I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes, I deserved a nap after today's events.
Sometime later there was a knock at my door, but still feeling tired I simply rolled over.
“It's open.” I said.
The door opened and someone came in and took a seat on my bed. I cracked open an eye to make sure it was Hatori because if it was anyone else they were in for a world of pain, and tired people crankiness.
It was Hatori so I just laid there waiting for him to say something about me accompanying him on his next mission to Earth. He just sat there as seconds turned into minutes.
“Enough with the silence what did he say?” I snapped after several minutes of silence.
“Well you know I said I couldn't guarantee anything.” he started.
“Let me guess He said I couldn't go because I'm not supposed to be here.”
“Actually He told me He wanted to see you.”
I sat up wide awoke now.
“He said what?”
“He said He wants to see you.”
“Who knows?”
Before he could blink I jumped into his lap and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
“Come on now fly me off to see Him.” I chirped happily.
“I see someone's happy.”
Hatori picked me up effortlessly and once outside my room he flew off towards the palace. I watched his wings flap every now and then to stay air borne.
That was another thing, the people down here traveled by the use of there wings, and those who worked for Him drew there strength from the wings.
I never thought people in Hell would have wings, I always thought that wings were a Heaven thing but apparently not.
Still I doubt that I would want a giant pair of bat wings strapped to my back. I'd look much cuter with the traditional feathery white wings.
Sooner than later we arrived at the palace. Once we landed Hatori stood me on my feet and walked through a black gate. I followed behind him feeling a little more than nervous.
I've been down here all this time and I never seen Him, not once. Now, out of the blue He wants to meet me. The thought alone scared me.
Without even realizing it I had taken a hold of Hatori's hand squeezing it tighter as we neared our destination.
“I still need that hand you know.”
I shot him a questioning stare before I realized that I was squeezing the life out of his hand.
“It's okay just try to relax, He's not going to eat you.”
“I'll try.”
I loosened my death-grip on his hand as we passed through another gate and then through a door that led to a long staircase.
Hatori stopped walking and I stopped beside him to question him.
“From here you're on your own.”
“He wanted to see you alone.”
“Okay then.” I pouted.
“Don't worry I'll be right here you know I won't let anything happen to you.” he said and gave me a reassuring smile.
I looked up at the stairs before walking up them. Walking up these stairs, I wished He had an elevator or even an escalator.
Halfway up the stairs I felt like I was dying for the second time, still I did not falter and trudged on.
Finally I made it to the top and after a much needed breather I glanced at Him, and let me tell you He was not all that He was cracked up to be.
I thought He would be red and have this pointy tail and gnashing teeth, but there He was sitting in a throne-like-chair looking at me expectantly.
I approached Him and seen that He had long flowing blonde hair and piercing blue eyes a few shades darker than my own.
“Um…hi.” I greeted.
He didn't say anything or even acknowledge that He had heard me so I tried again.
“My name's Kagome and you—.” He cut me off.
“I know who you are I was simply getting a good look at you.”
“What did you want to see me for?”
“Well let's just say I found something for you to do.”
“Something like what?”
“I need you to keep an eye on someone for me.”
“You want me to baby-sit?”
“No I want you to keep an eye on him.”
`Isn't that the same thing.' she thought.
“And who is he?”
He handed me a photo of a boy with silver hair, golden eyes and little cat-like ears perched atop his head.
“A youkai?”
“Actually he's only half so that makes him a hanyou, born from a human mother, and an inu youkai father.”
“He's an inu youkai? I thought he was a neko hanyou his ears look like neko ears.”
“His name is InuYasha and he's relatively your age you are to just observe him until I can think of what exactly I want to do with him.”
“Well this is better than nothing, so when do I start?”
“You start as soon as you get your wings from Sesshomaru.”
“Where is Sesshomaru?”
“He should be outside waiting with Hatori.”
“Thank you, you won't regret giving me this opportunity.” I said before departing.
“Oh I think you'll regret it though.” He said once Kagome was out of earshot.
I finally made it back down those evil stairs, they were as exhausting to go down as they are to go up.
He was right Sesshomaru was standing there talking to Hatori instead of giving me a respirator. Soon enough without the help of Hatori or Sesshomaru I was fine.
“So what did He say?”
“He said I can have the job of observing this guy.” I said showing them the photo.
Sesshomaru features flashed a look of recognition before setting back to his stoic appearance. It happened so quick that I thought I imagined it.
“He kinda looks like you.” Hatori said.
“Do not compare this Sesshomaru with that hanyou.”
“Sesshomaru you're an inu youkai aren't you? Maybe that's why they look alike.” I suggested.
“He's an inu youkai?” Hatori asked looking the photo with vigor.
“No he's an inu hanyou and his name is InuYasha.” I explained.
“So why haven't you left already?” Hatori asked.
“Sesshomaru I need you to give me my wings. I can't go with out them.”
Hatori gave Sesshomaru a pleading look that said…
We need a vacation from her please, by the mercy of Satan give her, her wings.
“Well if it'll keep you out of my hair for some time come with me.”
I followed Sesshomaru as he walked out of His room leaving Hatori behind. Sesshomaru then placed his hand on the wall to reveal a secret passage that led into a room.
“Does Hatori have one of these rooms?” I asked following Sesshomaru into the room.
Once inside the room Sesshomaru closed the passage way and motioned me to stand in the center. He then began walking a small circle around me.
“How old were you when you died?”
“I was 18 years old.”
“How tall are you?”
“I'm 5' 6''.well technically 5' 7''.”
“How much do you weigh?”
“I weigh 125 pounds. Is any of this information necessary to get my wings?”
“No, I just wanted to know.”
“You're just as bad as Hatori.” I said as I remembered the time Hatori had to take my measurements for my new clothing.
I shuddered as I remembered the way his hands `accidentally' roamed my body.
Sesshomaru stepped closer to me from behind and put his hands onto my back pressing his palms into my shoulder blades.
My back began to feel warm and suddenly I was filled with pain. I nearly collapsed to my knees from the pain.
“How that does feel?”
“It hurts a lot you bastard.”
“Glad to hear that it means that it's working.”
Finally the pain dulled down into a mild thumping.
“See if you can flap your wings, if you can't then we'll have to start all over again.” Sesshomaru said with a smirk on his face and I wasn't even looking at him.
I did as I was told and flapped my wings a few times.
“Good now we just need to teach you how to fly.”
As soon as those words left his mouth my wings began glowing a bright white. Before I could even ask an explosion sounded and I was thrown to the floor.
I must have lost consciousness because the next thing I knew I was being woken by Sesshomaru.
“Are you okay?” Sesshomaru asked as he helped me up.
“I'm fine what happened?”
“You happened.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your wings exploded.”
“That can't be normal.”
“Its not and neither are those.” He said pointing at my wings.
I looked back and instead of the black bat-like wings I had before, I had black feathery wings.
“This is as close as I'm going to get to Heaven isn't it?”
“Could you still teach me to fly with these wings?”
“Wings are wings.” He answered simply.
“Sorry about the explosion.”
“It's fine.”
Sesshomaru opened the passage way and we were on our way out.
Since I was a beginner flyer Sesshomaru gave me a lift to the practice area. Once we were there Sesshomaru gave me verbal instructs on how to flap my wings, glide and hover. Sesshomaru then showed me each step.
Once Sesshomaru showed me everything he pushed me off a cliff. He only pushed me because I refused to jump.
Remembering what he had told me I spread my wings out and flapped a few times. I was flying I was really flying.
I flew back up to the top of the cliff where Sesshomaru stood with a smirk on his face. I hovered in front of him.
“I swear if you weren't such a good fighter I would kick your ass for pushing me off that cliff!”
“You're already dead what do you have to fear?”
“That doesn't mean I couldn't have got hurt!” I argued.
“Yes perhaps you're right, now try the hovering.”
“I am hovering!”
“Then try the gliding.”
“What do you think I was doing on the way down?!”

”Cursing me.”
“After I cursed you!”
“I couldn't see through the thickness of the fog.”
“There wasn't any fog!”
Sesshomaru looked over the edge of the cliff and indeed there wasn't any fog.
“There was some fog yesterday.”
“You're infuriating, how could you push me off a cliff and not even make sure I was okay?!” I yelled.
“Kagome I knew you would be okay, besides if you screamed help instead of `I'm going to fucking kill you!' I would have come to help.”
That was Sesshomaru for you evil, demented sometimes, but he's still a nice person. He was the same height as Hatori and had glowing amber eyes and over flowing silver hair. I say overflowing because its way longer than mine. And it's in a better condition, his evil deed was having absolutely flawless and perfect hair along with that god-like body of his.
He's the only youkai to ever befriend me, Hatori had introduced me to one day after I talked him to death. Even thought Hatori had dumped me onto him, not that I couldn't blame the poor guy. The only thing I learned about Sesshomaru that day was that he had a tolerance for little girls who couldn't keep quiet.
“Show me the gliding Kagome.”
“Just don't push me off a cliff this time.”
I showed Sesshomaru my gliding, my flying and my hovering over and over again until I was perfect in his eyes.
“My legs hurt from all the walking and my wings hurt from all the flying, give me a ride home.”
“Magic word…”
“Now or I'll shove my foot up your ass.”
“The other magic word…”
“Please?” I asked.
Sesshomaru scooped me up into his arms and took off. Moments after we took off I felt sleep tugging at my eyes and instead of fighting it I embraced it, welcomed it.
Sesshomaru glanced down at the sleeping girl the only other human he liked as well as respected besides his ward Rin who had died hundreds of years ago.
He carried her inside her room and put her down on her bed, after making sure everything was in order he left.
I woke up the next morning ready, refreshed and somewhat sore. Groaning I sat up, I had to get ready to go.
Today I would be leaving to go back to Earth to keep an eye on some boy who should be able to take care of himself. Still I'd take any opportunity to see Earth again, even if it meant going to kill some one.
I flew out to meet Hatori and Sesshomaru near the gate that I had entered this world. It was a swirling vortex of darkness. It reminded me of a black hole without the suction and constantly dropping out souls.
I spotted them standing near the swirling vortex of death.
“Are you ready to go?”
“As ready as I'll ever be.”
“Alright you already know what you have to do?”
“And just incase you don't know no one should be able to see you.”
“Well because you're dead.”
“Any other questions?”
“Yeah how will the vortex know where to take me?”
“It does it all on its own something He installed for people with no sense of direction.”
“All right that's everything I'll see you guys' in a few days.”
I gave them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek, before flying off in to the vortex. To be honest it kinda scared me. I mean who wouldn't be scared of something that looked like a black hole.
Once I was inside I was met by a tremendous force of air that forced me further into the vortex. Then I was pushed into a dark space that had a bunch of windows. Through each window there was a person and you could actually see what they were doing.
I wondered if that was what each person was doing at that exact moment or was it a type of recording. I reached out to touch one and found I couldn't move my arms or for that matter any part of my body. It was like I was wrapped in a blanket of some sort and couldn't move to touch anything.
This would be a good thing if I was a klutz in a glass store. Soon enough the force that was moving me dropped into one of the windows.
I fell and tried to catch myself as I met a wooden floor. It didn't turn out so well I ended up falling flat on my ass and back.
I stared up at the ceiling before sitting up slowly. I was back…I was really back on Earth. I stood up and almost regretted it I was still sore, and now since I had fallen pretty damn hard on the floor I was hurting even more. I looked around my surroundings and noted I was in a bedroom.
It wasn't neat at all and then again I had seen worse. An outfit was tossed haphazardly onto the floor, and a few wrappers from what appeared to be ramen lids were littered along the floor. I began to wonder where my ward was when I heard the shower running.
`He must be in the shower.'
Having nothing better to do I laid down on the bed, I was sore and that trip through that vortex took a lot out of me. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.
How was that read and review and I shall give faithful readers more.
A word from Kagome…
“Read the next story please?”
“I said read the story or I'll shove my foot so far up your god damn ass you'll be eating shit for the rest of your life.”