InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Wrath Unleased Pt II ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the OCS.


Wrath Unleashed Part II:

Both Kagome and Bankotsu jumped and then stared at the effeminate man in shock.

Jakotsu's nostrils flared wildly, making him resemble more of a wild bull ready to charge. "Listen to you two, standing her bitching like little kids, while your kids are in danger!"

His glare zeroed in on Kagome and he shook a finger at her. "You have no right to keep my brother's kids from him!"

His glare shot to Bankotsu. "And you have no right being pissed at her for wanting to get over you - especially after how you treated her."

Both Kagome and Bankotsu stared at Jakotsu flabbergasted for a minute and then lowered their heads contritely.

Jakotsu fumed. "Both of you need to get the fuck over yourselves and focus on saving those poor kids!" His eyes glassed over with tears as he whispered, "They must be so scared."

He's right. Kagome and Bankotsu both felt chagrined and were ashamed of their behaviors for a brief minute...

Then like a tidal wave, fury crashed over Bankotsu. Fury at the fact that she had kept him from knowing he was a father, until she needed his help. He balled up his fist and punched it through the plastered wall. He glared at Kagome. "When were you going to tell me?"

She sighed heavily and picked up one of the few unbroken stools. She sat in it and her eyes filled with tears, while her lips pressed together in a thin line.

Bankotsu flipped one of the nearest tables across the room and stormed over to her. He grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. "Answer me damnit!"

She ignored the bruising of her arm and glared at him. "I did try to tell you once before, but you were too damned busy to talk to me."

His mind replayed that day as clearly as if it had been just yesterday. It had been a month after she moved out of town. He'd been trying hard as hell to forget her and live up to his promise to stay out of her life.

When the machine kicked in and he heard her voice, he growled and stormed out of the house. He'd thrown his cell phone in the grass and stomped on it, then driven to a bar, in a town two hours away.

All he'd wanted that night, was a stiff drink, and to find a woman to help forget his troubles and blow off some steam with.

Bankotsu's lip curled up and he shoved her away from him, turning his back to her.

Kagome winced at the pain in her arms and ribs when she landed harshly on the floor, but picked herself and the stool back up. Silently she resumed her seat, glaring at him.

Jakotsu picked up another bottle and launched it across the room. It smashed against the wall between them.

"I said enough damnit!" Furious grey eyes bore into each of them.

Bankotsu sighed heavily and then grit out through clenched teeth, "I'll help you get them back."

Before Kagome could sigh in relief, he shook a finger in her face. "But afterward, you and I are going to have a long talk about you keeping my kids from me, as well as the fact that you didn't bother telling me until it was convenient for you, that I was even a father!"

He glared at her with hard, unforgiving eyes for a minute, before removing his finger from her face.

Kagome glared back at him. "What the hell would you have done, if you had been in my shoes?"

Bankotsu roared, "I wouldn't have kept you from knowing you were a parent!" Moving like an angry caged tiger, he stormed over to the tables and began flinging them across the room, releasing all of his anger and frustration.

Kagome's cheeks burned and she lowered her head, allowing her bangs to hide her face. She sat in the stool with her shoulders hunched over and flinched as each table crashed.

When Bankotsu had finished destroying the tables, he stood there as his chest rose and fell and just stared at her with a look of utter betrayal in his eyes.

Refusing to let her know how deeply she had just hurt him, he quickly schooled his face into a mask of indifference and walked towards the counter.

Kagome sighed heavily and raised her head, staring into his emotionless eyes. "Look, just help me get the kids back, and then you can bitch me out all you want."

Seeing the indifferent look he was giving her, Kagome bit her lip. "I just - "

Bankotsu held up a hand. His icy, clipped tone sent shivers running up her spine. "Don't." He stormed into the back office, locking himself inside.

Jakotsu's jaw clenched as he surveyed the damage to the bar. He sent Kagome a cold stare, before walking over to start cleaning up the mess.

Kagome bowed her head and without a word, walked over helping him clean up the splintered tables and shattered glass, after all this was partly her fault.

They worked together without a word between them until after every bit of the mass destruction was removed.

Spine stiff, Jakotsu put the broom and dustpan inside the storage room, and then carried the bags of trash out to the dumpster.


A/N: Wow! Now what will Kagome, Jakotsu, and Bankotsu do? What must they be thinking and feeling right now? Any ideas? We shall find out next time! XD