InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Down To Business ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the ocs.


Down To Business:

Spotting the shiny pile on the floor, Bankotsu picked up his keys and shoved them into his pocket. He opened the door and walked down the hallway, until he entered the bar.

He stared directly at Kagome and crossed his arms over his chest. "Why would Renkotsu take our kids? What exactly is he after, Kagome?"

She sank onto the stool with a heavy sigh. "I've been wondering that myself. Unfortunately this doesn't say what he wants, only that I am to wait for his call." With a trembling hand she passed him the envelope.

Snatching the envelope, he ripped the paper out and read it. His face hardened and he crumpled it in his hand, wishing his hand was around Renkotsu's neck instead. "There has to be something specific he's after. Renkotsu isn't the type to act without planning first."

Jakotsu piped in, "That's true... But what could he be after?"

She rubbed her shoulder. "There are only two things that I can think of. He either wants the information I have on him, or the file I have on Meredith."

Bankotsu's fist hit the bar. "What the hell does she have to do with this?"

Kagome inhaled a deep breath and then locked eyes with him. "Meredith wasn't the one behind Ja's kidnapping ... It was Renkotsu, he was the brains behind it."

Bankotsu glared at her. "What the hell makes you think Renkotsu would be stupid enough to risk my wrath?"

She huffed, "Either believe me or don't. Frankly I don't care what you think. I know what happened because I was hired to look into it closer last month by the private company I've been working for."

Bankotsu motioned for her to continue.

Kagome stood up. "Got a computer I can use?"

Jakotsu nodded. "This way." He showed her into the office.

Bankotsu followed.

Kagome took a chip and adapter from her pocket and slipped them into the computer. She entered the password and brought up the files on Renkotsu and Meredith.

She opened the files after entering a second password. Her spine stiffened when Bankotsu stood directly behind her, leaning over her shoulder to read. Kagome took a few deep breaths and forced herself to relax and began explaining her notations.

"When you came to me for help that night, I made a bare file, only writing down the essentials. Well this is a more detailed file from those notes, plus what I've learned while delving deeper."

Jakotsu's eyes widened as he too read the file. His lower lip trembled a s memories of the harsh treatment he'd received over that time played in his mind. "Why? Why would he do such a thing?"

She sighed heavily. "Not only did he not go on that 'business trip' he told you about Bankotsu, but in fact, the people he claimed he was with that time, never heard of him. I interviewed all of them and they said they've never seen him."

She took a deep breath trying to ignore the anger she felt roiling off of him in waves and tried to suppress a shiver. "I checked the credit records and no purchases were made on his cards that week either."

She moved down the file showing them her research notes and results. "He did however; make a sizable cash withdrawal two days prior."

Bankotsu scowled. "He told me it was for the trip, to cover his expenses."

She said, "I also checked the phone records. He bought two new cell phones the day before Ja went missing. The only calls made from those cell phones in that week long period, were to each other."

Jakotsu sank onto the couch with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead. "Meredith and I were shopping when a black van pulled up and people in masks grabbed us."

Bankotsu pulled a fold out chair over next to Kagome. He turned it so that he could straddle it backwards and sat. Glaring at the screen, he read further.

Kagome sighed heavily. "Not only that, but after we got Jakotsu back, Renkotsu returned to town two days prior to when he supposedly 'returned' from the trip he told you he was taking." She pointed to the notes about his hotel stay those two days.

She continued. "Meredith stayed off the radar for a while and even I haven't picked up where she went after Ja was returned... yet."

She huffed. "As for Renkotsu, there's not much to go on the two weeks following that, because I moved out of town during that time and was busy settling in to my new home."

Bankotsu snorted derisively. "No shit. You just up and left overnight." He glared stonily at her.

She glared back at him. "I needed space. I knew if I stayed here, something would always remind me of you- a place, an event, it was always something. I needed space and time to heal."

Bankotsu accused. "Without telling me you were already pregnant."

She huffed and stood up placing her hands on her hips. "I didn't know then! As a matter of fact, it wasn't for another four weeks after that move when I even found out."

Jakotsu rubbed his temples trying to stem a migraine. "Will you two shut the hell up and get over it! What matters now is getting the kids back safe and sound."

Kagome and Bankotsu glared at each other and then huffed, turning their backs to each other.

Kagome removed the chip and adapter, pocketing them again before walking to the door. She grit her jaw. "He's right. All that matters now is getting the kids back safely." She walked into the hallway.

Bankotsu sighed heavily. "Come on Ja, we're leaving."

Jakotsu nodded and downed two aspirin, before locking the office and grabbing his keys.

Kagome sighed heavily and wrapped her arms around her waist, as she walked towards her car.

Bankotsu followed her. "I'm riding with you." He declared, in a voice brokering no arguments.

Kagome jumped startled and glared at him. "Fine, just don't start ordering me around." She unlocked her door.

Bankotsu rolled his eyes and they got into her car.

Jakotsu got into his and followed them.


A/N: Can they really work together and save their kids, or will they continue bickering? You'll have to read the next installment to find out XD