InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the OCS.


Bankotsu shucked his hospital gown and slipped into his jeans and a button up shirt. "It sure feels good to be getting out of here."

Kagome folded the skirt of her summer dress beneath her legs and smiled. "I bet."

Bankotsu bent over her chair and captured her lips in possessive kiss.

She kissed him back eagerly. She pulled back. "I can't believe we're finally going house hunting."

Bankotsu smirked. "That we are love."

Kagome grinned. "That sure was generous of Sesshomaru to offer to have a state of the art security system installed once we get a house picked out."

Bankotsu chuckled. "Hai, but the security system will be to my specifications, not his."

She chuckled. "Of course." She stood up and hugged his waist. "Are you really sure about this?"

He kissed her forehead. "Absolutely." He pulled back and stared into her eyes. "No way in hell am I ever letting anyone take you and the kids from me again."

She grinned. "Speaking of which…"

Before she could end her sentence the twins burst into the room. "Mommy!"

She scooped them into her arms. "Hi babies."

Arashi stared at Bankotsu. "Are you really our daddy?"

Bankotsu scooped him into his arms. "You bet I am, sport."

Arashi grinned. He hugged Bankotsu's neck. "I'm glad you came back daddy."

Bankotsu's heart warmed and his chest swelled. "Me too kid. And this time I'm back to stay, son."

Arashi glared. "You promise?"

Bankotsu chuckled. "I promise." He poked his son's nose.

Arashi huffed and slapped his hand away. "Daddy, don't do that."

Bankotsu beamed. "I love you Arashi."

Arashi grinned. "I love you too, daddy."

Akari pouted. "Oi, what about me?" She held her arms out to him.

Kagome chuckled and passed her over to him.

Bankotsu kissed her nose and gave her a one armed hugged. "I love you too, my little princess."

She giggled and blushed. "Daddy, I'm not a princess." Her pig tails swayed as she shook her head.

Bankotsu grinned. "To me you are, Akari." He kissed her cheek with a loud smacking sound.

She giggled and hugged his neck. "Stay with us forever, daddy."

He smirked. "I promise princess."

Kagome watched her family and felt like life was finally the way it should be.

Bankotsu ginned and kissed Kagome on the lips. She blushed and kissed him back.

"Ooh Daddy kissed mommy," the kids began laughing.

Bankotsu smirked. "You bet I did, and I'm going to do it again." He captured her lips in a brief kiss, causing her to blush deeper.

Kagome tugged his braid and mock scowled at him. "Not in front of the kids."

"Aw, but,"

She warned, "Bankotsu…"

He pouted. "Spoil sport."

Arashi grinned. "Daddy, you looked just like Akari when she gets in trouble."

Bankotsu chuckled. "I do eh?"

He nodded.

Akari shoved her brother. "I do not."

He shoved her back. "Do too."

"Do not!"

"Do too."

Bankotsu chuckled. "Alright you two, enough shoving." He lifted a brow and both twins pouted.

Bankotsu nodded and gently set them down on their feet. He gently pat each of their butts. "You two go tell Nana and uncle Ja that we're almost ready."

They huffed. "Daddy, don't do that." They scowled.

"Scram," his head inclined for them to scoot.

They stayed put pouting.

His brow rose and he sent them a 'don't make me spank you' look.

Both twins swallowed and ran out the door.

Kagome ginned. "You sure do have a way with kids.

He grinned. "And with their mother."

She grinned and nodded.

Bankotsu grabbed Kagome by the waist and kissed her fiercely, pulling their hips together.

She moaned and kissed him back.

Out in the hallway Arashi and Akari ran up to the adults.


"Uncle Ja,"

"Mommy and daddy were kissing."

All of the adults laughed.

Sorana's voice filtered through the hallway. "They were, eh?"


She chuckled.

"Daddy said they are almost ready."

Jakotsu's voice drifted down the hall. "Good, the sooner we get started, the sooner we can finish."

Inuyasha pushed through the door and grunted. "Knock it off you two. We have better things to do." He sent them a playful grin.

Bankotsu smirked at him. "There is nothing more important than kissing my wife." He pat her hip affectionately.

Kagome grinned and hugged his waist. She laid her head against his chest. "I still can't believe we are actually married."

Bankotsu grinned. "Believe it Mrs. Takeda." He kissed her and led her towards the door.

Inuyasha chuckled. "It's about damned time too."

At their raised brows, he chuckled. "Oh come off it, ever since junior high everyone knew you two would end up together sooner or later."

Bankotsu grinned. "Lucky for me Kags is the forgiving woman she is."

Kagome grinned and playfully punched his shoulder. "Hai lucky for you indeed," she hugged him.

He chuckled and stared into her eyes. "From now on Kags, I intend to make all of your dreams come true." His eyes shone with mischief and he whispered for her ears only, "Especially the naughty ones." He pulled back and wiggled his brows.

Her face bled crimson and she rolled her eyes. "Smooth as always, Bank."

He grinned and followed her through the door. "You know me, babe."

She planted her hands on her hips and raised a brow. "After all this I damned well better."

He kissed her nose making her cheeks flush.

Inuyasha and the adults laughed.

Arashi brows furrowed. "Did I miss something?"

Kagome chuckled. "Nothing important Arashi."

Akari grinned and pointed at Kagome's red cheeks. "Look mommy is blushing!"

Kagome's cheeks reddened further.

The other adults all smiled knowingly.

Bankotsu scooped his daughter onto his hip and grinned. "Mommy is going to be doing that a lot more often." He stared at Kagome with smoldering eyes.

Kagome looked away and then grinned. "So will daddy." She reached behind him and covertly pinched his butt cheek.

He jumped a bit and stared at her with wide eyes.

She winked at him.

Sorana's voice adopted a mother scolding two teenagers tone.

"Alright you two, at least save it for when you are alone in your room."

The young couple both blushed.

Sorana grinned and the other adults laughed.


A/N: I'm always sad when I finish a story, but at the same time glad that it is finished. Anyone who knows me will know that I'm a major sucker for happy endings XD

One last time, I'd like to send out a big hanks to all my generous reviewers and to everyone who took the time to read this story. Your reviews are always my inspiration to keep going even through the roughest of times.