InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst Nightmare ❯ Aftermath ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters. I do own this plot line and the OCS.


The ambulances arrived minutes later. Bankotsu was loaded onto a stretcher and placed inside.

Kagome was loaded onto another stretcher and loaded into the second one.

Inuyasha shut the door of the second ambulance and sighed. He spoke into his cell phone. "That's right. They are on the way to the hospital right now."

Sesshomaru's gruff voice sounded on the other end. "Very well we will meet you there. Make sure you get the bag Inuyasha."

Inuyasha glared at the phone now emitting only a dial tone. He kicked the bag at his feet and mumbled. "I already got it, you pompous jackass." He grunted and picked up the bag.

He watched as the dead bodies were loaded into body bags and sighed heavily. "You two sure made a big mess." He shook his head and went to inform Kouga and the others of the situation.

Kouga growled. "Where is she?"

Inuyasha stared at the kids and waved the wolf over to him.

Kouga grunted but passed Arashi to Ginta and walked over. "Start talking."

Inuyasha spoke low enough only the demons could hear and explained what had happened.

Kouga's face paled and he stared at the ground. 'Damnit, I knew I should have gone with her.'

Inuyasha walked over to Kagome's car and placed the bag in the passenger seat. He turned around to the kids and smiled. "Hey you two, how about we go for a ride?"

Arashi stared at him. "Where is mommy?"

Akari cried. "Mommy!" and tried to struggle free.

Inuyasha scooped her into her arms and kissed the top of her head. "Shh, mommy is going to be okay. In fact, if you want, I can take you to where she is."

Arashi demanded. "Take us there now!"

Inuyasha chuckled. "You got it kid." He placed Akari into her seat and buckled her belt. He passed her a teddy bear. "Hold on to that, okay?"

Akari cuddled the bear to her chest and sobbed. "Is mommy really okay?" She stared at him with sad eyes.

Inuyasha smiled. "Yeah kid. She's going to the doctor right now, but you will see her soon."

Arashi chewed his bottom lip and wiggled in his seat. He stared at Inuyasha, who clicked his belt into place.

"Let's go. We want to see mommy."

Inuyasha hollered out directions to the hospital to Jakotsu and then drove off.

Jakotsu got into his car and followed Inuyasha. 'Oh please let them be okay.' He fought back tears so he could focus on his driving.


At the hospital four hour later, Arashi stomped his foot and shoved the empty bag of potato chips away. He rounded on Inuyasha. "You said we could see mommy hours ago. Now I want to see my mommy!"

Akari was nuzzled in Ayame's arms and crying. "Is mommy really okay?"

Before either adult could answer a doctor walked up. "Are you the family of Kagome Higurashi?"

Sorana spoke up. "I am her mother." She knitted her brows. "Is something wrong?"

The doctor smiled. "No ma'am she came through just fine and is in her room resting. She's asking about her kids."

Sorana sighed with relief. "Thank Kami."

The twins jumped up and ran over. "Nana, can we see mommy now?"

She smiled at them.

The doctor nodded. "Okay, but she needs to rest soon." He led them back to the room and opened the door.

The kids rushed in.

"Mommy! We were so scared."

Sorana helped them onto the bed. "Be careful of mommy's ribs."

They blinked.

Akari whimpered. "Are you hurt mommy?"

Kagome hugged her daughter and smiled. "A little baby, but it will go away."

Akari clung to her neck and cried. "I was so afraid I'd never see you again."

Kagome kissed the top of her head. "Oh baby, I'm so glad you and your brother are safe."

Arashi climbed over and hugged his mommy crying. "Don't ever do that again mommy, promise?"

Kagome sighed. "I'm sorry baby." She kissed her son. "I promise baby. No one is ever going to take you or your sister away from me again."

Arashi glared at her. "I meant no more scaring us like that!"

She smiled. "I promise baby. I won't ever scare you like this again."

He nodded and cried hugging her neck.

Sorana rubbed his back, "I'm glad you're safe Kagome."

Kagome nodded. "Sorry to scare you like this, momma."

Sorana gave her a stern look. "No more, you hear?"

Kagome smiled. "Hai momma."

The doctor came back. "I'm sorry to do this, but Kagome really needs to rest now."

Sorana nodded.

Arashi sighed. "We will be staying at Mr. Sesshomaru's house with nana and uncle Jakotsu until you get released."

Kagome blinked. "Eh?"

Sorana nodded. "Ayame insisted and Sesshomaru assured there will be no way for their security to be breached."

Kagome nodded. "Tell them both I said thank you."

Sorana nodded and escorted the kids back to the others.

Kagome laid back and sighed. 'Bankotsu had better be okay or I'm going to raise hell.' The medicines kicked n and she yawned. Her eyes closed, but she forced them back open.


Hours later Kagome was sound asleep as an unconscious Bankotsu was wheeled into the room. The nurses sat him up and started monitoring him.

Kagome jumped awake and hissed at the pain in her side. She spotted Bankotsu lying on a bed looking pale. She flung her feet over the edge of the bed and grabbed her IV stand. She slowly made her way over to his bed and gingerly sat in the chair.

She grasped his hand and kissed it. "Bankotsu," The fingers of her free hand gently ran through his bangs. "Bank can you hear me?"

There was no response. Her heart squeezed painfully and tears welled in her eyes. "Bankotsu please, I need you. Come back to me." Her head lay on his bed and her wet cheek pressed against their joined hands.

A nurse came in to check on him and scowled. "Miss Higurashi, you're not supposed to be out of bed yet."

Kagome's head snapped up and she glared at the nurse. "I'm not leaving his side!"

The nurse sighed. She wheeled Kagome's bed closer and set the IV up on the other side.

"Tell you what. I'll let you stay near him, as long as you promise to get your rest." She put Kagome back into her bed and wheeled the beds together.

Kagome sighed tiredly and closed her eyes never letting go of Bankotsu's hand.


Bankotsu woke up to the feeling of some0thing cold on his forehead.

A Nurse smiled. "Hey there."

Bankotsu blinked. "What happened?"

The nurse smiled. "Well you got into a pretty bad fight."

He groaned. "That must be why I feel like I was hit by a train."

The nurse frowned. "I'll ask the doctor if I can get you something for the pain."

He nodded and felt someone holding his hand. He blinked and stared over gasping.

The nurse smiled. "Despite being in pretty rough shape herself, your friend refused to be separated from you after she woke up."

He smiled. "Really?"

The nurse chuckled. "She even got up and walked over here to be by your side, refusing to let go of you."

Bankotsu grinned. "That sounds just like her."

The nurse smiled. "At least she is finally sleeping. I was worried I might have to sedate her."

Bankotsu frowned. "She was that worried about me?"

The nurse nodded and left to speak with the doctor.

Soon as the door closed, Bankotsu leaned over and kissed Kagome's cheek.

Her eyes fluttered open and she hugged him sobbing, "Thank Kami. I was worried you might…" she bit her lips as tears spilled from her eyes.

He gently cupped her face. "It's okay Kags. I'm fine."

She pulled back and punched his shoulder. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!"

He hissed grabbing his shoulder.

She gasped. "I'm sorry."

He chuckled. "Violent as always I see."

She blushed. "You really scared me Bank." She fidgeted with her hands in her lap and stared at him with tearful eyes. "I thought I had lost you."

Bankotsu's eyes widened and then he hugged her. "Shh babe, you will never lose me." One hand ran through her hair as she nuzzled into him.

Bankotsu pulled back and stared into her eyes. "Kags I know I've been and ass and all… but… One thing was made very clear to me through all this."

She frowned. "What?"

He grinned. "There is only one woman I want in my life and that woman is you."

She blinked.

He cupped her hand and brought it to his lips. "I need you in my life Kags and I'd really like it if you would take me back."

She stared at their joined hands and started crying again.

He brushed her tears away with his thumbs and took a deep breath. "Kagome I know I don't deserve you. I was a jerk to you and for that I'm truly sorry. I promise if you find it in your heart to give us a second chance that I will never hurt you again."

He cupped her face between his palms. "Kagome Higurashi will you please forgive the past mistakes and marry me?"

She gasped and stared at him. "I thought you didn't ever plan to get married?"

He kissed her forehead. "I'm a changed man. Kagome, please marry me?"

He stared into her eyes and for a minute. 'What if she says no? What if even she can't forgive me?'

At her unexpected silence, he felt his heart drop into his stomach. His palms started to sweat as he waited for her to say something… anything.

Unable to believe her ears Kagome blinked staring at him.

After recovering from her shock, she punched his other shoulder. "You jerk; do you have any idea how long I've waited to hear you say that?" She glared at him. "Since way before you treated me like dirt."

His gaze fell to the bed and he sighed. He mumbled. "It's just that things have been so miserable without you these past six years, that I even became an alcoholic for a while."

"Really," She blinked.

He nodded. "Ja is the one who nagged at me until I agreed to cut back."

She gasped and her fingers touched her parted lips. Tears clung to her lashes. 'He was miserable without me?'

Bankotsu's shoulders hunched and he moved to lay back. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." His jaw tightened.

She flung herself into his arms. "You lunk-head, of course I'll marry you."

He blinked rapidly and then laughed shakily. "You promise?"

She nodded. "But, you have to promise never to look at another woman and have to promise you will talk with me when we have problems."

He hugged her to his chest. "I promise babe Kags." He stared at her with glassy eyes. "I'm the luckiest man in the world!" He kissed her passionately.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. 'No, I'm the luckiest woman in the world.'

The doctor cleared his throat loudly causing them to jump apart and blush like teenagers who had just been caught making out in their parent's bed.

The doctor grinned. "Don't make me have to put you two in separate corners."

Bankotsu beamed and hugged her waist. "We're getting married soon." Pride and happiness shone in his brilliant sapphire eyes.

The doctor grinned. "Congratulations. Now, both of you get on your own beds."

The couple laughed but did as they were told, still holding hands.


A/N: *sighs* only one chapter to go. I can't believe it's ending already :( Oh well, it will give me more time to focus on my other stories, so that's always a plus.

Reviews are always greatly appreciated.

P.S. To those of you interested I've posted my first ever Sesshomaru/Kagome one shot on It's titled 'The Decision' feel free to check it out too.

I would have posted it here, but for the past 4 weeks at least I haven't been able to get the whole ratings button to work here. If I could, I would have posted a couple new stories up here by now.

Sorry :(