InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Worst than the Twilight Zone ❯ History (pts 1,2,&3) hopefully ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter nine: History.
{A.N.- This chapter will focus on the history of the kingdom itself as well as on the relationship between Kagome, Kikyo, Sango, and Kagura. Since I was told that I was not putting enough focus on the girls. }
Kagome reawaken to the sounds of birds around her, a small smile grace her face. She remembered she had left her window open. Dawn had long past but it was still early in morning.
`Regardless I have to get up now. It's almost time for breakfast. I need wash up,' Kagome thought.
Due to her lack of servants within the castle Kagome did most things for herself.
Kagome led her self into one of many indoor baths and turned on the faucet. Needing something to do while she waited she strolled over to her mass library. This was the best time to read; when it wasn't too hot that a person could actually think.
She went to her favorite subject the history of Shikon. Altogether it was about twenty volumes long but pretty soon shorten versions were made for school children which Kagome had took ownership of a few of these.
She wasn't ashamed by it at all. In these days many people could barley read past grade school level and there really wasn't any time to enjoy reading. Kagome knew the history of the land almost by heart.
It was would had been strange to see Kagome walking about and there being little to no one in the castle it was almost like she lived there all by herself.
Kagome had few servants in her castle and half of them were a gift from Kikyo had also given her a limo for her eighteen birthday. However any type of automobile was useless in this terrain and climate. It when from sizzling hot to near sub zero in a matter of seconds during the spring and fall months, summers were arid and hot, and winters were arctic.
The land was mostly desert and their were few paved roads anyway.
The rebels had destroyed most of the roads back when she was a girl. The rebels had been at war with the kingdom since the early days of the old queen. Apparently it was all over some broken promise to divide the land into districts so each group would be ruled by their own kind.
(IE. The demons had their own piece of the territory and humans had theirs.) In return everyone would pay a small tax to the queen. However that was not what happen. The House of Lords turn the demons down everyone would stay where they were.
Seemly the demons felt they had little to no rights under the new power, which was true. Since Shikon had been, establish demons had been in a constant fight for the power they had lost during the Two-Hundred Year War between the two forces. Prior to that war, there was a division and there had been demon lords, ladies, kings, and queens and so forth, as well as for humans.
Back then the land was much different there were a multitude of forests, farmlands, and peaceful villages. Then a few greedy noble band together and start the war with the demons over something no one could remember now and thus the war started. Though the adopted theory was over some powerful magic entity. It ended when a group of mighty demon slayers gain some god-like powers and took over modern day Shikon.
First the demon slayers ruled the kingdom for less then fifty years. Under that dynasty demons were slaves having to work for human and most of them were stricken powerless. Then another upset happen something about politics with the religious groups at the time. Another long war started however it was only for about twenty years. The monks and mikos rule for a whole century in that time demons and human got on seemly it was a time of peace between the too.
Since the demon were freed, given their own land, and rights. The noblepersons in that time were called peacemakers during that time breakthroughs in math and science were release and technology increase. Plans on stopping the causes of war were being debated between the groups. This is also when hanyous began appearing due to marriages between humans and demons.
Until the witches overthrew the peacemakers who had became a power force during the war. The first woman in power Mirdoiko rule for the first twenty years at the age of forty. Demons were stripped of their powers and were near slaves again. Actually many were just that. Marriages between demons and humans were outlawed between the commoner yet many nobles had demon or hanyou sex slaves. Many worked the streets as prostitutes so the number of hanyou hadn't decrease at all.
Then she suddenly died at the fifty-nine. Kikyo's unnamed mother took over. No one knew why she wasn't given an official name. In her early years that had called her Aoi, but she stop everyone from calling her that when she became princess.
Kikyo herself was not a true witch her father being that of a human monk and not warlock. Which was why Kikyo was trying to master both skills even though the two seemly cancelled each other out. Kikyo's unnamed mother had singled handedly altar all of the gains made by the peacemakers.
Thus the rebels had formed they weren't very strong considering that they were mostly made up of demons and humans working together to overthrow the old queen. It worked like a network of underground criminals though many were caught few names were given from those that were tortured within the jails. No one knew how many there were nor who was the real leader. Currently they were growing more powerful and burning down major cites and towns.
Since firearms of any kind had been banned. Kikyo now was reversing all of the gains of modern technology and trying to altar all history. People didn't start school till eight the land was nearly bare of all resources and of the whole kingdom less forty percent was fertile. The average life of a commoner was 42 for women and 35 for men. The larger masses lived in extreme poverty while a handful of nobles were in a life of luxury.
Kagome was not a witch.
`At least I think I'm not,' she thought as she floated to the other side of the tub she had just barley got into.
It was true she had lived with normal humans all her life. However that was true for a lot of witches. Her mother was just a simple maid for a local nobleman.
Her father had became a major fighter against the rebels and worked with the House of Knights which was then one of the most powerful of all the royal armies. Her father was killed when a group of rebels started a fire in a hotel, which he was staying.
To make sure no one escape the rebels also gunned the building for what seem like hours but had only been less than ten minutes. The building collapsed killing about two hundred people. After his death her father was made a knight under the old queen and her mother a lady. She didn't get to enjoy it for very long years of hard labor and heartbreak of losing her husband killed her.
Then her brother Souta at the age of eleven ran off to join the rebels he had blamed the queen for the downfall of the family. She hadn't seen or heard anything about him since then. So she carried a title of a noble even though she could care less about being one.
`I should have left with Souta when I had the chance,' she thought now.
She had thought things would get better under the current system. She had made friends with the then Princess Kikyo. She thought that Kikyo would undo the wrongs of her mother but she soon found that Kikyo was just as selfish and only cared about her own wants and needs.
Now there was neither the House of Knights nor House of Lords. Only Kikyo and her royal army had power. Her duties of a noblewoman were simple. She uphold the law of the queen whatever they made be. At first she really did collected taxes, made sure people obey the laws set forth by the queen, reported problems to the queen.
However it had nearly cost her life numerous death threats had came to her by mail since her phone post had been cut and she never got them replaced. After seeing how the common people were near starved to death. She forgot about her duties collected as little as possible adding her wealth just to meet the quota set by the queen, bended or broke the laws herself, and dealt with criminals herself.
In this age you either obeyed or disobeyed.
`Obey and be killed or disobey and be killed,' she thought as she dried her hair.
However to disobey was to unset the balance and to not die a horrible death by rebels. Only that one day you knew that Kikyo or some of her more faithful spies would catch you and then you would die. However all hell would freeze over before then.
She got out of the bath and wrapped a nice long silk robe around herself. Funny how you could have running water yet storage on power and that you had cars but people had to either ride bikes or horses to get around. Or how plane could only go about thirty miles. She couldn't even fly to Kikyo's and make it back.
Part two: Relationships
Kagura was in the room Kagome had provided for her. She had gotten up some time ago but had yet to move from out of the room. It was odd been in a such a serene place but how long would it last? Kagura was pretty sure that Kikyo was searching for her. It would only be a matter of time before she was haul of to hell again. This was just purgatory.
`Once a slave of the queen always a slave,' Kagura though as a cold shiver ran down her spine.
It's wrong to put Lady Kagome in such a danger she knew that but what were the other alternatives? She could stay with Lady Kagome, run away for this life and be free or go confront Kikyo.
`I rather die then get capture by that witch. I will destroy her if it is the last thing I do. I will save you Inuyasha,' Kagura thought.
"Kagura get back here," Kikyo said as she let loose another arrow.
`Damnit I can't doge it in time,' Kagura thought as she tried to guide her feather out if harm way.
Yet it was to no avail as the arrow hit its mark. Kagura was hurled into the ground as yet another arrow torn into her back. Blood for its way out her mouth as soon as she hit the ground with a smash. It seem like most of the bones in her body were either cracked or broken.
`Is this the end for me. Either way I will die with honor,' Kagura as the world around her stated to get blurry. Kagura reached for her fan but Kikyo smash it with her foot.
"My, my, my Kagura. I must say this was a very fine chase but you made one very big mistake,' Kikyo cooed in a low voice.
"Yeah and what was that," Kagura said in breathy voice.
Kikyo laughed coolly as her eyes narrowed suddenly.
"You pissed me off," Kikyo said as kicking Kagura over on her back.
Kagura chough up some more of her blood as she found it harder to breath. Yet she was fighting with her very soul to get up.
`I will not die like some beaten down dog. No pun intended dear Inuyasha,' Kagura as she slowly felt her strength come back to her.
"Well aren't you a foolish one. I was going to finish you off quickly. Yet I think it would be fun to kill you nice and slow," Kikyo said kneeling beside the injured youkai.
"Rule number one if you're going to be a bitch about something. Don't just keep barking have some bite," Kagura said as she threw a deadly poison feather right into Kikyo chest.
Smirking when she saw she was successful in her attack when the queen's hand was oozing in blood.
Kikyo gasp out harshly as she spat some blood from her mouth. Kagura found the energy to pulled the arrow out of her back while she took her chance to pull her other fan out. She only had so much energy left. This was the finally duel between them.
`Timing is everything,' Kagura thought.
"Dragon's Song," Kagura called out.
Kikyo eyes went wide with fear as she said the winds around her come crashing into her. Her body felt like someone had threw her in an over-sized mixer. Her screams could be heard through the castle as her bloody body crashed into the sables walls. In a moment Kikyo army came to her aid. She was bleeding badly but still alive. As luck would have it a horse gallantly came towards Kagura out of fear for its own life.
Kagura took her chance to run before the Kikyo's army started firing at her. The horse led her away form the castle walls and away from the years torment.
`Don't worry one day I save you Inuyasha just not now,' Kagura as she used all her strength not to fall out.
Days passed and the horse fell died.
Finding water and food was troublesome for both it and Kagura. Besides riding long and hard day after day under the burning sun had troll on the animal. Not letting the noble beast go to waste; Kagura simply had to devour it.
Now on foot and bare footed at that Kagura continued on. Surely there was someone to help her. Yet in every human town she found herself in its people cast her out. The days grew hotter while the nights colder Kagura struggled for survival grew bitter. Having to eat whatever she could kill with demonic powers. Her horrible memories from the castle were the only thing that kept her going.
She remember how free she used to be. She had once ruled over the northern parts. Then the wars had broken out and she found herself as well as her kind hunted like mere animals. She remember when she had first been sold to Kikyo. Some demon bounty hunter had seal her in a cage made especially for demons. For it drained most of their demonic powers away thus causing them to feel like a mere mortal.
Kikyo went a little further and place a collar on her, which drain her powers completely. At first Kagura was just a simply maid help cleaning around the castle. Accepting her new fate. After all it could have been worst she could have been killed like most of the demons she used to know.
It was once again a time of genocide for her kind. The hands of humans had killed Countless of demons and demoness. Some human were even sick enough to have stuff murder youkai so they could place them in museums or in their own homes as if they were trophies.
It wasn't long before Kagura was order to dust some around the castle.
Then there were countless screams and sounds of agony ringing throughout the castle walls at night. She was always told by the other servants in the castle that she would die if she wandered into the eastern wing. Yet one night curiosity got the better of her and that's when she first met Inuyasha.
They had collided head on that dark and stormy night. Inuyasha let out a furious growl. Kagura had seen the hanyou once before but never this close. Though for a hanyou he was really handsome up close as he was though he was… was…
"Naked," Kagura said as she smacked the hanyou off her.
"Ow bitch what the hell," Inuyasha snapped.
"I'm not the one attacking people while naked," Kagura snapped back.
"I'm not attacking anyone I'm escaping this madhouse," Inuyasha growled as he torn a curtain so he could cover himself up.
"You're only be recapture or worst killed and stuff," Kagura blurted out trying not to look at his nude body.
"I rather die than live with that psycho," Inuyasha snarled.
"What psycho," Kagura asked.
"The one people called Queen Kikyo," Inuyasha spat out.
"Kikyo? What's she doing now," Kagura asked.
"More like who she's trying to do," Inuyasha mumbled.
"What," said Kagura with wide eyes.
`So that was been going on. He's the one the one that been making all those noises that means. Oh gods,' Kagura thought.
"Look I got out of here. Will you help me be free," Inuyasha said looking deeply into Kagura's eyes.
"I'll be beating. I…I... really shouldn't even be here," Kagura explained.
"Ah, you're one of the cleaning girls," Inuyasha asked.
"Yes. I'm Kagura of the wind," Kagura quietly.
"Well nice knowing ya, bye," said Inuyasha as he ran off.
`So he's half human huh? Guess that means he's half idiot too. I better help him no way will he ever make it on his own,' Kagura thought as she shook her head and ran after the hanyou.
Meanwhile, Inuyasha wasn't having much luck battering the castle guards in the stone cold floor. `Damn there just too many of `em,' Inuyasha thought as leapt up into the air.
"Inuyasha get back down here right now," commanded Kikyo armed with a bow.
`Damnit my night can't get any worst,' Inuyasha.
"Stop Inuyasha," Kikyo yelled as she fired an arrow straight at him.
"DAMNIT," Inuyasha yelled as the arrow…
…blasted off the curtain around him and scrape his left leg. Kikyo smirked as he saw it slowed him down a bit.
`He won't escape now,' Kikyo thought.
`That bitch! She's playing with me. I'll show her, all I have to do is jump over the wall and I'll be free,' Inuyasha thought.
Another arrow fired and it successfully totaled the highest tower near the wall. Inuyasha let out frustrated roar as he sped up jumping higher from rooftop to rooftop.
`I can do it. I know I can,' thought a determine Inuyasha as he leapt for it.
And that's when Kagura saw her chance to help Inuyasha as she set a gust of wind surround everyone in the courtyard as well as lifting the hanyou a few feet up over the castle high stone wall.
`He did it,' Kagura thought.
`Thanks Kagura,' Inuyasha thought.
`That stupid wind demon did this. She will pay,' Kikyo thought.
"After him you fools," the queen barked out in the dust.
Before the dust even settled Kagura felt a sharp stinging pain hit her on the side of her face. Causing her to fall down in the dirt. When it cleared an evil looking Kikyo whose eyes gleam with pure malice stared right into her very soul.
"What the hell were you thinking," Kikyo spat at the demon.
"Excuse me your majesty I was only cleaning the halls like you ask me to," Kagura said fringing the truth.
"Did you not see us trying to capture the hanyou," Kikyo said with narrow eyes.
"No milady I didn't. I though you were playing," Kagura said with her head bowed.
"Guards take this idiot to the tower," Kikyo order.
"But my queen you just destroyed the tower," said one of the guards.
"What," Kikyo screamed causing many demons in the crowd to cover their eyes.
"Yeah and you just killed at least 100 good servants milady," said another.
"DAMNIT ALL JUST PUT HER IN THE CELLAR THEN," Kikyo roared and stormed away.
The next morning Kagura woke up to the smell of cow pies and other pungent scents. Her back was sore from the damp stone hard flooring. She was just waking up when she her someone sneeze violently.
"Damn witch," Inuyasha cursed.
"Inuyasha," asked a shocked Kagura.
"Kagura," asked Inuyasha.
"I thought you escaped," Kagura asked.
"Lets just say I went down the river and back again," Inuyasha snorted.
"What," Kagura said.
[Flashback of that night]
`Thanks Kagura,' Inuyasha thought.
Finally he was free and he knew this time he could really escape. Maybe someday reclaimed the land his mother and father had left him. He could try and become a full fledge demon. Then he could come back and set all the other abused servants free as well. Then Kikyo would pay for her crimes as well as her mother.
Then he looked down.
"Oh shit! The river! I can't swim," he exclaimed.
Thus the hanyou fell into the river, in addition; the current was pretty strong that night as well as freezing cold. He tried to keep his head above the water and tried to dog paddle his way to the nearest shore.
Soon enough he took in to much water and everything went black. He remember someone pumping the water out of him then being roughly thrown into what seem like a cart and take away. When he woke up he was in cellar of the castle he had tried to escape from.
{End of FB]
"And that's all I know," Inuyasha said.
"You're such an idiot," Kagura snort.
"If you only knew what the hell she was trying to do to me then you wouldn't be saying that at all," Inuyasha spat out.
"I do know but running away won't solve anything," Kagura said.
"What? Don't tell me I should stay here and obey her to her dying day," Inuyasha sneer.
"No you should stay and fight. Fight until she gets bored and throw you out. That's all," Kagura explain.
(I'm sorry everything won't show. Just continue on to the next page)
What if I'm beating to death," asked the half dog demon.
"That's for fate to decided now isn't it," Kagura replied back.
"Well my fate sucks," Inuyasha snorted.
Kagura couldn't help but laugh at Inuyasha's boyish comment. Pretty soon he was laughing too and that was Kagura's first impression on Inuyasha. Maybe he didn't know it yet but he really was wild and free in the inside.
`If only he could use it against Kikyo,' she thought as she continued to laugh.
{End of Kagura's FB}
`That cute but simple fool," she thought as she push back the curtains letting the sunshine light up the room.
Kagome was dress in a green and white summer dress as sat in her small den reading a book. It was already starting to warm up and it wasn't even close to noon yet. Kagome really didn't like the summer much. It was always meant many "great" battles around the areas between the queen's army and the rebels.
The smell of hot dead bodies roasting in the sun was not good for the sick, elderly, and small children. Yet nobody the queen or nobles gave a damn but her. Also the queen would pretty soon start rationalizing all the goods such as: water, coffee, tea, honey, sugar, and lumber.
She was expecting Sango over today or tomorrow. People could never just up and travel you had to sneak around. When nobles got together it caused fear among the commoners and attacks on castles were made.
Kagome hadn't told Sango about Kagura just yet. She didn't know where the wind demon was at the moment but she was probably still sleep. Sango would know she was a demon right off. Also she wasn't sure on how trust worthy Sango really was.
True she had known Sango all her life they had grown up together in the same small village however they knew little very about each other. Kagome had been mostly shy and didn't have a lot of friends as a little girl.
She was too busy helping her parents around the house since her mother worked in one of the palaces it was just her taking care of the house her family lived in. Her mother was only home four or five times a month. Kagome always made sure the little house was kept immaculate when her mother was home.
Sango on the other hand was one of the friendliest girls in the whole village and everyone knew her. She was always trying to play with the boys and her little brother Kohaku. She became one of the best fighters in the whole village and wanted to fight in the queen's army. Just like her father however her mother caught a case of malaria and died before she turned twelve and so she had to be the woman of household.
If that wasn't bad enough in a fight to protect the village from corrupted lords her brother and father was killed before her very eyes. She easily revenged their honorable deaths. Shortly after her dream came true to when she was made into a solider but her dream was tarnish.
Even so Sango worked hard to become the great general she was. No one could withstand her troops for more than an hour in battle; her army was the most feared in whole kingdom.
Lately they have been abandoning the queen as well as Sango and went to fight on the rebels' side. Which was why the rebels were getting that much stronger by the second. Actually the whole kingdom was decaying form the inside out.
Kagome not being the loyalist she once was starting to wonder how Sango manage to survive throughout the years. However she still wasn't sure if Sango was actually a loyalist to their queen or not? She seemed to have a decent relationship with Kikyo. Yet they seem to have a decent relationship as well.
Lately Sango has been such a busy body and hardly had time to come over to train her. They had officially met during the queen twentieth birthday party and they had talked the whole night away. Of course Sango had gotten totally wasted off all the finer wines being served that night.
Kagome admired her strong personality for many people nowadays didn't have that quality. Also Sango spoke her mind however she was aware of people feelings. If they had been under different conditions, Kagome felt they could have truly been best friends maybe become close like sisters; and Kagome always wanted to have a sister.
Speaking of sisters, Kagome was starting to see Kagura as a friend to some degree. The wind demon still was very quite and hiding the fact that she came from Kikyo castle. She helped out around the castle even without being ask a trait most people didn't have.
Suddenly she heard a commotion outside. Kagome rolled her eyes as she heard her vulgar wolf servant Koga yelling at what seem like a peasant. Kagura also heard the noise and choose to investigate from the rooftop.
"Listen old hag we don't let anyone in this castle without our lady's permission," Koga sneered.
"I do not need anyone permission to enter this castle," the cloaked lady replied.
"Well unless you can kick my ass, as well as the other guards then ya ain't getting in," Koga growled.
"Fair enough," said the hag.
"Fine with me ya old hag," Koga growled out.
Before Koga's stick could come down on the hag' back it was broken as well as his nose. Seeing their leader fall the rest of the wolves pack surround the woman.
Taking it as a direct challenge the hag pick up the broken sticks and charged at the one right in front of her. Kagura was in awe. Who was this cloaked woman single handedly defeating at least four guards at a time?
`She must be a rebel,' Kagura thought.
Then again she had didn't almost the same thing. Lady Kagome really didn't have a good defense around the castle. Yet, why didn't any of the rebels attack the castle more often?
Loud yelps and whine were starting to echo around the courtyard as it seem no one could teach this old woman her place. Even the slow-to-act Hojo was no match but then again was he ever?
`I guess it's up to me to stop this rebel before serious harm is done,' Kagura thought.
"Dance of blades," Kagura said as a gust of sharp wind was let loose through the courtyard.
The old woman must have seen Kagura before hand and successfully doge each and ever attack. Even threw a few of them back at her.
"Is that the best you can do demon," the hag jeered.
"Listen, I will protect this good noble's castle," Kagura.
"Oh really. How noble of you," the hag said as she threw dagger headed for Kagura's chest.
Kagura used her fan to block the attack though fan spilt the fan in half. The hag let out a crackling laughing that annoyed the hell out of Kagura. Kagura snarled in an animalistic way.
`Okay this hag has to die,' Kagura thought.
"Dragon's song," Kagura cried out.
The wind took shape of a mighty dragon headed straight for the lady who was now defenseless. The attack hit her dead on and lifted her several feet into the air and crashing into one of the horse's stables.
`Impressive,' Kagome thought from the sidelines.
Kagura floated down from the watchtower near the horse stable her enemy laid. The cloak was now in tatters and the old hag was really a young woman. That seemed to be in or around her early 20's.
"I knew this had to be a disguise," Kagura said with a smirk.
`Wait a minute I think I know this woman,' Kagura thought.
The woman smirked as she coughed away the dust clogging her lungs.
"OI you're one tough demon, I give you that," said the woman.
"So what's your story," Kagura asked bluntly.
"I'm here for a visit. See," said the woman as she pulled out a letter with Kagome's seal at the bottom.
"Then why didn't you show that to the guards," Kagura asked.
"I wanted to rumble," the woman said then smirked.
"You're a…" Kagura started to say.
"That will be all Kagura," Kagome said from behind them.
"Lady Kagome, do you know this woman," Kagura asked.
"Congratulation Kagura you just defeated General Sango," Kagome said coyly.
"This woman is the general of the queen's army," Kagura asked amazement.
"Probably been drinking but yes," Kagome said.
"She's a drunkard," Kagura asked more irked by this so-called woman of legend.
"Seems that way," Kagome said.
"Hee Hee, That's was a good show," Sango said.
"Why don't you just come inside and clean up old friend. You can need to clean yourself up as well Kagura," Kagome said helping Sango up.
"What about the guards. Shouldn't I help them," Kagura asked concerned about the fallen warriors.
"There used to it believe me. Just go and clean up now," Kagome said.
"Hai Lady Kagome," said Kagura with a bow.
"Oh and Kagura," Kagome said.
"Yes milady," Kagura replied.
"Thank you. You did really well," Kagome said with a smile.
"Your welcome milady," Kagura said with another bow.
"Still the courteous one towards the servants I see," Sango said afterwards.
"She's new," Kagome said shortly.
"I see. With her around it won't be much fun," Sango said with a pout.
"What do you mean by that," Kagome said with a raise eye bow.
"I can tell she's a dry blanket like you," Sango said with a short laugh.
"Don't you mean wet blanket," Kagome said correcting her drunken friend.
"A dry blanket is someone who too scared too drink," Sango explained.
`I can't tell what did more brain damage the alcohol or Kagura's attack,' Kagome though as she shrugged it off and followed after Sango.
After cleaning around the castle Kagura, took yet another quick bath before she helped with dinner. It seem that Sango didn't need much to eat. She really was a heavy drinker. Kagome seemed to be on her toes around the woman. She had told Kagura that Sango has lately been in a depress state since her army had spilt up.
So far Sango had successful broke four vast and knock out two other guards since she walked into the castle. She really was a manly woman just like all the stories about her said.
`Yet, I beat her today with my own hand. Doesn't that mean I have what it takes to destroy that "wench" Kikyo and the rest of her loyalist army,' Kagura thought as she studied her hand.
`Still she was quiet formidable even if she was drunk. I'll hate to see her sober and meet her in battle,' Kagura thought.
Being in such heavy thoughts Kagura never notice the door slide open and while tall and slender figure undress behind her. Suddenly Kagura heard a loud splash behind her and screamed. A dark figure could be seen at the bottom at the pool and grab her ankle.
"Don't you have a voice little demon," said an obviously drunk and naked Sango.
"What are you doing in here," Kagura asked a bit peeved as well as embarrassed.
"Now, now don't get all shy girlie we both females in here," said Sango.
"I know it just well I'm a servant here," Kagura trying to look away from Sango nude body.
"What cute and perky breast you have," said Sango curtly while poking her breast.
"Please stop," Kagura said getting a little light headed.
"Ever been with a woman," Sango said in her ear.
"Wh…wha...what," Kagura screeched and near flew to the other side of the hot spring.
"I'm just fucking with ya. I don't really swing that way. Though I did try it once," Sango said giggly madly.
"Um yeah. Well you can have this place all to yourself," said Kagura.
"Hey don't leave I need someone to talk to in here," Sango pouted.
"Then I'll go and get Lady Kagome," Kagura said covering her body with a towel.
"I don't want to talk to that loyalist," Sango spat while splashing water on the floor.
"Loyalist," Kagura questioned.
"I know that she's your mistress and all. However if you tell her what I'm about to tell you, I promise I cut you in half with the blunt end of my sword," Sango said with narrow eyes.
The steam around her making the effect seemed that much deadlier.
"I seemed to remember beating you just this morning," Kagura said cockily.
"I let you win," Sango said just as cocky.
"I see," Kagura said.
"Ah, don't feel so bad. You're a good fighter. Maybe I can recruit you into my army. Anyway ya ready to listen," Sango with a laugh.
`This could be a trap. Actually I know it is. I can't trust these humans,' Kagura thought.
"I'll listen but I don't have to agree with you or help you. However I won't breath a word of this betrayal to Lady Kagome," Kagura said simply.
"Agreed but come back into the water with me. I promise I won't do anything funny. I'm quite sober for the moment," Sango said.
"Fine," Kagura sat as she striped and got back in the water. Though as should as her toe touched the hot water. She froze her demon sense felt something.
`I can sense it. The winds of change are beginning to stir but into what,' Kagura thought.
[End chapter]